Basic Electronics Prof. Mahesh Patil Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 25 BJT Amplifier
Basic Electronics Prof. Mahesh Patil Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 25 BJT Amplifier
Basic Electronics Prof. Mahesh Patil Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Lecture - 25 BJT Amplifier
Lecture – 25
BJT amplifier
Welcome back to Basic Electronics. One of the major applications of BJT or even other
transistors is amplification. In this lecture we will look at the basic idea behind
amplifying a signal with the help of a BJT. We will then look at simple BJT circuit
which can be used as an amplifier, by suitably selecting the resistance values. Let us
We are now going to discuss a BJT amplifier circuits. And let us begin with basic idea
behind BJT amplifier shown here. Here is an NPN transistor, voltage source is connected
here, voltage supplier V CC. And there is the resistor R C. When we replace this NPN
transistor with it is equivalent circuit we get this circuit here. Assuming of course, that
the transistor is operating in it is active mode or the linear region. And therefore, we have
a diode and a current controlled current source. Let us look at the plot of I C versus V BE.
Now V BE is the same voltage as the voltage across the diode here, and therefore I E
Let us see what happens if we apply a time dependent voltage at the base, which is the
same as V BE. So, that is V BE as a function of time. So, we have a sinusoidal varying V
BE here, it is not sinusoidal with 0 average value it has got some DC value around which
it varies. And as V BE varies, the collector current also varies. For example, this
maximum V BE corresponds to this maximum IC here and the minimum V BE corresponds
to this minimum IC here. And of course, there is variation from the maximum to
minimum in between. So, let us summarize in the active mode I C changes exponentially
V BE / V T
with V BE as we just saw. I C = α F I E and I E in the active mode = I Es e . This
one of course, is too small. So, that is how I C varies.
Now, the output voltage which we take at this node at the collector right there = V CC -I C
R C. And since I C is varying with time, V o also going to vary with time. And the
amplitude of V o can be made large that = IC^ R C where I C cap = the amplitude of the I C
waveform. So, that is from there to there. And we can arrange the resistance value and V
CC supplier value etc. So, that the amplitude of V o = IC ^ R C can be made much larger
than VB^. What is V B cap? that is the amplitude of this sinusoidal here? So, our input
voltage has an amplitude of V B cap and the output amplitude can be much larger and
that is how we have an amplifier. So, that is the basic principle of BJT amplifier.
One very important point to note here is that both the input that V BE and the output
voltage V o have a DC component. For example, V BE is not varying around 0 here it is
varying around some DC value. Similarly, I C is not varying around 0 here it is varying
around some DC value. And V o also will do the same. So, this is very important point
and let us make a note of that.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:57)
We now want to look at the effect of the DC component of the input voltage V BE on the
amplitude of the output voltage. So, here is V BE and that is I C. Similar to what we had in
the last slide except, we now have V BE going from 0.6 to 0.7 volts and that is our I C, I C
versus V BE. We are going to apply 2 voltages. 2 input voltages both sinusoidal one and
2. And their amplitudes are identical. The only difference is that their DC components
are different. So, this voltage one, input voltage one is centered around this DC value
whereas, input voltage 2 is centered around this DC value here.
We can map these input waveforms one and 2 to the collector current versus time plane
and that is what we have done here. And we notice that there is a substantial difference
between the amplitudes for the second waveform and the first waveform. And this
change in amplitude between these 2 cases is not because these amplitudes are different.
In fact, these are the same. It is entirely because these 2 wave forms differ in their DC
values. And if I C (t) has a different amplitude in these 2 cases Vo (t) will also have
different amplitudes, that is because the amplitude of V o is simply, the amplitude of I C
R C, or V o cap = I C cap R C as we saw in the last slide.
So, let us note down these important points. The gain that is the amplitude of V o versus
the amplitude of V BE depends on the DC or the biased value of V BE. The DC value
around which these input waveforms are centered that is called the DC or biased value of
V BE. Now in practice we might say that this looks better than the second waveform and
therefore, let us choose the DC value to be this one rather than this one, but it is not
really possible to set the bias value of the input voltage, to the exact desired value that
we would like for example, 0.673 V. We simply do not have that kind of a voltage
supplier. And even if we could set the input bias as desired for example, by some means
we manage to set it to that value there is still a problem, because there is a device to
device variation. There is a change in temperature etc. And all of these things would
cause the gain to change.
So therefore, we are building the circuit with the certain gain in mind and after we build
it we will find that the gain is something else and we would not really know what exactly
went wrong. Clearly we need a better biasing method, this kind of extreme filter and so
on. The exact DC value is not really helping us. Finally, let us note also that biasing the
transistor at a specific V BE is equivalent to biasing at specific I C. And that is simply
because there is a mapping between the DC value of this input curve and the DC value of
the I C versus t curve.
So, that is an important observation and In fact, we are going to use that when we study
amplifiers. Before leaving this slide let us look at this point in more detail. What exactly
do we mean by device to device variation What we mean is this curve which is I C
versus V BE, would change from device to device, and as because there are variations in
the doping densities or geometry etc of devices. So, instead of this curve suppose we had
a different curve let us say something like, this that would change the mapping between
the input and the output and we will get an entirely different collector current versus time
for a while.
Similarly, if there is a change in temperature for example, you are expecting the circuit to
operate at 25º and it is actually operating at 40 º. Then what happens, then this curve is
going to shift, it turns out that at higher temperature this shift will be in that direction.
And once again because of that the same input voltage will now result in some other I C
(t), and that is why even if we could set this input bias exactly as we want it there is still
a problem and calling for a better biasing method.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:05)
Let us consider a more realistic BJT amplifier circuit this one, in which we have added
this base resistance R B and that helps to limit the diode current here. If the diode current
increases then this voltage drop also increases and therefore, even if V i is large like 5 V,
the base emitter voltage is still limited to something like 0.7. And thus the transistor is
protected. If the current became very large like amperes, then the heat generated in this
device would destroy the transistor.
So, these are much more realistic amplifier circuit as compared to the last one and let us
see how this one works. We are plotted the I C versus V CE for this transistor. What is V
CE? V CE =V o that is what we have mentioned here. And here is the load line that is
imposed by this resistance RC here. And we have seen this earlier. Just to revise when the
collector current = 0, V CE =V CC, and that should be obvious also from this figure. If
there is no current here, then V o or V CE = V CC because there is no voltage drop there.
On the other hand, if V CE = 0 ,if this was 0 V, then this current = (V CC - 0 )/ R C = V CC/
R C, that is what is shown over here. And for the transistor we have this family of curves
one corresponding to IB1, 1 corresponding to IB2 and so on. And IB2 of course, is > IB1.IB3
>IB2 etc. When V i <0. 7 V, the base emitter junction is not sufficiently forward biased
and therefore, this diode current is negligibly small. No voltage drops here across RB and
V B is then the same as V i. If the diode is off the transistor is in the cut off region as
mentioned here and therefore, there was no collector current, V o gets pulled up to V CC.
So, V BE is then =V i which is not yet 0.7 V and V BC = V i - V CC, and that definitely is a
reverse bias. Where are V in this figure the base current = 0 so; that means, we there is
one I C curve coinciding with the x axis, here and that is where we are. The operating
point then is the intersection of this I C V CE curve and the load line that is right here. So,
our V CE = V CC. Where are V in this figure we have not yet reached 0.7 V all the turn on
voltage for the transistor and V o = V CC = 5 V here. This is V i and that is Vo.
When V i exceeds 0.7 volts then the BJT turns on, and it enters the linear region. What
do we have for IB then, IB this current = V i - this voltage drop, which we will say is
about 0.7 / R B. So, that =( V i - 0.7 )/ R B and as V i increases IB also increases and
therefore, I C also increases, now if I C increases this current increases what happens to V
o this voltage drops increases and therefore, V o = V CC - that voltage drop will decrease.
So, that is what it says here, V o = V CC - I C R C starts falling.
So, let us see where we are in this figure now, now we have finite IB non-zero IB and the
IB value is increasing as V i is increasing. So, we are now moving from this curve to that
curve to that curve and so on. And as a result the intersection of the load line and the I C
V CC curve also goes on changing. So, this was our output voltage earlier, when the base
current is IB1 the output voltage is here, when the base current is IB2 the output current is
here, sorry the output voltage and so on.
So, the output voltage starts falling for sure. And that is also apparent in this figure. V i is
increasing here IB is increasing, I C is increasing, and therefore, V o is falling. And that
fall can be seen right here. As we keep increasing V i, the output voltage V o will reach V
CE at some point. What is V CE sat it is the value of V CE in the saturation region. So, it is
between 0 and 0.2 and we often take it approximately as 0.2. And when that happens the
BJT enters the saturation region that is both the base emitter and base collector junctions
are now forward biased. What is happening in this figure, our V i is increasing. So, our
base current is also increasing, and the intersection of the I C, V CE curve and the load
line is also therefore, shifting.
Now, here we are still in the linear region, but for IB = IB5, we now enter the saturation
region. So, that is how the transistor has entered the saturation region and what happens
if we increase the base current further, let us say we are on I C V CE curve here that curve
would go like that and then in the saturation region it will come down, and again the
intersection would be somewhere there. And what we just discussed also reflects in the V
o versus V i curve. This was cut off then as we kept increasing V i the transistor entered
the linear region, and finally it reached the saturation region and then it stays in the
saturation region.
To summarize, we have look at how a BJT can be used for amplification. We have also
seen a simple BJT circuit that can work as an amplifier in the next class, we will
continue with this simple circuit, and then identify important issues which must be
considered in building practical amplifier. That is all for now see you later.