GRM Fisher
GRM Fisher
GRM Fisher
that instruction is targeted on the intersection Farstrup, A. E. and S. J. Samuels (eds.), What
between student needs and content standards. the Research has to Say About Reading
In curricula with strong vertical alignment, Instruction, 3rd ed., International Reading
content redundancy is reduced and the Association, Newark, Delaware, 2002.
curriculum is rigorous and challenging.
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Reading Success: Interest and Motivation in
Why is vertical alignment important? an Age of High-Stakes Testing, International
First and foremost, strong vertical alignment Reading Association, Newark, Delaware,
accommodates a wide variety of developmental 2008.
levels and is designed to increase the
intellectual, personal, physical, social, and career Fisher, D. and N. Frey, “Implementing a
development of all students. Vertical alignment Schoolwide Literacy Framework: Improving
allows teachers increased precision in their Achievement in an Urban Elementary
teaching because they are not teaching content School,” The Reading Teacher, 61, 2007, pp.
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mastered previously. Vertical alignment also
ensures that specific content standards are Fisher, D. and N. Frey, Better Learning Through
not entirely missed as a teacher at one grade Structured Teaching: A Framework for
assumes someone else focused on that content. the Gradual Release of Responsibility,
Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, Alexandria, Virginia, 2008.
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With strong vertical alignment and purposeful Purposeful Reading and Writing Instruction,
instruction, students learn. While there are many Merrill Education, Upper Saddle River, New
reasons that children struggle with reading Jersey, 2006.
and writing, there are not endless numbers
of solutions. Students who find literacy tasks Kong, A. and P. D. Pearson, “The Road to
difficult deserve increased attention from their Participation: The Construction of a Literacy
teachers, quality reading materials, and authentic Practice in a Learning Community of
opportunities to read and write. If we provide Linguistically Diverse Learners,” Research in
them with these essentials, we can expect great the Teaching of English, 38, 2003, pp. 85-
things. If we do not, we cannot expect students 124.
to know themselves or their world.
Lloyd, S. L., “Using Comprehension Strategies as
a Springboard for Student Talk,” Journal of
References Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 48, 2004, pp.
Buehl, D, “Scaffolding,” Reading Room, 2005, 114-124.
readingroomoct05.htm> (November 11, Pearson, P. D. and M. C. Gallagher, “The
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Practices for Developing Reading
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About Reading Instruction, International
Reading Association, Newark, Delaware,
2002, pp. 205-242.
Teacher Responsibility
Instruction “We do it”
“You do it
“You do it
Independent alone”
Figure 1
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