EMF Lab Report
EMF Lab Report
EMF Lab Report
Department of Mathematics,
Statistics and Physics
Course: Experimental General Physics for
the Engineering II (PHYS194)
Fall 2022
Lab Report of the Experiment: EMF Lab
Name of Instructor:
Experiment Date
Lab 5 EMF
3. Experimental Design
AC Power Supply
b. Experimental Procedure
RC Circuit
In the first step, the circuit diagram is set according to figure 1 using capacitor, resistor,
and power source.
Channel 1 and channel 2 of oscilloscope are connected to display V in and Vout
Sinusoidal signal was generated using the function generator.
The frequency of sinusoidal signal was varied and Vin, Vout and phase difference values
were measured from oscilloscope screen.
Data analysis is carried out and uncertainty in the results is evaluated.
RL Circuit
In the first step, the circuit diagram is set according to figure 2 using Coil, resistor, and
power source.
Channel 1 and channel 2 of oscilloscope are connected to display V in and Vout
Sinusoidal signal was generated using the function generator.
The frequency of sinusoidal signal was varied and Vin, Vout and phase difference values
were measured from oscilloscope screen.
Lab 5 EMF
4. Experimental Data:
4.1. RC Circuit
Resistance = 10 Ω
Capacitance = 04 µF
4.2. RC Circuit
Resistance = 10 Ω
Capacitance = 04 µF
5. Data Analysis
5.1. RC Circuit
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
frequency (Hz)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Frequency (Hz)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
frequency (Hz)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Frequency (Hz)
Experimental Gain
Logarithmic (Experimental Gain)
Logarithmic (Experimental Gain)
Theoretical Gain
Linear (Theoretical Gain)
Gain of RL Circuit
In reference to the figure 2, the voltage across the coil is given as below
V L=Lω I o cos(ωt+ )
We see here that the voltage across the coil leads the voltage across the resistor by 𝑟𝑎𝑑. This is
shown in figure 9 below.
Lab 5 EMF
G=¿V out ∨ ¿ ¿
¿V ¿∨¿ ¿
R Io
I o √ R2 +¿ ¿ ¿
+¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
√ ( )
6. Discussions
In this experiment, two different circuits are analyzed by measuring the input and output voltages
and calculating the gain. In the first section, a RC circuit is analyzed in which resistor and
capacitor were connected in series. The output and input voltage signal are measured using
oscilloscope screen. Phase difference between the input and output voltages is also calculated.
The gain is plotted as a function of frequency in figure 3 and it is observed that gain increases
Lab 5 EMF
with the increase in frequency. The trendline is plotted along with equation which shows that
change in gain with the change in frequency is mathematically represented by a quadratic
equation. Similarly, phase difference is also plotted in figure 4 and it is concluded that change in
phase difference with the change in frequency is also a quadratic function and a decrease in
frequency leads to corresponding decrease in phase difference as depicted by shown quadratic
equation. Theoretical gain is also evaluated and both the experimental as well as theoretical gains
are plotted against frequency on same graph in figure 5. This indicates that there is a minor
difference between the theoretical and experimental gains which is quantitively measured as
7.8% which is in acceptable range.
In the second part, a RL circuit is analyzed in which resistor and coil were connected in series.
The output and input voltage signal are measured using oscilloscope screen. Phase difference
between the input and output voltages is also calculated. The gain is plotted as a function of
frequency in figure 6 and it is observed that gain decreases with the increase in frequency and
eventually zero at higher frequency vales. The trendline is plotted along with equation which
shows that change in gain with the change in frequency is exponential. Similarly, phase
difference is also plotted in figure 7 and it is concluded that phase difference increases with the
increase in frequency. It is also exponential increase. Theoretical gain is also evaluated and both
the experimental as well as theoretical gains are plotted against frequency on same graph in
figure 8. This indicates that there is a major difference between the theoretical and experimental
gains which is quantitively measured as 43.08% which is not in acceptable range. This difference
may be due to instrumental, human or random errors. All the measuring equipment should be
properly calibrated to reduce the percentage difference between experimental and theoretical
results. Human and random errors should also be identified and reduced to maximum possible
In RC circuit, the gain is zero when frequencies are low which indicates that output voltage is
zero at lower frequencies. At higher frequencies the output voltage is higher thus gain is also
higher. Hence, RC circuit only allows to pass the signals of higher frequencies naming as high
pass filter.
In RL circuit, the gain is zero when frequencies are high which indicates that output voltage is
zero at higher frequencies. At lower frequencies the output voltage is higher thus gain is also
higher. Hence, RL circuit only allows to pass the signals of lower frequencies naming as Low
pass filter.
7. Conclusion
Lab 5 EMF
The stated objectives of the experiment are achieved and both low (RL circuit) as well as high
(RC circuit) pass filter circuits are analyzed. It is concluded that RC circuit only allows to pass
the signals of higher frequencies naming as high pass filter and RL circuit only allows to pass the
signals of lower frequencies naming as Low pass filter. For RC circuit, gain is found to be
increasing with increase in frequency and it is observed to be reverse in case of RL circuit.
Similarly, phase difference is found to be decreasing with increase in frequency in RC circuit,
and it is observed to be increasing with increase in frequency in RL circuit. The theoretical and
experimental results are found to be in acceptable range for RC circuit with a average percentage
difference of 7.8%. However, theoretical, and experimental results show large variation in RL
circuit with an average percentage difference of 43.08%. This difference may be due to
instrumental, human, or random errors.