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Chapter 2 - Vectors

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

Roger: We have clearance, Clarence.

Clarence: Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor?

- from Airplane! (1980)

David J. Starling
Penn State Hazleton
PHYS 211
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
A vector is a quantity that indicates both Adding Vectors
magnitude and direction.
Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
A vector is a quantity that indicates both Adding Vectors
magnitude and direction.
Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

Examples: position, velocity and acceleration

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
A scalar is a quantity that indicates only Adding Vectors
magnitude. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
A scalar is a quantity that indicates only Adding Vectors
magnitude. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

Examples: time, speed, temperature, distance

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
We represent a vector as an arrow with a direction Adding Vectors
and a length (magnitude).
Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
Vectors vs. Scalars
We represent a vector as an arrow with a direction Adding Vectors
and a length (magnitude).
Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

These are displacement vectors. Vectors are written

~ or V.
mathematically as: V
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Vectors ~a and ~b can be added geometrically to Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
give the sum ~s = ~a + ~b. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Vectors ~a and ~b can be added geometrically to Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
give the sum ~s = ~a + ~b. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

I This works for any vector (position, velocity, electric

field, etc.)
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Vectors ~a and ~b can be added geometrically to Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
give the sum ~s = ~a + ~b. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

I This works for any vector (position, velocity, electric

field, etc.)
I The size of the vector is called its magnitude

|~s| = s
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors

Here are some (familiar!) properties of vector Adding Vectors by


addition. Multiplying Vectors

(a) Commutative: ~a + ~b = ~b + ~a
(b) Associative: (~a + ~b) + ~c = ~a + (~b + ~c)
(c) Additive inverse exists: ~a + (−~a) = ~0
(d) Subtraction: ~a − ~b = ~a + (−~b) = ~c
(e) Distributive: m × (~a + ~b) = m~a + m~b
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Lecture Question 2.1 Geometrically

You are standing in a soccer field. If you walk 10 m north, Adding Vectors by
and then 3 m east, you arrive at point B. However, if you Multiplying Vectors
had walked 3 m east, and then 10 m north, you’d still arrive
at point B. Which vector property does this demonstrate?

(a) Commutative
(b) Associative
(c) Additive inverse
(d) Subtraction
(e) Distributive
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars
The component of a vector is the projection of the Adding Vectors
vector onto that axis. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars
The component of a vector is the projection of the Adding Vectors
vector onto that axis. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

The projections are found using trigonometry

sin(θ) = ay /a and cos(θ) = ax /a

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
The same equations apply, even if the vector Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
points in a different quadrant. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
The same equations apply, even if the vector Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
points in a different quadrant. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

q by
b= b2x + b2y and tan(θ) =
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
All unit vectors have length/magnitude equal to
Adding Vectors by
one. They are written with a hat: â. Components

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
All unit vectors have length/magnitude equal to
Adding Vectors by
one. They are written with a hat: â. Components

Multiplying Vectors

The common unit vectors are: î, ĵ and k̂ pointing in the x, y

and z directions.
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Vectors can be written in terms of their Geometrically

Adding Vectors by
components and unit vectors. Components

Multiplying Vectors

~a = ax î + ay ĵ
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Vectors can be written in terms of their Geometrically

Adding Vectors by
components and unit vectors. Components

Multiplying Vectors

~a = ax î + ay ĵ

ax scales the î vector so that it has length ax × 1.

ay scales the ĵ vector so that it has length ay × 1.

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Adding two vectors can be done component by Adding Vectors by
Multiplying Vectors

~s = ~a + ~b
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Adding two vectors can be done component by Adding Vectors by
Multiplying Vectors

~s = ~a + ~b
sx = ax + bx
sy = ay + by
sz = az + bz
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Adding two vectors can be done component by Adding Vectors by
Multiplying Vectors

~s = ~a + ~b
sx = ax + bx
sy = ay + by
sz = az + bz
~s = sx î + sy ĵ + sz k̂
= (ax + bx )î + (ay + by )ĵ + (az + bz )k̂
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Subtracting two vectors is just like adding the Adding Vectors by
negative of a vector.
Multiplying Vectors

~d = ~a − ~b
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Subtracting two vectors is just like adding the Adding Vectors by
negative of a vector.
Multiplying Vectors

~d = ~a − ~b
dx = ax − bx
dy = ay − by
dz = az − bz
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
Subtracting two vectors is just like adding the Adding Vectors by
negative of a vector.
Multiplying Vectors

~d = ~a − ~b
dx = ax − bx
dy = ay − by
dz = az − bz
~d = dx î + dy ĵ + dz k̂
= (ax − bx )î + (ay − by )ĵ + (az − bz )k̂
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Adding Vectors by Components
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
The choice of axes is arbitrary. For any problem,
Adding Vectors by
you can choose the axes as you see fit. Components

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
1. A vector can be scaled (made larger or Adding Vectors
smaller) by a scalar: Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~B = c~A
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
1. A vector can be scaled (made larger or Adding Vectors
smaller) by a scalar: Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~B = c~A

I If c > 1, ~B is c times larger than ~A

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
1. A vector can be scaled (made larger or Adding Vectors
smaller) by a scalar: Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~B = c~A

I If c > 1, ~B is c times larger than ~A

I If 0 < c < 1, ~B is shorter than ~A
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
1. A vector can be scaled (made larger or Adding Vectors
smaller) by a scalar: Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~B = c~A

I If c > 1, ~B is c times larger than ~A

I If 0 < c < 1, ~B is shorter than ~A
I If c < 0, ~A and ~B are in opposite directions.
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
2. The scalar product is the multiplication of two Adding Vectors
vectors that results in a scalar. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~a · ~b = ab cos(φ)
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
2. The scalar product is the multiplication of two Adding Vectors
vectors that results in a scalar. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~a · ~b = ab cos(φ)

Note: ~a · ~b = ~b · ~a (commutative)
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The scalar product tells us how much two vectors Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
are parallel. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The scalar product tells us how much two vectors Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
are parallel. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

I By components: ~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by + az bz
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The scalar product tells us how much two vectors Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
are parallel. Geometrically

Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

I By components: ~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by + az bz

î · î = ĵ · ĵ = k̂ · k̂ = 1
î · ĵ = ĵ · k̂ = k̂ · î = 0
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
3. The vector product is the multiplication of two Adding Vectors
vectors that results in another vector. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
3. The vector product is the multiplication of two Adding Vectors
vectors that results in another vector. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~c = ~a × ~b
c = ab sin(φ)
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars
3. The vector product is the multiplication of two Adding Vectors
vectors that results in another vector. Adding Vectors by

Multiplying Vectors

~c = ~a × ~b
c = ab sin(φ)

Note: ~a × ~b = −~b × ~a (anti-commutative)

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The vector product tells us how perpendicular two Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
vectors are. The new vector’s direction is given by Geometrically

the right-hand rule. Adding Vectors by


Multiplying Vectors
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The vector product tells us how perpendicular two Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
vectors are. The new vector’s direction is given by Geometrically

the right-hand rule. Adding Vectors by


Multiplying Vectors

I ~c is always perpendicular to ~a and ~b

Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The vector product tells us how perpendicular two Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
vectors are. The new vector’s direction is given by Geometrically

the right-hand rule. Adding Vectors by


Multiplying Vectors

I ~c is always perpendicular to ~a and ~b

î × î = ĵ × ĵ = k̂ × k̂ = 0
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
The vector product tells us how perpendicular two Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors
vectors are. The new vector’s direction is given by Geometrically

the right-hand rule. Adding Vectors by


Multiplying Vectors

I ~c is always perpendicular to ~a and ~b

î × î = ĵ × ĵ = k̂ × k̂ = 0
î × ĵ = k̂ ĵ × k̂ = î k̂ × î = ĵ
Chapter 2 - Vectors
Multiplying Vectors
Vectors vs. Scalars

Adding Vectors

Lecture Question 2.3 Adding Vectors by

For the two vectors ~A = 1.1î + 2.0ĵ and ~B = 1.0î − 1.0ĵ,
Multiplying Vectors
find ~A · ~B.

(a) zero
(b) −0.9
(c) 1.1î − 2.0ĵ
(d) 3.1
(e) 0.1î + 1.0ĵ

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