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PHA6111LAB - Finals Reviewer

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PHA6111LAB: DISPENSING I ̶ not suitable for powders that contain

potent substance because homogenous

Extemporaneous Compounding ̶ useful for solid substance that form:
̶ Eutectic Mixture
̶ act of preparing drug formulation, dosage − mixture of 2 or more substance that
form, strength and packaging that are not liquefy when intimately mixed at room
available commercially but deemed temperature
necessary for patient care by appropriately − Remedy: To add inert diluent to
trained personnel standard & regulation separate eutectic mixture. (e.g. Starch,
Magnesium Oxide)
2. Trituration
POWDERS 3. Geometric Dilution
̶ used when potent substance must be
Powders mixed with large amount of diluents
4. Sifting
̶ intimate mixture of any finely divided drug 5. Tumbling
and/or chemicals that may be intended for:
− internal (oral powder) use Types of Powder
− external (topical powder) use
̶ packed and dispensed depending on their 1. Bulk Powder
intended use by pharmacist as: ̶ For External Use
− bulk powder − Dusting Powder
− divided powder − powder intended for topical
Hygroscopic − contains one or more active
ingredient incorporated in a
̶ solid drugs or chemicals that absorb moisture diluent powder
from air − Container: sifter topped can,
shaker canister or wide mouth
̶ hygroscopic powder that may absorb ̶ For Internal Use
sufficient moisture from air to dissolve and − Container: wide mouth powder square
form a solution or container
− when the dose to be administered is a
Comminution Technique teaspoonful or tablespoonful:
− the container should allow the
1. Trituration
patient or caregiver to insert the
2. Pulverization by Intervention
measuring spoon to withdraw the
̶ substances are reduced and subdivided
appropriate dose
with an additional material (solvent) that
2. Divided Powder (Chartulae or Powder Paper)
is easily removed after pulverization
̶ have individual doses of powder packaged
3. Levigation
̶ Container: folded paper or plastic bag
̶ particle size of the substance is reduced by
̶ after blending (properly blended):
adding a suitable non-solvent (levigating
− divided into individual dosing units
agent) to form a paste
based on the amount to be taken at a
Mixing Procedure single time
− place each divided portion on a small
1. Spatulation piece of paper (folded to enclose the
̶ not suitable for large quantities of powder medication)
̶ Ways of Preparing Divided Powder
− weighing each portion separately
before folding in a paper INGREDIENTS ORIGINAL REQUIRED
− used for potent drug AMOUNT AMOUNT
Salicylic Acid Powder 5%
− Block & Divided Method
Benzoic Acid 6%
− approximate each portion
Camphor 1%
− used for non-potent drug
Menthol 0.2%
Block and Divide Phenol 0.1%
Starch, q.s. ad - -
1. Place the entire amount of prepared powder ̶ M. Ft. Pulv
on a flat surface (porcelain or glass plate, pill ̶ Sig. Sprinkle between toes AM & PM
tile or large sheet of paper).
2. Form a rectangular or square shaped block of Procedures
powder with a large spatula (with uniform
1. Triturate menthol, camphor and phenol.
2. Add salicylic acid and benzoic acid with light
3. Cut horizontally and vertically for appropriate
number of smaller, uniform blocks
3. Add starch in portion.
representing a dose or unit of medication.
4. Pass powder mixture through sieve # 40.
4. With a spatula, separate each of the smaller
block from the main block.
5. Transfer to a powder paper & warp.
Types of Paper
1. Simple Bond Paper AMOUNT AMOUNT
̶ for containing neither volatile component Camphor 0.8 parts
or ingredient adversely affected by air or Calamine Powder 8 parts
moisture Starch 9.2 parts
2. Vegetable Parchment Paper Talc 30 parts
̶ thin, semi-opaque ̶ M. Ft. Pulv. Mitte 60g
̶ limited moisture resistant property ̶ Sig. Sprinkle between toes AM & PM
3. Glassine Paper
̶ glazed, transparent
̶ limited moisture resistant property 1. Triturate camphor and 1 gtt alcohol.
̶ for containing volatile component 2. Add calamine, starch, talc.
4. Waxed Paper 3. Pass through sieve #40.
̶ transparent, water-proof
̶ for hygroscopic or deliquescent material



Sulfadiazine no. II
(1g/ 1000
Sodium bicarbonate 2g
Lactose, q.s. - -
̶ Divide into 10 papers.
̶ Sig. Take one paper 3x a day
Procedures ̶ Addition of Adsorbent (e.g. MgO, Kaolin,
1. Triturate individually Sodium bicarbonate & − Combine / Liquefy the 3 ingredient and
sulfadiazine. add adsorbent little by little. Triturate
2. Mix by spatulation. after each addition to keep the
3. Block & Divide. preparation dry. Add a little more
adsorbent to ensure dry preparation.
− Add a certain quantity of Adsorbent
CAPSULE − Ingredient + Adsorbent → Dry +
Ingredient + Adsorbent → Dry +
Capsule Ingredient +Adsorbent
̶ solid dosage forms in which the drug is − Advantage: no interaction of 3
enclosed within either: ingredients, no eutectic mixture
− Hard Shell − Disadvantage: it will still liquefy if the
− Soft Shell addition is not enough
̶ the shells are usually made from a suitable ̶ Superimposition
gelatin − use of 2 capsules
̶ Hard Gelatin Capsule − Putting one or more ingredient in smaller
− may be filled for extemporaneous capsule and the 3rd ingredient in big
compounding capsule.
̶ Separate the Ingredient
Capsule Size − use of 3 capsules


5 1 60-130 1. Triturate powder separately.
4 2 95-260 2. Place antipyrine in a small capsule.
3 3 130-390 3. Place a thin adsorbent layer (e.g. Mg O, Starch,
2 4 195-520 Kaolin) to separate antipyrine from other drug.
1 5 225-650 4. . Add ASA in small capsule.
0 7.5 325-910 5. Introduce Salol in the big capsule & place the
00 10 390-1300 small capsule.
000 15 650-2000

AMOUNT AMOUNT ̶ small, round solid dosage forms containing a
(per capsule)
medicinal agent & are intended for oral
Phenyl Salicylate 2 oz
(Salol) (7.78 g)
̶ were formerly the most extensively used oral
ASA (Aspirin) 1 oz
dosage form, but they have been largely
(3.89 g)
Antipyrine 1 oz replaced by compressed tablet and capsule
(3.89 g) ̶ can be administered in this form if
̶ M. Ft. Cap no. 24 − substance which are bitter and
̶ Sig. One capsule every 12 hours. unpleasant to the taste
− not corrosive or deliquescent
Eutectic Mixture − dose is not too large
̶ Preparation of Mass
̶ phenyl salicylate and aspirin
̶ Remedy
− The 1st step consist of making the pill 1. Emollient
mass. ̶ skin pliable
− The ingredients in the pill mass include: 2. Protective Barrier
− the active drug 3. Vehicle
− the diluent or filler ̶ for medication
− the excipient
− The selection of diluent & excipient is Packaging
important in that they give the essential 1. Jars
characteristic of adhesiveness, firmness, ̶ when removing:
and plasticity to the mass. − scrape it from the surface
− The mass must be sufficient adhesive & − do not dig, this will leave greater
firm to retain its shape, yet be soft surface area exposed
enough to be worked with the finger, or 2. Tubes
with suitable equipment into the desired ̶ more preferred
pillular form. ̶ less exposure

Ointment Bases
PREPARATION 4 1. Oleaginous Base
INGREDIENTS ORIGINAL REQUIRED ̶ non-water washable, anhydrous
AMOUNT AMOUNT ̶ insoluble in water
(per 5 pills) ̶ cannot absorb or contain water
Quinin Sulfate gr X 0.325 g ̶ Examples:
Glucose 1g − Petrolatum
̶ M. Ft. Pill no. X − Synthetic Ester
̶ Sig. One pill bid − Lanolin Derivative
2. Absorption Base
Procedures ̶ non-water washable, anhydrous
̶ insoluble in water
1. Using geometric dilution, continue active
̶ can absorb water
ingredient with computed amount of diluent.
̶ Examples:
2. Add initial amount of water (10 gtts).
− Hydrophilic Petrolatum
̶ Note: Test the mass by dropping 1 ft from
− Woolfat (Anhydrous Lanolin)
the pill tile. If too wet, mass will break.
3. Emulsion Base
3. Form into cylinder and cut in 5 portion.
̶ Examples:
4. Roll pill on starch.
− Hydrophilic Ointment and Vanishing
Cream (O/W)
− Hydrous Woolfat (Lanolin) and Cold
4. Water Soluble Base
OINTMENT (Salve or Chrisma)
̶ Examples:
̶ semi-solid preparation intended for external − PEG
application to the skin and mucous − Propylene Glycol
Method of Preparation
Characteristic of Ointment
1. Levigation
̶ free from grittiness ̶ use of mortar and pestle
̶ becomes rancid with time ̶ reducing to impalpable powder to reduce
̶ easily spread grittiness and to form a very smooth
Uses of Ointment
2. Fusion ̶ dissolve in water before incorporation into
̶ use of heat the ointment base
̶ heat first the substance with high melting
point like wax and spermaceti using water White Petrolatum
bath before adding soft, oleaginous ̶ cannot absorb the water added
material ̶ Remedy: Hydrophilic Petrolatum

Hydrocortisone 0.6 g ̶ liquid preparations containing 2 or more
Urea 6.0 g soluble substance in a suitable solvent
White 60.0 g ̶ 2 Components:
Petrolatum − solute
̶ Sig. Apply to affected area up to qid − solvent
Hydrocortisone 0.6 g 1. Simple Solution
Paraben or PG 3g 2. Chemical Reaction
Urea 6g 3. Solution by Distillation
Purified Water 9 mL 4. Solution by Extraction
Hydrophilic 41.4 g

Methyl Paraben 0.2% of 0.12 g ̶ Dispense 30 mL
ointment ̶ Sig. Apply on affected area tid
Propyl Paraben 0.02% 0.012 g
Propylene Glycol 2-3% 2.868 g Procedures

1. Measure 0.3mL of 0.5% KMnO₄ stock solution.

Procedures 2. Q.s. ad water to 30 mL.

1. Levigate hydrocortisone powder with small Remarks

hydrophilic petrolatum.
2. Geometrically incorporate the rest of the
petrolatum. ̶ stable in air and light but readily decomposed
3. Add urea and paraben very gradually (6g urea by many reducing substance
dissolve in 9mL water + 3mL 5arable/PG ̶ solution are unstable
solution). ̶ 1 g: 15 mL water
̶ powerful oxidizing agent
Remarks ̶ anti-septic/ anti-infective

̶ hard crystalline substance that is difficult to

levigate to a fine powder
SUSPENSION Magnesium carbonate and triturate to a
smooth paste).
Suspension 3. Q.s. ad. water to 30mL.
̶ liquid preparation that consist of solution 2 Types of Suspension (?)
dispersed throughout a liquid phase in which
the particles are not soluble ̶ Diffusable Solid
− not soluble in solvent
Desired Properties of a Suspension − readily dispersed upon shaking
̶ fine, uniform sized particles ̶ Indiffusable Solid
̶ gives optimal dissolution and adsorption − not soluble in solvent
̶ uniform dispersion of the particles in the − doesn’t disperse easily
liquid vehicle − Remedy: requires the use of suspending
− ensures uniform mixture and uniform agent
− Wetting Agent
− can be used EMULSION
− improves the ability of water to wet
hydrophobic powder Emulsion
− e.g. Na Lauryl Sulfate ̶ 2 phase system in which one liquid is
̶ slow setting of particles (Slow dispersed throughout another liquid in the
Sedimentation Rate) form of small droplet
− fine, uniform size of particle
− increase density of the liquid 2 Phases of Emulsion
− Viscosity-inducing Agent/ Suspending
Agent 1. External Phase/ Continuous/ Dispersion
− e.g. Acacia, Tragacanth,NaCMC, CMC Medium
̶ ease of redispersion when the product is 2. Internal Phase / Discontinuous/ Dispersed
shaken Phase
− solid should not form a hard “cake” 2 Types of Emulsion
(Caking) on the bottom of the bottle
when the preparation is allowed to stand 1. O/W
2. W/O

Factors that Determine the Emulsion Type

1. Emulsifying Agent
INGREDIENTS ORIGINAL REQUIRED ̶ surfactant that concentrate at the
interface of 2 immiscible phases
Menthol 2.0 g 600 mg
̶ reduce the interfacial tension between the
Eucalyptus Oil 10.0 mL 3.0 mL
immiscible phases
Light Magnesium 7.0 g 2.1 g
̶ provide a barrier around the droplet
2. Phase Ratio
Water, q.s. ad. 100.0 mL 30.0 mL
̶ Mitte 30 mL ̶ relative amount of oil and water
̶ Sig. Place 1 tsp to 1 pt of hot water and inhale 3. Order of Mixing
the vapor for 5 minutes ̶ the phase that is being added, usually by
portions tend to be the internal phase
1. Dissolve menthol in eucalyptus oil.
2. Triturate Magnesium carbonate into the
mixture (in a separate container, add water to
̶ merging of smaller droplet with larger PREPARATION 8
droplet; eventually separation of phases
Creaming Oil of Turpentine 8g
(0.861 g/mL)
̶ migration of droplet on top/bottom of Tragacanth 1g
emulsion Syrup 15 mL
Purified Water, q.s. ad. 60 mL
Desired Properties of Liquid Emulsion
̶ M ft. emulsion
̶ fine droplet ̶ Sig. 1 tbsp qid
̶ slow aggregation of the droplet and
creaming of the product
̶ ease of redispersion when shaken Forbes/Bottle Method

Method of Emulsion Preparation ̶ (O:W:EA 3:2:1) - (4.65mL:3.1mL:1.6g)

1. Continental (Dry Gum Method) Procedures

̶ Primary Emulsion/Nucleus 4:2:1 (O:W:EA)
− Triturate acacia or other emulsifying 1. Oil + Emulsifying agent in portion with
agent with oil. intermittent agitation.
− Add water (added all at once) → 2. Add 2.7mL of water.
triturate immediately, rapidly and 3. Add syrup in portions with mixing.
continuously until the primary 4. Q.s. ad. water to final volume.
emulsion that form is creamy white &
produces a cracking sound (3 minutes).
2. English (Wet Gum Method)
̶ Primary Emulsion 4:2:1 (O:W:EA)
− Triturate emulsifying agent with
− Add oil (added slowly in portions).
3. Bottle (Forbes Method)
̶ 3:2:1 or 2:2: (O:W:EA)
̶ useful for extemporaneous preparation of
emulsion from volatile oils or oleagineous
substance of lower
− 1 part emulsifying agent + 2 parts oil -
thoroughly shaken in capped
− Add water in portions - the mixture
being thoroughly shaken after each
4. Nascent Soap (In Situ Soap Method)
̶ Calcium Soap (W/O Emulsion): Olive Oil +
̶ Soap Emulsion: 1:1
̶ Ca++ Salt of the Free Fatty Acid (FFA)
− emulsifying agent
− which is formed from the combination
of 2 entities

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