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manpower annual reports 2004
What’s Now.
What’s Next.
In the 57 years since Manpower opened its doors, we have enjoyed a birds-eye
view of the world of work and all of its changes, challenges and extraordinary
opportunities. We have seen the role of the Human Resources function evolve and
expand to become a core part of the business strategy. We have seen the role of
the worker evolve to be viewed as an investment, and to include all people of all
shapes and sizes.
While the heart and soul of our business remains the provision of temporary workers
to help employers fulfill fluctuations in staffing demands, this is only one part of the
story. Today, we provide a complete range of services that span the employment
and business cycle. These offerings include: recruitment, assessment and selection;
training; temporary staffing; permanent placement; organizational consulting, career
transition and professional financial services.
But this is too simplistic a view of the value we bring to our customers. In their
eyes, we are the partner that helps them improve the productivity of their workforce.
We are the extension of their HR department when they need a helping hand. We
are the answer when they find that they need to re-engineer their workforce to get the
right people with the right skills in the right places to help their company succeed.
We are the solution when change happens, as it frequently does, and they need help
to align their people with their strategy.
As the world of work continues to change, one thing remains true – Manpower
continues to grow and adapt to be ready with the answers to help our clients create
winning HR strategies and successfully compete in their respective markets. On the
following pages, five of our clients give their perspectives on the people issues
they face today, and those that are shaping the future of their organizations.
V I C E P R E S I D E N T,
J U S T- I N - T I M E TA L E N T

Originally founded to provide
American business customers with
productivity-enhancing accounting
and measuring machines, IBM, the
international company that has given
the world many IT innovations, grew
to become the world’s undisputed
#1 computer business and today
operates in more than 160 countries
But times change and IBM has been
quick to change with them. Over the
past several years, “Big Blue” has
transitioned from a production-based
supplier of computer hardware to a
talent-based provider of on demand
IT services to its clients worldwide,
leveraging the core skills of its global
talent pool.
J U S T- I N - T I M E T A L E N T M A N A G E M E N T ( R I L E Y P E R S P E C T I V E )

As the global economy has transitioned from manufac-                               has enabled us to identify which talents are core value-
turing into services, so has IBM, with more than 50 percent                        delivering capabilities and which are less critical; to obtain
of our workforce today engaged in providing services for                           insights into achieving the right balance between alternative
clients. And since service equates with people, that means                         sources of talent; and to match our people strategy most
we are investing far more in human than in physical                                closely to our overall business strategy.
assets. The company and its workforce have also grown
                                                                                   ACHIEVING FLEXIBILITY WITH QUALITY
significantly, with more than 18,000 new employees
                                                                                   Delivering on demand services requires an integrated,
added in 2004 alone. The world in which we operate is
                                                                                   seamless, end-to-end approach to acquiring and deploying
changing at an accelerating pace and we need to keep up
                                                                                   talent right across your business, building flexibility into
with it – not least in the way we manage our global talent.
                                                                                   the workforce to accommodate variability in demand. It
                                                                                   means determining which HR partners can best work

Some two years ago, observing how our clients needed                               alongside your own management, responding to both the
access to our services on very short lead times, we                                time dimension and the cultural fit to ensure the delivery
embarked on a program to redefine our business as an on                             of talent to meet your business requirements.
demand service provider, and to serve as a role model
                                                                                   In achieving our responsive on demand flexibility, we are
for clients of all types in all industries. We obviously had
                                                                                   working with selected strategic HR partners to source
to start by considering our people.
                                                                                   and deploy a global range of talent, both permanent and
With the help of Manpower, whose just-in-time talent-                              contingent. Our partners understand our requirement for
management expertise clearly paralleled our on demand                              quality and have the same commitment as we have to
strategic objectives, we created a consistent taxonomy                             the standards of capability and training that deliver the
for defining the skills, capabilities, and experiences needed                       differentiation that yields our competitive advantage.
for different positions along our talent supply chain. This
J U S T- I N - T I M E T A L E N T M A N A G E M E N T

In the era of production excellence, winning companies based their market dominating strategies
on supply chain optimization. No process was left untouched, no matter how complex, in pursuit
of the most cost-effective approaches to building and delivering their products wherever their
clients needed them…just in time. The resulting cost savings were significant; with some reports
showing that these strategies saved the median Fortune 500 company five hundred million dollars.

Now and into the future, Manpower is partnering with many companies that are following an
evolutionary path from a manufacturing-based business to a talent-centric enterprise, utilizing key
supply chain strategies. To help clients successfully achieve this objective, Manpower has
developed a breakthrough approach to talent management derived from supply chain thinking.
Talent Value Managementsm (TVM ) is designed to create an integrated talent supply chain, where
talent can be optimized and deployed using rigorous decision support tools with a foundation of
common data and processes.

Talent supply chain optimization can drive the answers to questions like:
   Which talent requirements are the most critical?
   How do I best source this talent?
   What is the optimal mix of regular full-time and contract workforce?
   What talent investments do I need to make and where?

Our ultimate objective as our client’s talent management partner is to help the organization ensure
that its investments in people are fully aligned with, and help drive, business strategy to yield the
maximum return on investment.
J U S T- I N - T I M E

Once the UK’s monopoly national
telecommunications provider, BT
Group today operates competitively in
5 continents, differentiating itself by
providing both telecommunications and
IT services to its residential, business,
and corporate customers worldwide.
Some 40 percent of the Group’s
100,000 employees work for BT
Retail, the residential and corporate
telephony services division, as
customer service staff in the
company’s 40 UK contact centers
and as installation and network
engineers in the field.

The most important characteristic required by contact              VA R I A B I L I T Y A N D R E S P O N S I V E N E S S

center staff and field engineers at BT Retail is to have           Our industry faces enormous variability in HR demand
good customer-interface skills. They also need to be               over short time periods. Bad weather can create huge
team players and to have a “learning attitude” – adapting          demand for engineers to repair landlines after storms;
readily to fast-paced industry change, as we introduce             and competitive initiatives generate a demand for extra
enhanced new services and continually improve our                  contact center staff when we launch a new program,
competitive offering. Our greatest HR challenge in                 such as broadband. At such times, we need to have fast
recent years has been to create a high-performance                 and flexible access to appropriately skilled and trained
environment among our 50,000 employees in BT Retail,               resources or to create a pool of specialist talent (such as
to detect and develop our in-house talent pool, and to             IT professionals) quickly, but without being locked into
create greater workforce flexibility.                              operational constraints.

SERVICE PERFORMANCE                                                A FLEXIBLE EXTENDED ENTERPRISE

We have done a lot to transform our workforce’s per-               Outsourcing massive contracts to just a couple of HR
formance to meet service-business realities in the 21st            vendors has enabled us to focus management effort
century. A performance improvement plan has raised the             on fewer relationships and our vendors to invest time,
individual and collective employee contribution through            effort, and resources into making them work. Temporary
coaching, raising expectations, rewarding, and introducing         and contract employees come in trained, prepared, and
a Code of Conduct for our customer-facing “battalions,”            well managed, with a good understanding of the BT culture.
monitored through customer feedback. We have pro-                  Having such close strategic partnerships has allowed us
actively managed our talent pool, detecting, developing,           to build a highly flexible and scalable “extended enterprise”
sourcing anew, retaining key skill sets, and ensuring the          of contingent employees who hit the ground running and
right level of talent diversity for our ongoing business           become assimilated seamlessly into the organization,
and growth.                                                        working indistinguishably alongside our regular BT
                                                                   battalions. And many of them end up working directly for
                                                                   BT – making for a risk-free source of quality recruitment.

The critical question for companies seeking optimal flexibility and responsiveness is: are we
optimizing the use of skills, and the cost of those skills, within this workforce? A perfectly
balanced workforce is achieved when the right people are performing work that is most critical to
executing the business strategy…at the right value.

Demand management or talent planning is the key to determining which employees and positions
in the company will result in having the right people at the right value. Understanding which talent
to invest in, and deciding which supply strategy (internal, external, contingent/supply partners,
alternative sourcing) offers the most total savings, is a complex but rewarding process. A flexible
workforce model allows clients to:

 Align investments in compensation, development and training with strategic impact
 Close the gaps between supply and demand
 Develop strategies to describe roles and skills consistently internally and externally
 Determine the best sources for talent

The net result of this effort is a sharp decrease in unnecessary labor spend, coupled with the
improved ability to invest more in those roles that will continue to drive demand for the company’s
services and products. Manpower’s capability to properly analyze the risks and costs of talent
management, while delivering innovative supply alternatives delivers competitive advantages
for employers of all shapes and sizes around the world, and we expect this trend to continue
into the future.
LY N N C . M I N E L L A

Air Products is a global company
that provides industrial gas and
specialty chemicals to a wide variety
of sectors worldwide, ranging from
heavy industrial processing, such
as steel, to paints and adhesives,
healthcare consumables, and high-
tech consumer electronics products,
such as LCD TV screens.
The company’s workforce spans
process and development engineers,
a technically literate sales force
that understands its products and
customers’ business requirements,
and a range of support staff operating
its complex facilities, and handling and
delivering its products where and
when they are needed.
C R E AT I N G A H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E O R G A N I Z AT I O N ( M I N E L L A P E R S P E C T I V E )

Although much of our output is used in industrial                             A O N E - C O M P A N Y C U LT U R E

processes, we are truly a technology business. We have                        At Air Products we strive to have a “one-company” feel,
to be at the forefront of technological developments in                       where everyone shares the same guiding values, while
our growth markets, delivering products that address                          recognizing and accommodating individual and cultural
our customers’ emerging needs. Our managers need to                           diversity, and all have a sense of the corporate culture –
have not only the insight and acumen to understand                            and what it means to be “an Air Products employee.”
our customers’ products and devise solutions to their                         This makes for an “accountable” workforce, in which
business needs, but also the right interpersonal skills to                    every employee takes personal responsibility for giving
develop and empower our highly diverse employee                               of their best and operating with the highest level of
group to constantly improve their performance and fulfill                     professional integrity, and acknowledges the vital
their potential.                                                              importance of observing strict safety practices in the
                                                                              areas of health – for themselves and customers – and
D E V E L O P I N G P A S S I O N AT E , A D A P TA B L E TA L E N T          the environment.
Today, both we and our customers are experiencing
                                                                              Our leadership development programs help individuals
constant and accelerating globalization and change. We
                                                                              assess their strengths and weaknesses and provides
have to stay alongside them as they move into new
                                                                              them with career-enriching opportunities. Our centers of
businesses and geographical markets and to recognize
                                                                              functional excellence, such as process engineering,
that competition no longer always comes from where it
                                                                              develop skilled specialist teams that can be deployed to
traditionally did. Our challenge is to develop, implement,
                                                                              where they are needed to capitalize on perceived growth
and manage HR programs to meet those new realities,
                                                                              and customer-service opportunities. Our HR planning
creating an environment in which our employees are
                                                                              process aims to provide employees with the necessary
highly motivated, productive, open to change, passionate
                                                                              experiences to fulfill both their personal career aspira-
about their work, and feel valued.
                                                                              tions and the company’s strategic needs, while at all
                                                                              times balancing the interests of individuals with those
                                                                              of the company in serving customers and delivering
                                                                              shareholder value.

Today more than ever, company performance relies on people. Not just management, but the entire
workforce – whether they be full-time staff, contractors or temporary workers. To be successful,
everyone within the organization must be engaged; aligned to the business’ strategic goals and
able to understand the role they play in achieving them. And above all, people must continue to
perform throughout changing business conditions.

Our experts at Right Management Consultants play a pivotal role in helping companies develop a
high performance workforce by attracting, selecting and retaining people who are the best fit with
their organization’s strategies, culture and values. Our services in this area include defining and
communicating employment value propositions, identifying critical competencies for success,
designing and administering selection systems, developing new-hire assimilation programs, and
creating retention initiatives.

Companies must also understand that the continual development of their leaders is crucial to
supporting the business strategy and evolving corporate culture. Because when leaders are
engaged, aligned and effective, they are the key to translating business strategy into performance.
Companies need to ask themselves:

  Do we have a pipeline of leadership consistent with our future business direction?
  Are professional development and job rotation opportunities readily available?
  Is a succession planning process in place?
  Do our programs reflect the constant change in the business environment and help leaders develop
  the agility to lead under a variety of strategic scenarios?

In the years to come, organizations that are able to navigate the complex, global market environment
while developing a workforce comprised of agile, engaged and aligned employees, will be the
ones best positioned to win.

Unilever is a multi-national consumer
goods company that resulted from
the merger in 1930 of the UK
soap-maker Lever Brothers and
the Dutch Margarine Union – “Uni-”
from “Union” and “-lever” from
Lever – both of which already had a
well-established worldwide presence.
The company’s 230,000 employees
worldwide produce and distribute
branded food and home & personal
care products – “all the things that
make people feel good, look good
and get more out of life” – which are
marketed and sold in almost every
country in the world.
O U T S O U R C I N G H R S E R V I C E S ( VA N H E E M S T R A P E R S P E C T I V E )

As a worldwide business operating in the fast-moving                          in others, with a resulting reduction in manufacturing
consumer goods sector, we need a first-rate permanent                         plants from 500 to 350; we rationalized our brand range
labor force for ongoing operations, as well as additional                     from 1,600 to some 400 by introducing more global
temporary staff for periods of seasonality, such as for                       brands; and we significantly reduced the number of our
ice cream and frozen vegetables. While the nature of our                      vendors. While this has helped us improve on being big,
business means employing predominantly local people at                        we have also improved on being small, for example by
all levels, our management population includes expatriates,                   having local “marketeers” regularly visit consumers’
as we like our higher leadership to have had experience                       homes to understand their specific needs and achieve
in several parts of the Unilever world.                                       “consumer intimacy.”

S I M U LTA N E O U S LY B I G A N D S M A L L                                OUTSOURCING FOR FLEXIBILITY

Rather than a global company, we see ourselves as a                           Regionalization has brought scale benefits and a concen-
multi-local multinational. Our greatest challenge is to                       tration of assets that has enabled us to view our workforce
combine the flexibility of a small organization with the                      more strategically and develop skills over a longer time-
impact of a big company. Intense competition and the                          frame. We have gained workforce flexibility by outsourcing
ever-changing environment within our industry impose a                        recruitment of seasonal and temporary staff, as well as
constant need to find new and more efficient ways of                          the provision of contract specialists to augment skills in
doing business – and to stay flexible and adaptable.                          areas such as IT. Further candidate functions that we
                                                                              have identified for handling at a regional level, and possible
The global scope of our business and the local nature of                      outsourcing, lie in the transactional administration activities
our customer base together lent themselves to taking a                        of HR and Finance. The objective is to free up our HR
regional approach to our manufacturing supply chain. We                       and Finance managers to concentrate on more strategic,
have closed facilities in some areas and expanded them                        transformational activities.

Over the past several years, as employers embraced outsourcing to improve productivity in their
Human Resources function, they began with transactional processes such as payroll processing
and benefits administration, and moved toward recruiting, assessment, training and career transition.
As outsourcing these processes proved successful, attention turned toward outsourcing non-core
business activities such as facility management, logistics, and even accounting. Leading companies
are now beginning to take advantage of the transformational opportunities that the outsourcing
evolution can bring, as they look to fully optimize their talent management.

Talent optimization through HR outsourcing requires an objective analysis of how and where
human resources should be deployed across the organization, including:

 The skills required in the business, where they can be found in a world of growing skills shortages,
 and where they are needed.
 The business functions and roles that must be performed at the local level versus those that
 can be performed centrally, either at the national, regional or global headquarters.
 Optimal staffing levels to ensure efficiency for the employer through fluctuation in demand, and
 quality service for its customers.
 The functions, processes and roles that are core to the business versus those that can be
 outsourced to a third party in order to focus internal resources on what matters most, and
 generate cost savings across the organization without sacrificing quality.

Across the employment and business cycle, Manpower is in a unique position to view the world
of work, both globally and locally. We see employment trends ahead of an individual customer
whose view is restricted by industry silos, and we serve as their partner and change agent as they
execute their strategies. From outsourcing HR services to change management consulting,
Manpower and Right Management Consultants work in tandem to help organizations achieve the
productivity, efficiency, and cost management gains they expect to realize from outsourcing.

Mexico has a population of 105 million,
with 95 percent below the age of 65.
Of its active labor force of 34 million,
some 3.3 percent are unemployed
and a further 25 percent underem-
ployed. For some time, the country
was seen only as a low-wage labor
pool for U.S. manufacturers.
Faced with labor competition from other
developing economies, the country
is promoting social dialogue between
labor, business, and government; and
educating and training its young people
to provide the productive, wealth-
generating skills to fuel the national
economy, raise living standards, and
attract foreign investment.
I M P R O V I N G J O B S K I L L S O F A N AT I O N ( A B A S C A L P E R S P E C T I V E )

Mexico is a very young country, with one-quarter of its                      We are committed to ongoing employee training and
population currently aged 17 – 29. One of the greatest                       technological innovation to enhance productivity. We have
challenges for our economy is to help our young people                       introduced programs to enable unemployed and under-
develop their potential and realize their skills, so that they               employed individuals to access and transition to productive
can meet the needs of the labor market, not only in large                    jobs, contributing fully to the national economy. We also
multinational enterprises, but also in small and medium-                     have introduced training schemes and financial support
sized companies.                                                             programs to foster self-employment in small businesses.

Over the past few decades, the country has gained a                          A D A P TA B I L I T Y A N D I N C L U S I V I T Y
“demographic bonus” consisting of 33 million children and                    Our Job Observatory project monitors available jobs and
young people. Our aim is to ensure that, by 2010, at least                   skills demand, and directs our education programs to
40 percent of that population has graduated from higher                      fulfill this demand, so that businesses will find in Mexico a
education. Our economic success will depend on how well                      ready pool of the right kind of skilled talent, and individuals
we can raise the skill profile of our working population                     can be certain of finding a suitable job on completion of
both for their own benefit and for the good of the whole                     their studies.
nation, by committing to the individual person, who consti-
                                                                             Alongside these programs, we have robust policies for
tutes the origin, engine and end of the national economy.
                                                                             eradicating discrimination on grounds of age, gender or
                                                                             disability. In particular, our Inclusive Firm Program acknowl-

Our country’s ideological legacy, supported by some of                       edges Mexican companies’ efforts to include mentally and
its labor unions, sometimes held the economy back. But                       physically disabled employees in their workforce.
in the past 10 years, we have built up a new model of
                                                                             We were pleased recently to be able to acknowledge the
employee–employer relations, framed in a New Labor
                                                                             major contribution in this area of Manpower’s ongoing
Culture, promoting effective social dialogue, raising people’s
                                                                             Caminemos Juntos partnership program in Mexico and
awareness of the new competitive global realities, and
                                                                             to grant them an Inclusive Firm award in recognition of
bringing productivity and competitiveness – with social
                                                                             their efforts in helping to place several hundred disabled
justice – into the labor arena.
                                                                             people into productive employment.

As the world becomes a smaller place, with commerce criss-crossing the globe in all industries,
the world of work has also been transformed in profound ways. This is especially important for
national governments as they bear the responsibility for ensuring that their country and its people
can compete in the world economy.

Labor ministries play an increasingly important role in developing the Human Resources strategy
and programs for current and future generations of their countrymen and women. For developing
countries, this strategic role is critically important to the country’s ability to compete for foreign
investment, build their national commercial infrastructure and provide the means for individuals
to succeed.

For more than 40 years, Manpower has played a unique role in the world’s labor markets, working
in partnership with national governments and non-government organizations to solve the most
pressing labor market needs. Many of our programs – like Working Links in the U.K. – are
designed to serve as a bridge to employment, providing basic job skills to the unemployed,
underemployed and people with disabilities, and placing them in jobs at the end of their training.
Other programs – like TechReach in the U.S. and Canada – are designed to help individuals
transition from jobs that have become obsolete, to sustainable new careers in fields where there
are shortages of skilled workers.

Increasingly, we are working with governments to identify underemployed populations such as
older workers, to engage or re-engage them in the labor market. The expertise that we have gained
from our commercial experience, coupled with our pragmatic approach to putting people to work,
has proven invaluable to governments throughout the world.
Fluctuations in business demand. Intensifying competition at both the global and
local levels worldwide. Shortages of skilled workers. Movement of work and
workers across borders. Escalating requirements for efficiency and productivity
improvements. Succession planning and leadership development. These are the HR
challenges our clients are facing every day, and Manpower is uniquely positioned to
provide them with effective solutions. More importantly, we are already developing
solutions and services to help our clients navigate the many challenges that lie
ahead in the coming years.
What’s next?
We’ll be ready.

While it is an obligation to look back at our 2004 record, this year it is especially
gratifying. The Manpower team worldwide delivered exceptional results, from
both financial and strategic perspectives.

In 2004, our revenue reached a record $14.9 billion, an increase of 23%, or 14%
in constant currency, over 2003 levels. Our Jefferson Wells financial services
brand was the clear leader among our operations in this revenue growth, with an
increase of 150% over the prior year. Our EMEA segment also provided a terrific
performance, with revenues growing to more than $5 billion, an increase of 18%
in constant currency.

                                                                        2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                            23

Earnings for 2004 were $246 million – a record for Manpower – and a significant
increase of 78% from 2003. We also continued to strengthen our balance sheet,
with total debt as a percentage of capitalization improving from 39% in 2003 to
29% in 2004. Given our confidence in the future and our commitment to delivering
shareholder value, we also doubled our semi-annual dividend in the second half
of 2004.

All said, it was a very good year with impressive results for Manpower and its
family of companies. The sustainability of business performance, however, is our
benchmark for success, and we have proven that we have the ability, focus and
execution to deliver continued, sustainable results over time. Over the last five
years we have outperformed the S&P 500 by 43%. More importantly, each year
we have continued to establish new baselines against which to measure our
performance. As we move into 2005, we have set the bar even higher.

We believe that throughout 2004 we continued to build momentum, setting our-
selves up for 2005 and beyond. The heart and soul of our business is, and will
continue to be, temporary staffing, and that part of our business grew 20%. We
were able to open new offices in expanding markets like India, Japan, Germany
and Italy, extending our network to a total of more than 4,300 offices worldwide.
We also improved our efficiency and stayed very disciplined in our pricing strategy
in the temporary staffing marketplace.

2004 Annual Report                      24                             MANPOWER INC.

An imperative as we move into the future is balancing our mix of business.
We have been making progress for several years, and 2004 marked the most
successful year that we have had in working toward this goal. Jefferson Wells
added $204 million of revenue for a total of $341 million in 2004; Elan, our IT
specialist brand, grew 39%, with total revenues of $540 million for the year; and
the acquisition of Right Management Consultants added $365 million in revenue.
These three brands alone generated $1.3 billion in total revenue in 2004. Most
importantly, these specialty services have enabled us to offer our customers the
complementary range and scale of services that is changing the landscape of our
industry by helping our customers to evolve their people strategies in ways that
no one else can.

Jefferson Wells, in particular, has made great strides in the past year, gaining the
trust and respect of top companies in the U.S. as they worked through the
mammoth task of the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance process. This work has
opened doors for the company to introduce clients to their full portfolio of internal
audit and controls, technology risk management, tax, finance and accounting
services. In addition to expanding Jefferson Wells’ network of offices in the U.S.
and Canada, 2004 marked the opening of its first office in Europe, located in
London. We expect this investment to pay off in 2005 and beyond, as the U.S.
continues to work through financial reform measures, and Europe embarks on its
own journey toward greater accountability in corporate governance.

                                                                        2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                            25

Throughout 2004, we made great progress in expanding our permanent place-
ment market share, adding over 450 dedicated permanent placement recruiters
across the world. Our goal is to become the de facto leader in permanent
placement worldwide, across all 67 countries and territories in our network. This
includes our French unit where a legislative change in late 2004 allows us, for
the first time, to provide permanent placement services to the French market.

So what’s next for Manpower? As I’ve stated before, we are determined to
redefine the industry by offering a unique approach to solving our customers’
problems, now, and as they are traveling the road that lies ahead. As we listen
to our customers and experience what’s happening in their workplaces throughout
the globe, we see the next big need that we intend to fulfill. It is the requirement
to optimize all of the talent that is involved in the company. It is the key to
delivering a critical competitive advantage to companies that are facing fierce
competition at both the global and local levels.

For many years, companies have optimized various facets of their business
through supply chain management and offshoring/outsourcing of transactional
functions or manufactured products. The one element that has been left out
of this intense movement toward optimization, and one that companies are
coming to realize that they must address, is the entire talent pool that works
within their organization, including permanent, temporary and contract staff, as
well as consultants.

2004 Annual Report                       26                              MANPOWER INC.

Companies have come to realize it is a mandate to know what’s now and what’s
next in their talent requirements, and to be able to manage these requirements
effectively across the full gamut of their available talent pool. Manpower is
uniquely positioned to answer this call, and we intend to capitalize on this emerging
need. In our view, it’s about the employment life cycle and the business cycle
meshing together to optimize talent management and utilization. This is truly the
next frontier for our clients worldwide to achieve optimal efficiency, productivity
and competitive advantage.

The Manpower solution is Talent Value Managementsm, a concept that we devel-
oped over an 18-month period, to assist companies in determining where all of
the various talent resides in their organization, and how the vast array of talent
within that organization works together. This information then drives decisions
that enable placement of the right people, with the right skills, in the right areas of
the organization in order to improve productivity and efficiency, and drive the key out-
comes required in the business strategy. We believe Talent Value Management
is the key to optimizing the most important investment in any company – people.

This is just one of the many ways that we are focused on what’s next in the world
of work, and how we can change the role of employees in fundamental ways.
With our array of services and innovative solutions to today’s most pressing
employment challenges, Manpower has a distinct advantage that we intend to
leverage toward further sustainable growth in the years ahead.

                                                                          2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                             27

We are confident that 2004 will be marked as a turning point year for Manpower.
At the core, Manpower and its offerings today, and what we are creating for the
future, will redefine the industry. This is a bold statement, but one that we at
Manpower believe in, strive for, and have the discipline and execution to achieve.
The best is yet to come.

I would like to thank the 27,000 talented, hard-working people of Manpower who
deliver the best service in the industry, and make it all worthwhile through their
exceptional dedication.

In addition, I would also like to thank our Board of Directors for all of their insight
and support. We welcome Marc Bolland, executive board member of Heineken
N.V., as our newest member of the board, joining in 2004.

And finally, I would like to thank our shareholders for their commitment to
Manpower and their continued confidence that we are poised for even greater
performance in the years to come.

What’s next? We’ll be ready.

F E B R U A RY 9 , 2 0 0 5

2004 Annual Report                        28                                MANPOWER INC.

2005 and beyond will present employers with a number of workplace challenges that will impact
their organizations. At the forefront of these challenges are skills shortages of various kinds,
which are already being felt in countries around the globe. Whether it is truck drivers in the
U.K., auditors in the U.S., or welders in Australia, finding people with the right skills will become
increasingly difficult and crucial to staying competitive.

Equally as important is training for people at all levels. From C-level on down, a strategy for
maintaining and improving competitive skill sets will be required for companies to continue to
grow, develop and deliver future technologies and services.

At the periphery of these issues are the underemployed, including the disabled, the elderly and
other disadvantaged people. These people need extra assistance to help them participate in the
workforce. This is becoming ever more important as changing demographics will exacerbate the
skills shortage issue in the future.

Manpower understands these issues and for more than five decades we have developed innovative
workforce development programs – both large-scale national initiatives and smaller local efforts –
to help thousands of people engage in sustainable employment. We understand that developing
skills is a key component to helping people move into better paying jobs. We also understand that
people with the right job skills also need an employer that is willing to give them a chance to work,
regardless of where they have come from, what they look like, or whether they have special
needs. Our systems, programs and policies are designed to make the connection to work a viable
option for those who have struggled in the journey.

The following pages illustrate some of the ways over the past year Manpower has been able to
help people improve their employability, engage in the workforce, and make a positive change in
their lives.

Alexander Denhelder arrived in Sweden as a Kurdish political
refugee from Iraq. He completed his economics degree
from Stockholm University, but had great difficulty finding a
company that would hire him. For a year and a half, he
searched in frustration for employment, completing hundreds
of applications without a single interview. Then, one day he
responded to an employment advertisement from Manpower
and everything changed.

“Manpower gave me a chance to work when no one else
would,” said Alexander. “Since the day I started at Manpower,
my managers have given me support and encouragement.
They trust in me to make our customers happy and I trust in       “What mattered to Manpower was my
them to find me rewarding work and support my ambitions.”
                                                                   experience, my education and whether I
It was six years ago when we found work for Alexander at           could do a good job for the customer –
Siemens. Today, he is working as an archive assistant at
                                                                   not my name or where I came from.”
Sweden’s FMV (Försvarets Materielverk) defense materials

This story from Sweden illustrates how Manpower is uniquely
positioned to help immigrants find work in their “new”
countries, and how we can help fill labor shortages in local
markets. In many countries, it can be difficult for immigrants
                                                                  employment option for disadvantaged individuals when other
to find jobs. This can be due to a variety of reasons: lack of
                                                                  avenues to employment have failed. This is important for both
certifications/education, lack of experience, language barriers,
                                                                  employers and employees, as stronger employment laws are
cultural misunderstandings, and racial discrimination. At the
                                                                  being enacted in many countries to improve inclusion in the
same time, employers in these very same countries are facing
                                                                  workplace. More importantly, our systems are uniquely
skills shortages.
                                                                  designed to match people to positions that are the right fit for
Because Manpower has proprietary assessment and selection         their interests and abilities, where they can have a better
systems that focus strictly on the competence of the worker       chance to succeed and establish a solid foundation in their
– not nationality, race, gender or age – we are often the only    adopted countries.

Patricia Merrick is no stranger to work. In fact, she manages
two careers – one as an actress, landing roles in TV dramas,
theater and film; and one as a professional driver with
Manpower Driving in the U.K.

“Working for Manpower is great; it gives me the flexibility to
continue my acting career and supplement my income when
I’m between acting jobs,” said Patricia. “As an actress I can
disappear from my driving career for a few months and then pick
up again where I left off when the acting job’s done. I can rely
on Manpower to be there when I’m ready to go back to driving.”

When Patricia started driving nearly 14 years ago, women
                                                                   “In the early ‘90s, a woman truck driver was an
drivers were a rare breed. “In the early ‘90s a woman truck
                                                                    oddity, but that attitude has changed. I think
driver was an oddity, but that attitude has changed,”
explained Patricia. “I’m a woman, but I’m also just another         Manpower has done a lot to help bring about
driver who gets the job done. I think Manpower has done a
                                                                    that change.”
lot to bring about that change in attitude and defeat the idea
that women aren’t suited to driving.”

The shortage of skilled workers resulting from demographic
shifts is providing a tremendous opportunity to engage
groups in the workforce who are currently underrepresented
in many career paths. Across the U.K., drivers are in short
supply and Manpower has been successful in recruiting them,
due in part to our diversity strategy. By marketing the driving    certification training that people need to succeed as drivers.
career to non-traditional groups in the U.K. – such as women,      While our driving recruits benefit from a stable career, our
minorities and older persons – Manpower has been able to           clients also benefit from having high-caliber, reliable drivers.
find quality drivers when the transportation industry as a whole
                                                                   People are surprised when Patricia tells them she’s been a
is experiencing a severe shortage.
                                                                   driver for 14 years. “We drive for high-caliber clients that are
We are changing the image of driving as a career by eliminating    very friendly and accommodating. I’ve been offered full-time
old stereotypes and providing excellent pay, benefits, and the      jobs, but I’d rather keep driving for Manpower.”

Caresse Seguin, a single mom with two children, was
seeking a fresh start after moving back to Alberta from
Ontario where she was employed as a healthcare worker for
the elderly. The wage difference for this occupation in Alberta
wouldn’t allow her to provide for her family, so she was on
social assistance and looking for a job that could grow with
her. Then a representative of the Alberta provincial government
recommended her for Manpower’s TechReach program.

“Like so many unemployed people, I just needed a helping
hand,” said Caresse. “Manpower gave me the chance to show
what I could do.”
                                                                    “Like so many unemployed people, I just needed
Manpower’s TechReach program, a workforce development
                                                                     a helping hand. Manpower gave me the chance
initiative in the United States and Canada, is designed to
prepare unemployed and underemployed individuals for well-           to show what I could do.”
paying careers in information technology and other in-demand
jobs. It includes intensive training, certification, job placement
and mentoring in an effort to provide businesses with a new
source of skilled employees.

Not only does it provide companies with a new source of
employees, but it also makes a difference in people’s lives.
Caresse graduated from our TechReach program with a new-
found confidence in her abilities and a “master” skills ranking
in a variety of PC applications. She is currently making a good
hourly wage as a sales support assistant for Weyerhaeuser,
                                                                    Today, TechReach is active in 45 locations throughout the
an international forest products company, in Calgary, Canada.
                                                                    United States and Canada and it is one of our larger programs
                                                                    that helps teach people new skills so they can improve their
“Manpower’s training program gave me the opportunity to
                                                                    employment situations and make career transitions. More
empower myself with the skills I needed to work for a
                                                                    than 1,000 people have graduated from the program since its
major corporation,” noted Caresse. “I couldn’t have done it
                                                                    inception, including disabled, elderly and unemployed persons.
without them.”

It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to advance in your career
when you lack the skills. That’s why Manpower develops
training programs to help its temporary workers improve their
skill sets so they can move into better paying jobs.

For example, Manpower France has created Alphabétisation
et Techniques Culinaires (Literacy and Culinary Techniques),
an innovative program that combines training in literacy with
advanced culinary techniques for its temporary workers in the
restaurant field. Our program is a six-month, 210-hour course
taught at the l’ École Grégoire-Ferrandi de Paris, a culinary
training academy. Here, our employees learn French and
mathematics in the context of the kitchen.                         “I tell my family and friends to come sign up
                                                                    with Manpower because here, temporary
Mamadou Bala Ba, a Senegalese immigrant, came to France
18 years ago. However, his command of the French language           workers are really respected. We are treated
was still very rudimentary when he signed on with our Paris
                                                                    well and helped to advance in our careers.”
branch as a dishwasher in the summer of 2003. But today,
thanks to his motivation and our literacy program, he now has
the skills and knowledge to work as a cook’s assistant. This
allows Manpower to send him out on higher-skilled, higher-
status assignments that pay more.

“Now I can speak French better and I write it well,” said
Mamadou. “I learned to read a recipe and calculate the
amounts of the different ingredients…now I also know cooking
vocabulary and technical terms.”

Mamadou is also more interested in his new career path.
                                                                   Understandably, Mamadou has become an advocate of
                                                                   Manpower. “Manpower really stands out compared to other
“Before the training I worked as a dishwasher, washing
                                                                   agencies. I tell my family and friends to come sign up with
plates, glasses, etc. Now, I help prepare the food and I like it
                                                                   Manpower because here, temporary workers are really
a lot,” explained Mamadou. “The Manpower class really
                                                                   respected. We are treated well and helped to advance in our
helped me develop – I work more often, the work is more
                                                                   careers. This course is proof of it!”
interesting, and I’m paid better.”

The world of work is challenging enough for most of us, but
imagine that you are one of the estimated 386-million working-
age people in the world who are disabled. Unfortunately, a
large number of people with disabilities, who are willing and
able to work, are unemployed. Sometimes, this is because
employers are unwilling to give them the opportunity.
Frequently, it is because the individuals have not had access to
adequate education or training to provide them with work-
ready skills. Sometimes, it is simply because buildings or
transportation are inaccessible to them. All of these are real
barriers that prevent millions of people from earning a living.

Manpower’s initiatives around the world help to remove these       “Acceptance is one of the biggest challenges
barriers. Caminemos Juntos (Let’s walk together), launched
                                                                    I faced in finding employment. It was very
in 2001 in Mexico, is a prime example of how Manpower trains
                                                                    important for me to work for an employer
the disabled to ensure they have the skills required to enter
                                                                    who would be accepting of my unique situation,
the workforce and succeed on the job. Since its inception,
the program has successfully worked with over 40 potential          and my guide dog, Max.”
and current customers and 15 labor organizations to place
300 individuals with disabilities.

Margarita Jiminez, who is visually impaired, is one of those
individuals. She was referred to our program through one of
the Mexican Labor Ministry’s workforce development initiatives
for the unemployed. Because of her impairment, Margarita
believed that she was best suited for telephone work.

“Before the Manpower training I didn’t even know how a
                                                                    “Acceptance is one of the biggest challenges I faced in finding
switchboard was operated. But now, we’re best friends,”
                                                                    employment. It was very important for me to work for an
joked Margarita. “Through Caminemos Juntos I learned to be
                                                                    employer who would be accepting of my unique situation, and
more self-reliant and work with all different kinds of people.”
                                                                    my guide dog, Max,” explained Margarita. “I am very grate-
Upon completing the program a year and a half ago, she was          ful that Manpower offered this program, and hopefully, my
hired as switchboard operator for Manpower’s headquarters           testimony and performance on the job will motivate other
in Mexico City and is doing quite well.                             employers to hire people with disabilities.”

All over the world, Manpower employees, partnering with community organizations, businesses
and governments, engage in workforce development programs and activities that make a difference
in people’s lives.

Because of our relationships with both employers and workers, we are uniquely positioned
to determine where current and future skills gaps are, identify people who need help, and develop
solutions that bring these two groups together, mutually benefiting both. In this way, we function
as a “bridge” to full-time employment for many who would otherwise be unemployed. Our
industry leading skills assessment methods and hiring policies help us ensure that people are
not discriminated against. Rather, we focus on people’s abilities – not their disabilities.

For us, being a responsible company extends well beyond just writing a donation check to
a charitable cause. It’s about strengthening the diversity of our communities and creating
opportunities for all people to participate in the workforce. Whether it’s helping an unemployed
single mother return to the workforce, or giving a job to an immigrant when no one else would,
our reward comes knowing that we make a real difference – today and in the future.

Manpower researched many potential activities that we could engage in to provide relief for the
survivors of this tragic disaster. We concluded that India is where we could make the greatest
impact on the long-term recovery efforts, by helping those who have lost their jobs, or have lost
the primary income provider in their families, to move toward economic stability. Therefore,
Manpower will be funding the development of a vocational training center in the Tamil Nadu
state in India, one of the most affected areas hit by the Asian tsunami. Through the new vocational
training center in India, we hope to play a small role in rebuilding those lives most affected by
this tragic disaster. Donations from our operations around the world, combined with the new
vocational training center, bring the total Manpower commitment to tsunami victims to $1.7 million.

            R E V E N U E S F R O M S E R V I C E S (a)                                      SYSTEMWIDE
            in millions ($)                                                                  O F F I C E S (b)

                                                            14,930.0                                                                         4338
     2004                                                                            2004

                                                     12,184.5                                                                            4041
     2003                                                                            2003

                                                 10,610.9                                                                               3932
     2002                                                                            2002

                                                 10,843.8                                                                               3920
     2001                                                                            2001

                                                 10,842.8                                                                             3685
     2000                                                                            2000

            O P E R AT I N G P R O F I T ( c )                                               NET EARNINGS PER SHARE –
            in millions ($)                                                                  D I L U T E D ( $ ) (c) (d)

                                                            395.8                                                                            2.59
     2004                                                                            2004

                                             257.9                                                                          1.69
     2003                                                                            2003

                                          234.8                                                                        1.42
     2002                                                                            2002

                                          237.6                                                                           1.59
     2001                                                                            2001

                                                   311.0                                                                             2.22
     2000                                                                            2000

(a) Revenues from Services include fees received from our franchise offices of $37.4 million, $28.1 million, $25.8 million, $26.5 million, and $34.5 million for 2000, 2001,
    2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. These fees are primarily based on revenues generated by the franchise operations, which were $1,639.5 million, $1,323.4 million,
    $1,179.8 million, $1,214.4 million and $1,487.1 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively.
    In the United States, where a majority of our franchises operate, Revenues from Services include fees received from the related franchise operations of $32.5 million, $24.1
    million, $21.7 million, $21.9 million, and $25.0 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. These fees are primarily based on revenues generated
    by the franchise operations, which were $1,433.9 million, $1,135.5 million, $1,015.8 million, $1,026.2 million, and $1,181.5 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and
    2004, respectively.
(b) Systemwide Offices represents our branch offices plus the offices operating under a franchise agreement with us.
(c) On January 1, 2002, we adopted SFAS No. 142, “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets,” which prohibits the amortization of goodwill and identifiable intangible assets
    with an indefinite life.
(d) In the fourth quarter of 2004, we adopted EITF Issue No. 04-8. Previously reported Earnings Per Share – Diluted amounts have been restated to reflect the impact of
    applying the “if-converted” method to our Debentures. (See note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for further information.)

39   M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
57   M A N A G E M E N T R E P O RT O N I N T E R N A L C O N T R O L O V E R F I N A N C I A L R E P O RT I N G
58   R E P O RT O F I N D E P E N D E N T R E G I S T E R E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T I N G F I R M
59   C O N S O L I D AT E D S TAT E M E N T S O F O P E R AT I O N S
60   C O N S O L I D AT E D B A L A N C E S H E E T S
61   C O N S O L I D AT E D S TAT E M E N T S O F C A S H F L O W S
62   C O N S O L I D AT E D S TAT E M E N T S O F S H A R E H O L D E R S ’ E Q U I T Y
63   N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S
91   S E L E C T E D F I N A N C I A L D ATA
92   C O R P O R AT E I N F O R M AT I O N
94   P R I N C I PA L O P E R AT I N G U N I T S
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations


Manpower Inc. is a world leader in the employment services industry.                             REVENUES FROM SERVICES
Our global network of over 4,300 offices in 67 countries and territories                          in millions ($)

allows us to meet the needs of our customers in all industry segments,                           2,041.1   United States
                                                                                                 5,226.7   France
whether they are global, multi-national or local companies. By offering a                        5,084.3   EMEA
                                                                                                   340.6   J e f f e r s o n We l l s
complete range of services, we can help any company – no matter                                    431.1   Right
                                                                                                 1,806.2   Other Operations
where they are in their business evolution – raise productivity through
improved strategy, quality, efficiency and cost reduction.                                       O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T
                                                                                                 in millions ($)
We do this through the Manpower family of companies (see Principal                                49.3   United States
Operating Units) which includes:                                                                 178.8   France
                                                                                                 115.1   EMEA
   Manpower – temporary and permanent staffing, employee assess-                                  51.4   J e f f e r s o n We l l s
                                                                                                  24.5   Right
   ment, and training                                                                             46.0   Other Operations

   Jefferson Wells – professional financial services
   Right Management Consultants – career transition and organizational consulting services
   Elan – IT recruitment and managed services

For example, to ensure that customers have the right person – with the right skills – when business demand is high,
we offer permanent, temporary and contract recruitment, and employee assessment and training services. We also
provide highly specialized professional services, such as internal audit and controls, technology risk management, tax,
finance and accounting services. If customers are searching for ways to work “smarter,” we also offer a wide range
of organizational consulting services such as strategic talent management and leadership development. On the other
hand, if a customer’s business demand is low, we offer career transition (outplacement) services. We also offer
managed services if a customer wants to outsource a complete business function with us, such as call center, help
desk, recruiting, or manufacturing operations. This balanced business mix allows us to offset the cyclical affects of the
national economies in which we operate.

Our leadership position also allows us to be a center for quality employment opportunities for people at all different
points in their career paths. Each year, we employ more than two million people who work to help our more than
400,000 customers meet their business objectives. Laborers, seasoned professionals, mothers returning to work,
elderly persons wanting to supplement pensions and disabled individuals – all turn to Manpower for employment.
Similarly, governments of the nations in which we operate look to us to help them reduce unemployment and train
the unemployed with the skills they need to enter the workforce. In this way, Manpower is a bridge to permanent
employment for those who desire it.

Our industry is large and fragmented, comprised of thousands of firms employing millions of people and generating
billions of U.S. Dollars in annual revenues. It is also a highly competitive industry, reflecting several trends in the global
marketplace, notably increasing demand for skilled people and consolidation among customers and in the employment
services industry itself.

We manage these trends by leveraging established strengths, including one of the employment services industry’s
best-recognized brands; geographic diversification; size and service scope; an innovative product mix; and a strong
customer base. While staffing is an important aspect of our business, our strategy is focused on providing both the
skilled employees our customers need and high-value workforce management solutions.

Customer demand for employment services is dependent on the overall strength of the labor market and secular trends
toward greater workforce flexibility within each of the countries in which we operate. Improving economic growth typically
results in increasing demand for labor, resulting in greater demand for our services. Correspondingly, during periods of
weak economic growth or economic contraction, the demand for our staffing services typically declines, while demand
for our career transition services accelerates.

                                                                                                               2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                                                      39
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations

During the last several years, secular trends toward greater workforce flexibility have had a favorable impact on demand
for our services in several markets. As companies attempt to increase the variability of their cost base, contemporary
work solutions help them to effectively address the fluctuating demand for their products or services. Due to our industry’s
dependence on economic factors, the inherent difficulty in forecasting the direction and strength of the economy and
the short-term nature of staffing assignments, it is difficult to forecast future demand for our services with any certainty.
As a result, we monitor a number of economic indicators, as well as recent business trends, to predict future revenue
growth trends. Based upon these anticipated trends, we determine whether additional personnel and office investments
are necessary to take full advantage of growth opportunities.

Our staffing business is organized and managed primarily on a geographic basis, and Jefferson Wells and Right are
operated as separate global business units. Each country and business unit primarily has its own distinct operations,
and is managed locally by its own management team. Each operation reports directly, or indirectly, through a regional
manager to a member of executive management. Given this reporting structure, all of our operations have been seg-
regated into the following segments: United States; France; EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa, excluding France);
Jefferson Wells; Right; and Other Operations.

The United States, France, EMEA, and Other Operations segments derive a significant majority of their revenues from
the placement of temporary workers. The remaining revenues within these segments are derived from other human
resource services, including permanent employee recruitment, temporary and permanent employee testing, selection,
and training and development. Jefferson Wells’ revenues are derived from internal audit and control services, technology
risk management, tax, finance and accounting services. The Right segment revenues are derived from career transition
(outplacement) services and organizational-performance consulting. Segment revenues represent sales to external
customers. Due to the nature of our business, we do not have export or intersegment sales. We provide services to a
wide variety of customers, none of which individually comprise a significant portion of revenue for us as a whole and by
segment, except for Jefferson Wells, in which approximately 19% of Jefferson Wells’ revenues for 2004 were generated
from providing services to one customer.


Changes in our revenues and operating profits include the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and
acquisitions and dispositions. We provide “constant currency” and “organic constant currency” calculations in this
annual report to remove the impact of these items. We typically express year-over-year variances that are calculated in
constant currency and organic constant currency as a percentage.

When we use the term “constant currency,” it means that we have translated financial data for a period into U.S.
Dollars using the same foreign currency exchange rates that we used to translate financial data for the previous period.
We believe that this calculation is a useful measure, indicating the actual growth of our operations. Earnings from our
subsidiaries are not generally repatriated to the United States, and we typically do not incur significant gains or losses
on foreign currency transactions with our subsidiaries. Therefore, changes in foreign currency exchange rates primarily
impact only reported earnings and not our actual cash flow or economic condition.

When we use the term “organic constant currency,” it means that we have further removed the impact of acquisitions
in the current period and dispositions from the prior period from our constant currency calculation. We believe that this
calculation is useful because it allows us to show the actual growth of our pre-existing business.

Constant currency and organic constant currency percent variances, along with a reconciliation of these amounts to
certain of our reported results, are included on page 90.

2004 Annual Report                                                 40                                       MANPOWER INC.
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations

R E S U LT S O F O P E R AT I O N S – Y E A R S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 3 A N D 2 0 0 2

Consolidated Results – 2004 compared to 2003

Revenues from Services increased 22.5% to $14.9 billion. Revenues were favorably impacted by changes in foreign
currency exchange rates during the period due to the weakening of the U.S. Dollar relative to the currencies in most
of our non-U.S. markets. In constant currency, revenues increased 14.1%. Revenues were also favorably impacted by
acquisitions, primarily the acquisition of Right Management Consultants, Inc. (“RMC”). Revenues increased 19.2%
excluding acquisitions or 10.9% on an organic constant currency basis. This growth rate is a result of improving economic
conditions and increased demand for our services in all of our major markets, particularly EMEA and Jefferson Wells,
where revenues increased 18.0% and 149.6% respectively, on a constant currency basis.

Gross Profit increased 30.5% to $2.8 billion in 2004. The Gross Profit Margin increased 120 basis points (1.2%) to
18.7% in 2004 from 17.5% in 2003. Gross Profit growth from acquisitions, primarily from RMC, was approximately
$220 million, which favorably impacted the Gross Profit Margin by 100 basis points (1.0%). Excluding acquisitions,
Gross Profit Margin was 17.7% in 2004, an increase of 20 basis points (0.2%) over the Gross Profit Margin of 17.5%
in 2003. This improvement is a result of the change in the mix of services provided, toward those with higher Gross
Profit Margins. Approximately one-half of this improvement is due to the relatively higher growth at Jefferson Wells,
with the remaining improvement a result of an increase in our permanent placement business, particularly in the EMEA and
the Other Operations segments. While we saw Gross Profit Margin improvement in our temporary staffing business in
several markets, this improvement was offset by decreases in others due to increased social costs, including increased
U.S. workers’ compensation costs and state unemployment taxes.

Selling and Administrative Expenses increased 27.3% during 2004 or 19.1% in constant currency. This increase is
primarily in response to the increase in business volume and the impact of acquisitions, including the intangible asset
amortization of $12.3 million in 2004 resulting from the RMC acquisition. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, these
expenses increased 16.6%, or 8.9% on an organic constant currency basis. As a percent of revenues, Selling and
Administrative Expenses were 16.0% in 2004 compared to 15.4% in 2003. This ratio is impacted by the acquisition of
RMC, because RMC has a different cost structure than our existing business. Excluding acquisitions, Selling and
Administrative Expenses were 15.1% of revenues in 2004, an improvement of 30 basis points (.3%) from 2003. This
improvement reflects continued productivity gains in conjunction with the revenue growth, as we were able to leverage
our office network.

Operating Profit increased 53.5% over 2003, with an Operating Profit Margin of 2.7% in 2004 compared to 2.1% in
2003. On a constant currency basis, Operating Profit increased 43.0%. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, Operating
Profit increased 46.0%, or 35.7% on an organic constant currency basis in 2004. Operating Profit Margin, excluding
acquisitions, improved to 2.6% in 2004 compared to 2.1% in 2003. This improvement in Operating Profit Margin is due
to the increase in Gross Profit Margin coupled with the productivity gains.

Interest and Other Expense is comprised of interest, foreign exchange gains and losses, and other miscellaneous non-
operating income and expenses. In total, Interest and Other Expenses decreased $9.5 million in 2004 from 2003. Net
Interest Expense was $36.0 million in 2004 compared to $33.4 million in 2003. This increase is primarily due to
increased interest rates and the impact of higher exchange rates on our euro-denominated interest expense, offset by
higher interest income. Foreign exchange gains and losses primarily result from intercompany transactions between our
foreign subsidiaries and the United States. Such gains were $1.6 million and $1.3 million in 2004 and 2003, respectively.

Miscellaneous Income (Expense), Net, was income of $8.1 million in 2004 compared to expense of $3.7 million in 2003.
The income in 2004 includes non-operating gains of $14.2 million ($0.11 per diluted share), primarily related to the sale of
our equity interest in a European internet job board during the first quarter of 2004. Net proceeds from this transaction
were $29.8 million.

                                                                                                                  2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                                                              41
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations

We provided for income taxes at a rate of 33.5% in 2004 and 38.0% in 2003. Included in the 2004 rate is the impact
of the non-operating gains recorded in the first quarter and the reversal of an $8.0 million tax contingency reserve in
the third quarter. Excluding these items, our rate for 2004 would have been 36.0%. This rate is higher than the U.S.
Federal statutory rate of 35% due to higher foreign income tax rates and $9.5 million of taxes recorded on the unremitted
earnings of foreign subsidiaries, offset by the tax benefits, including the reversal of $16.7 million of valuation allowances,
of certain internal corporate restructurings and transactions.

Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 53.3% to $2.59 in 2004 compared to $1.69 in 2003. In constant currency,
Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 45.0%. The higher foreign currency exchange rates positively impacted Net
Earnings Per Share – Diluted by approximately $0.14 in 2004. On an undiluted basis, Net Earnings Per Share was $2.76
in 2004 compared to $1.77 in 2003.

During September 2004, the Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) issued Issue No. 04-8, “The Effect of Contingently
Convertible Debt on Diluted Earnings Per Share”(“EITF 04-8”), which requires the effect of contingently convertible
debt securities with a market price trigger to be included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share, using the “if-
converted” method, regardless of whether the market price trigger has been met. EITF 04-8 also requires restatement
of previously reported earnings. Our convertible debentures, issued August 2001, have such a feature, and therefore
we have restated Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted for all periods since the issuance. (See note 3 to the consolidated
financial statements for further information.)

Consolidated Results – 2003 compared to 2002
Revenues from Services increased 14.8% to $12.2 billion. Revenues were favorably impacted during the year by
changes in foreign currency exchange rates due to the weakening of the U.S. Dollar relative to the currencies in most of
our non-U.S. markets. In constant currency, revenues increased 2.2%. Revenue growth in 2003 attributable to acquisitions
was approximately $21.3 million or 0.2% of revenue. On an organic constant currency basis, revenues increased by
2.0%. This growth rate is a result of increased activity in the Other Operations segment with stable revenue levels in the
other markets.

Gross Profit increased 11.9% to $2.1 billion during 2003. The Gross Profit Margin declined 50 basis points (.5%) to
17.5% in 2003 from 18.0% in 2002. This decrease was attributable to higher payroll taxes and social costs, increased
pricing pressures throughout the world, changes in the service mix of business (from higher margin service lines to
lower margin service lines) and changes in the geographical mix of business (as revenue growth in countries with lower
Gross Profit Margins, such as France, was higher than in some countries with higher Gross Profit Margins). Gross
Profit growth from acquisitions was approximately $2.5 million and had an insignificant impact on Gross Profit Margin.

Selling and Administrative Expenses increased 12.1% during 2003. This increase is primarily due to the changes in
exchange rates, as these expenses increased only 0.6% on a constant currency basis. As a percent of revenues,
Selling and Administrative Expenses were 15.4% in 2003 compared to 15.8% in 2002. This improvement is a result of
continued productivity gains and careful expense management in conjunction with growing revenues.

Operating Profit increased 9.9% during 2003, however on a constant currency basis, Operating Profit declined 6.6%.
The Operating Profit Margin was 2.1% compared to 2.2% for 2002. The Operating Profit level primarily reflects the
improved leveraging of the business offset by the Gross Profit Margin declines. Acquisitions made during 2003
decreased Operating Profit by approximately $0.2 million. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, Operating Profit
increased 9.8% during 2003, however on an organic constant currency basis, Operating Profit decreased 6.6%.
Acquisitions had no impact on Operating Profit Margin in 2003.

Interest and Other Expense is comprised of interest, foreign exchange gains and losses, and other miscellaneous non-
operating income and expenses. In total, Interest and Other Expense decreased $11.0 million from 2002 to 2003. Net
interest expense was $33.4 million in 2003 and 2002. Average borrowing levels were lower throughout 2003 compared

2004 Annual Report                                                 42                                        MANPOWER INC.
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations

to 2002, however the impact of this was offset by our Euro-denominated interest expense which was translated at higher
rates in 2003. Foreign exchange gains and losses primarily result from intercompany transactions between our foreign
subsidiaries and the United States. Such gains were $1.3 million and $1.8 million in 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Miscellaneous Expenses, Net, were $3.7 million in 2003 compared to $15.2 million in 2002. In the fourth quarter of
2002, we recorded a charge of $5.1 million ($2.9 million net of tax, or $0.04 per share) related to a writedown of equity
security investments where the decline in market value was determined to be other-than-temporary, as defined by
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Debt and Equity Securities.”

We provided for income taxes at a rate of 38.0% in 2003. This rate is higher than the U.S. Federal statutory rate of
35% due primarily to the impact of higher foreign income tax rates and valuation reserves recorded against foreign net
operating losses. This rate is lower than the 2002 effective tax rate of 39.8% due to an increase in the foreign tax credits
used to offset the U.S. taxes on foreign earnings, offset somewhat by a shift in the mix of taxable income toward countries
with relatively higher tax rates.

Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 19.0% to $1.69 in 2003 compared to $1.42 in 2002. Net Earnings Per
Share – Diluted in 2003 was positively impacted by the higher foreign currency exchange rates during the year. In constant
currency, 2003 Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted would have been $1.42, the same as 2002. On an undiluted basis,
Net Earnings Per Share was $1.77 in 2003 compared to $1.48 in 2002.

Segment Results
U.S. – The United States operation is comprised of 591                             U.S. REVENUES
                                                                                   in millions ($)
Company-owned branch offices and 345 stand alone franchise
offices. Revenues in the United States consist of sales of our                                                                        2,041.1 (+4.9%)

Company-owned branch offices and fees from our franchise oper-
                                                                                                                                  1,945.8 (+1.8%)
ations. Revenues for the year were $2.0 billion, an increase of 4.9%,
                                                                                                                                  1,911.4 (-4.6%)
and include franchise fees of $25.0 million. Franchise fees are
primarily based on revenues generated by the franchise network,
which were $1.2 billion in 2004.                                                   U . S . O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T
                                                                                   in millions ($)
Revenues in the United States accelerated through the first half
                                                                                                                   49.3 (+46.4%)
of the year, after beginning the year slightly below prior year levels.
Revenue growth stabilized in the second half of the year with                                         33.7 (+15.2%)

growth exceeding 6% in both the third and fourth quarters (exclud-
                                                                                                  29.2 (-0.8%)
ing the impact of Transpersonnel, our trucking operation that was
disposed of in July 2004). Fueling this improving growth was an
increase in demand for our light industrial and industrial skilled staff, which represents approximately 48% of our U.S.
revenues. Revenue growth from placement of these skills increased nearly 20% from the prior year, reflecting an
improvement of the U.S. manufacturing sector. Revenue from office and specialty skills lagged the prior year, however,
the rate of contraction improved as we progressed through the year.

The Gross Profit Margin declined compared to the prior year due to increases in employment-related costs such as state
unemployment taxes and workers’ compensation. While we were able to recover a substantial portion of these increases
through higher bill rates, the competitive market environment did not allow us to fully recover all of these cost increases.

Selling and Administrative Expenses trended favorably downward 0.9% during the year, primarily due to a reduction in
personnel costs and branch office related costs. This cost reduction, combined with our revenue growth, reflects strong
gains in productivity and our ability to leverage excess capacity across our U.S. branch office network.

Operating Unit Profit for the year increased by 46.4% to $49.3 million. Our Operating Unit Profit Margin increased to
2.4% of revenues from 1.7%, as our productivity enhancements more than offset the decline in Gross Profit Margin.

                                                                                                                           2004 Annual Report
MANPOWER INC.                                                      43
M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S
of financial condition and results of operations

France – Revenues in France increased 12.7% to $5.2 billion. In                FRANCE REVENUES
                                                                               in millions ($)
Euros, French Revenues increased 2.8% to €4.2 billion. The
majority of this revenue increase reflects hourly rate increases as                                                              5,226.7 (+12.7%)

volumes increased only slightly during the year. Revenue growth
                                                                                                                          4,638.8 (+20.5%)
in Euro was modest in the first half of the year, growing by 2.7%,
                                                                                                                  3.848.2 (+2.2%)
followed by softening in the third quarter to 1.0% and then accel-
erating to 4.9% in the fourth quarter of the year.
                                                                               F R A N C E O P E R AT I N G
Gross Profit Margins declined compared to the prior year, even                  UNIT PROFIT
                                                                               in millions ($)
after excluding adjustments to our estimated liability related to
social program remittances in each year. (In 2004, there was an                                                                178.8 (-2.8%)

unfavorable adjustment of $12.8 million, and in 2003, there was a
                                                                                                                                184.0 (+28.2%)
$16.1 million favorable adjustment.) This decline reflects increasing
price competition from large and small competitors, partially due                                                    143.6 (+5.8%)

to their expansion of office network capacity during a period of
nominal growth in the total staffing market.

Selling and Administrative Expenses were well controlled during the year, decreasing slightly from 2003 despite continued
investment in new offices. A total of 49 new offices were opened during the year, bringing the total office count to 1,127.

Operating Unit Profit was $178.8 million, a decrease of 2.8% from the prior year. Operating Unit Profit Margin was
3.4%, a decrease from 3.9% in 2003. Operating Unit Profit was unfavorably impacted by the adjustment for social
program remittances in 2004, and favorably impacted by the adjustments in 2003, as discussed above.

During 2004, a new law in France ended the French Job Center’s (ANPE’s) control of the placement of the unemployed.
As a result of this law change, temporary staffing companies are allowed to offer placement and recruitment services
beginning January 1, 2005. We expect these services will have a long-term benefit on our French business, but will not
have a significant impact on 2005 results due to investments required to grow this service line.

EMEA – The EMEA region includes our operations in Europe, the                  EMEA REVENUES
                                                                               in millions ($)
Middle East and Africa (excluding France), which covers a total of
18 countries delivering services through 1,400 offices. In addition                                                              5,084.3 (+29.7%)

to employment services delivered under the Manpower brand, this
                                                                                                                     3,920.2 (+14.1%)
region also includes Elan, which is a leading IT recruitment, staffing
                                                                                                               3,434.9 (+.2%)
and managed services firm operating across 16 countries in the
region, and Brook Street, which provides general staffing and
recruitment services primarily in the United Kingdom.                          E M E A O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T
                                                                               in millions ($)
Geographically, the largest operations in this segment are the U.K.,
                                                                                                                                115.1 (+122.4%)
which comprises 27% of EMEA revenues, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden, which combined comprise                                       51.7 (-37.7%)

52% of EMEA revenues. Elan comprises 11% of EMEA revenues.
                                                                                                                 83.0 (-21.6%)

2004 Annual Report                                                 44                                                         MANPOWER INC.
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manpower annual reports 2004

  • 3. What’s Now. What’s Next. In the 57 years since Manpower opened its doors, we have enjoyed a birds-eye view of the world of work and all of its changes, challenges and extraordinary opportunities. We have seen the role of the Human Resources function evolve and expand to become a core part of the business strategy. We have seen the role of the worker evolve to be viewed as an investment, and to include all people of all shapes and sizes. While the heart and soul of our business remains the provision of temporary workers to help employers fulfill fluctuations in staffing demands, this is only one part of the story. Today, we provide a complete range of services that span the employment and business cycle. These offerings include: recruitment, assessment and selection; training; temporary staffing; permanent placement; organizational consulting, career transition and professional financial services. But this is too simplistic a view of the value we bring to our customers. In their eyes, we are the partner that helps them improve the productivity of their workforce. We are the extension of their HR department when they need a helping hand. We are the answer when they find that they need to re-engineer their workforce to get the right people with the right skills in the right places to help their company succeed. We are the solution when change happens, as it frequently does, and they need help to align their people with their strategy. As the world of work continues to change, one thing remains true – Manpower continues to grow and adapt to be ready with the answers to help our clients create winning HR strategies and successfully compete in their respective markets. On the following pages, five of our clients give their perspectives on the people issues they face today, and those that are shaping the future of their organizations.
  • 4. DONNA RILEY V I C E P R E S I D E N T, G L O B A L TA L E N T IBM ON J U S T- I N - T I M E TA L E N T MANAGEMENT Originally founded to provide American business customers with productivity-enhancing accounting and measuring machines, IBM, the international company that has given the world many IT innovations, grew to become the world’s undisputed #1 computer business and today operates in more than 160 countries worldwide. But times change and IBM has been quick to change with them. Over the past several years, “Big Blue” has transitioned from a production-based supplier of computer hardware to a talent-based provider of on demand IT services to its clients worldwide, leveraging the core skills of its global talent pool.
  • 5. J U S T- I N - T I M E T A L E N T M A N A G E M E N T ( R I L E Y P E R S P E C T I V E ) As the global economy has transitioned from manufac- has enabled us to identify which talents are core value- turing into services, so has IBM, with more than 50 percent delivering capabilities and which are less critical; to obtain of our workforce today engaged in providing services for insights into achieving the right balance between alternative clients. And since service equates with people, that means sources of talent; and to match our people strategy most we are investing far more in human than in physical closely to our overall business strategy. assets. The company and its workforce have also grown ACHIEVING FLEXIBILITY WITH QUALITY significantly, with more than 18,000 new employees Delivering on demand services requires an integrated, added in 2004 alone. The world in which we operate is seamless, end-to-end approach to acquiring and deploying changing at an accelerating pace and we need to keep up talent right across your business, building flexibility into with it – not least in the way we manage our global talent. the workforce to accommodate variability in demand. It means determining which HR partners can best work DELIVERING “ON-DEMAND” SERVICES Some two years ago, observing how our clients needed alongside your own management, responding to both the access to our services on very short lead times, we time dimension and the cultural fit to ensure the delivery embarked on a program to redefine our business as an on of talent to meet your business requirements. demand service provider, and to serve as a role model In achieving our responsive on demand flexibility, we are for clients of all types in all industries. We obviously had working with selected strategic HR partners to source to start by considering our people. and deploy a global range of talent, both permanent and With the help of Manpower, whose just-in-time talent- contingent. Our partners understand our requirement for management expertise clearly paralleled our on demand quality and have the same commitment as we have to strategic objectives, we created a consistent taxonomy the standards of capability and training that deliver the for defining the skills, capabilities, and experiences needed differentiation that yields our competitive advantage. for different positions along our talent supply chain. This
  • 6. J U S T- I N - T I M E T A L E N T M A N A G E M E N T In the era of production excellence, winning companies based their market dominating strategies on supply chain optimization. No process was left untouched, no matter how complex, in pursuit of the most cost-effective approaches to building and delivering their products wherever their clients needed them…just in time. The resulting cost savings were significant; with some reports showing that these strategies saved the median Fortune 500 company five hundred million dollars. Now and into the future, Manpower is partnering with many companies that are following an evolutionary path from a manufacturing-based business to a talent-centric enterprise, utilizing key supply chain strategies. To help clients successfully achieve this objective, Manpower has developed a breakthrough approach to talent management derived from supply chain thinking. sm Talent Value Managementsm (TVM ) is designed to create an integrated talent supply chain, where talent can be optimized and deployed using rigorous decision support tools with a foundation of common data and processes. Talent supply chain optimization can drive the answers to questions like: Which talent requirements are the most critical? How do I best source this talent? What is the optimal mix of regular full-time and contract workforce? What talent investments do I need to make and where? Our ultimate objective as our client’s talent management partner is to help the organization ensure that its investments in people are fully aligned with, and help drive, business strategy to yield the maximum return on investment.
  • 7. J U S T- I N - T I M E
  • 8. PIERRE DANON CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER B T R E TA I L ON DEVELOPING A FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE Once the UK’s monopoly national telecommunications provider, BT Group today operates competitively in 5 continents, differentiating itself by providing both telecommunications and IT services to its residential, business, and corporate customers worldwide. Some 40 percent of the Group’s 100,000 employees work for BT Retail, the residential and corporate telephony services division, as customer service staff in the company’s 40 UK contact centers and as installation and network engineers in the field.
  • 9. JUST IN TIME STAFFING DEVELOPING A FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE (DANON PERSPECTIVE) The most important characteristic required by contact VA R I A B I L I T Y A N D R E S P O N S I V E N E S S center staff and field engineers at BT Retail is to have Our industry faces enormous variability in HR demand good customer-interface skills. They also need to be over short time periods. Bad weather can create huge team players and to have a “learning attitude” – adapting demand for engineers to repair landlines after storms; readily to fast-paced industry change, as we introduce and competitive initiatives generate a demand for extra enhanced new services and continually improve our contact center staff when we launch a new program, competitive offering. Our greatest HR challenge in such as broadband. At such times, we need to have fast recent years has been to create a high-performance and flexible access to appropriately skilled and trained environment among our 50,000 employees in BT Retail, resources or to create a pool of specialist talent (such as to detect and develop our in-house talent pool, and to IT professionals) quickly, but without being locked into create greater workforce flexibility. operational constraints. SERVICE PERFORMANCE A FLEXIBLE EXTENDED ENTERPRISE We have done a lot to transform our workforce’s per- Outsourcing massive contracts to just a couple of HR formance to meet service-business realities in the 21st vendors has enabled us to focus management effort century. A performance improvement plan has raised the on fewer relationships and our vendors to invest time, individual and collective employee contribution through effort, and resources into making them work. Temporary coaching, raising expectations, rewarding, and introducing and contract employees come in trained, prepared, and a Code of Conduct for our customer-facing “battalions,” well managed, with a good understanding of the BT culture. monitored through customer feedback. We have pro- Having such close strategic partnerships has allowed us actively managed our talent pool, detecting, developing, to build a highly flexible and scalable “extended enterprise” sourcing anew, retaining key skill sets, and ensuring the of contingent employees who hit the ground running and right level of talent diversity for our ongoing business become assimilated seamlessly into the organization, and growth. working indistinguishably alongside our regular BT battalions. And many of them end up working directly for BT – making for a risk-free source of quality recruitment.
  • 10. DEVELOPING A FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE The critical question for companies seeking optimal flexibility and responsiveness is: are we optimizing the use of skills, and the cost of those skills, within this workforce? A perfectly balanced workforce is achieved when the right people are performing work that is most critical to executing the business strategy…at the right value. Demand management or talent planning is the key to determining which employees and positions in the company will result in having the right people at the right value. Understanding which talent to invest in, and deciding which supply strategy (internal, external, contingent/supply partners, alternative sourcing) offers the most total savings, is a complex but rewarding process. A flexible workforce model allows clients to: Align investments in compensation, development and training with strategic impact Close the gaps between supply and demand Develop strategies to describe roles and skills consistently internally and externally Determine the best sources for talent The net result of this effort is a sharp decrease in unnecessary labor spend, coupled with the improved ability to invest more in those roles that will continue to drive demand for the company’s services and products. Manpower’s capability to properly analyze the risks and costs of talent management, while delivering innovative supply alternatives delivers competitive advantages for employers of all shapes and sizes around the world, and we expect this trend to continue into the future.
  • 12. LY N N C . M I N E L L A VICE PRESIDENT– HUMAN RESOURCES AIR PRODUCTS ON C R E AT I N G A HIGH PERFORMANCE O R G A N I Z AT I O N Air Products is a global company that provides industrial gas and specialty chemicals to a wide variety of sectors worldwide, ranging from heavy industrial processing, such as steel, to paints and adhesives, healthcare consumables, and high- tech consumer electronics products, such as LCD TV screens. The company’s workforce spans process and development engineers, a technically literate sales force that understands its products and customers’ business requirements, and a range of support staff operating its complex facilities, and handling and delivering its products where and when they are needed.
  • 13. C R E AT I N G A H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E O R G A N I Z AT I O N ( M I N E L L A P E R S P E C T I V E ) Although much of our output is used in industrial A O N E - C O M P A N Y C U LT U R E processes, we are truly a technology business. We have At Air Products we strive to have a “one-company” feel, to be at the forefront of technological developments in where everyone shares the same guiding values, while our growth markets, delivering products that address recognizing and accommodating individual and cultural our customers’ emerging needs. Our managers need to diversity, and all have a sense of the corporate culture – have not only the insight and acumen to understand and what it means to be “an Air Products employee.” our customers’ products and devise solutions to their This makes for an “accountable” workforce, in which business needs, but also the right interpersonal skills to every employee takes personal responsibility for giving develop and empower our highly diverse employee of their best and operating with the highest level of group to constantly improve their performance and fulfill professional integrity, and acknowledges the vital their potential. importance of observing strict safety practices in the areas of health – for themselves and customers – and D E V E L O P I N G P A S S I O N AT E , A D A P TA B L E TA L E N T the environment. Today, both we and our customers are experiencing Our leadership development programs help individuals constant and accelerating globalization and change. We assess their strengths and weaknesses and provides have to stay alongside them as they move into new them with career-enriching opportunities. Our centers of businesses and geographical markets and to recognize functional excellence, such as process engineering, that competition no longer always comes from where it develop skilled specialist teams that can be deployed to traditionally did. Our challenge is to develop, implement, where they are needed to capitalize on perceived growth and manage HR programs to meet those new realities, and customer-service opportunities. Our HR planning creating an environment in which our employees are process aims to provide employees with the necessary highly motivated, productive, open to change, passionate experiences to fulfill both their personal career aspira- about their work, and feel valued. tions and the company’s strategic needs, while at all times balancing the interests of individuals with those of the company in serving customers and delivering shareholder value.
  • 14. C R E AT I N G A H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E O R G A N I Z AT I O N Today more than ever, company performance relies on people. Not just management, but the entire workforce – whether they be full-time staff, contractors or temporary workers. To be successful, everyone within the organization must be engaged; aligned to the business’ strategic goals and able to understand the role they play in achieving them. And above all, people must continue to perform throughout changing business conditions. Our experts at Right Management Consultants play a pivotal role in helping companies develop a high performance workforce by attracting, selecting and retaining people who are the best fit with their organization’s strategies, culture and values. Our services in this area include defining and communicating employment value propositions, identifying critical competencies for success, designing and administering selection systems, developing new-hire assimilation programs, and creating retention initiatives. Companies must also understand that the continual development of their leaders is crucial to supporting the business strategy and evolving corporate culture. Because when leaders are engaged, aligned and effective, they are the key to translating business strategy into performance. Companies need to ask themselves: Do we have a pipeline of leadership consistent with our future business direction? Are professional development and job rotation opportunities readily available? Is a succession planning process in place? Do our programs reflect the constant change in the business environment and help leaders develop the agility to lead under a variety of strategic scenarios? In the years to come, organizations that are able to navigate the complex, global market environment while developing a workforce comprised of agile, engaged and aligned employees, will be the ones best positioned to win.
  • 16. A N D R É R VA N H E E M S T R A PERSONNEL DIRECTOR UNILEVER ON O U T S O U R C I N G H R S E RV I C E S Unilever is a multi-national consumer goods company that resulted from the merger in 1930 of the UK soap-maker Lever Brothers and the Dutch Margarine Union – “Uni-” from “Union” and “-lever” from Lever – both of which already had a well-established worldwide presence. The company’s 230,000 employees worldwide produce and distribute branded food and home & personal care products – “all the things that make people feel good, look good and get more out of life” – which are marketed and sold in almost every country in the world.
  • 17. O U T S O U R C I N G H R S E R V I C E S ( VA N H E E M S T R A P E R S P E C T I V E ) As a worldwide business operating in the fast-moving in others, with a resulting reduction in manufacturing consumer goods sector, we need a first-rate permanent plants from 500 to 350; we rationalized our brand range labor force for ongoing operations, as well as additional from 1,600 to some 400 by introducing more global temporary staff for periods of seasonality, such as for brands; and we significantly reduced the number of our ice cream and frozen vegetables. While the nature of our vendors. While this has helped us improve on being big, business means employing predominantly local people at we have also improved on being small, for example by all levels, our management population includes expatriates, having local “marketeers” regularly visit consumers’ as we like our higher leadership to have had experience homes to understand their specific needs and achieve in several parts of the Unilever world. “consumer intimacy.” S I M U LTA N E O U S LY B I G A N D S M A L L OUTSOURCING FOR FLEXIBILITY Rather than a global company, we see ourselves as a Regionalization has brought scale benefits and a concen- multi-local multinational. Our greatest challenge is to tration of assets that has enabled us to view our workforce combine the flexibility of a small organization with the more strategically and develop skills over a longer time- impact of a big company. Intense competition and the frame. We have gained workforce flexibility by outsourcing ever-changing environment within our industry impose a recruitment of seasonal and temporary staff, as well as constant need to find new and more efficient ways of the provision of contract specialists to augment skills in doing business – and to stay flexible and adaptable. areas such as IT. Further candidate functions that we have identified for handling at a regional level, and possible The global scope of our business and the local nature of outsourcing, lie in the transactional administration activities our customer base together lent themselves to taking a of HR and Finance. The objective is to free up our HR regional approach to our manufacturing supply chain. We and Finance managers to concentrate on more strategic, have closed facilities in some areas and expanded them transformational activities.
  • 18. OUTSOURCING HR SERVICES Over the past several years, as employers embraced outsourcing to improve productivity in their Human Resources function, they began with transactional processes such as payroll processing and benefits administration, and moved toward recruiting, assessment, training and career transition. As outsourcing these processes proved successful, attention turned toward outsourcing non-core business activities such as facility management, logistics, and even accounting. Leading companies are now beginning to take advantage of the transformational opportunities that the outsourcing evolution can bring, as they look to fully optimize their talent management. Talent optimization through HR outsourcing requires an objective analysis of how and where human resources should be deployed across the organization, including: The skills required in the business, where they can be found in a world of growing skills shortages, and where they are needed. The business functions and roles that must be performed at the local level versus those that can be performed centrally, either at the national, regional or global headquarters. Optimal staffing levels to ensure efficiency for the employer through fluctuation in demand, and quality service for its customers. The functions, processes and roles that are core to the business versus those that can be outsourced to a third party in order to focus internal resources on what matters most, and generate cost savings across the organization without sacrificing quality. Across the employment and business cycle, Manpower is in a unique position to view the world of work, both globally and locally. We see employment trends ahead of an individual customer whose view is restricted by industry silos, and we serve as their partner and change agent as they execute their strategies. From outsourcing HR services to change management consulting, Manpower and Right Management Consultants work in tandem to help organizations achieve the productivity, efficiency, and cost management gains they expect to realize from outsourcing.
  • 20. CARLOS ABASCAL MINISTER OF LABOR A N D S O C I A L W E L FA R E MEXICO ON IMPROVING JOB SKILLS O F A N AT I O N Mexico has a population of 105 million, with 95 percent below the age of 65. Of its active labor force of 34 million, some 3.3 percent are unemployed and a further 25 percent underem- ployed. For some time, the country was seen only as a low-wage labor pool for U.S. manufacturers. Faced with labor competition from other developing economies, the country is promoting social dialogue between labor, business, and government; and educating and training its young people to provide the productive, wealth- generating skills to fuel the national economy, raise living standards, and attract foreign investment.
  • 21. I M P R O V I N G J O B S K I L L S O F A N AT I O N ( A B A S C A L P E R S P E C T I V E ) Mexico is a very young country, with one-quarter of its We are committed to ongoing employee training and population currently aged 17 – 29. One of the greatest technological innovation to enhance productivity. We have challenges for our economy is to help our young people introduced programs to enable unemployed and under- develop their potential and realize their skills, so that they employed individuals to access and transition to productive can meet the needs of the labor market, not only in large jobs, contributing fully to the national economy. We also multinational enterprises, but also in small and medium- have introduced training schemes and financial support sized companies. programs to foster self-employment in small businesses. Over the past few decades, the country has gained a A D A P TA B I L I T Y A N D I N C L U S I V I T Y “demographic bonus” consisting of 33 million children and Our Job Observatory project monitors available jobs and young people. Our aim is to ensure that, by 2010, at least skills demand, and directs our education programs to 40 percent of that population has graduated from higher fulfill this demand, so that businesses will find in Mexico a education. Our economic success will depend on how well ready pool of the right kind of skilled talent, and individuals we can raise the skill profile of our working population can be certain of finding a suitable job on completion of both for their own benefit and for the good of the whole their studies. nation, by committing to the individual person, who consti- Alongside these programs, we have robust policies for tutes the origin, engine and end of the national economy. eradicating discrimination on grounds of age, gender or disability. In particular, our Inclusive Firm Program acknowl- A NEW SOCIO-ECONOMIC MODEL Our country’s ideological legacy, supported by some of edges Mexican companies’ efforts to include mentally and its labor unions, sometimes held the economy back. But physically disabled employees in their workforce. in the past 10 years, we have built up a new model of We were pleased recently to be able to acknowledge the employee–employer relations, framed in a New Labor major contribution in this area of Manpower’s ongoing Culture, promoting effective social dialogue, raising people’s Caminemos Juntos partnership program in Mexico and awareness of the new competitive global realities, and to grant them an Inclusive Firm award in recognition of bringing productivity and competitiveness – with social their efforts in helping to place several hundred disabled justice – into the labor arena. people into productive employment.
  • 22. I M P R O V I N G J O B S K I L L S O F A N AT I O N As the world becomes a smaller place, with commerce criss-crossing the globe in all industries, the world of work has also been transformed in profound ways. This is especially important for national governments as they bear the responsibility for ensuring that their country and its people can compete in the world economy. Labor ministries play an increasingly important role in developing the Human Resources strategy and programs for current and future generations of their countrymen and women. For developing countries, this strategic role is critically important to the country’s ability to compete for foreign investment, build their national commercial infrastructure and provide the means for individuals to succeed. For more than 40 years, Manpower has played a unique role in the world’s labor markets, working in partnership with national governments and non-government organizations to solve the most pressing labor market needs. Many of our programs – like Working Links in the U.K. – are designed to serve as a bridge to employment, providing basic job skills to the unemployed, underemployed and people with disabilities, and placing them in jobs at the end of their training. Other programs – like TechReach in the U.S. and Canada – are designed to help individuals transition from jobs that have become obsolete, to sustainable new careers in fields where there are shortages of skilled workers. Increasingly, we are working with governments to identify underemployed populations such as older workers, to engage or re-engage them in the labor market. The expertise that we have gained from our commercial experience, coupled with our pragmatic approach to putting people to work, has proven invaluable to governments throughout the world.
  • 24. Fluctuations in business demand. Intensifying competition at both the global and local levels worldwide. Shortages of skilled workers. Movement of work and workers across borders. Escalating requirements for efficiency and productivity improvements. Succession planning and leadership development. These are the HR challenges our clients are facing every day, and Manpower is uniquely positioned to provide them with effective solutions. More importantly, we are already developing solutions and services to help our clients navigate the many challenges that lie ahead in the coming years. What’s next? We’ll be ready.
  • 25. DEAR SHAREHOLDERS, While it is an obligation to look back at our 2004 record, this year it is especially gratifying. The Manpower team worldwide delivered exceptional results, from both financial and strategic perspectives. In 2004, our revenue reached a record $14.9 billion, an increase of 23%, or 14% in constant currency, over 2003 levels. Our Jefferson Wells financial services brand was the clear leader among our operations in this revenue growth, with an increase of 150% over the prior year. Our EMEA segment also provided a terrific performance, with revenues growing to more than $5 billion, an increase of 18% in constant currency. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 23
  • 26. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS Earnings for 2004 were $246 million – a record for Manpower – and a significant increase of 78% from 2003. We also continued to strengthen our balance sheet, with total debt as a percentage of capitalization improving from 39% in 2003 to 29% in 2004. Given our confidence in the future and our commitment to delivering shareholder value, we also doubled our semi-annual dividend in the second half of 2004. All said, it was a very good year with impressive results for Manpower and its family of companies. The sustainability of business performance, however, is our benchmark for success, and we have proven that we have the ability, focus and execution to deliver continued, sustainable results over time. Over the last five years we have outperformed the S&P 500 by 43%. More importantly, each year we have continued to establish new baselines against which to measure our performance. As we move into 2005, we have set the bar even higher. We believe that throughout 2004 we continued to build momentum, setting our- selves up for 2005 and beyond. The heart and soul of our business is, and will continue to be, temporary staffing, and that part of our business grew 20%. We were able to open new offices in expanding markets like India, Japan, Germany and Italy, extending our network to a total of more than 4,300 offices worldwide. We also improved our efficiency and stayed very disciplined in our pricing strategy in the temporary staffing marketplace. 2004 Annual Report 24 MANPOWER INC.
  • 27. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS An imperative as we move into the future is balancing our mix of business. We have been making progress for several years, and 2004 marked the most successful year that we have had in working toward this goal. Jefferson Wells added $204 million of revenue for a total of $341 million in 2004; Elan, our IT specialist brand, grew 39%, with total revenues of $540 million for the year; and the acquisition of Right Management Consultants added $365 million in revenue. These three brands alone generated $1.3 billion in total revenue in 2004. Most importantly, these specialty services have enabled us to offer our customers the complementary range and scale of services that is changing the landscape of our industry by helping our customers to evolve their people strategies in ways that no one else can. Jefferson Wells, in particular, has made great strides in the past year, gaining the trust and respect of top companies in the U.S. as they worked through the mammoth task of the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance process. This work has opened doors for the company to introduce clients to their full portfolio of internal audit and controls, technology risk management, tax, finance and accounting services. In addition to expanding Jefferson Wells’ network of offices in the U.S. and Canada, 2004 marked the opening of its first office in Europe, located in London. We expect this investment to pay off in 2005 and beyond, as the U.S. continues to work through financial reform measures, and Europe embarks on its own journey toward greater accountability in corporate governance. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 25
  • 28. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS Throughout 2004, we made great progress in expanding our permanent place- ment market share, adding over 450 dedicated permanent placement recruiters across the world. Our goal is to become the de facto leader in permanent placement worldwide, across all 67 countries and territories in our network. This includes our French unit where a legislative change in late 2004 allows us, for the first time, to provide permanent placement services to the French market. So what’s next for Manpower? As I’ve stated before, we are determined to redefine the industry by offering a unique approach to solving our customers’ problems, now, and as they are traveling the road that lies ahead. As we listen to our customers and experience what’s happening in their workplaces throughout the globe, we see the next big need that we intend to fulfill. It is the requirement to optimize all of the talent that is involved in the company. It is the key to delivering a critical competitive advantage to companies that are facing fierce competition at both the global and local levels. For many years, companies have optimized various facets of their business through supply chain management and offshoring/outsourcing of transactional functions or manufactured products. The one element that has been left out of this intense movement toward optimization, and one that companies are coming to realize that they must address, is the entire talent pool that works within their organization, including permanent, temporary and contract staff, as well as consultants. 2004 Annual Report 26 MANPOWER INC.
  • 29. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS Companies have come to realize it is a mandate to know what’s now and what’s next in their talent requirements, and to be able to manage these requirements effectively across the full gamut of their available talent pool. Manpower is uniquely positioned to answer this call, and we intend to capitalize on this emerging need. In our view, it’s about the employment life cycle and the business cycle meshing together to optimize talent management and utilization. This is truly the next frontier for our clients worldwide to achieve optimal efficiency, productivity and competitive advantage. The Manpower solution is Talent Value Managementsm, a concept that we devel- oped over an 18-month period, to assist companies in determining where all of the various talent resides in their organization, and how the vast array of talent within that organization works together. This information then drives decisions that enable placement of the right people, with the right skills, in the right areas of the organization in order to improve productivity and efficiency, and drive the key out- comes required in the business strategy. We believe Talent Value Management is the key to optimizing the most important investment in any company – people. This is just one of the many ways that we are focused on what’s next in the world of work, and how we can change the role of employees in fundamental ways. With our array of services and innovative solutions to today’s most pressing employment challenges, Manpower has a distinct advantage that we intend to leverage toward further sustainable growth in the years ahead. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 27
  • 30. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS We are confident that 2004 will be marked as a turning point year for Manpower. At the core, Manpower and its offerings today, and what we are creating for the future, will redefine the industry. This is a bold statement, but one that we at Manpower believe in, strive for, and have the discipline and execution to achieve. The best is yet to come. I would like to thank the 27,000 talented, hard-working people of Manpower who deliver the best service in the industry, and make it all worthwhile through their exceptional dedication. In addition, I would also like to thank our Board of Directors for all of their insight and support. We welcome Marc Bolland, executive board member of Heineken N.V., as our newest member of the board, joining in 2004. And finally, I would like to thank our shareholders for their commitment to Manpower and their continued confidence that we are poised for even greater performance in the years to come. What’s next? We’ll be ready. JEFFREY A. JOERRES CHAIRMAN, CEO & PRESIDENT F E B R U A RY 9 , 2 0 0 5 2004 Annual Report 28 MANPOWER INC.
  • 31. C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 2005 and beyond will present employers with a number of workplace challenges that will impact their organizations. At the forefront of these challenges are skills shortages of various kinds, which are already being felt in countries around the globe. Whether it is truck drivers in the U.K., auditors in the U.S., or welders in Australia, finding people with the right skills will become increasingly difficult and crucial to staying competitive. Equally as important is training for people at all levels. From C-level on down, a strategy for maintaining and improving competitive skill sets will be required for companies to continue to grow, develop and deliver future technologies and services. At the periphery of these issues are the underemployed, including the disabled, the elderly and other disadvantaged people. These people need extra assistance to help them participate in the workforce. This is becoming ever more important as changing demographics will exacerbate the skills shortage issue in the future. Manpower understands these issues and for more than five decades we have developed innovative workforce development programs – both large-scale national initiatives and smaller local efforts – to help thousands of people engage in sustainable employment. We understand that developing skills is a key component to helping people move into better paying jobs. We also understand that people with the right job skills also need an employer that is willing to give them a chance to work, regardless of where they have come from, what they look like, or whether they have special needs. Our systems, programs and policies are designed to make the connection to work a viable option for those who have struggled in the journey. The following pages illustrate some of the ways over the past year Manpower has been able to help people improve their employability, engage in the workforce, and make a positive change in their lives.
  • 32. B R E A K I N G T H E C U LT U R A L BARRIERS FOR IMMIGRANTS ALEXANDER DENHELDER Alexander Denhelder arrived in Sweden as a Kurdish political refugee from Iraq. He completed his economics degree from Stockholm University, but had great difficulty finding a company that would hire him. For a year and a half, he searched in frustration for employment, completing hundreds of applications without a single interview. Then, one day he responded to an employment advertisement from Manpower and everything changed. “Manpower gave me a chance to work when no one else would,” said Alexander. “Since the day I started at Manpower, my managers have given me support and encouragement. They trust in me to make our customers happy and I trust in “What mattered to Manpower was my them to find me rewarding work and support my ambitions.” experience, my education and whether I It was six years ago when we found work for Alexander at could do a good job for the customer – Siemens. Today, he is working as an archive assistant at not my name or where I came from.” Sweden’s FMV (Försvarets Materielverk) defense materials department. This story from Sweden illustrates how Manpower is uniquely positioned to help immigrants find work in their “new” countries, and how we can help fill labor shortages in local markets. In many countries, it can be difficult for immigrants employment option for disadvantaged individuals when other to find jobs. This can be due to a variety of reasons: lack of avenues to employment have failed. This is important for both certifications/education, lack of experience, language barriers, employers and employees, as stronger employment laws are cultural misunderstandings, and racial discrimination. At the being enacted in many countries to improve inclusion in the same time, employers in these very same countries are facing workplace. More importantly, our systems are uniquely skills shortages. designed to match people to positions that are the right fit for Because Manpower has proprietary assessment and selection their interests and abilities, where they can have a better systems that focus strictly on the competence of the worker chance to succeed and establish a solid foundation in their – not nationality, race, gender or age – we are often the only adopted countries.
  • 33. OPENING DOORS TO NON-TRADITIONAL CAREERS PAT R I C I A M E R R I C K Patricia Merrick is no stranger to work. In fact, she manages two careers – one as an actress, landing roles in TV dramas, theater and film; and one as a professional driver with Manpower Driving in the U.K. “Working for Manpower is great; it gives me the flexibility to continue my acting career and supplement my income when I’m between acting jobs,” said Patricia. “As an actress I can disappear from my driving career for a few months and then pick up again where I left off when the acting job’s done. I can rely on Manpower to be there when I’m ready to go back to driving.” When Patricia started driving nearly 14 years ago, women “In the early ‘90s, a woman truck driver was an drivers were a rare breed. “In the early ‘90s a woman truck oddity, but that attitude has changed. I think driver was an oddity, but that attitude has changed,” explained Patricia. “I’m a woman, but I’m also just another Manpower has done a lot to help bring about driver who gets the job done. I think Manpower has done a that change.” lot to bring about that change in attitude and defeat the idea that women aren’t suited to driving.” The shortage of skilled workers resulting from demographic shifts is providing a tremendous opportunity to engage groups in the workforce who are currently underrepresented in many career paths. Across the U.K., drivers are in short supply and Manpower has been successful in recruiting them, due in part to our diversity strategy. By marketing the driving certification training that people need to succeed as drivers. career to non-traditional groups in the U.K. – such as women, While our driving recruits benefit from a stable career, our minorities and older persons – Manpower has been able to clients also benefit from having high-caliber, reliable drivers. find quality drivers when the transportation industry as a whole People are surprised when Patricia tells them she’s been a is experiencing a severe shortage. driver for 14 years. “We drive for high-caliber clients that are We are changing the image of driving as a career by eliminating very friendly and accommodating. I’ve been offered full-time old stereotypes and providing excellent pay, benefits, and the jobs, but I’d rather keep driving for Manpower.”
  • 34. FA C I L I TAT I N G T H E T R A N S I T I O N TO A MORE VIABLE CAREER CARESSE SEGUIN Caresse Seguin, a single mom with two children, was seeking a fresh start after moving back to Alberta from Ontario where she was employed as a healthcare worker for the elderly. The wage difference for this occupation in Alberta wouldn’t allow her to provide for her family, so she was on social assistance and looking for a job that could grow with her. Then a representative of the Alberta provincial government recommended her for Manpower’s TechReach program. “Like so many unemployed people, I just needed a helping hand,” said Caresse. “Manpower gave me the chance to show what I could do.” “Like so many unemployed people, I just needed Manpower’s TechReach program, a workforce development a helping hand. Manpower gave me the chance initiative in the United States and Canada, is designed to prepare unemployed and underemployed individuals for well- to show what I could do.” paying careers in information technology and other in-demand jobs. It includes intensive training, certification, job placement and mentoring in an effort to provide businesses with a new source of skilled employees. Not only does it provide companies with a new source of employees, but it also makes a difference in people’s lives. Caresse graduated from our TechReach program with a new- found confidence in her abilities and a “master” skills ranking in a variety of PC applications. She is currently making a good hourly wage as a sales support assistant for Weyerhaeuser, Today, TechReach is active in 45 locations throughout the an international forest products company, in Calgary, Canada. United States and Canada and it is one of our larger programs that helps teach people new skills so they can improve their “Manpower’s training program gave me the opportunity to employment situations and make career transitions. More empower myself with the skills I needed to work for a than 1,000 people have graduated from the program since its major corporation,” noted Caresse. “I couldn’t have done it inception, including disabled, elderly and unemployed persons. without them.”
  • 35. IMPROVING BASIC SKILLS T O E N A B L E A D VA N C E M E N T MAMADOU BALA BA It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to advance in your career when you lack the skills. That’s why Manpower develops training programs to help its temporary workers improve their skill sets so they can move into better paying jobs. For example, Manpower France has created Alphabétisation et Techniques Culinaires (Literacy and Culinary Techniques), an innovative program that combines training in literacy with advanced culinary techniques for its temporary workers in the restaurant field. Our program is a six-month, 210-hour course taught at the l’ École Grégoire-Ferrandi de Paris, a culinary training academy. Here, our employees learn French and mathematics in the context of the kitchen. “I tell my family and friends to come sign up with Manpower because here, temporary Mamadou Bala Ba, a Senegalese immigrant, came to France 18 years ago. However, his command of the French language workers are really respected. We are treated was still very rudimentary when he signed on with our Paris well and helped to advance in our careers.” branch as a dishwasher in the summer of 2003. But today, thanks to his motivation and our literacy program, he now has the skills and knowledge to work as a cook’s assistant. This allows Manpower to send him out on higher-skilled, higher- status assignments that pay more. “Now I can speak French better and I write it well,” said Mamadou. “I learned to read a recipe and calculate the amounts of the different ingredients…now I also know cooking vocabulary and technical terms.” Mamadou is also more interested in his new career path. Understandably, Mamadou has become an advocate of Manpower. “Manpower really stands out compared to other “Before the training I worked as a dishwasher, washing agencies. I tell my family and friends to come sign up with plates, glasses, etc. Now, I help prepare the food and I like it Manpower because here, temporary workers are really a lot,” explained Mamadou. “The Manpower class really respected. We are treated well and helped to advance in our helped me develop – I work more often, the work is more careers. This course is proof of it!” interesting, and I’m paid better.”
  • 36. REMOVING BARRIERS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES M A R G A R I TA J I M I N E Z The world of work is challenging enough for most of us, but imagine that you are one of the estimated 386-million working- age people in the world who are disabled. Unfortunately, a large number of people with disabilities, who are willing and able to work, are unemployed. Sometimes, this is because employers are unwilling to give them the opportunity. Frequently, it is because the individuals have not had access to adequate education or training to provide them with work- ready skills. Sometimes, it is simply because buildings or transportation are inaccessible to them. All of these are real barriers that prevent millions of people from earning a living. Manpower’s initiatives around the world help to remove these “Acceptance is one of the biggest challenges barriers. Caminemos Juntos (Let’s walk together), launched I faced in finding employment. It was very in 2001 in Mexico, is a prime example of how Manpower trains important for me to work for an employer the disabled to ensure they have the skills required to enter who would be accepting of my unique situation, the workforce and succeed on the job. Since its inception, the program has successfully worked with over 40 potential and my guide dog, Max.” and current customers and 15 labor organizations to place 300 individuals with disabilities. Margarita Jiminez, who is visually impaired, is one of those individuals. She was referred to our program through one of the Mexican Labor Ministry’s workforce development initiatives for the unemployed. Because of her impairment, Margarita believed that she was best suited for telephone work. “Before the Manpower training I didn’t even know how a “Acceptance is one of the biggest challenges I faced in finding switchboard was operated. But now, we’re best friends,” employment. It was very important for me to work for an joked Margarita. “Through Caminemos Juntos I learned to be employer who would be accepting of my unique situation, and more self-reliant and work with all different kinds of people.” my guide dog, Max,” explained Margarita. “I am very grate- Upon completing the program a year and a half ago, she was ful that Manpower offered this program, and hopefully, my hired as switchboard operator for Manpower’s headquarters testimony and performance on the job will motivate other in Mexico City and is doing quite well. employers to hire people with disabilities.”
  • 37. C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y All over the world, Manpower employees, partnering with community organizations, businesses and governments, engage in workforce development programs and activities that make a difference in people’s lives. Because of our relationships with both employers and workers, we are uniquely positioned to determine where current and future skills gaps are, identify people who need help, and develop solutions that bring these two groups together, mutually benefiting both. In this way, we function as a “bridge” to full-time employment for many who would otherwise be unemployed. Our industry leading skills assessment methods and hiring policies help us ensure that people are not discriminated against. Rather, we focus on people’s abilities – not their disabilities. For us, being a responsible company extends well beyond just writing a donation check to a charitable cause. It’s about strengthening the diversity of our communities and creating opportunities for all people to participate in the workforce. Whether it’s helping an unemployed single mother return to the workforce, or giving a job to an immigrant when no one else would, our reward comes knowing that we make a real difference – today and in the future.
  • 38. RELIEF FOR ASIAN TSUNAMI SURVIVORS Manpower researched many potential activities that we could engage in to provide relief for the survivors of this tragic disaster. We concluded that India is where we could make the greatest impact on the long-term recovery efforts, by helping those who have lost their jobs, or have lost the primary income provider in their families, to move toward economic stability. Therefore, Manpower will be funding the development of a vocational training center in the Tamil Nadu state in India, one of the most affected areas hit by the Asian tsunami. Through the new vocational training center in India, we hope to play a small role in rebuilding those lives most affected by this tragic disaster. Donations from our operations around the world, combined with the new vocational training center, bring the total Manpower commitment to tsunami victims to $1.7 million.
  • 39. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS R E V E N U E S F R O M S E R V I C E S (a) SYSTEMWIDE in millions ($) O F F I C E S (b) 14,930.0 4338 2004 2004 12,184.5 4041 2003 2003 10,610.9 3932 2002 2002 10,843.8 3920 2001 2001 10,842.8 3685 2000 2000 O P E R AT I N G P R O F I T ( c ) NET EARNINGS PER SHARE – in millions ($) D I L U T E D ( $ ) (c) (d) 395.8 2.59 2004 2004 257.9 1.69 2003 2003 234.8 1.42 2002 2002 237.6 1.59 2001 2001 311.0 2.22 2000 2000 (a) Revenues from Services include fees received from our franchise offices of $37.4 million, $28.1 million, $25.8 million, $26.5 million, and $34.5 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. These fees are primarily based on revenues generated by the franchise operations, which were $1,639.5 million, $1,323.4 million, $1,179.8 million, $1,214.4 million and $1,487.1 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. In the United States, where a majority of our franchises operate, Revenues from Services include fees received from the related franchise operations of $32.5 million, $24.1 million, $21.7 million, $21.9 million, and $25.0 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. These fees are primarily based on revenues generated by the franchise operations, which were $1,433.9 million, $1,135.5 million, $1,015.8 million, $1,026.2 million, and $1,181.5 million for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. (b) Systemwide Offices represents our branch offices plus the offices operating under a franchise agreement with us. (c) On January 1, 2002, we adopted SFAS No. 142, “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets,” which prohibits the amortization of goodwill and identifiable intangible assets with an indefinite life. (d) In the fourth quarter of 2004, we adopted EITF Issue No. 04-8. Previously reported Earnings Per Share – Diluted amounts have been restated to reflect the impact of applying the “if-converted” method to our Debentures. (See note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for further information.)
  • 41. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations BUSINESS OVERVIEW Manpower Inc. is a world leader in the employment services industry. REVENUES FROM SERVICES Our global network of over 4,300 offices in 67 countries and territories in millions ($) allows us to meet the needs of our customers in all industry segments, 2,041.1 United States 5,226.7 France whether they are global, multi-national or local companies. By offering a 5,084.3 EMEA 340.6 J e f f e r s o n We l l s complete range of services, we can help any company – no matter 431.1 Right 1,806.2 Other Operations where they are in their business evolution – raise productivity through improved strategy, quality, efficiency and cost reduction. O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T in millions ($) We do this through the Manpower family of companies (see Principal 49.3 United States Operating Units) which includes: 178.8 France 115.1 EMEA Manpower – temporary and permanent staffing, employee assess- 51.4 J e f f e r s o n We l l s 24.5 Right ment, and training 46.0 Other Operations Jefferson Wells – professional financial services Right Management Consultants – career transition and organizational consulting services Elan – IT recruitment and managed services For example, to ensure that customers have the right person – with the right skills – when business demand is high, we offer permanent, temporary and contract recruitment, and employee assessment and training services. We also provide highly specialized professional services, such as internal audit and controls, technology risk management, tax, finance and accounting services. If customers are searching for ways to work “smarter,” we also offer a wide range of organizational consulting services such as strategic talent management and leadership development. On the other hand, if a customer’s business demand is low, we offer career transition (outplacement) services. We also offer managed services if a customer wants to outsource a complete business function with us, such as call center, help desk, recruiting, or manufacturing operations. This balanced business mix allows us to offset the cyclical affects of the national economies in which we operate. Our leadership position also allows us to be a center for quality employment opportunities for people at all different points in their career paths. Each year, we employ more than two million people who work to help our more than 400,000 customers meet their business objectives. Laborers, seasoned professionals, mothers returning to work, elderly persons wanting to supplement pensions and disabled individuals – all turn to Manpower for employment. Similarly, governments of the nations in which we operate look to us to help them reduce unemployment and train the unemployed with the skills they need to enter the workforce. In this way, Manpower is a bridge to permanent employment for those who desire it. Our industry is large and fragmented, comprised of thousands of firms employing millions of people and generating billions of U.S. Dollars in annual revenues. It is also a highly competitive industry, reflecting several trends in the global marketplace, notably increasing demand for skilled people and consolidation among customers and in the employment services industry itself. We manage these trends by leveraging established strengths, including one of the employment services industry’s best-recognized brands; geographic diversification; size and service scope; an innovative product mix; and a strong customer base. While staffing is an important aspect of our business, our strategy is focused on providing both the skilled employees our customers need and high-value workforce management solutions. Customer demand for employment services is dependent on the overall strength of the labor market and secular trends toward greater workforce flexibility within each of the countries in which we operate. Improving economic growth typically results in increasing demand for labor, resulting in greater demand for our services. Correspondingly, during periods of weak economic growth or economic contraction, the demand for our staffing services typically declines, while demand for our career transition services accelerates. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 39
  • 42. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations During the last several years, secular trends toward greater workforce flexibility have had a favorable impact on demand for our services in several markets. As companies attempt to increase the variability of their cost base, contemporary work solutions help them to effectively address the fluctuating demand for their products or services. Due to our industry’s dependence on economic factors, the inherent difficulty in forecasting the direction and strength of the economy and the short-term nature of staffing assignments, it is difficult to forecast future demand for our services with any certainty. As a result, we monitor a number of economic indicators, as well as recent business trends, to predict future revenue growth trends. Based upon these anticipated trends, we determine whether additional personnel and office investments are necessary to take full advantage of growth opportunities. Our staffing business is organized and managed primarily on a geographic basis, and Jefferson Wells and Right are operated as separate global business units. Each country and business unit primarily has its own distinct operations, and is managed locally by its own management team. Each operation reports directly, or indirectly, through a regional manager to a member of executive management. Given this reporting structure, all of our operations have been seg- regated into the following segments: United States; France; EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa, excluding France); Jefferson Wells; Right; and Other Operations. The United States, France, EMEA, and Other Operations segments derive a significant majority of their revenues from the placement of temporary workers. The remaining revenues within these segments are derived from other human resource services, including permanent employee recruitment, temporary and permanent employee testing, selection, and training and development. Jefferson Wells’ revenues are derived from internal audit and control services, technology risk management, tax, finance and accounting services. The Right segment revenues are derived from career transition (outplacement) services and organizational-performance consulting. Segment revenues represent sales to external customers. Due to the nature of our business, we do not have export or intersegment sales. We provide services to a wide variety of customers, none of which individually comprise a significant portion of revenue for us as a whole and by segment, except for Jefferson Wells, in which approximately 19% of Jefferson Wells’ revenues for 2004 were generated from providing services to one customer. C O N S TA N T C U R R E N C Y Changes in our revenues and operating profits include the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and acquisitions and dispositions. We provide “constant currency” and “organic constant currency” calculations in this annual report to remove the impact of these items. We typically express year-over-year variances that are calculated in constant currency and organic constant currency as a percentage. When we use the term “constant currency,” it means that we have translated financial data for a period into U.S. Dollars using the same foreign currency exchange rates that we used to translate financial data for the previous period. We believe that this calculation is a useful measure, indicating the actual growth of our operations. Earnings from our subsidiaries are not generally repatriated to the United States, and we typically do not incur significant gains or losses on foreign currency transactions with our subsidiaries. Therefore, changes in foreign currency exchange rates primarily impact only reported earnings and not our actual cash flow or economic condition. When we use the term “organic constant currency,” it means that we have further removed the impact of acquisitions in the current period and dispositions from the prior period from our constant currency calculation. We believe that this calculation is useful because it allows us to show the actual growth of our pre-existing business. Constant currency and organic constant currency percent variances, along with a reconciliation of these amounts to certain of our reported results, are included on page 90. 2004 Annual Report 40 MANPOWER INC.
  • 43. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations R E S U LT S O F O P E R AT I O N S – Y E A R S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 3 A N D 2 0 0 2 Consolidated Results – 2004 compared to 2003 Revenues from Services increased 22.5% to $14.9 billion. Revenues were favorably impacted by changes in foreign currency exchange rates during the period due to the weakening of the U.S. Dollar relative to the currencies in most of our non-U.S. markets. In constant currency, revenues increased 14.1%. Revenues were also favorably impacted by acquisitions, primarily the acquisition of Right Management Consultants, Inc. (“RMC”). Revenues increased 19.2% excluding acquisitions or 10.9% on an organic constant currency basis. This growth rate is a result of improving economic conditions and increased demand for our services in all of our major markets, particularly EMEA and Jefferson Wells, where revenues increased 18.0% and 149.6% respectively, on a constant currency basis. Gross Profit increased 30.5% to $2.8 billion in 2004. The Gross Profit Margin increased 120 basis points (1.2%) to 18.7% in 2004 from 17.5% in 2003. Gross Profit growth from acquisitions, primarily from RMC, was approximately $220 million, which favorably impacted the Gross Profit Margin by 100 basis points (1.0%). Excluding acquisitions, Gross Profit Margin was 17.7% in 2004, an increase of 20 basis points (0.2%) over the Gross Profit Margin of 17.5% in 2003. This improvement is a result of the change in the mix of services provided, toward those with higher Gross Profit Margins. Approximately one-half of this improvement is due to the relatively higher growth at Jefferson Wells, with the remaining improvement a result of an increase in our permanent placement business, particularly in the EMEA and the Other Operations segments. While we saw Gross Profit Margin improvement in our temporary staffing business in several markets, this improvement was offset by decreases in others due to increased social costs, including increased U.S. workers’ compensation costs and state unemployment taxes. Selling and Administrative Expenses increased 27.3% during 2004 or 19.1% in constant currency. This increase is primarily in response to the increase in business volume and the impact of acquisitions, including the intangible asset amortization of $12.3 million in 2004 resulting from the RMC acquisition. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, these expenses increased 16.6%, or 8.9% on an organic constant currency basis. As a percent of revenues, Selling and Administrative Expenses were 16.0% in 2004 compared to 15.4% in 2003. This ratio is impacted by the acquisition of RMC, because RMC has a different cost structure than our existing business. Excluding acquisitions, Selling and Administrative Expenses were 15.1% of revenues in 2004, an improvement of 30 basis points (.3%) from 2003. This improvement reflects continued productivity gains in conjunction with the revenue growth, as we were able to leverage our office network. Operating Profit increased 53.5% over 2003, with an Operating Profit Margin of 2.7% in 2004 compared to 2.1% in 2003. On a constant currency basis, Operating Profit increased 43.0%. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, Operating Profit increased 46.0%, or 35.7% on an organic constant currency basis in 2004. Operating Profit Margin, excluding acquisitions, improved to 2.6% in 2004 compared to 2.1% in 2003. This improvement in Operating Profit Margin is due to the increase in Gross Profit Margin coupled with the productivity gains. Interest and Other Expense is comprised of interest, foreign exchange gains and losses, and other miscellaneous non- operating income and expenses. In total, Interest and Other Expenses decreased $9.5 million in 2004 from 2003. Net Interest Expense was $36.0 million in 2004 compared to $33.4 million in 2003. This increase is primarily due to increased interest rates and the impact of higher exchange rates on our euro-denominated interest expense, offset by higher interest income. Foreign exchange gains and losses primarily result from intercompany transactions between our foreign subsidiaries and the United States. Such gains were $1.6 million and $1.3 million in 2004 and 2003, respectively. Miscellaneous Income (Expense), Net, was income of $8.1 million in 2004 compared to expense of $3.7 million in 2003. The income in 2004 includes non-operating gains of $14.2 million ($0.11 per diluted share), primarily related to the sale of our equity interest in a European internet job board during the first quarter of 2004. Net proceeds from this transaction were $29.8 million. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 41
  • 44. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations We provided for income taxes at a rate of 33.5% in 2004 and 38.0% in 2003. Included in the 2004 rate is the impact of the non-operating gains recorded in the first quarter and the reversal of an $8.0 million tax contingency reserve in the third quarter. Excluding these items, our rate for 2004 would have been 36.0%. This rate is higher than the U.S. Federal statutory rate of 35% due to higher foreign income tax rates and $9.5 million of taxes recorded on the unremitted earnings of foreign subsidiaries, offset by the tax benefits, including the reversal of $16.7 million of valuation allowances, of certain internal corporate restructurings and transactions. Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 53.3% to $2.59 in 2004 compared to $1.69 in 2003. In constant currency, Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 45.0%. The higher foreign currency exchange rates positively impacted Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted by approximately $0.14 in 2004. On an undiluted basis, Net Earnings Per Share was $2.76 in 2004 compared to $1.77 in 2003. During September 2004, the Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) issued Issue No. 04-8, “The Effect of Contingently Convertible Debt on Diluted Earnings Per Share”(“EITF 04-8”), which requires the effect of contingently convertible debt securities with a market price trigger to be included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share, using the “if- converted” method, regardless of whether the market price trigger has been met. EITF 04-8 also requires restatement of previously reported earnings. Our convertible debentures, issued August 2001, have such a feature, and therefore we have restated Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted for all periods since the issuance. (See note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for further information.) Consolidated Results – 2003 compared to 2002 Revenues from Services increased 14.8% to $12.2 billion. Revenues were favorably impacted during the year by changes in foreign currency exchange rates due to the weakening of the U.S. Dollar relative to the currencies in most of our non-U.S. markets. In constant currency, revenues increased 2.2%. Revenue growth in 2003 attributable to acquisitions was approximately $21.3 million or 0.2% of revenue. On an organic constant currency basis, revenues increased by 2.0%. This growth rate is a result of increased activity in the Other Operations segment with stable revenue levels in the other markets. Gross Profit increased 11.9% to $2.1 billion during 2003. The Gross Profit Margin declined 50 basis points (.5%) to 17.5% in 2003 from 18.0% in 2002. This decrease was attributable to higher payroll taxes and social costs, increased pricing pressures throughout the world, changes in the service mix of business (from higher margin service lines to lower margin service lines) and changes in the geographical mix of business (as revenue growth in countries with lower Gross Profit Margins, such as France, was higher than in some countries with higher Gross Profit Margins). Gross Profit growth from acquisitions was approximately $2.5 million and had an insignificant impact on Gross Profit Margin. Selling and Administrative Expenses increased 12.1% during 2003. This increase is primarily due to the changes in exchange rates, as these expenses increased only 0.6% on a constant currency basis. As a percent of revenues, Selling and Administrative Expenses were 15.4% in 2003 compared to 15.8% in 2002. This improvement is a result of continued productivity gains and careful expense management in conjunction with growing revenues. Operating Profit increased 9.9% during 2003, however on a constant currency basis, Operating Profit declined 6.6%. The Operating Profit Margin was 2.1% compared to 2.2% for 2002. The Operating Profit level primarily reflects the improved leveraging of the business offset by the Gross Profit Margin declines. Acquisitions made during 2003 decreased Operating Profit by approximately $0.2 million. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, Operating Profit increased 9.8% during 2003, however on an organic constant currency basis, Operating Profit decreased 6.6%. Acquisitions had no impact on Operating Profit Margin in 2003. Interest and Other Expense is comprised of interest, foreign exchange gains and losses, and other miscellaneous non- operating income and expenses. In total, Interest and Other Expense decreased $11.0 million from 2002 to 2003. Net interest expense was $33.4 million in 2003 and 2002. Average borrowing levels were lower throughout 2003 compared 2004 Annual Report 42 MANPOWER INC.
  • 45. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations to 2002, however the impact of this was offset by our Euro-denominated interest expense which was translated at higher rates in 2003. Foreign exchange gains and losses primarily result from intercompany transactions between our foreign subsidiaries and the United States. Such gains were $1.3 million and $1.8 million in 2003 and 2002, respectively. Miscellaneous Expenses, Net, were $3.7 million in 2003 compared to $15.2 million in 2002. In the fourth quarter of 2002, we recorded a charge of $5.1 million ($2.9 million net of tax, or $0.04 per share) related to a writedown of equity security investments where the decline in market value was determined to be other-than-temporary, as defined by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 115, “Accounting for Certain Debt and Equity Securities.” We provided for income taxes at a rate of 38.0% in 2003. This rate is higher than the U.S. Federal statutory rate of 35% due primarily to the impact of higher foreign income tax rates and valuation reserves recorded against foreign net operating losses. This rate is lower than the 2002 effective tax rate of 39.8% due to an increase in the foreign tax credits used to offset the U.S. taxes on foreign earnings, offset somewhat by a shift in the mix of taxable income toward countries with relatively higher tax rates. Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted increased 19.0% to $1.69 in 2003 compared to $1.42 in 2002. Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted in 2003 was positively impacted by the higher foreign currency exchange rates during the year. In constant currency, 2003 Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted would have been $1.42, the same as 2002. On an undiluted basis, Net Earnings Per Share was $1.77 in 2003 compared to $1.48 in 2002. Segment Results U.S. – The United States operation is comprised of 591 U.S. REVENUES in millions ($) Company-owned branch offices and 345 stand alone franchise offices. Revenues in the United States consist of sales of our 2,041.1 (+4.9%) 2004 Company-owned branch offices and fees from our franchise oper- 1,945.8 (+1.8%) 2003 ations. Revenues for the year were $2.0 billion, an increase of 4.9%, 1,911.4 (-4.6%) 2002 and include franchise fees of $25.0 million. Franchise fees are primarily based on revenues generated by the franchise network, which were $1.2 billion in 2004. U . S . O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T in millions ($) Revenues in the United States accelerated through the first half 49.3 (+46.4%) 2004 of the year, after beginning the year slightly below prior year levels. Revenue growth stabilized in the second half of the year with 33.7 (+15.2%) 2003 growth exceeding 6% in both the third and fourth quarters (exclud- 29.2 (-0.8%) 2002 ing the impact of Transpersonnel, our trucking operation that was disposed of in July 2004). Fueling this improving growth was an increase in demand for our light industrial and industrial skilled staff, which represents approximately 48% of our U.S. revenues. Revenue growth from placement of these skills increased nearly 20% from the prior year, reflecting an improvement of the U.S. manufacturing sector. Revenue from office and specialty skills lagged the prior year, however, the rate of contraction improved as we progressed through the year. The Gross Profit Margin declined compared to the prior year due to increases in employment-related costs such as state unemployment taxes and workers’ compensation. While we were able to recover a substantial portion of these increases through higher bill rates, the competitive market environment did not allow us to fully recover all of these cost increases. Selling and Administrative Expenses trended favorably downward 0.9% during the year, primarily due to a reduction in personnel costs and branch office related costs. This cost reduction, combined with our revenue growth, reflects strong gains in productivity and our ability to leverage excess capacity across our U.S. branch office network. Operating Unit Profit for the year increased by 46.4% to $49.3 million. Our Operating Unit Profit Margin increased to 2.4% of revenues from 1.7%, as our productivity enhancements more than offset the decline in Gross Profit Margin. 2004 Annual Report MANPOWER INC. 43
  • 46. M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A LY S I S of financial condition and results of operations France – Revenues in France increased 12.7% to $5.2 billion. In FRANCE REVENUES in millions ($) Euros, French Revenues increased 2.8% to €4.2 billion. The majority of this revenue increase reflects hourly rate increases as 5,226.7 (+12.7%) 2004 volumes increased only slightly during the year. Revenue growth 4,638.8 (+20.5%) 2003 in Euro was modest in the first half of the year, growing by 2.7%, 3.848.2 (+2.2%) 2002 followed by softening in the third quarter to 1.0% and then accel- erating to 4.9% in the fourth quarter of the year. F R A N C E O P E R AT I N G Gross Profit Margins declined compared to the prior year, even UNIT PROFIT in millions ($) after excluding adjustments to our estimated liability related to social program remittances in each year. (In 2004, there was an 178.8 (-2.8%) 2004 unfavorable adjustment of $12.8 million, and in 2003, there was a 184.0 (+28.2%) 2003 $16.1 million favorable adjustment.) This decline reflects increasing price competition from large and small competitors, partially due 143.6 (+5.8%) 2002 to their expansion of office network capacity during a period of nominal growth in the total staffing market. Selling and Administrative Expenses were well controlled during the year, decreasing slightly from 2003 despite continued investment in new offices. A total of 49 new offices were opened during the year, bringing the total office count to 1,127. Operating Unit Profit was $178.8 million, a decrease of 2.8% from the prior year. Operating Unit Profit Margin was 3.4%, a decrease from 3.9% in 2003. Operating Unit Profit was unfavorably impacted by the adjustment for social program remittances in 2004, and favorably impacted by the adjustments in 2003, as discussed above. During 2004, a new law in France ended the French Job Center’s (ANPE’s) control of the placement of the unemployed. As a result of this law change, temporary staffing companies are allowed to offer placement and recruitment services beginning January 1, 2005. We expect these services will have a long-term benefit on our French business, but will not have a significant impact on 2005 results due to investments required to grow this service line. EMEA – The EMEA region includes our operations in Europe, the EMEA REVENUES in millions ($) Middle East and Africa (excluding France), which covers a total of 18 countries delivering services through 1,400 offices. In addition 5,084.3 (+29.7%) 2004 to employment services delivered under the Manpower brand, this 3,920.2 (+14.1%) 2003 region also includes Elan, which is a leading IT recruitment, staffing 3,434.9 (+.2%) 2002 and managed services firm operating across 16 countries in the region, and Brook Street, which provides general staffing and recruitment services primarily in the United Kingdom. E M E A O P E R AT I N G U N I T P R O F I T in millions ($) Geographically, the largest operations in this segment are the U.K., 115.1 (+122.4%) 2004 which comprises 27% of EMEA revenues, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden, which combined comprise 51.7 (-37.7%) 2003 52% of EMEA revenues. Elan comprises 11% of EMEA revenues. 83.0 (-21.6%) 2002 2004 Annual Report 44 MANPOWER INC.