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Third Quarter
               October 23, 2008
                               Dial In Number
                      866.770.7051 Domestic
                    617.213.8064 International

                          Replay Number
                   888.286.8010 Domestic
                617.801.6888 International
            Reservation Number: 33162605

       Available through October 30, 2008

            Copyright © 2008 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved.
Customer Success Is Our Mission is a trademark of Raytheon Company.
Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including information regarding the Company’s
2008 and 2009 financial outlook, future plans, objectives, business prospects and anticipated financial
performance. These forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts and represent
only the Company’s current expectations regarding such matters. These statements inherently involve a
wide range of known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The Company’s actual actions and results
could differ materially from what is expressed or implied by these statements. Specific factors that
could cause such a difference include, but are not limited to: the Company’s dependence on the U.S.
Government for a significant portion of its business and the risks associated with U.S. Government
sales, including changes or shifts in defense spending, uncertain funding of programs, potential
termination of contracts, and difficulties in contract performance; the ability to procure new contracts;
the risks of conducting business in foreign countries; the ability to comply with extensive governmental
regulation, including import and export policies and procurement and other regulations; the impact of
competition; the ability to develop products and technologies; the impact of the current downturn in the
financial markets; the risk of cost overruns, particularly for the Company’s fixed-price contracts;
dependence on component availability, subcontractor performance and key suppliers; risks of a
negative government audit; the use of accounting estimates in the Company’s financial statements;
risks associated with acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures and other business arrangements; risks
of an impairment of goodwill or other intangible assets; the outcome of contingencies and litigation
matters, including government investigations; the ability to recruit and retain qualified personnel; the
impact of potential security threats and other disruptions; and other factors as may be detailed from time
to time in the Company’s public announcements and Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The
Company undertakes no obligation to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained
in this presentation or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this
presentation, including any acquisitions, dispositions or other business arrangements that may be
announced or closed after such date. This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures. A
GAAP reconciliation and a discussion of the Company's use of these measures are included in this

                                                                                                        Page 2
Q3 2008 Highlights
 Sales of $5.9 billion, up 12 percent
 Operating income of $680 million, up 19 percent
 Earnings per share (EPS) from continuing operations of
 $1.01, up 17 percent
 Strong bookings of $5.8 billion; backlog of $37.0 billion
 Increased 2008 guidance for sales, EPS, and ROIC
 Credit rating upgraded to A- by Standard & Poor’s and
 Announced new $2.0 billion share repurchase plan

                                                         Page 3
Total Company Bookings and Backlog

                  Bookings ($B)                                  Backlog ($B)

                                                     $40.0                      $37.0

          $6.3     $5.8                              $25.0

 $0.0                                                $15.0
        Q3 2007    Q3 2008   YTD 2007     YTD 2008           Q3 2007            Q3 2008

            Strong bookings in Q3 2008; ended the quarter with a
                              $37.0B backlog
                                                                                          Page 4
Earnings Per Share from Continuing Operations

                  Diluted EPS ($)

$3.00                                             Third Quarter
$2.50                                             Third Quarter 2007 EPS       $0.86
                                                    Operational improvements    0.10
                                                    Lower pension expense       0.06
         $0.86 $1.01                                Other items, net           (0.01)
                                                  Third Quarter 2008 EPS       $1.01
        Q3 2007   Q3 2008   YTD 2007   YTD 2008

                       EPS increased by 17 percent in Q3 2008
                                                                                Page 5
Total Company Sales

                                                             Third Quarter Sales ($M)
                    Sales ($B)
                                 $15.3                           Q3 2007    Q3 2008     Change
                                                                   1,147       1,276       11%
                                                                     680         801       18%
                                                                   1,247       1,351        8%
          $5.2                                                     1,036       1,145       11%
                                                                   1,016       1,092        7%
                                                                     554         689       24%
 $0.0                                                               (461)       (490)      NM
        Q3 2007   Q3 2008   YTD 2007     YTD 2008     Total        5,219       5,864       12%

         Strong sales growth across the Company; up 12 percent
                               in Q3 2008
                                                                                                 Page 6
Total Company Operating Margins

                                                  Third Quarter Operating Margins (%)
           Operating Margins (%)
                                                                  Q3 2007    Q3 2008    Change
        11.0% 11.6%          11.0% 11.4%                             18.0%      16.1%   (190) bps
                                                                      9.4%       8.4%   (100) bps
                                                                     11.1%      10.7%    (40) bps
                                                                     11.9%      12.5%      60 bps
5%                                                                   11.9%      13.5%     160 bps
                                                                      6.7%       6.5%    (20) bps
                                                                    ($51M)     ($47M)         $4M
                                                Corp and Elims
0%                                                 Subtotal          12.2%      12.0%    (20) bps
      Q3 2007   Q3 2008   YTD 2007   YTD 2008
                                                                    (1.2)%     (0.4)%     80 bps
                                                FAS/CAS Inc Adj
                                                 Total              11.0%       11.6%     60 bps

                          Operating margins remain strong
                                                                                               Page 7
2008 Financial Outlook

                                                 Current          Prior**

   Sales ($B)                                  22.9 - 23.2*     22.6 - 23.1

   FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.) ($M)               (125)*          (150)
   Interest Inc./(Exp.), net ($M)              (50) - (55)*     (40) - (55)
   Diluted Shares (M)                           426 - 428       426 - 428

   EPS from Continuing Operations             $3.95 - $4.00*   $3.80 - $3.95
   Operating Cash Flow from Cont. Ops. ($B)     2.2 - 2.4        2.2 - 2.4

   ROIC (%)                                    10.3 - 10.5*     9.9 - 10.4

   * Denotes changes from prior guidance
   ** As of July 24, 2008

            Strong sales and earnings growth combined with
                       excellent cash generation
                                                                               Page 8
2008 Financial Outlook: By Business

                              Current           Prior*          Current          Prior*
                             Sales ($B)       Sales ($B)      Op. Margins     Op. Margins
IDS                            5.1 - 5.2       5.0 - 5.2       16.9 - 17.1%    16.7 - 17.1%
IIS                            3.0 - 3.1       2.9 - 3.1        8.6 - 8.7%      8.6 - 9.0%
MS                             5.3 - 5.4       5.1 - 5.3       10.7 - 10.9%    10.5 - 10.9%
NCS                            4.5 - 4.6       4.4 - 4.6       12.1 - 12.3%    12.0 - 12.5%
SAS                            4.3 - 4.4       4.1 - 4.3       12.9 - 13.1%    12.7 - 13.1%
TS                             2.4 - 2.5       2.3 - 2.5        6.5 - 6.7%      6.3 - 6.7%
Corp and Elims               (1.7) - (1.8)       (1.7)       ($225M)-($235M) ($235M)-($245M)
 Subtotal                   $22.9 - $23.2    $22.6 - $23.1    11.9 - 12.0%     11.7 - 12.0%
FAS/CAS Inc Adj                   -                -             -0.5%            -0.7%
   Total Cont. Ops $22.9 - $23.2             $22.6 - $23.1    11.4 - 11.5%     11.0 - 11.3%

* As of July 24, 2008

                        Continue to focus on strong sales growth and
                                    operational execution
                                                                                          Page 9
2009 Financial Outlook
                                               2008E           2009E

Sales ($B)                                   22.9 - 23.2     24.3 - 24.8

FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.) ($M)               (125)             77

EPS from Continuing Operations              $3.95 - $4.00   $4.45 - $4.60

Operating Cash Flow from Cont. Ops. ($B)      2.2 - 2.4       2.2 - 2.4

                        Continued solid performance
                                                                          Page 10
2009 FAS/CAS Pension Adjustment ($M)
                                2009 FAS / CAS Pension Income/(Expense) ($M)
       Actual                                             Discount Rate
       Asset        6.50%          6.75%         7.0%          7.25%           7.5%         7.75%          8.0%
       -25.0%        (39)             3            45             87            129           171           212

       -20.0%        (69)           (26)           16             58            100           142           183

       -15.0%        (92)           (49)           (7)            35             77           119           161

       -10.0%        (65)           (22)           20             62            104           146           188

        -5.0%        (38)             4            51             89            131           173           215

         0.0%        (47)             1            38             80            122           164           206

        8.75%        (32)            10            53             95            137           179           221

                      Current assumption

The purpose of this chart is to indicate the range of outcomes for the 2009 FAS/CAS pension adjustment, including
international pension, based upon different discount rates and 2008 asset return rates that will be determined at 12/31/08.
Actual 2009 results are not necessarily limited to the above scenarios nor the above factors (i.e. changes in census data).
The range of outcomes above is also based on our current, long-term return on asset (ROA) assumption of 8.75%. A 25
basis point change in this long-term ROA assumption would change FAS/CAS expense by $30-35M. As noted above, 2009
pension expense will be determined at 12/31/2008 using assumptions and based on market conditions in place at that time.
                                                                                                                       Page 11
Pension Expense
$ Millions
 P&L Impact
 FAS                                                                             (526)                  (457)

 CAS                                                                             (401)                  (534)

 FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.)                                                     (125)                    77

 Cash Impact

 Funding Required                                                                (518)                  (612)

 Note: 2009 pension income assumes a discount rate of 7.5% and an assumed return on assets of -15% for the year ending
 December 31, 2008

                                                                                                                     Page 12

           Page 13
Workdays in Fiscal Reporting Calendar

               Q1      Q2      Q3       Q4

   2008         63     64      63       60

   2007         59     64      63       63

   Delta        4      0       0        (3)

   2009         61     64      63       61

                                              Page 14
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) Calculation
   $ millions                                                                                                 Outlook
                          Income from cont. ops.
                          Net interest expense, after-tax*                                                    Combined
                          Lease expense, after-tax*

                             Return                                                                      $1,780 - 1,800

                          Net debt**
                          Equity less investment in disc. ops.
                          Lease exp. X 8, plus fin. guarantees
                          SFAS No. 158 impact

                             Invested capital from cont. ops.***                                         $17,100 - 17,300

                                                                                                             10.3 - 10.5%

                          * Effective tax rate                                                         ~33.5%
                          ** Net debt is defined as total debt less cash and cash equivalents & is calculated using a 2-point average
                          *** Calculated using a 2-point average

The Company defines Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) as income from continuing operations plus after-tax net interest expense plus one-third of operating lease expense
after-tax (estimate of interest portion of operating lease expense) divided by average invested capital after capitalizing operating leases (operating lease expense times a
multiplier of 8), adding financial guarantees less net investment in Discontinued Operations, and adding back the impact of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
158, Employers' Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans (SFAS No. 158). ROIC is not a measure of financial performance under generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and may not be defined and calculated by other companies in the same manner. ROIC should be considered supplemental to and
not a substitute for financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company uses ROIC as a measure of efficiency and effectiveness of its use of capital and
as an element of management compensation.

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 15

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raytheon Q4 Earnings Presentation

  • 1. Third Quarter Earnings October 23, 2008 Dial In Number 866.770.7051 Domestic 617.213.8064 International Replay Number 888.286.8010 Domestic 617.801.6888 International Reservation Number: 33162605 Available through October 30, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved. Customer Success Is Our Mission is a trademark of Raytheon Company.
  • 2. Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including information regarding the Company’s 2008 and 2009 financial outlook, future plans, objectives, business prospects and anticipated financial performance. These forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts and represent only the Company’s current expectations regarding such matters. These statements inherently involve a wide range of known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The Company’s actual actions and results could differ materially from what is expressed or implied by these statements. Specific factors that could cause such a difference include, but are not limited to: the Company’s dependence on the U.S. Government for a significant portion of its business and the risks associated with U.S. Government sales, including changes or shifts in defense spending, uncertain funding of programs, potential termination of contracts, and difficulties in contract performance; the ability to procure new contracts; the risks of conducting business in foreign countries; the ability to comply with extensive governmental regulation, including import and export policies and procurement and other regulations; the impact of competition; the ability to develop products and technologies; the impact of the current downturn in the financial markets; the risk of cost overruns, particularly for the Company’s fixed-price contracts; dependence on component availability, subcontractor performance and key suppliers; risks of a negative government audit; the use of accounting estimates in the Company’s financial statements; risks associated with acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures and other business arrangements; risks of an impairment of goodwill or other intangible assets; the outcome of contingencies and litigation matters, including government investigations; the ability to recruit and retain qualified personnel; the impact of potential security threats and other disruptions; and other factors as may be detailed from time to time in the Company’s public announcements and Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The Company undertakes no obligation to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this presentation, including any acquisitions, dispositions or other business arrangements that may be announced or closed after such date. This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures. A GAAP reconciliation and a discussion of the Company's use of these measures are included in this presentation. Page 2
  • 3. Q3 2008 Highlights Sales of $5.9 billion, up 12 percent Operating income of $680 million, up 19 percent Earnings per share (EPS) from continuing operations of $1.01, up 17 percent Strong bookings of $5.8 billion; backlog of $37.0 billion Increased 2008 guidance for sales, EPS, and ROIC Credit rating upgraded to A- by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Announced new $2.0 billion share repurchase plan Page 3
  • 4. Total Company Bookings and Backlog Bookings ($B) Backlog ($B) $18.3 $20.0 $40.0 $37.0 $16.3 $33.9 $35.0 $15.0 $30.0 $10.0 $6.3 $5.8 $25.0 $5.0 $20.0 $0.0 $15.0 Q3 2007 Q3 2008 YTD 2007 YTD 2008 Q3 2007 Q3 2008 Strong bookings in Q3 2008; ended the quarter with a $37.0B backlog Page 4
  • 5. Earnings Per Share from Continuing Operations Diluted EPS ($) $2.93 $3.00 Third Quarter $2.36 $2.50 Third Quarter 2007 EPS $0.86 Operational improvements 0.10 $2.00 Lower pension expense 0.06 $1.50 $0.86 $1.01 Other items, net (0.01) $1.00 Third Quarter 2008 EPS $1.01 $0.50 $0.00 Q3 2007 Q3 2008 YTD 2007 YTD 2008 EPS increased by 17 percent in Q3 2008 Page 5
  • 6. Total Company Sales Third Quarter Sales ($M) Sales ($B) $20.0 % $17.1 $15.3 Q3 2007 Q3 2008 Change $15.0 1,147 1,276 11% IDS 680 801 18% IIS $10.0 1,247 1,351 8% MS $5.9 $5.2 1,036 1,145 11% NCS $5.0 1,016 1,092 7% SAS 554 689 24% TS $0.0 (461) (490) NM Corp/Elims Q3 2007 Q3 2008 YTD 2007 YTD 2008 Total 5,219 5,864 12% Strong sales growth across the Company; up 12 percent in Q3 2008 Page 6
  • 7. Total Company Operating Margins Third Quarter Operating Margins (%) Operating Margins (%) Net 15% Q3 2007 Q3 2008 Change 11.0% 11.6% 11.0% 11.4% 18.0% 16.1% (190) bps IDS 9.4% 8.4% (100) bps IIS 10% 11.1% 10.7% (40) bps MS 11.9% 12.5% 60 bps NCS 5% 11.9% 13.5% 160 bps SAS 6.7% 6.5% (20) bps TS ($51M) ($47M) $4M Corp and Elims 0% Subtotal 12.2% 12.0% (20) bps Q3 2007 Q3 2008 YTD 2007 YTD 2008 (1.2)% (0.4)% 80 bps FAS/CAS Inc Adj Total 11.0% 11.6% 60 bps Operating margins remain strong Page 7
  • 8. 2008 Financial Outlook Current Prior** Sales ($B) 22.9 - 23.2* 22.6 - 23.1 FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.) ($M) (125)* (150) Interest Inc./(Exp.), net ($M) (50) - (55)* (40) - (55) Diluted Shares (M) 426 - 428 426 - 428 EPS from Continuing Operations $3.95 - $4.00* $3.80 - $3.95 Operating Cash Flow from Cont. Ops. ($B) 2.2 - 2.4 2.2 - 2.4 ROIC (%) 10.3 - 10.5* 9.9 - 10.4 * Denotes changes from prior guidance ** As of July 24, 2008 Strong sales and earnings growth combined with excellent cash generation Page 8
  • 9. 2008 Financial Outlook: By Business Current Prior* Current Prior* Sales ($B) Sales ($B) Op. Margins Op. Margins IDS 5.1 - 5.2 5.0 - 5.2 16.9 - 17.1% 16.7 - 17.1% IIS 3.0 - 3.1 2.9 - 3.1 8.6 - 8.7% 8.6 - 9.0% MS 5.3 - 5.4 5.1 - 5.3 10.7 - 10.9% 10.5 - 10.9% NCS 4.5 - 4.6 4.4 - 4.6 12.1 - 12.3% 12.0 - 12.5% SAS 4.3 - 4.4 4.1 - 4.3 12.9 - 13.1% 12.7 - 13.1% TS 2.4 - 2.5 2.3 - 2.5 6.5 - 6.7% 6.3 - 6.7% Corp and Elims (1.7) - (1.8) (1.7) ($225M)-($235M) ($235M)-($245M) Subtotal $22.9 - $23.2 $22.6 - $23.1 11.9 - 12.0% 11.7 - 12.0% FAS/CAS Inc Adj - - -0.5% -0.7% Total Cont. Ops $22.9 - $23.2 $22.6 - $23.1 11.4 - 11.5% 11.0 - 11.3% * As of July 24, 2008 Continue to focus on strong sales growth and operational execution Page 9
  • 10. 2009 Financial Outlook 2008E 2009E Sales ($B) 22.9 - 23.2 24.3 - 24.8 FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.) ($M) (125) 77 EPS from Continuing Operations $3.95 - $4.00 $4.45 - $4.60 Operating Cash Flow from Cont. Ops. ($B) 2.2 - 2.4 2.2 - 2.4 Continued solid performance Page 10
  • 11. 2009 FAS/CAS Pension Adjustment ($M) 2009 FAS / CAS Pension Income/(Expense) ($M) Actual Discount Rate 2008 Asset 6.50% 6.75% 7.0% 7.25% 7.5% 7.75% 8.0% Return -25.0% (39) 3 45 87 129 171 212 -20.0% (69) (26) 16 58 100 142 183 -15.0% (92) (49) (7) 35 77 119 161 -10.0% (65) (22) 20 62 104 146 188 -5.0% (38) 4 51 89 131 173 215 0.0% (47) 1 38 80 122 164 206 8.75% (32) 10 53 95 137 179 221 Current assumption The purpose of this chart is to indicate the range of outcomes for the 2009 FAS/CAS pension adjustment, including international pension, based upon different discount rates and 2008 asset return rates that will be determined at 12/31/08. Actual 2009 results are not necessarily limited to the above scenarios nor the above factors (i.e. changes in census data). The range of outcomes above is also based on our current, long-term return on asset (ROA) assumption of 8.75%. A 25 basis point change in this long-term ROA assumption would change FAS/CAS expense by $30-35M. As noted above, 2009 pension expense will be determined at 12/31/2008 using assumptions and based on market conditions in place at that time. Page 11
  • 12. Pension Expense $ Millions 2009 Current 2008 Assumption Forecast P&L Impact FAS (526) (457) CAS (401) (534) FAS/CAS Pension Inc./(Exp.) (125) 77 Cash Impact Funding Required (518) (612) Note: 2009 pension income assumes a discount rate of 7.5% and an assumed return on assets of -15% for the year ending December 31, 2008 Page 12
  • 13. Appendix Page 13
  • 14. Workdays in Fiscal Reporting Calendar Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2008 63 64 63 60 2007 59 64 63 63 Delta 4 0 0 (3) 2009 61 64 63 61 Page 14
  • 15. Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) Calculation $ millions Outlook 2008E Income from cont. ops. Net interest expense, after-tax* Combined Lease expense, after-tax* Return $1,780 - 1,800 Net debt** Equity less investment in disc. ops. Combined Lease exp. X 8, plus fin. guarantees SFAS No. 158 impact Invested capital from cont. ops.*** $17,100 - 17,300 10.3 - 10.5% ROIC * Effective tax rate ~33.5% ** Net debt is defined as total debt less cash and cash equivalents & is calculated using a 2-point average *** Calculated using a 2-point average The Company defines Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) as income from continuing operations plus after-tax net interest expense plus one-third of operating lease expense after-tax (estimate of interest portion of operating lease expense) divided by average invested capital after capitalizing operating leases (operating lease expense times a multiplier of 8), adding financial guarantees less net investment in Discontinued Operations, and adding back the impact of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 158, Employers' Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans (SFAS No. 158). ROIC is not a measure of financial performance under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and may not be defined and calculated by other companies in the same manner. ROIC should be considered supplemental to and not a substitute for financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company uses ROIC as a measure of efficiency and effectiveness of its use of capital and as an element of management compensation. Page 15