Nozomi Networks National Gas Distributor Case Study
Nozomi Networks National Gas Distributor Case Study
Nozomi Networks National Gas Distributor Case Study
service reliability.
stations spread across the country
The Goal: Thanks to new technology, it’s now easy down to the site level, but needed to verify
to implement passive network monitoring the service reliability of their connectivity
with automated visualization and asset provider to achieve that.
into Pipeline discovery. The same solution can provide
Operations early detection of operational problems
The Nozomi Networks solution delivered
the information needed to measure
and cybersecurity risks. However, to take
connectivity uptime at distribution sites. The
advantage of this, reliable connectivity with
operator is now able to determine whether
remote stations is needed.
contracted service levels are being met,
This was the challenge a North American and has the tools to improve operational
natural gas distributor was facing. They awareness and cybersecurity.
wanted visibility into pipeline operations
The Challenge: The gas distributor is responsible for lacked visibility into its network and had no
supplying natural gas to residential, ability to measure and monitor connectivity
business and industrial users across the status. It needed to find an efficient way to
Connections county. It operates more than 400 pipeline inventory and verify all physical assets on
to 420 Widely regulation and measurement facilities the network, and provide accurate reports
Dispersed Gas spread over 9,000 kilometers of mostly on connection service uptime to the gas
inaccessible terrain. Managing the integrity distributor.
of the country’s critical infrastructure
Stations Project Requirements
– particularly the safety, efficiency and
reliability of its natural gas supply, is
Fast implementation of communications
paramount. To achieve that, the distributor link monitoring capabilities
needed real-time, ongoing visibility into its
site connectivity uptime. Proof that the operational visibility solution
could meet use case requirements within a
The natural gas company had contracted a lab environment prior to field deployment
managed service provider (MSP)/telecom
service provider (TSP) to take care of its Integration with MSP systems to monitor
distribution infrastructure. The MSP/TSP communications link service levels
National Gas Distributor
Nozomi Networks
Delivers Real-time Monitoring of Network Communications
The natural gas distributor needed visibility into its OT network to confirm that it was receiving the
service levels agreed upon. We looked to our partner Nozomi Networks for the functionality needed
to create a detailed asset inventory, and the specialized tools needed to monitor the organization’s
critical operational processes. Thanks to Nozomi Networks' innovative operational visibility and
cybersecurity solution, we were able to deliver the needed insight.
National Gas Distributor
Nozomi Networks
Delivers Real-time Monitoring of Network Communications
The Results: Completion of the successful PoC led to the understanding of the network structure
purchase of over 420 Nozomi Networks R50 and activity. Longer term benefits include
Network-Wide reduced troubleshooting efforts and faster
appliances for deployment at gas wells, tie
Visibility, Real- points and compressor stations. The MSP/ incident response.
time Monitoring TSP also bought two Nozomi Networks
Real-time Monitoring for Improved
and Scalability Central Management Consoles™ (CMCs)
Network Security
to deliver consolidated and remote access
to the ICS data from Guardian appliances
In addition to network communications,
deployed in the field.
Guardian is able to monitor gas pipeline
assets from different vendors. It displays
To achieve the desired level of operational
summarized data related to alerts, incidents
visibility, Nozomi Networks worked closely
and vulnerabilities, and shows indicators
with the MSP/TSP and SI to customize the
of reliability issues such as unusual system
integration between Nozomi Networks
variable values. This helps the MSP/TSP
appliances and CMCs, the communications
monitor individual site operations and
links and the main control center. And, to
report on communications link availability
ensure that the deployment team had the
knowledge and skills needed to manage
the solution long-term, Nozomi Networks
High Performance and Scalability Delivers
conducted several days of technical product
Fast ROI
training with members of the multi-
organization project team. Nozomi Networks was able to demonstrate
in the lab and in the field that the
The MSP/TSP now uses Nozomi Networks
R50 appliance solution scales without
Guardian appliances and CMCs to measure
compromising performance. It also adapts
and document the availability of its
easily to all site requirements, thanks
communications links. It shares monthly
to a variety of appliance module and
reports with the natural gas distributor
deployment options. Not only were the
to confirm it is meeting the agreed upon
natural gas distributor, MSP/TSP and SI
sevice levels. And, the natural gas distributor
able to quickly meet their goals, they also
is now confident that it is getting the service
achieved a fast return on investment with
it is paying for.
no risk to ongoing industrial processes.
National Gas Distributor
The Nozomi Networks
Accelerating your digital Innovating visibility and threat Deeply aligned with the OT, IoT
transformation by reducing detection across your OT, IoT, IT and IT partners you trust.
cyber risk. and cyber-physical systems.
When choosing a solution, look for the Proven scalability across thousands of sites
following characteristics: Easy IT/OT integration
National Gas Distributor
The Leading Solution for OT and IoT
Security and Visibility
Nozomi Networks is the leader in OT and IoT security and visibility. We accelerate
digital transformation by unifying cybersecurity visibility for the largest critical
infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, mining, transportation, building automation
and other OT sites around the world. Our innovation and research make it possible to
tackle escalating cyber risks through exceptional network visibility, threat detection
and operational insight.