PDP - Professional Development Plan
PDP - Professional Development Plan
PDP - Professional Development Plan
Introduce my Professional evelopment plan (PDP)
DPD assists you in developing a well-structured strategy and schedule for reaching your
objectives. You can readily identify gaps in experience, knowledge, and abilities and the
actions that will be required to fill them.
It's critical that you examine your strengths and weaknesses and devise a strategy to improve
them both. You'll need to focus on what will either help you perform better in your present
career or prepare you for your future move.
As much as I focus on my goals and put my effort to reach these are specific goals this will
absolutely help me to be successful in my career and prove myself and my abilities and my
Nathan Rawlins (2020, 25), talk about how the PDP could help to identify the area of
improvement and helps also to set goals and have a clear vision of what you want to reach
also how could you organize your thoughts and actions. While I am reading his article, I like
the quote he said about the PDP “A clear roadmap for reaching goals” which match my own
definition of PDP.
After reading these two articles that lead me to ask myself what I want as professional
development plan will be, how can I improve myself by using PDP, and how is this going to
improve myself and my skills.
I have written this professional development plan to help me to develop my skills as a teacher. I
have written five goals. The first is to motivate students to learn. Using different strategies can
help achieve this goal. Secondly, time management, finish my lesson requirements on time. use
formative assessment. Thirdly, apply different management strategies to improve student
behaviors. Lastly, improve my communication skills, by knowing the school staff, attending
meeting or school events. Moreover, I explain in each skill what the actions that I will follow to
achieve my goals, support that I need and data that could help me.
To justify my PDP goals for this semester I want to reach five goals.
1- First goal is to be more social and collaborative not only with my MST but also with the
other teachers in the school. I sit this goal because I need to have a good relationship with
all the teachers, and I need to consider their thoughts and their ideas of teaching so I can
learn from them, and I can benefit and gain more experience.
3- My third goal is use different strategies to motivate the students in the class and create
fun strategies to teach. 90% of the students will be able to reflect positively with the
motivation during the lesson till the end. This goal I personally see it as one of my
strengths because I like to create fun activities for the students and at the beginning of the
class, I always look for an interesting and fun hook to start my lesson with. U.S.
Department of State.Gov website that created by some teachers from the U.S said in their
website that “Having fun while learning also helps students retain information
better because the process is enjoyable and memorable.” U.S. Department of State.
(October 13, 2021)
4- My fourth goal is time management, I want to start my lesson at the right time and
divided my time between the opening, centers, and closing very well so the student can
benefit from the beginning till the end of the class. To reach this goal I have to practice
multiple times also I have an Apple Watch which can help me to set a timer at the
beginning of each part of the lesson. 90% students will be able to follow the rules of the
5- My last goal and the most important goal for me at the moment is classroom management
and by I mean managing the whole class started from the students behavior which is the
main point to me for classroom management because if I can manage the student
behavior very well I can have a small lesson where everyone in the class can learn and
benefit and to reach this goal I should have mixture of strict and teacher and also friendly
teacher with the students so I had to build a good relationship with them but also I need to
make sure that the students behave well when it’s learning time.
teaching practice and my MST
collaborating very well with me
and she offers me all the help I
2- The principle, My MST and Other Kg teacher emails/phone numbers.
3- I did the organize the garden outside for plants day with my MST this week, the
following week we will take the kids and plant outside ( I will update the pictures
in my PDP).
Previously stated development needs
Skills you
personally Personal
MCT know you development Needs of the setting
MST recommendation need to interest
Keep her in touch and
show her my lesson Creativity. Create a plan that include two
or more subjects in the lesson
plans before Planning. should be simple for the
implementing the Well planning. students.
different activities so while I
was observing and taking notes I
also focus on her activities and
how can I came up with good
activities such as hers.
Data collection tools to be used Students work. The data collection tools I had
to provide evidence of the MST evaluation. for this goal Was my MST
success of the action Pictures of students PowerPoint slides and the way
work. she organize her lesson.
The lesson PowerPoint.
The other thing is the student
work so I can’t tell if they
actually understand the lesson
and find the activities easy to
understand and take some
pictures of their work
Evidence (after implement Students final work.
Goal 3: Different strategies to motivate the students.
Use positive language and
encourage the students.
2- Me, my MST and the Arabic teacher came out of the idea of the motivation chart
and connect it with culture things.
3- During the lesson sometimes I give stars special day for student we usually don’t
participate in order to encourage them.
Goal 4: Time management.
to provide evidence of the To do list. or checklist helped me to
success of the action Checklist. success the school.
Planning. Good planning and follow the
notes I prepare for myself was
also very helpful t to reach my
Evidence (after implement After finishing the lesson I will
ation) check my checklist And to do list
to see if I did all what I planned
2- During the whole group activity I put the activity in the carpet and ask the
students to start and I set the sand glass so both of me and students know how
much time we still have.
3- Note/planning: before starting my lesson, I take note and plan for what I’m going
to teach then share my ideas with my MST.
Goal 5: classroom management.
teach. As a teacher I try to have a good
Separate the hyper relationship between me and my
students. students because my behavior
and my attitude would reflect on
their behavior as well so I try to
be positive smiling at them.
Describe the frame Semester 7 I think I did reach my goal for
this semester.
Any support needed MST experience is and My MST was the main source of
how she can manage in support for the school this goal I
the class and deal with learn from her classroom
the students behaviour. management and try to do the
Do the same action the same strategies she do like
MST do when the reminding the students of the
students miss behave rules during the lesson if I saw
and follow her routine. some misbehavior while I teach.
Keep reminding the
students with the rules.
Data collection tools to be used Classroom rules. I use the classroom rules in my
to provide evidence of the Behaviour charts. PowerPoint slides and the rules
success of the action Stickers. on the wall that near the
2- Classroom rules.
3- Social distance rules.
4- Lesson rules.
Cla ss inde x
Gre e ting s
Cla ss rule s
Ca le nda r
te a c he r
fa vo urite
to ys
Pa ir wo rk
Gro up
a c tivitie s
Good Eye s lo o kin g Mo u th q u ie t Ra ise yo u r
who le g ro up
Sittin g ha nd
Individua l
a c tivity
Exit tic ke t
My MST did help me to reach my goals she also provides me with good feedback and great
advises that can help me in the future as a teacher I had a good experience with her and with the
My action plan for the next semester is to upgrade my professionalism and try to improve myself
attend more meetings to have a gain more experience.
A step-by-step guide to the PDP process. Lucidchart. (2020, June 25). Retrieved October
13, 2021, from https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/performance-development-planning-
Professional development plan basics: The purpose and benefits of a PDP. Eat Your
Career. (2021, June 21). Retrieved October 13, 2021, from
Integrated curriculum in the primary program - Nebraska. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13,
2021, from https://www.education.ne.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IC.pdf.
U.S. Department of State.. Teacher's corner: Making learning fun. U.S. Department of
State., from https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/teachers-corner-making-learning-
Campbell, S. (2017, October 4). 10 simple ways to build a collaborative, successful work
environment. Entrepreneur. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/302126.
Ali, M. A. (2019, June 21). 13 tips to motivate students in the classroom. Owlcation.
Retrieved October 13, 2021, from https://owlcation.com/academia/13-Tips-to-Motivate-
Top 5 strategies for motivating students. NBPTS Shaping the profession that shapes
Americas future Top 5 Strategies for Motivating Students Comments. (n.d.). Retrieved
from https://www.nbpts.org/top-5-strategies-for-motivating-students/.
Staff, T. T., & About The Author TeachThought Staff TeachThought is an organization
dedicated to innovation in education through the growth of outstanding teachers. (2021,
September 20). 21 simple ideas to improve student motivation. TeachThought. Retrieved
from https://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/21-simple-ideas-to-improve-student-
Five simple tips for classroom management: Resilient educator. ResilientEducator.com.
(2018, August 16). Retrieved 2019, from https://resilienteducator.com/classroom-