Ec206: Control System Engineering CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
Ec206: Control System Engineering CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
Ec206: Control System Engineering CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
Course Objective:
This course explores the fundamentals of systems and control. The course has three primary
focuses: (1) Understanding and predicting system behavior (2) Design and analysis of closed loop
control systems and (3) System stability prediction
Teaching and Assessment Scheme:
Course Contents:
Unit Teaching
No. Hours
1 Introduction to Control Systems: 05
1. Gain Knowledge of Linear Differential Equation and its Solution & Laplace Transform.
2. Understand systems theory to complex real world problems in order to obtain models that
are expressed using differential equations, transfer functions, and state space equations.
3. Predict system behavior based on the mathematical model of that system where the model
may be expressed in time or frequency domain.
4. Analyze the behavior of closed loop systems using tools such as root locus, Routh Hurwitz,
Bode, Nyquist, and Matlab.
5. Explain a safe and effective method of investigating a system identification problem in the
6. Design controllers using classical PID methods, root locus methods, and frequency domain