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FTTH network rollouts:
Is there a winning model in Europe?

          Joëlle Toledano

             Idate – 2011
            November 16th

 Three “Winning”/ interesting models:

          FTTH in Singapore
          FTTx in Korea
          Broadband in France

 A few mandatory ingredients to building a winning model

Singapore: A single passive network with a scheduled rollout, competition in
  wholesale and retail services

 Public support: a project planned by the public authorities (regulator IDA):
         Definition of the initial roadmap
         Choice of the candidate to construct the the passive network
         Implementation of subsidy mechanisms
         Price regulation

 A network operator – OpenNet – in charge of universal service for the single passive network:
         Network rollout to connect all subscribers, households and businesses by 1 January 2013
         Provide dark fibre and interconnection offers, at regulated prices
         Up to 750 S$ million in subsidies , depending on network rollout targets and commercial success

 An operator in charge of providing universal service offers, based on bitstream, for ultra-fast
  broadband wholesale solutions: Nucleus Connect (wholly-owned StarHub subsidiary, Singapore’s
  second largest carrier)
         Regulated prices and up to 250 S$ million in subsidies

 Network and service operators buying wholesale offers:
         Including StarHub, as well as M1, Singapore’s number three operator, and other retail market operators
         Singtel, incumbent carrier and broadband market leader, rolls out its own activated network using
          OpenNet solutions

Singapore: Several keys to success

 Geography and demographics allow for fast rollouts (5 years)

        Small size and high population density (7,000/km² - France: 116/km²)
        80% of the inhabitants live in public collective housing

 Singaporean public authorities found the right incentives for the two market leaders: Singtel
  (incumbent carrier) and StarHub (number 2)

        A major public funding effort: up to 1 billion S$ in subsidies, depending on targets achieved
        Singtel present in every market tier, in various ways: a major OpenNet shareholder (30%); an
         OpenNet provider for the deployment and upkeep of the new fibre network, using its own
         copper network
        StarHub has strengthened its position in the broadband market
        StarHub and Singtel expected to eventually share the ultra-fast broadband market, especially
         since easing access to video content was indirectly part of the overall agreement
        N.B. Temasek (Singaporean sovereign fund) is not only the major Singtel shareholder but also
         has holds a significant stake in StarHub

 Coordination problems between the three tiers


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South Korea: Ultra-fast broadband becoming the norm; longstanding and
sustainable backing from public authorities

 Success of ultra-fast broadband in South Korea

        Ultra-fast broadband and broadband networks cover virtually all households (17.4M households in
        Almost 65% of the lines had upload speeds over 50Mb/s in early 2010 (KCC/KISDI)
        Almost 55% of subscriptions are to an Fttx service (FttH + FttB + FttC)
        xDSL subscriptions account for only 15% of connections (56% of subscriptions in 2004)

 Longstanding and sustainable public backing
        Strategy during the crisis in 1997: top priority given to new technologies
        Implementation of various strategic plans to foster private investment and research, setting up a
         dedicated fund (around 1 billion US$ from 1996 to 2006)
        KCC, sector regulator and architect of industrial policy for both infrastructures and services since 2008

South Korea: Infrastructure-based competition and pragmatic
technological choices

 4 parallel networks (3 telecom carriers and a group of cable companies),
  with very affordable prices and limited difference between broadband
  and ultra-fast broadband prices
 Infrastructure-based competition….thanks to "low“ roll-out costs
        Several simultaneous rollouts enabled by country’s geo-economics: 500
         people/km2, 76% of the population live in the 10 largest cities, 50% in the
         greater Seoul region …
        Significant aerial deployment in urban areas
        Infrastructures made available early on: KEPCO’s overhead electrical
         infrastructures available since 1998
        High rate of housing renewal: housing projects with built-in shared access
         networks (superfast broadband is a key element in a building’s rating)

 Pragmatic techniques
        Operators combine several technical solutions to provide ultra-fast
         broadband: FttH in small buildings or pre-equipped homes for the rare
         detached houses, FttC or FttB + LAN to connect consumers living in buildings
         equipped with home networks via Ethernet

 Public authorities, including the regulator, foster"fair"competition for
  the benefit of consumers

Success of broadband in France: Regulation driving increased coverage
                     with competition led by private and public investment

                           Local Loop Unbundling launch
                                     Broadband expansion
                                     based on unbundling
                                        and alternative       Public network rollouts
                                        operators’ own
                                       network rollouts         Public authority
                                                                 involvement to
                                                                   complement       Launch of "LFO“ backhaul offer
                                                               private operators’
                                                                                        France Telecom’s extra fibers used for
                                                                network rollouts
                                                                                      alternative operators’ backhaul networks
                                     100% coverage



                                                                                                                                                 Unbundled MDF
Unbundlables lines

                     15                                                                                                                      3
                     10                                                                                                                      2
                      5                                                                                                                      1

                      0                                                                                                                      0
                                      2001     2002    2003      2004      2005     2006      2007          2009     2010
                                                               Unbundled MDF
                                                              NRA dégroupés                 unbundlables lines
                                                                                           LP dégroupagbles
A few mandatory ingredients to building a winning model…

                    … especially in France


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This paper, highlights the vast unused telecom network capacity set aside for Mobile Virtual Network Operators #MVNO in Thailand, due to reluctance from the mobile network operators, AIS, Dtac and True, to accept these on their networks. The introduction of MVNOs in Thailand six years ago has not succeeded in laying the foundation to ensure innovation, the achievement of the broader industry and national economic objectives. The MVNOs has been tethered with the legacy infrastructure and thinking behind the conventional mobile operator services. However, there are lessons to be learned, and first lesson is - a new approach is needed. Therefore, we suggest a few additions to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission’s (NBTC) notification regarding network capacity and obligations for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) in Thailand. We also propose a one-stop shop, who acts as an enabler for the digital economy, MVNO / M2M / IoT service providers, e.g. matching the demand, with the supply of unused MVNO capacity from the telecom operators, and thereby creating a win/win for all stakeholders in the ecosystem. ¹ MVNO Definition: http://www.yozzo.com/mvno-wiki/mvno-definition ² The History of MVNO | http://www.yozzo.com/mvno-wiki/the-history-of-mvno | August 2016 | Yozzo.com ³ Why MVNOs in Thailand have failed: http://www.yozzo.com/news-and-information/mvno-mobile-operator-s/why-mvnos-in-thailand-have-failed

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The document discusses several topics related to multimedia content delivery and broadband networks, including: 1) Traditional broadcasters are facing competition from telecom companies in delivering multimedia content via IPTV and mobile networks. 2) Regulatory approaches to broadband differ between the EU and US. The EU takes a more regulated approach while the US market is less regulated. 3) Significant investments estimated at 250-300 billion euros will be needed to deploy next generation access (NGA) broadband networks in Europe. Public-private partnerships are seen as important to help achieve broadband goals.

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This document provides an overview of mobile backhaul, which refers to the transport network connecting mobile network core and radio access networks. It discusses key challenges for mobile backhaul including evolving LTE and 5G technologies, subscriber and data traffic growth, stringent latency requirements, and network densification. The document also outlines different technology choices for mobile backhaul, including copper lines, fiber optics, microwave radios, and satellite. Copper lines were commonly used for earlier generation networks but do not scale well to support increasing bandwidth demands, while fiber, microwave, and satellite are better suited for current and future needs.

There is no "one size fits all“ FTTH rollout model!
The degree and state of competition play a key role (1)
 Ideally competition would be the core driving force. But it is not always so.
 Competition as driving force:
     For the incumbent, when infrastructure-based competition exists and speed
      becomes a competitive issue (ADSL versus cable or any other planned Fttx network).
      The scale of the rollout depends on the footprint of the alternative infrastructure.
     For alternative operators when they can climb to the next rung of the ladder of
      investment. Here, the existing customer base is a key parameter
     In both cases the additional investment has to be profitable enough…..
     …. and investment profitability is not calculated in the same way (with the same
      revenue) depending of the competitive situation: if ADSL revenue is at risk,
      incentives to invest are much higher than when the purpose of the investment is
      "only“ to generate additional income. For the same new fibre networks profitability
      for the incumbent is lower when it doesn't face competition from higher speed
     Fear of competition from new entrants on fibre (private or public) creates a
      powerful incentive for the incumbent to invest
     In France, private operators are committed to covering around 60% of the
      population, sharing a significant portion of investments in the passive network. They
      will be competing with their own active offers. It will enable lasting competition
      with ongoing technical innovation

There is no "one size fits all“ FTTH rollout model!
The degree and state of competition play a key role (2)

Could regulation on wholesale access prices drive the French market forward?
 Some analysts suggest lowering unbundling prices to reduce legacy copper
  network’s profitability – in the belief that this would create an incentive to
  deploy fibre, in search of a more profitable business
 Shrinking ADSL profit levels by lowering wholesale prices WILL NOT create the
  same incentives as competition does
 The issue is not to increase fibre profitability “vis a vis” ADSL profitability

 The reason lies on the demand side: for customers, until now, fibre has had
  quite similar value to that of a good ADSL (triple play) solution!
 So substantially lowering wholesale access prices for any reason other than
  lower amortized actual spending will give a second wind to competition with
  copper. It will even become more attractive to use the copper network and
  deploy VDSL2!

We need to properly differentiate fibre-based NGA from copper-based ones (i.e.
VDSL) as their rollout does not respond to the same incentives, the same
competitive situation and the same objectives !
Fostering competition and investment by lowering the
breakeven point for all competitors

 Private operators’ eagerness to deploy FttH networks
     Not only in high-density areas (where infrastructure-based competition is
      possible) but also sharing a passive network in lower density areas
     Such eagerness results from strong ADSL market competition

 Need to support and oversee FTTH rollouts
     Creating a level playing field (asymmetric regulation) ensuring that each
      operator benefits from the same rollout conditions
      - France Telecom required to provide access at "affordable“ prices to its ducts
     Sustaining competitive momentum by sharing passive local loop
      (symmetric regulation)
      -   Maximizing competition through optimal last-metre infrastructure sharing
      -   Providing access to large sharing points
      -   Co-financing or renting access
      -   Sharing information
      -   Consistency required in last-metre rollouts
Using public investment and public authority involvement as a
way to expand coverage

 Public funds are scarce. Maximizing private investment is a core objective

 Public authority involvement as a complement/incentive to private action
    Rollouts in areas where private investment is lacking
    Reduce disparities in local networks
    Backhaul networks to ensure alternative operators’ access to local loop

 Programme National Très Haut Débit (national ultra-fast broadband programme)
    “Private operators” component (1bn€)
        - Long-term maturity loans for private operators
    “Local authorities” component (900m€)
        - Subsidies for local authorities' projects in areas not subject to private
    “Satellite” component (100m€)
        - Subsidies for R&D
 Services: 2.5bn€ in subsidies to promote content (demand-side policy)

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Public-Private Coordination is needed

 Need to coordinate private and public actions
     Complementary nature of rollouts

 Ensuring competitiveness of public networks
     Co-financing ensures private operator involvement
     Public networks taking operators’ business models into account
        - Network architecture, standardized processes (information exchange, upkeep)

 Public involvement required by private operators
     Leverage (incentivising)
     Private rollouts eased by local authorities

What do we know about demand and willingness to pay?

 Everywhere – even in Korea and Sweden – everyone is looking for the killer
  app! A lot of ideas are being discussed: e-learning, e-health, cloud computing,
  new forms of access to video content, public services… But, up until now, online
  gaming at home and multi-user households have emerged as the only specific
  cases where Fttx is highly recommended.
 In areas with high-speed ADSL (triple-play offers), two conditions are required
  to ensure the success of FttH:
         - Small gap between the retail price of FTTH and xDSL
         - Attractive content and services: HDTV, premium content, ..
 In areas with low access speeds or without ADSL, demand for FTTH seems to
  higher but…
 local offers are less attractive and…
 Supply on a national scale is required to stimulate demand (network effect)
     National marketing (retail prices, ad campaigns… quadruple-play)
     Attractive content
 And, as we know for certain that consumption of data will continue to surge,
  demand for increased speed will necessarily follow…

Dynamic competition and public involvement to cope with

              Regulation and public-private"co-opetition”

          Foster private      Dynamic               Public
         investment and    competition that     investment &
            innovation        benefits           involvement


Thank you!

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UPDATE 8 version 2.4 Final (December, 2015) Winners of 1800MHz and 900 MHz bidding Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has finally been able to set a timetable for the country's 4G spectrum auctions, after the cabinet gave the green light to proceed with the auctions plans. The NBTC expects to issue 4G licenses for the 1800 MHz spectrum and the 900 MHz spectrum. UPDATE 7 version 2.2 (October, 2015) MobileLTE may join the 900 MHz bidding UPDATE 6 version 2.1 (September 22, 2015) 900 MHz auction timeline and minimum bidding price UPDATE 5 Version 1.6 (June 24, 2015) The telecom committee of NBTC approved adding a maximum spectrum cap of 60 MHz for each operator in Thailand on June 23, 2015. The cap applies to telecom frequencies including those either under concessions or the license system and covers frequencies ranging from 470 MHz - 2600 MHz UPDATE 4 Version 1.5 (May 15 2015) Agreement reached between CAT TELECOM and DTAC whereas 5 MHz unused bandwidth from DTAC could be added to the auction giving it a total of 30 MHz divided into two slots of 15 MHz. However the regulator has rejected that proposal. UPDATE 3 Version 1.4 (24 April, 2015) Most common frequencies used worldwide for 4G/LTE International spectrum usage LTE FDD and LTE TDD device support Smartphone support example UPDATE 2: April 22, 2015. Version 1.3: MCOT has agreed to return its unused 60 MHz of bandwidth out of 144 MHz on the 2600 MHz spectrum. The state-run broadcaster will receive THB 100 million in compensation. UPDATED April 16, 2015 Version 1.2

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Mme Toledano Arcep FTTH Network DigiWorld Summit 2011 IDATE

  • 1. FTTH network rollouts: Is there a winning model in Europe? Joëlle Toledano ARCEP Idate – 2011 November 16th
  • 2. Contents  Three “Winning”/ interesting models:  FTTH in Singapore  FTTx in Korea  Broadband in France  A few mandatory ingredients to building a winning model 1
  • 3. Singapore: A single passive network with a scheduled rollout, competition in wholesale and retail services  Public support: a project planned by the public authorities (regulator IDA):  Definition of the initial roadmap  Choice of the candidate to construct the the passive network  Implementation of subsidy mechanisms  Price regulation  A network operator – OpenNet – in charge of universal service for the single passive network:  Network rollout to connect all subscribers, households and businesses by 1 January 2013  Provide dark fibre and interconnection offers, at regulated prices  Up to 750 S$ million in subsidies , depending on network rollout targets and commercial success  An operator in charge of providing universal service offers, based on bitstream, for ultra-fast broadband wholesale solutions: Nucleus Connect (wholly-owned StarHub subsidiary, Singapore’s second largest carrier)  Regulated prices and up to 250 S$ million in subsidies  Network and service operators buying wholesale offers:  Including StarHub, as well as M1, Singapore’s number three operator, and other retail market operators  Singtel, incumbent carrier and broadband market leader, rolls out its own activated network using OpenNet solutions 2
  • 4. Singapore: Several keys to success  Geography and demographics allow for fast rollouts (5 years)  Small size and high population density (7,000/km² - France: 116/km²)  80% of the inhabitants live in public collective housing  Singaporean public authorities found the right incentives for the two market leaders: Singtel (incumbent carrier) and StarHub (number 2)  A major public funding effort: up to 1 billion S$ in subsidies, depending on targets achieved  Singtel present in every market tier, in various ways: a major OpenNet shareholder (30%); an OpenNet provider for the deployment and upkeep of the new fibre network, using its own copper network  StarHub has strengthened its position in the broadband market  StarHub and Singtel expected to eventually share the ultra-fast broadband market, especially since easing access to video content was indirectly part of the overall agreement  N.B. Temasek (Singaporean sovereign fund) is not only the major Singtel shareholder but also has holds a significant stake in StarHub  Coordination problems between the three tiers 3
  • 5. South Korea: Ultra-fast broadband becoming the norm; longstanding and sustainable backing from public authorities  Success of ultra-fast broadband in South Korea  Ultra-fast broadband and broadband networks cover virtually all households (17.4M households in 2010)  Almost 65% of the lines had upload speeds over 50Mb/s in early 2010 (KCC/KISDI)  Almost 55% of subscriptions are to an Fttx service (FttH + FttB + FttC)  xDSL subscriptions account for only 15% of connections (56% of subscriptions in 2004)  Longstanding and sustainable public backing  Strategy during the crisis in 1997: top priority given to new technologies  Implementation of various strategic plans to foster private investment and research, setting up a dedicated fund (around 1 billion US$ from 1996 to 2006)  KCC, sector regulator and architect of industrial policy for both infrastructures and services since 2008 4
  • 6. South Korea: Infrastructure-based competition and pragmatic technological choices  4 parallel networks (3 telecom carriers and a group of cable companies), with very affordable prices and limited difference between broadband and ultra-fast broadband prices  Infrastructure-based competition….thanks to "low“ roll-out costs  Several simultaneous rollouts enabled by country’s geo-economics: 500 people/km2, 76% of the population live in the 10 largest cities, 50% in the greater Seoul region …  Significant aerial deployment in urban areas  Infrastructures made available early on: KEPCO’s overhead electrical infrastructures available since 1998  High rate of housing renewal: housing projects with built-in shared access networks (superfast broadband is a key element in a building’s rating)  Pragmatic techniques  Operators combine several technical solutions to provide ultra-fast broadband: FttH in small buildings or pre-equipped homes for the rare detached houses, FttC or FttB + LAN to connect consumers living in buildings equipped with home networks via Ethernet  Public authorities, including the regulator, foster"fair"competition for the benefit of consumers 5
  • 7. Success of broadband in France: Regulation driving increased coverage with competition led by private and public investment Local Loop Unbundling launch Broadband expansion based on unbundling and alternative Public network rollouts operators’ own network rollouts Public authority involvement to complement Launch of "LFO“ backhaul offer private operators’ France Telecom’s extra fibers used for network rollouts alternative operators’ backhaul networks 100% coverage 7 Thousands 30 Millions 6 Unbundled MDF 25 Unbundlables lines 5 20 4 15 3 10 2 5 1 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 Unbundled MDF NRA dégroupés unbundlables lines LP dégroupagbles 6
  • 8. A few mandatory ingredients to building a winning model… … especially in France 7
  • 9. There is no "one size fits all“ FTTH rollout model! The degree and state of competition play a key role (1)  Ideally competition would be the core driving force. But it is not always so.  Competition as driving force:  For the incumbent, when infrastructure-based competition exists and speed becomes a competitive issue (ADSL versus cable or any other planned Fttx network). The scale of the rollout depends on the footprint of the alternative infrastructure.  For alternative operators when they can climb to the next rung of the ladder of investment. Here, the existing customer base is a key parameter  In both cases the additional investment has to be profitable enough…..  …. and investment profitability is not calculated in the same way (with the same revenue) depending of the competitive situation: if ADSL revenue is at risk, incentives to invest are much higher than when the purpose of the investment is "only“ to generate additional income. For the same new fibre networks profitability for the incumbent is lower when it doesn't face competition from higher speed networks.  Fear of competition from new entrants on fibre (private or public) creates a powerful incentive for the incumbent to invest  In France, private operators are committed to covering around 60% of the population, sharing a significant portion of investments in the passive network. They will be competing with their own active offers. It will enable lasting competition with ongoing technical innovation 8
  • 10. There is no "one size fits all“ FTTH rollout model! The degree and state of competition play a key role (2) Could regulation on wholesale access prices drive the French market forward?  Some analysts suggest lowering unbundling prices to reduce legacy copper network’s profitability – in the belief that this would create an incentive to deploy fibre, in search of a more profitable business  Shrinking ADSL profit levels by lowering wholesale prices WILL NOT create the same incentives as competition does  The issue is not to increase fibre profitability “vis a vis” ADSL profitability  The reason lies on the demand side: for customers, until now, fibre has had quite similar value to that of a good ADSL (triple play) solution!  So substantially lowering wholesale access prices for any reason other than lower amortized actual spending will give a second wind to competition with copper. It will even become more attractive to use the copper network and deploy VDSL2! We need to properly differentiate fibre-based NGA from copper-based ones (i.e. VDSL) as their rollout does not respond to the same incentives, the same competitive situation and the same objectives ! 9
  • 11. Fostering competition and investment by lowering the breakeven point for all competitors  Private operators’ eagerness to deploy FttH networks  Not only in high-density areas (where infrastructure-based competition is possible) but also sharing a passive network in lower density areas  Such eagerness results from strong ADSL market competition  Need to support and oversee FTTH rollouts  Creating a level playing field (asymmetric regulation) ensuring that each operator benefits from the same rollout conditions - France Telecom required to provide access at "affordable“ prices to its ducts  Sustaining competitive momentum by sharing passive local loop (symmetric regulation) - Maximizing competition through optimal last-metre infrastructure sharing - Providing access to large sharing points - Co-financing or renting access - Sharing information - Consistency required in last-metre rollouts 10
  • 12. Using public investment and public authority involvement as a way to expand coverage  Public funds are scarce. Maximizing private investment is a core objective  Public authority involvement as a complement/incentive to private action  Rollouts in areas where private investment is lacking  Reduce disparities in local networks  Backhaul networks to ensure alternative operators’ access to local loop  Programme National Très Haut Débit (national ultra-fast broadband programme)  “Private operators” component (1bn€) - Long-term maturity loans for private operators  “Local authorities” component (900m€) - Subsidies for local authorities' projects in areas not subject to private investment  “Satellite” component (100m€) - Subsidies for R&D  Services: 2.5bn€ in subsidies to promote content (demand-side policy) 11
  • 13. Public-Private Coordination is needed  Need to coordinate private and public actions  Complementary nature of rollouts  Ensuring competitiveness of public networks  Co-financing ensures private operator involvement  Public networks taking operators’ business models into account - Network architecture, standardized processes (information exchange, upkeep)  Public involvement required by private operators  Leverage (incentivising)  Private rollouts eased by local authorities 12
  • 14. What do we know about demand and willingness to pay?  Everywhere – even in Korea and Sweden – everyone is looking for the killer app! A lot of ideas are being discussed: e-learning, e-health, cloud computing, new forms of access to video content, public services… But, up until now, online gaming at home and multi-user households have emerged as the only specific cases where Fttx is highly recommended.  In areas with high-speed ADSL (triple-play offers), two conditions are required to ensure the success of FttH: - Small gap between the retail price of FTTH and xDSL - Attractive content and services: HDTV, premium content, ..  In areas with low access speeds or without ADSL, demand for FTTH seems to higher but…  local offers are less attractive and…  Supply on a national scale is required to stimulate demand (network effect)  National marketing (retail prices, ad campaigns… quadruple-play)  Attractive content  And, as we know for certain that consumption of data will continue to surge, demand for increased speed will necessarily follow… 13
  • 15. Dynamic competition and public involvement to cope with demand Regulation and public-private"co-opetition” Foster private Dynamic Public investment and competition that investment & innovation benefits involvement consumers Demand 14