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A Study On Work Life Balance of Employee in Organization

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Quality of work life balance denotes all the organizational inputs which aim at the
employee’s satisfaction and enhancing organizational effectiveness. The basic purpose is to
develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for employees as well as economic
health of organization. It refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, commitment and
involvement an individual experience with respect to their line at the work. The Quality of
work life balance is the degree of excellence brought about work and working conditions that
contribute to the overall satisfaction and performance primarily at individual level and finally
at organization level.

Quality of work life balance (QWLB) has become one of the most important issues
these days in every organization. Employees are the force that is behind every successful
organization. No organization can become successful with technology only because for the
use of technology also, organizations need to have strong work force. Quality of work life
balance was the term actually introduced in the late 1960’s. From that period till now the
term is gaining more and more importance everywhere, at every work place. Initially Quality
of work life balance was focusing on the effects of employment on the general well being and
the health of the workers. But now its focus has been changed. Every organization need to
give good environment to their workers including all financial and non financial incentives so
that they can retain their employees for the longer period and for the achievement of the
organization goals.. At the end we can say that a happy and healthy employee will give better
turnover, make good decisions and positively contribute to the organization goal.

The Quality of work life balance is a process by which an organization responds to

employee needs for developing mechanism that allow them to share fully in making decision
that designs their life at work. Thus QWLB means having good supervision, good working
conditions, good pay and benefits and interesting, challenging and rewarding job.


Job satisfaction is the favorable or unfavorable with which employees view their work. As
with motivation, it is affected by the environment. Job satisfaction is impacted by job design.
Jobs that are rich in positive behavioral elements – such as autonomy, variety, task identity,
task significance and feedback contribute to employee’s satisfaction. Likewise, orientation is
important because the employee’s acceptance by the work group contributes to satisfaction.
In sort, each element of the environmental system, can add to, or detract from, job

Pay: Quality of work life balance is basically built around the concept of equitable pay. In
these days ahead, employees may want to participate in the profit of the organization.

People: Almost everyone has to deal with three set of people in the work place. Those
are namely boss, co-workers in the same level and subordinates. Apart from this, some
professions need interaction with people like patients, media persons, public, customers,
thieves, robbers, physically disabled people, mentally challenged, children, foreign delegates,
gangsters, politicians, public figures and celebrities. These situations demand high level of
prudence, cool temper, tactfulness, humor, kindness, diplomacy and sensitiveness.

Health conditions of employees:

Organization should realize that their true wealth lies in their employees and so providing
healthy environment for employees should be their primary objective.

Personal and career growth opportunities:

An organization should provide employees with opportunity for personal/professional

development and growth and to prepare them to accept the responsibilities at higher level.

Participative management style and recognition:

Flat organization structure helps organization facilitate employee participation. A

Participative management style improves the quality of work life. Workers feel that they have
control over their work process and they also offer the innovative ideas to improve them.
Recognition also helps in motivating employees to perform better. Recognition can be in
form of rewarding employees for their best performance.

Autonomous Work Teams:

An autonomous work team is one which can plan, regulate and control its own work world.
The management only specifies the goals that too in collaboration with the team. The team
organizes the contents and structure of its job, evaluates its own performance, establishes its
speed and chooses its production method. It makes its own internal distribution of tasks and
decides its own membership. Autonomous team approach increases satisfaction and reduces
turnover and absenteeism.


Motivation is a complex subject. It involves the unique feelings, thoughts and past
experiences of each of us as we share a variety of relationships within and outside
organizations. To expect a single motivational approach work in every situation is probably
unrealistic. In fact, even theorists and researches take different points of view about
motivation. Nevertheless, motivation can be defined as a person’s drive to take an action
because that person wants to do so. People act because they feel that they have to. However,
if they are motivated they make the positive choice to act for a purpose – because, for
example, it may satisfy some of their needs.

Work life balance:

Organization should provide the relaxation time for employees and offer tips to balance their
personal and professional lives. They should not strain employees personal and social life by
forcing on them by demanding working hours, overtime work, business travel, untiming

By the globalization the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges
posed by present standards, organizational must focus their attention in bringing a balance
between work life and personal life. The underlying assumption is that work life balance will
ultimately ensure Quality of work life.

Today an employee desires work to be more meaningful and challenging because quality is
the acid test. A Quality of work life balance gives an opportunity for deep sense of
fulfillment. Employees seek a supportive work environment that will enable them to balance
work with personal interests.

Quality of work life balance provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to
serve the higher order needs of workers as well as their basic needs. Quality of work life
balance indicates that the work should not have excessively negative conditions. It should not
put workers under undue stress. It should not damage or degrade their humanness. It should
not be threatening or unduly dangerous.

Employees in several companies that instituted Quality of work life balanceexperienced

better health and greater safety on the job. Other benefits included improved employee
satisfaction, morale, job interest, commitment and involvement ; increased opportunity for
individual growth ; greater sense of ownership and control of the work environment
development of managerial ability for circle leaders, improved communication in the
organization and greater understanding and respect between management and workers.

The term Quality of work life balance has been applied to a wide variety of organizational
improvement efforts. The common elements seem to be, has good man indicates, an “attempt
to restructure multiple dimensions of the organizational and to institute a mechanism which
introduces and sustains changes overtime . Aspects of the change mechanism are usually an
increase in problem solving between the union and management

Responsiveness to employee concerns. In every organization, people and their behavior

assumes vital role in determining the performance and effectiveness. While many studies
concentrated on physical and financial performance of organization. Studies on behavioral
aspects seem to be inadequate. So, the attempts must to understand the human side of the

The Quality of work life balance movement provides a value frame work and a philosophy
which has a long term implication for the human development and enrichment. It tries to
balance both the work and family life. Hence integrated approach with regard to Quality of
work life balance is required for the success of an individual and an organization. This
underlines the necessity of searching studies on the nature of human relations and the
problems of human relations and the problems of human behavior in the organization and
suggests measures to cope with the problems. Hence, an in depth on aspects like Quality of
work life balance can throw light on many non-identified aspects of human behavior which
may help in understanding the issues involved and improving the overall performance of
these organizations. There it is found that there is need to study in greater detail about the


In the current scenario every organization expects their employees to perform at their
peak potential. Though monetary aspects play an important role in motivating employees,
organization around the world have come to understand that there are many other aspects that
contributes better employee performance. It is these aspects that form the basis for this study.
In particular this study aims to identify the various tangible and intangible aspects that
contribute to the quality of the workplace. It is very important for an organization to create a
very conducive working environment for employees.

This study is needed to ensure that all employees are performing at their peak potential,
free from stress and strain, and to ensure all their needs are fully satisfied. This study will be
used as feedback from employees to know their current perspective of workplace and also to
identify the areas of improvement for the organization.


The term Quality of work life balance in its broader sense covers various aspects of
employment and non-employment conditions of work. This study covers the overall Quality
of work life balance of employees, i.e. their job satisfaction, work environment, working
hours, work stress, their relation with their colleagues, work assignments, infrastructure
provided etc ..The present study aims at measuring the level of satisfaction of employees and
to know about the various welfare activities and benefits provided for the employees. The
study is dependent on the opinion expressed by all the employees of all the departments.

Quality of work life balance is a multi dimensional aspect. Some of these aspects are

 Compensation and the reward for the work

 Personal and career growth opportunities
 Motivation
 Participative management style
 Health and Safety of the employees
 Job security
 Job specification
By providing better quality of work life, the following results can be achieved.
 Better performance of employees
 More devotion and dedication towards work
 Reduced absenteeism
 Voluntary participation in an organizational activities
 Reduced corruption
 Lesser attrition


Quality of work life balance covers the various aspects under the general umbrella of
supportive organization behavior. Thus the Quality of work life balance should be broad in its
scope. It must evaluate the attitude of employees towards personnel policies. The research
will be helpful in understanding the current position of the organization. And provide some
strategies to extend the employee satisfaction with little modification which is based on the
internal facilities of the organization.
The research can be further used to evaluate the facilities provided by the management
towards the employee. This study also helps to manipulate the expectations of the employees.


 To determine the factors influencing the quality of work life balance.

 To measure the level of satisfaction of employees towards quality of work life
 To find out the way to improve quality of work life balance.
 To identify the attributes/factors influencing QWLB in an organization
 To analyze the level of satisfaction of the employees on QWLB in an organization.
 To study the expectation of the employees to improve the QWLB in their work force.



“A Research is a careful investigation or inquiry; especially through search for new facts in
any branch of knowledge .It is a systemized effort to gain more knowledge.”

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for the
researcher to know not only the research methods or technique but also the methodology.
Researcher always needs to understand the assumption underline various technique and they
need to know the criteria by which they can decide that certain technique and procedures will
be applicable to certain problems and other will not.


The method of conducting research deals with research design, data collection method,
sampling method. It explained about the nature of research work to be done such as
descriptive nature of research, which is used in this study.


The researcher has adopted descriptive research design for the purpose of this survey.
Descriptive studies are that study which is concerned with describing the characteristics of a
particular individual, or of a group.


1) Primary data

2) Secondary data


First time collected data are referred to as primary data. In this research the primary data
was collected by means of a Structured Questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of number
of questions in printed form. It has both open-end closed end questions in it.
Section I- Personal Data: This section includes questions soliciting the respondent’s details
such as Age, Gender, Marital status, Education, Designation, section and Work experience.

Section II- Scale for measuring the issues: It comprises of single open ended type and
various close ended questions which includes yes no type, scaling and other optional


Data which has already gone through the process of analysis or were used by someone
else earlier is referred to secondary data. This type of data was collected from the books,
journals, company records etc.


The data has been collected from the employees of DSM TEXTILE AT KARUR


Sampling unit refers to process of defining the target population that will be sample.
Hence for the present study, data was collected by means of questionnaire from the


Sample size plays a critical role, because the generalizability of the conclusion depends
on sample size. Sample size for the present study is 70.


Sampling means the method of selecting a sample from a given universe with a view to
draw conclusions about the universe. Sample means representative of universe selected for
the study. Sampling is a process of units(e.g. People) from a population of the interest

Sampling method is divided into 2 types

1) Probability Method

2) Non Probability Method

The sampling method that was chosen is entirely non probabilitistic in nature. In non
probabilitistic method the researcher has adopted convenience sampling method.

In this method, the researcher select the accessible population members from which to
get information and the items selected are easy to approach or easy to measure.


In this research the tools such as Simple percentage analysis, chi square, ANOVA and
correlation are used for data analysis.


 The individual perspective appears to be different.

 Some of the respondents are hesitated to tell the truth so that it may result in wrong
statistical data.
 The department has allowed the researcher to collect the data from the limited
respondents only and limited departments only.

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