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H R D Dimensions
• Competency - Business Linkage
• Strategy - Bifocal Challenges
• What is Competency?
• Competency Modeling / Mapping-Benefits
• Competency Based HRM

                H R D Dimensions
Business Life Cycle

                     Matured Phase
     Growth Phase

  Start Phase

                    H R D Dimensions

                                     Focus on
Era of strategic initiatives         Current


                 H R D Dimensions

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Talent Scorecard
Talent ScorecardTalent Scorecard
Talent Scorecard

While the demand for experienced leaders is high, companies find it challenging to manage talent strategically. The three key areas to ensure success are discussed in Talent Scorecard – How to ensure your company is managing talent strategically: • Align business and talent strategies • Look ahead, not behind • Track the talent profile

Société générale citizen act Case study group youboontoo (team 526), draft 6
Société générale citizen act  Case study group youboontoo (team 526), draft 6Société générale citizen act  Case study group youboontoo (team 526), draft 6
Société générale citizen act Case study group youboontoo (team 526), draft 6

The document outlines Société Générale's strategies for enhancing team performance through initiatives to build team spirit, develop talent, promote diversity, and provide skills training. It discusses the bank's CSR and corporate image efforts including communicating their CSR activities and measuring reputation and corporate image. The document also covers the types of risks Société Générale faces, both external and internal, and the justification for risk management to ensure strategic success and survival.

corporate imagemotivationteam management
PDA Business Presentation (South Africa)
PDA Business Presentation (South Africa)PDA Business Presentation (South Africa)
PDA Business Presentation (South Africa)

The document provides information about PDA International and their Personal Development Analysis (PDA) assessment tool. The PDA is an online behavioral assessment that analyzes individuals' behavioral profiles, strengths, motivators, and development areas. It breaks down profiles into various usable areas like leadership style, decision-making style, and emotional intelligence. Companies can become accredited to use the PDA system for talent management functions like selection, development, and training. The PDA offers advantages over other assessments like unlimited use of reports and additional insight into areas like energy level and flexibility.

Political                        Have inherent
         Social                             strength
       Economic                          to discriminate
        Factors                              Others?

                                               Do you have a
Industrial and
                                               Shared Vision
                                                and Values

                      Organisation                Can you
Competition                                       influence
  Local                                           and drive
Leverages                                         your Key

         Customer                        Do you have
        Imperatives                       a framework
          Quality                          to measure
           Cost                          Performance?

                      H R D Dimensions
2 challenges for
  Business Strategy

1. Competing with current
   market challenges.
2. Creating future markets

          H R D Dimensions
Defining the critical skills,
behaviors and attributes
  that are essential for
 ongoing and long-term
 organizational success.

          H R D Dimensions
David C. McClelland

                                     What Predicts
                                     Life or Job?

                  H R D Dimensions

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Strat rect planning spr 2012
Strat rect planning  spr 2012Strat rect planning  spr 2012
Strat rect planning spr 2012

This document discusses the strategic role of human resource management. It begins by noting that in today's knowledge economy, employees are as powerful as consumers were in the past. It then outlines several questions around how an organization can develop a committed and competent workforce, adapt to environmental changes, balance labor and capital needs, plan HR deployment for the future, build incentives, and safeguard company interests. The next section discusses HR principles around value creation, emphasis on performance and competence, equal opportunity, and a long-term perspective. Finally, it explains the importance of human resource strategy in defining opportunities/barriers, prompting new thinking, developing commitment to action, establishing long-term priorities, and providing strategic focus for managing business and talent.

recruitment and selection
My Map Introduction
My Map IntroductionMy Map Introduction
My Map Introduction

My MAP is Metroland's talent development initiative to help employees learn, grow, and develop skills continuously. Through online assessments, My MAP identifies an employee's competency levels and creates a customized learning plan to guide them. Employees work with their manager to evaluate skills, structure a development plan, and find opportunities to apply new skills on the job. The goal is for employees to acquire changing skills needed for their roles and potentially other careers within Metroland.

STIA-LAN:Balance.Score.Card on Strategic.Management
STIA-LAN:Balance.Score.Card on Strategic.ManagementSTIA-LAN:Balance.Score.Card on Strategic.Management
STIA-LAN:Balance.Score.Card on Strategic.Management

This document discusses strategic management tools like the balanced scorecard, scenario planning, and strategic maps. It provides an overview of: 1) Common strategic purposes and frameworks like analyzing the organization's position, resources, and developing simple rules. 2) Tools for strategic analysis, design, and implementation including external mapping, decision trees, scenarios, and internal assessments. 3) The challenge of developing strategies in an uncertain world and how to identify trends, opportunities, and plan for turbulence. 4) How the balanced scorecard can be used for strategic management by translating strategies into measurable objectives across key perspectives.

lecture stia-lan bsc
Research on ‘self – concept’

Three basic motivational needs of people

               H R D Dimensions
Competency Based Culture

Context       Mission, Vision, Values,
              Strategy, Culture, Style,
Content       Procedure clarity, guidelines,
              Documentation, Performance
Controls      Objective setting, alignment,
              feedback, perf-review, dev-opprty
              Counseling, coaching

           H R D Dimensions



Core Personality
Difficult to develop
                                  Surface Personality
Difficult to Assess
                                  Easy to develop
                                  East to Assess

                   H R D Dimensions
Competencies   Behaviours    T                  Results

                  H R D Dimensions

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Ron Bingham Professional Resume
Ron Bingham Professional ResumeRon Bingham Professional Resume
Ron Bingham Professional Resume

Ronald Bingham has experience leading organizational development initiatives and managing complex programs. He has a background in program management, process improvement, business development, and operations. His skills include project management, problem solving, decision making, and people management. He has worked with small businesses, large corporations, and the government.

project and program managementcoordinator
People performance practitioners
People performance practitionersPeople performance practitioners
People performance practitioners

This document discusses how HR can deliver business value. It provides a quick checklist for assessing whether an organization's HR deliverables are creating business value. It then outlines Soumitra Das's value proposition as an experienced HR partner, including helping align people strategy to business strategy, enhancing individual and team performance to increase organizational performance, and enriching the employee experience. The document proposes engagement models for partnering either through a solution suite approach or modular approach on specific HR projects.

hr consultingleadership developmentchange management
Ron bingham resume
Ron bingham resumeRon bingham resume
Ron bingham resume

Ronald Bingham is an experienced program manager and consultant with a background in program management, process improvement, business development, and operations. He has worked for large companies like Sprint and Alcatel, as well as with small businesses. Some of his accomplishments include establishing large-scale program management policies and procedures, managing cross-departmental initiatives, and improving customer service programs. He currently works as an independent consultant helping organizations improve performance and business processes.

Competency Practices -
IBM’s local middle management
  database track of 20 years
  merged with global database
  with 40,000 competencies world

            H R D Dimensions
Best Practices - UNILIVER
• Broader sweep for the past forty years
  creating 5 talent pools, stretching
  individual companies
• Targets for personal development is
  given from day one.
• Those who show potential to move up
  are in ‘Development’ list – guided by 3
  levels above.
                H R D Dimensions
Behavioural Indicators :
         Decision Making
• Organise and present ideas effectively
• Effectively participate in group discussions
• Prepare concise and logically written materials
• Listen carefully and respond to verbal and non-
  verbal messages
• Respond appropriately to positive and negative
• Debate issue without being abrasive to others

                    H R D Dimensions
        Levels                     Development Stages
1. Know, aware of, acquire         1. Develop an idea, concept,
2. Apply, check relevance
                                   2. Investigate idea, collect
3. Reflect on actions and             data
   outcomes                        3. Figure, analyse & decide

4. Individual and collective       4. Plan for action, set time
   transformation                  5. Act upon idea plan – apply
5. More learning                   6. Transfer learning to others

                       H R D Dimensions

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Gina o connor_rpi
Gina o connor_rpiGina o connor_rpi
Gina o connor_rpi

This document discusses how organizations can develop a culture that supports radical innovation. It argues that having a general "culture of innovation" is not enough, and that a whole systems approach is needed where the entire organization is aligned behind radical innovation through its strategic mandate, leadership, metrics, structures, resources, processes, skills, and continuous evolution. The document also examines some key cultural differences that do and do not matter for radical innovation, such as an organization's orientation to talent, network richness, and resource fluidity. It notes challenges around leadership, metrics, early market participation, and governance that can get in the way of successfully incubating and accelerating radical innovations.

Check Point Brochure 5 Governance Sprints 2012[1]
Check Point Brochure   5 Governance Sprints 2012[1]Check Point Brochure   5 Governance Sprints 2012[1]
Check Point Brochure 5 Governance Sprints 2012[1]

Assure the best possible return on your investment with assistance in developing your IT Governance strategy with the experienced professionals at Checkpoint Partners

it governancelong term strategic developmentinformation technology governance
The Talent Dialogue
The  Talent  DialogueThe  Talent  Dialogue
The Talent Dialogue

The Talent Dialogue approach aims to establish an ongoing, two-way dialogue between employers and employees to better understand employee needs, preferences, and goals. Unlike point-in-time employee engagement surveys, Talent Dialogue facilitates continuous conversation and involvement of employees in shaping talent management strategies. Implementing Talent Dialogue can help increase employee engagement by making employees feel included in important decisions and foster a culture of engagement through management's commitment to seeking employee feedback.

deloittetalent dialoguetalent management
Competency Enablers

Change as      Judgment           Managing
 opportunity                       uncertainty

               H R D Dimensions
Competency Enablers
Bigger, broader                       Managing
                   Knowledge           Competition
Balance of         Conceptualisa      Managing
  contradictions     tion              Complexity

Process                               Managing
                   Flexibility         adaptability
  teamwork         Sensitivity        Managing Teams

Change as                             Managing
                   Judgment            uncertainty
Openness to        Reflection         Managing
 surprises                             learning
                   H R D Dimensions
Competency Framework

• M V V connection    • Org Structure        • ST – LT Dev.
• Strategy articulation • Band matrix,
                          career maps,Role   • Dev Plan
• Core                    profiles, level
                          variation            integration
                      • Development          • Analysis of
• Competency            Center                 Assmt. Data
                      • Assessment           • Assessment
• C-based People        criteria               Technics
                      • Assessment

                       H R D Dimensions
Strategy to Build
• Organisation – What knowledge? Strength?
• Vision – Be at top 2 and drop the product line
• Perspective of stake holders
• Evolve strategy, communicate, align systems
• What competencies needed to build specific
  situation? Define
• Articulate with BI Co – Jo – Be – Te competencies
• Evaluate – Measure - Reward
                  H R D Dimensions

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Insight Driven - Talent Management Unbundled
Insight Driven - Talent Management UnbundledInsight Driven - Talent Management Unbundled
Insight Driven - Talent Management Unbundled

This document provides an overview of talent management. It defines talent management as focusing on ensuring the availability of talented people to fill key roles, both currently and in the future. It discusses identifying key roles and assessing individuals' talent and potential. It also outlines the clusters of policies and practices that make up a talent management framework, including identifying, developing, and retaining internal talent as well as attracting external talent. The framework aims to have a pipeline of people for leadership and other critical roles.

human resource managementtalent management
Managing talent in today's times
Managing talent in today's timesManaging talent in today's times
Managing talent in today's times

The document discusses managing talent in today's changing environment. It covers topics like talent acquisition, employee engagement, and the impact of technology on talent management. It notes that economic changes are driving new talent needs. Talent management is becoming more important than traditional HR practices. Innovative solutions are emerging for organizations to differentiate themselves in attracting and retaining top talent.

Creating a strategy map #PCV12
Creating a strategy map #PCV12Creating a strategy map #PCV12
Creating a strategy map #PCV12

The Agile Strategy Map is used to help leadership teams provide direction to the organization using agile practices.

Why building Competency
Research and experience of other organisations:

• Competency titles with definitions and BIs
• Able to recognise demonstrated competencies Develop
  People Excellence -pipe line of talents
• Link M V V S to executable critical objectives
• Aims at PMS - what is critical for success?
• Know what constitutes superior performance
• Set framework for continuous improvement
• Establish measures that makes a difference

                    H R D Dimensions
Trends in Building
• New generation of Leadership Development
• Competency Models have become Global
standards for people development
• All most all F500 companies use Competency
• Most of of the Indian Companies have started
• PCMM, ISO 9000 makes Competency based
people development mandatory
                 H R D Dimensions
What does it do for
• Unifies framework among different People
• Broad overview of the capabilities required to
  perform successfully within an orgn.
• Solid foundation upon which various human
  capital programs can be based.
• Use of extensive experience in developing
  competency model tailored to the Organisation
  needs and goals
                   H R D Dimensions
5 P Competency Model ©

                 Person                  Purpose


                 People                  Process

© Chandramowly        H R D Dimensions

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OCC Group Capability Presentation Linkedin 2010
OCC Group Capability Presentation   Linkedin 2010OCC Group Capability Presentation   Linkedin 2010
OCC Group Capability Presentation Linkedin 2010

Organizational Change Consulting Group (OCC Group) is a consulting firm that specializes in facilitating collaborative change strategies and planning processes. OCC Group designs solutions to allow diverse stakeholders to find common ground and develop plans that all parties can support. They use collaborative principles and processes to bring together leaders and stakeholders to address complex issues in a fair and equitable manner. Their approach focuses on building shared understanding and alignment through multi-day workshops and meetings involving the whole system.

Competency Based Pms Some Workshop Slides Chandramowly Copy
Competency Based Pms   Some Workshop Slides  Chandramowly   CopyCompetency Based Pms   Some Workshop Slides  Chandramowly   Copy
Competency Based Pms Some Workshop Slides Chandramowly Copy

The document discusses competency-based performance management. It includes an agenda for competency-based HR dimensions that covers background, definition, types, application, modeling, mapping, linkage to performance management, and development and assessment. Models and best practices from companies like IBM and Unilever are presented. A competency is defined as an underlying characteristic that results in effective performance. The document discusses organizational, job, and individual competencies as well as behavioral, functional, role, and core competencies.

Budgeting Presentation
Budgeting PresentationBudgeting Presentation
Budgeting Presentation

The document discusses budgeting concepts and frameworks. It provides 3 key points: 1) Budgeting serves two major roles - to provide real-world constraints for strategic planning and allocate resources to realize strategic plans. This enforces accountability. 2) Effective budgeting requires alignment across the organization's business model, strategy, structure, culture, leadership, and resources. A four-wheels model is presented to illustrate this. 3) Budgeting priorities must be set based on each discipline's focus - whether operational excellence, product leadership, or customer intimacy. Managing gaps between actual and planned budgets also requires flexibility, reserve funds, and prioritizing investments based on market potential and business performance.

5 P Dimensions

                 Person                          Purpose
                 Who am I? Self                        My life roles
                 knowledge -                             and goals
                 Management        Ensuring right
                                   track, 360dfb
                                      Learning log
                 How do I relate       Cont.Imp       PMS, BEI, Six
                 world? EI, Commn.,                    sigma Corp.
                 Inspiring                                 systems

                   People                            Process

© Chandramowly                H R D Dimensions
1. Employee job specification – broad banding
2. Average to superior – simpler level identification
3. Constant up gradation to win extl. challenges
4. Common language for people processes
5. Employee career planning
6. Employee development
7. Moving up on the dual ladders
8. Training areas and budget
                  H R D Dimensions
9. Competency dictionary and employee dev.
10. Target hiring - selection process
11. Model provides roadmap to organl. success
12. Competency based P M S leverages dev.
13. Competency practices promote employee
14. Leadership development through 360 DFB
15. Validates for ISO process requirements
                   H R D Dimensions
Broad                                                       Band 1 – GM/VP
                                                                 Dealing With Paradox
Banding                                                          Learning on the Fly
                                                                 Interpersonal Savvy
                                                                 Perspective Range/Interests
                                                                 Strategic Agility
                                                  Band 2
                                                 Building Team Spirit
                                                 Decision Quality
                                                 Innovation Management
                                 Band 3          Motivating Subs. & Others

                                  Developing Subordinates
                                  Conflict Management
                                  Priority Setting
                                  Process Management
                 Band 4           Timely Decision making
                 Action Oriented
                 Peer Relationships
                 Problem Solving
Band 5
Functional/Technical Skills
Personal Learning
Total Quality Management

                                             H R D Dimensions

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Harnessing the power of Project Management
Harnessing the power of Project ManagementHarnessing the power of Project Management
Harnessing the power of Project Management

The document discusses harnessing the power of project management. It discusses how project management can help organizations move from being flat to extraordinary, cost centers to profit centers, over-staffed to lean, and over-budget to cost effective. It also discusses how project management can help organizations improve business results, maximize profitability, increase productivity without capital investment, expand human capital effectiveness, and excel at customer satisfaction. Additionally, it discusses how project management can help solve the four biggest problems plaguing CEOs which are failing to deliver on time, not enough sales, failing to hire and retain talent, and failing to manage change.

project managementbusiness and economy
Elementz Company Profile
Elementz   Company ProfileElementz   Company Profile
Elementz Company Profile

Elementz is an HR and OD consulting firm established in 2006 that partners with clients to help unlock their human potential. They have 6 trainers and 3 OD consultants working with over 60 companies. Elementz focuses on holistic organization development including people, processes, and design. They deliver training programs and interventions in areas like leadership development, competency frameworks, culture change and more. Elementz aims to help organizations unleash the hidden potential in their people and systems.

Hr's contribution to business
Hr's contribution to businessHr's contribution to business
Hr's contribution to business

This document discusses how HR can contribute to and align with business strategy in three main ways: 1. HR can operationalize business strategy by implementing the people-related aspects of strategic plans. 2. HR can provide its own "people thrust" that is either connected to or disconnected from organizational aims through HR best practices. 3. HR can be an integral part of business strategy formulation by having two-way influence between business and HR strategies through mutual involvement in planning. The level of integration between business and HR strategies depends on factors like the planning process, HR's involvement in decision-making, and the extent HR is aligned with business objectives. Measuring HR and people management performance is important to

Defining Levels of

1. Exposure
2. Development
3. Proficient
4. Master
5. Expert

                H R D Dimensions
Competency BARS of
               “Interpersonal Relations”
  Shows respect and tolerance for each; relates well to others,
  possesses good listening skills, and demonstrates trust,
  sensitivity, and mutual respect; recognizes the contributions
  diversity brings to job performance and creativity.
01 Perceives strengths, needs, challenges, and feelings of others.
02 Uses understanding based on listening and observation to anticipate and
   prepare for others’ reactions.
03 Recognizes emotion-laden issues or situations and handles them with
04 Understands and values diversity and different styles of perceiving,
   learning, communicating, and operating.

                            H R D Dimensions
Passage 4

                                                                              Passage 3

Passage 2
                                                                              Passage 1

 Source: The Leadership Pipeline by Ramcharan, Stephen Drotter & James Noel
                           H R D Dimensions
Feedback to        Training /            Implementation
                                                                        Feedback to
       individuals      Development              of training /           individuals
                          planning                Dev.plans

Assessment of                                            Reassess
individuals on                                             ment
      key                                                    of
competencies                                             individual

             Analysis                            Implementa              Analysis
                            of common                 tion
             of group     training needs          of training
                                                                       of training
              results                             curriculum          effectiveness

                            of training
                            H R D Dimensions

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Testing Webinar III
Testing Webinar IIITesting Webinar III
Testing Webinar III

The document discusses DDI's webinar on testing for high potential. It outlines DDI's experience in assessments and client satisfaction. It then discusses forces affecting one company, including an aging workforce and culture change. The rest of the document provides details on DDI's three-part approach to identify and develop high potential talent: 1) determine capacity needs, 2) identify high potential employees, and 3) assess gaps and develop employees. Various charts and examples are provided to illustrate DDI's methods.

employment testing
Career development
Career developmentCareer development
Career development

This document discusses career development and retention in organizations. Some key points: 1. Companies are emphasizing employee responsibility for career management as organizations restructure and expand. Resources like training, mentoring, and coaching managers support employee careers and development. 2. Retaining employees relies on factors like exciting work, career growth opportunities, supportive management, meaningful work, and fair pay. Companies must balance advancing current employees' careers with attracting new hires. 3. Human resource management involves attracting, developing, and retaining a quality workforce through activities like planning, recruitment, training, performance reviews, and career development programs. Linking HR strategies to organizational mission and goals helps create a competitive advantage through people.

Human Capital Planning
Human Capital PlanningHuman Capital Planning
Human Capital Planning

This document discusses how to align human capital planning with business strategy. It presents a framework that begins with vision, mission and business landscape, then moves to corporate and business unit strategies. Business unit strategies then inform human capital planning to build capabilities needed to execute the business strategy. This involves talent planning, acquisition, learning and development, and organizational effectiveness. The key is to manage talent segments based on their value creation and align HR investments accordingly. Areas of capability are mapped against strategies to identify enablers for achieving strategic goals.

human resource strategyhuman capital planningtalent management
Career Map                 Competency

Level 2
Section                                 (Manufac
Head                                     turing)

                es                        Elements

                     H R D Dimensions
CANDIDATE:                           INTERVIEWER:                           DATE:
                APPROACHABILITY (3):
                Is easy to approach and talk to; spends the extra effort to put others at ease;
                can be warm, pleasant, and gracious; is sensitive to and patient with the
COMPETENCY      interpersonal anxieties of others; builds rapport well; is a good listener; is an
                early knower getting informal and incomplete information in time to do
 INTERVIEW      something about it.
                    SAMPLE QUESTIONS                                  OBSERVATIONS

   FORM            • What do you do to put
                     people at ease?
                                                           Attracts others without any effort on
                                                           their part
                   • What do you do to put                 Makes others feel at ease quickly
                     people as ease when                   Optimistic
                     they come to you with a               Protecting others' feelings, whether
                     work problem?                         he/she agrees or not
                   • How do you set                        Revealing a lot of self
                     boundaries so major                   Sharing information/feelings
                     chunks of time aren't                 willingly
                     eaten away?
             1. Can you give me more details?

             2. How did you handle it?

             3. Why did you choose that way/method/step?

             4. What did you learn from .... ?

             5. Could you give me a few examples of how you've used or applied your learnings?

                            1 (lower)                  2                    3 (higher)
               Spectator / Passive Reactive,                 Player /
              Always has Rehearsed                           Participant,Initiating,Candid,Comfortab
              Answer,Won't Face Weaknesses,                  le with Weaknesses,Focus on Others
              Focus on H R D Dimensions
       BUSINESS VISION                    Selection: JD, BEI                    COMPETENCY
           / GOALS                         PMP: Measures,
                                          T&D: Curriculum                         MODEL
      Drives change strategy,             Demand Prediction
      Defines organizational                Career Dev, SP,               List of Competencies, Human
                                         Individual Feedback             Values, Comprehensive
      needs, Provides model
        context to Mission                                                Definitions for levels,
                                Execute Actions and Implement Strategies Behavioral Indictors,

                                Evaluate Results with Planning and Strategies
            OBJECTIVE                                                             PILOT - DATA
      Develop Competency                  AWARENESS                             Pilot group / work unit
    Model, Map across, aligning                                                    Star Performers-
        HRS to enhance                    WORKSHOP                              Success Factors, DATA
       Organisational and                                                       main themes/patterns,
      People Effectiveness           Awareness Workshop                          Define competencies,
                                   For Leaders and Managers                           Draft model
                                    Introductory Workshop
                                        For cross section,
                                         Best Practices,
                                         Consultation &
© Chandramowly                      H R D Dimensions

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Building Competencies Bma Presentation Chandramowly

  • 1. H R D Dimensions
  • 2. Overview • Competency - Business Linkage • Strategy - Bifocal Challenges • What is Competency? • Competency Modeling / Mapping-Benefits • Competency Based HRM H R D Dimensions
  • 3. Business Life Cycle Matured Phase Decline Phase Growth Phase Renewal Phase Start Phase H R D Dimensions
  • 4. Readiness Re-engg Re-structure Focus on Era of strategic initiatives Current Market Create Future Opportu- nities H R D Dimensions
  • 5. Political Have inherent Social strength Economic to discriminate Factors Others? Do you have a Industrial and Shared Vision Technological and Values Factors Global Organisation Can you Competition influence Local and drive Leverages your Key Executives? Customer Do you have Imperatives a framework Quality to measure Cost Performance? Delivery H R D Dimensions
  • 6. 2 challenges for Business Strategy 1. Competing with current market challenges. 2. Creating future markets H R D Dimensions
  • 7. Defining the critical skills, behaviors and attributes that are essential for ongoing and long-term organizational success. H R D Dimensions
  • 8. David C. McClelland What Predicts Success in Life or Job? (1917-1998) H R D Dimensions
  • 9. Research on ‘self – concept’ Three basic motivational needs of people 1. ACHIEVMENT 2. AFFILICATION 3. POWER H R D Dimensions
  • 10. Competency Based Culture Context Mission, Vision, Values, Strategy, Culture, Style, Structure Content Procedure clarity, guidelines, Documentation, Performance Plan Controls Objective setting, alignment, feedback, perf-review, dev-opprty Counseling, coaching H R D Dimensions
  • 11. Skill Knowledge Attitude Attributes Values Motives Core Personality Difficult to develop Surface Personality Difficult to Assess Easy to develop East to Assess H R D Dimensions
  • 12. F Products Competencies Behaviours T Results Services A H R D Dimensions
  • 13. Competency Practices - IBM IBM’s local middle management database track of 20 years merged with global database with 40,000 competencies world wide H R D Dimensions
  • 14. Best Practices - UNILIVER • Broader sweep for the past forty years creating 5 talent pools, stretching individual companies • Targets for personal development is given from day one. • Those who show potential to move up are in ‘Development’ list – guided by 3 levels above. H R D Dimensions
  • 15. Behavioural Indicators : Decision Making • Organise and present ideas effectively • Effectively participate in group discussions • Prepare concise and logically written materials • Listen carefully and respond to verbal and non- verbal messages • Respond appropriately to positive and negative feedback • Debate issue without being abrasive to others H R D Dimensions
  • 16. Competency Development Levels Development Stages 1. Know, aware of, acquire 1. Develop an idea, concept, insight 2. Apply, check relevance 2. Investigate idea, collect 3. Reflect on actions and data outcomes 3. Figure, analyse & decide 4. Individual and collective 4. Plan for action, set time transformation 5. Act upon idea plan – apply 5. More learning 6. Transfer learning to others H R D Dimensions
  • 17. Competency Enablers Change as Judgment Managing opportunity uncertainty H R D Dimensions
  • 18. Competency Enablers Bigger, broader Managing Knowledge Competition picture Balance of Conceptualisa Managing contradictions tion Complexity Process Managing Flexibility adaptability Diverse teamwork Sensitivity Managing Teams Change as Managing Judgment uncertainty opportunity Openness to Reflection Managing surprises learning H R D Dimensions
  • 19. Competency Framework • M V V connection • Org Structure • ST – LT Dev. Plans • Strategy articulation • Band matrix, career maps,Role • Dev Plan • Core profiles, level variation integration competencies • Development • Analysis of • Competency Center Assmt. Data Dictionary • Assessment • Assessment • C-based People criteria Technics processes • Assessment templates H R D Dimensions
  • 20. Strategy to Build Competencies • Organisation – What knowledge? Strength? • Vision – Be at top 2 and drop the product line • Perspective of stake holders • Evolve strategy, communicate, align systems • What competencies needed to build specific situation? Define • Articulate with BI Co – Jo – Be – Te competencies • Evaluate – Measure - Reward H R D Dimensions
  • 21. Why building Competency Model? Research and experience of other organisations: • Competency titles with definitions and BIs • Able to recognise demonstrated competencies Develop People Excellence -pipe line of talents • Link M V V S to executable critical objectives • Aims at PMS - what is critical for success? • Know what constitutes superior performance • Set framework for continuous improvement • Establish measures that makes a difference H R D Dimensions
  • 22. Trends in Building Competencies • New generation of Leadership Development • Competency Models have become Global standards for people development • All most all F500 companies use Competency Model • Most of of the Indian Companies have started adapting • PCMM, ISO 9000 makes Competency based people development mandatory H R D Dimensions
  • 23. What does it do for Organisation? • Unifies framework among different People Processes • Broad overview of the capabilities required to perform successfully within an orgn. • Solid foundation upon which various human capital programs can be based. • Use of extensive experience in developing competency model tailored to the Organisation needs and goals H R D Dimensions
  • 24. 5 P Competency Model © Person Purpose Perfection People Process © Chandramowly H R D Dimensions
  • 25. 5 P Dimensions Person Purpose Who am I? Self My life roles knowledge - and goals Management Ensuring right track, 360dfb Perfection Learning log How do I relate Cont.Imp PMS, BEI, Six world? EI, Commn., sigma Corp. Inspiring systems People Process © Chandramowly H R D Dimensions
  • 26. 1. Employee job specification – broad banding 2. Average to superior – simpler level identification 3. Constant up gradation to win extl. challenges 4. Common language for people processes 5. Employee career planning 6. Employee development 7. Moving up on the dual ladders 8. Training areas and budget H R D Dimensions
  • 27. 9. Competency dictionary and employee dev. 10. Target hiring - selection process 11. Model provides roadmap to organl. success 12. Competency based P M S leverages dev. 13. Competency practices promote employee coaching 14. Leadership development through 360 DFB 15. Validates for ISO process requirements H R D Dimensions
  • 28. Broad Band 1 – GM/VP Dealing With Paradox Banding Learning on the Fly Interpersonal Savvy Perspective Range/Interests Strategic Agility Band 2 Building Team Spirit Composure Decision Quality Innovation Management Band 3 Motivating Subs. & Others Developing Subordinates Conflict Management Priority Setting Process Management Band 4 Timely Decision making Action Oriented Listening Peer Relationships Problem Solving Results Band 5 Functional/Technical Skills Perseverance Personal Learning Planning Total Quality Management H R D Dimensions
  • 29. Defining Levels of performance 1. Exposure 2. Development 3. Proficient 4. Master 5. Expert H R D Dimensions
  • 30. Competency BARS of “Interpersonal Relations” Shows respect and tolerance for each; relates well to others, possesses good listening skills, and demonstrates trust, sensitivity, and mutual respect; recognizes the contributions diversity brings to job performance and creativity. 01 Perceives strengths, needs, challenges, and feelings of others. 02 Uses understanding based on listening and observation to anticipate and prepare for others’ reactions. 03 Recognizes emotion-laden issues or situations and handles them with sensitivity. 04 Understands and values diversity and different styles of perceiving, learning, communicating, and operating. H R D Dimensions
  • 31. Passage 4 Passage 3 Passage 2 Passage 1 Source: The Leadership Pipeline by Ramcharan, Stephen Drotter & James Noel H R D Dimensions
  • 32. Feedback to Training / Implementation Feedback to individuals Development of training / individuals planning Dev.plans Assessment of Reassess individuals on ment key of competencies individual Identification Analysis Implementa Analysis of common tion of group training needs of training of training results curriculum effectiveness Development of training curriculum H R D Dimensions
  • 33. Career Map Competency Framework Clusters Level 2 Section (Manufac Head turing) Organisatio n Competenci Competency es Elements H R D Dimensions
  • 34. CANDIDATE: INTERVIEWER: DATE: APPROACHABILITY (3): Is easy to approach and talk to; spends the extra effort to put others at ease; can be warm, pleasant, and gracious; is sensitive to and patient with the COMPETENCY interpersonal anxieties of others; builds rapport well; is a good listener; is an early knower getting informal and incomplete information in time to do INTERVIEW something about it. SAMPLE QUESTIONS OBSERVATIONS FORM • What do you do to put people at ease? Attracts others without any effort on their part • What do you do to put Makes others feel at ease quickly people as ease when Optimistic they come to you with a Protecting others' feelings, whether work problem? he/she agrees or not • How do you set Revealing a lot of self boundaries so major Sharing information/feelings chunks of time aren't willingly eaten away? PROBES 1. Can you give me more details? 2. How did you handle it? 3. Why did you choose that way/method/step? 4. What did you learn from .... ? 5. Could you give me a few examples of how you've used or applied your learnings? RATING 1 (lower) 2 3 (higher) Spectator / Passive Reactive, Player / Always has Rehearsed Participant,Initiating,Candid,Comfortab Answer,Won't Face Weaknesses, le with Weaknesses,Focus on Others Focus on H R D Dimensions Self
  • 35. INTEGRATED HRM DRAFT BUSINESS VISION Selection: JD, BEI COMPETENCY / GOALS PMP: Measures, T&D: Curriculum MODEL Drives change strategy, Demand Prediction Defines organizational Career Dev, SP, List of Competencies, Human Individual Feedback Values, Comprehensive needs, Provides model context to Mission Definitions for levels, Execute Actions and Implement Strategies Behavioral Indictors, Dictionary Evaluate Results with Planning and Strategies OBJECTIVE PILOT - DATA Develop Competency AWARENESS Pilot group / work unit Model, Map across, aligning Star Performers- HRS to enhance WORKSHOP Success Factors, DATA Organisational and main themes/patterns, People Effectiveness Awareness Workshop Define competencies, For Leaders and Managers Draft model Introductory Workshop For cross section, Best Practices, Consultation & BEI © Chandramowly H R D Dimensions