TI-B 103 (94) Test Method Activation Energy For The Maturity Method
TI-B 103 (94) Test Method Activation Energy For The Maturity Method
TI-B 103 (94) Test Method Activation Energy For The Maturity Method
Test Method
Activation Energy for the Maturity Method
Test Method
Activation Energy for the Maturity Method
Version: 1
Date: March 1996
No. of pages: 5
Approved by: SOO
TI-B 103 (94)
TI-B 103 (94)
encapsulation of the test specimens will Three test specimens are used at each
comply with such requirements. time interval.
The test is performed at relatively low Immediately after casting the test
temperatures in order to minimize the specimens are stored under water at the
reducing effect on the final level of the chosen temperatures.
properties caused by curing at high
temperatures. The setting time of the concrete is tested
at the reference temperature according
In a semi-logarithmic diagram the to DS 423.17.
concrete properties will develop along an
S-shaped curve, with the time at a At the first test interval the forms are
logarithmic X-axis and the property at a removed, and the specimens are marked
linear Y-axis. The rate characterizing the and placed in water bath until the test is
rate of the development of the property carried out.
is seen from the straight line, which is
the deflection tangent to the S-shaped The curing temperature is controlled with
curve. an accuracy of ± 1°C.
In practice the straight line is determined When the properties are tested on
by means of at least 3 measurements of specimens which have been cured at
the property made so early in the different temperatures, the development
process that it is possible to determine of the properties will follow parallel lines
the line. When deciding on the time in the diagram mentioned, as shown in
intervals for different concrete mix figure 1.
designs, it is necessary both to consider
the time of setting and to take into
account the rate of reaction at the
chosen curing temperatures. The
development of the property is measured
at 6 temperature levels.
Tempe- Time of
rature θ
Time intervals Figure 1
rate, Hours Property as a function of time
[°C] Hours
20 1.0 5-8 12 24 36 48 In the rectilinear area the rate of reaction
5 0.3 17 - 27 40 80 120 160
is determined for each property as:
10 0.5 10 - 16 24 48 72 96
(property 1 − property 2 )
kθ =
15 0.75 7 - 11 16 32 48 64 ( time 1 − time 2 )
30 1.6 3-5 8 15 23 30
For each temperature level the
40 2.4 2-3 5 10 15 20 Activation Energy is calculated from the
5. Procedure R
Ε(θ) = (ln k θ − ln k 20 ) ⋅
The concrete specimens to be used are 1 1
cast and tested in accordance with the T − T
20 θ
relevant standard, e.g. DS 423.21, 23,
25 and 34.
TI-B 103 (94)
6. Test Result
For temperatures higher than or equal to
20°C the constant activation energy is
calculated as the average of the three
7. Test Report
A test report shall include at least the
following information: