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S Shruthi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm.

5(3), May - Jun 2014

Review Article


S Shruthi1*, Bhattacharyya Nirupam1, Shetty Gautham2, M Ashvini Kumar3, Pujar Muralidhar P4
PG Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan,
Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan,
Karnataka, India
Associate Professor and Head, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital,
Hassan, Karnataka, India
Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan,
Karnataka, India

Received on: 01/05/14 Revised on: 04/06/14 Accepted on: 17/06/14

*Corresponding author
Dr. Shruthi.S, Department of Panchakarma, SDM Collage of Ayurveda & Hospital, B.M road, Taniruhalla, Hassan, Karnataka 573201 India
E-mail: shruthiprabha26@gmail.com
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.05380

Ayurveda is a science which has given importance to diet and regimen as a part of Chikitsa. Pathya- Apathya has a major supportive role in the
management of diseases. In some stages of Vyadhi, following Pathya and avoiding Apathya is enough to cure the disease. Amongst the Chikitsa
mentioned Panchakarma Chikitsa is of utmost priority as it deals with both diseased and in maintenance of health. Panchakarma comprises of the five
sodhana modalities i.e. Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana basti, Anuvasana Basti and Nasya. In addition Snehana, Swedana and Samsarjana Krama is an
integral part in Panchakarma treatment. The factors such as Agni, Agni avastha, Dosha, Doshavastha, Dhatu, Vyadhi, Vyadhivastha should be taken
into due consideration before planning Pathya- Apathya in Panchakarma. Panchakarma when practiced in association with Pathya Apathya can help
to manage all Vyadhis and also preserve health in Swastha; thus, improving standard of living of mankind.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Chikitsa, Pathya- Apathya, Panchakarma, Agni, Vyadhiavastha.

INTRODUCTION which brings the vitiated Doshas to normalcy and

Ayurveda is science that gives equal emphasis to diet and Apathya are those which causes vitiation and
life style.1 The ways to overcome the diseases and also abnormalities in the doshas.10 The Pathyas should be
maintenance of good health are the two main Prayojan of administered in various Kalpanas such as Manda, Peya,
Ayurveda.2 Bheshaja, Ahara and Vihara are essential part Yusha etc and the forms of these Kalpanas should be
of Chikitsa.3 Ahara and Vihara are essential part and altered according to the needs of the person, disease and
parcel of human life. Ahara has a significant mentioning time.11
in Pathya - Apathya. Pathya - Apathya has a major
supportive role, pathya is enough to cure the disease.4 Pathya- Apathya Panchakarma
Now a days total life style is changing. Life is very fast Pathya and Apathya in Purvakarma
and food style, life style and habits have totally changed Snehapana is the prime Purvaakarma for Panchakarma as
which ultimately results in sufferings. So it is important to without its proper manifestation no Sodhana modality can
lead a healthy life by taking care of the rules for proper bear fruitful results.12 Before Snehapana, use of Drava,
life style in terms of Pathya Apathya. There is Ushna, Anabhisyandi, not Atisnigdha, Asankeerna (not
misunderstanding about the concept of the term Pathya. Veerya Virudda), Agnivardhaka Ahara is advised.13 The
Pathya is not only the advice given in diseased condition utility of such type of pathya is that it prepares the Agni
but also the neglected part that may be advised in healthy for proper digestion and assimilation of Sneha Dravyas.
person too. Amongst the Chikitsa mentioned After administering Snehapana Ushnodakopachara is
Panchakarma Chikitsa is of utmost priority as it deals advised as it helps in the digestion of Sneha.14 After the
with both disease and in maintenance of health. Thus, Sneha is digested Ushna Yavagu, Sugandhi Sneharahita
Pathya Apathya has a very pivotal role in Panchakarma. Yusha, Mamsarasa or Alpa Ghrutayukta Vilepi should be
taken as pathya as it helps to avoid the various
Importance of Pathya-Apathya complications that might arise in Snehapana such as
Pathya literally means belonging to the way, suitable, fit Bhrama, Trushna, Alasya etc.15 Brahmacharya,
or proper, wholesome, salutary and especially diet in Kshapashaya Shayanasana in Apravata Sthana are the
medical science.5 Ahara and Vihara which is not harmful pathya viharas to be followed in Snehapana as it helps in
to the body and body channels is called as Pathya.6 Ahara maintenance of balance of the Tridoshas. Vegadharana
and Vihara which is helpful to whole body is Pathya.7 The and Vegodeerana, Vyayama, Uchchairvachana, Hima,
wholesome Ahara and Viharas which is pleasant to the Atapa Krodha, Shoka should be avoided as it is the
mind is known as Pathya.8 The diet and regimens opposite premonitory cause of complications of Snehapana.16
to these qualities are said to be Apathya.9 Pathya is that During Swedana Anabhisyandi Ahara should be

S Shruthi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 5(3), May - Jun 2014

consumed as it will help in avoiding Shrotavarodha and Samsarjana Karma

thus providing proper channel for movement of Doshas Samsarjana Karma is an essential after requisite following
from Sakha to Kostha.17 In addition to the said Pathyas, Vamana and Virechana which is decided depending upon
Shanaishanai Mardana, Ushna Jala Snana, body to be the level of suddhi.33 It of two types viz Peyadikrama and
covered with cloth, stay in Nivata Sthana is advised as Tarpanadi krama.34 In Peyadikrama Peya, Vilepi, Akrutha
Pathya Viharaas helps to control Vata which in long run Yusha, Krutha Yusha, Akrutha Mamsarasa, Krutha
prevents complications due to Swedana. Similarly Mamsarasa is given in 3, 5, 7 days or 4, 8,12 Annakala
Vyayama should be avoided during Swedana.18 depending upon the level of suddhi achieved.35 In the
same way in Tarpanadi Krama Swacha Tarpana is
Pathya and Apathya in Pradhan Karma indicated in place of Peya and Vilepi is replaced by
Vamana is the prime Sodhana modality of Panchakarma. Ghana Tarpana.36 The use of Laja Saktu, Jeerna
While prosecuting Vamana, various Pathyaapathya Ahara Shalyodhana, Mamsarasa is also advised to be taken
and Viharas are to be followed to get the desired results. during Samsarjana Krama.37 Tarpanadi Krama is advised
Before Vamana Kaphotkleshakara Ahara such as Mamsa in Asamyak Sodhana i.e. in which Kapha and Pitta has
or Mamsarasa of Gramya or Anupa or Audaka Pashu not been expelled adequately, persons attaining Asamyak
Pakshi along with Ksheera, Dadhi, Masha, Tila, Ksheera Suddhi and habituated to alcohol consumption and also in
is to be taken for proper Utkleshana of Kaphadosha.19 In persons of Vata Pitta Prakrutin whom Samyak Vamana or
Vihara, Bahya Snehapana and Swedana karma is to be Virechana has not been observed.38 The importance of
done for proper movement of the doshas from Sakha to Samsarjana Karma is that it brings the disarranged Agni
Kostha.20 In addition to this, one day Visramakala is during Sodhana process to normalcy.
indicated wherein Kaphautkleshaka Aharas are given for
Dosha Utkleshana.21 After the completion of Vamana Ashta Mahadoshakara Bhava
Samsarjana Karma is an important aspect to be followed The Astha Mahadoshakara bhava are the factors which
which is dependent upon the level of Suddhi attained. are taken to be as apathya during any process of Sodhana.
Virechana is the chosen line of Sodhana in the These factors are Ucchabhasana, Rathakshoba,
management of Pitta Pradhana Vikaras.22 While Atichankramana, Aatyasana, Ajeerna or Adhyasana,
undergoing Virechana various Pathya Apathya Ahara Dwivaswapna, Ahitabhojana and Maithuna.39 The
Viharas should be strictly adhered to. For proper following regimens should be totally be forsaken for
Virechana Laghu Bhojana, Amla Phala Rasa Snigdha, achieving proper benefits of Panchakarma Chikitsa and
Drava, Ushna, Jangala Mamsarasa is advised to be taken avoid complications.
as Pathya. Laghu Bhojana, Amlaphala Rasa, Ushna
Udaka will help to alleviate Pitta Dosha and will help for Importance of Pathya-Apathya in Panchakarma
Kapha Avajayartha.23 Further three days of Visramakala The Pathya Apathya has an important role in any Sodhana
is advised for following the above regimen for alleviation therapy as it is an integral part of the therapy itself. In this
of Pitta Dosha and subsiding the effect of Kapha Dosha.24 context the use of Ushnodakopachara in Snehapana can
In this Visramakala Bahya Snehana and Swedana should be taken into account. The fat molecules are large in size
be done for proper mobilization of Doshas from Shakha and hence are hard to digest. But it should be considered
to Kostha. After Virechana Samsarjana Karma is advised that lipids are hydrophilic in nature and hence, it will have
as Pathya to achieve utmost results from Virechana. Basti affinity for hot water. The fat molecules will easily
is the prime modality of Sodhana which is usually seen to dissolve with water molecules and thus gets easily
be practiced in Tridoshaja Vikaras especially in those digested without causing any Snehana Vyapat. In addition
which are dominated by Vata.25 In Basti Mamsa Rasa is following the Pathya Viharas is essential as it helps to
preferabably used as Pathya in Vata based disorders keep check over the Vata Dosha in particular. In Vamana
whereas use of Ksheera in Pitta based disorders is found karma Kaphautkleshana Ahara is the basic Pathya before
to be beneficial.26 Further, Yusha in Kapha based Vamana.40 In this we can consider Madhura Dadhi and
disorders is pathya.27 In conglomeration Vyadhi Ksheera for an example. Ksheera is having predominantly
Anukoola Pathyaahara and Mala Mutra Visarjana should Guru Guna and having vata and Pittahara properties.41
be followed during the course of Basti Karma.28 The Hence; it can be efficiently inferred that it will be
quantity of Aahara to be consumed during the course of kaphakara. Similiarly, Madhu Dadhi is Kaphavardhaka
therapy should be 1/3rd or of the normally consumed properties.42 Hence; administration of Ksheera and
diet.29 Nasya is a pivotal treatment modality in Madhura Dadhi prior to Vamana will lead to
Urdhawajatrugata vikaras.30 While undergoing Nasya Kaphautkleshana and help in increasing the efficacy of
after Dhumapana and Kavalagraha,Ushna Jalapana, Vamana Karma. In Virechana, Amla Phala is Pathya. It is
Laghu Ahara, Nivata Sthana Asana and Shayana is said having Pittakara properties which will help to decrease
to be Pathya Aahara and Vihara.31 The utility of following the Kapha which is increased during Snehapana and also
such diet and regimen is that it helps to check Vata Dosha helps to alleviate Pitta Dosha which is very important in
and also keeps the normal state of Agni and as a result Virechana Karma.43 In Basti Mamsa Rasa is preferabably
there is reduced chances of complications. Further in used as Pathya in Vata based disorders whereas use of
Nasya Snigdha, Gunayukta Padartha, Sneha, Madya, Ksheera in Pitta based disorders is found to be beneficial.
Raja, Dhuma, Atapa, Shira Snana, Yaana, Krodhadi Further, Yusha in Kapha based disorders is Pathya.
should be contraindicated to reduce complications.32 Mamsa Rasa is Vatahara, Ksheera is Pittaghna and

S Shruthi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 5(3), May - Jun 2014

Mudga Yusa is Kaphaghna.44,45 hence, it should be used 10. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
before or during Basti karma for maintenance of balance YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; 2011. p. 250.
of Tridoshas which is essential during Basti Karma. In 11. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
Nasya karma the balance of Vata and Kapha should be YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
maintained. Hence, mainly Ushna Ahara and Vihara is Orientalia; 2011. p. 649-50.
advised. Ushna Ahara and Vihara will help to check both 12. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Vata and Kapha. Since, Nasya is preferred modality of Orientalia; 2011. p. 704.
treatment for Urdhawajatrugata Vikaras and Urdhava is 13. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
the seat of Kapha, so both Kapha and Vata should be YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
equally tackled.46 Ushnaupochara will help to balance the Orientalia; 2011. p. 85.
14. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
same. The Pathya mentioned during Samsarjana Karma YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
when analyzed one can understand the purpose of Orientalia; 2011. p. 85.
advising schedule of diet. After Sodhana Karma the Agni 15. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
Bala of the patient is diminished. Peya which is advised ed. Nibandha Sangraha, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; 2009. p. 511.
first is having Laghu properties.47 It is also having the 16. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
action of Agnijanani.48 Hence, it can be understood it will YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
undergo easy digestion and also help to kindle the weak Orientalia; 2011. p. 85.
Jatharagni following Sodhana. Thereafter, Vilepi is 17. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
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advised which is also Laghu and Deepana in properties Orientalia; 2009. p. 515.
and hence will help to balance the weakened Agni.49 In 18. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
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CONCLUSION Orientalia; 2011. p. 678.
Pathya Apathya is an essential part of Chikitsa. The 20. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
Pathya and Apathyas advised when adhered to properly YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; 2011. p. 94.
during Panchakarma therapy will yield optimum results. 21. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
In addition the Pathya Apathya mentioned during YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Samsarjana Krama helps to bring the de arranged agni Orientalia; 2011. p. 678.
post Sodhana to normalcy. While planning the Pathya 22. Vagbhata, Astanga Hridaya, with Arundatta. In: Kunte AM, ed.
Sarvangasundari, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia;
and Apathya prior to Panchakarma proper consideration 2011. p. 197.
of Agni, Agni Avastha, Dosha, Doshavastha, Dhatu, 23. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
Vyadhi, Vyadhivastha should be taken into due ed. Nibandha Sangraha, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
consideration. Panchakarma with proper implementation Orientalia; 2009. p. 518.
24. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya
of Pathya Apathya can help to cure all Vyadhis and also YT, ed. Ayurved Dipika, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
preserve health in Swastha and hence, upgrade health of Orientalia; 2011. p. 678.
mankind to a different level. 25. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
ed. Nibandha Sangraha, Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; 2009. p. 524.
26. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, with Dalhanacharya. In: Acharya YT,
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43. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, with Chakrapaanidatta. In: Acharya Pujar Muralidhar P. Role of pathya apathya in panchakarma: A critical
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared


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