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2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
The digital world achieved enormous progress in 2014 as several
transformative changes shaped how Americans interacted with technology
and consumed media. Perhaps more so than at any other time in recent
memory, changes were not merely incremental but rather seemed to
represent key inflection points in the evolution of various markets and
behaviors. We saw platforms collide in ways that upended existing markets,
reconfigured the economics of various industries, and suggested that we
are embarking on a new era of digital that will look markedly different from its
Consider some of the digital milestones of 2014 and what they suggest
about the future. This was the year that mobile app usage exploded on its
way to becoming the majority of all digital media activity. Facebook saw
mobile revenues surpass desktop revenues, signaling a shift towards mobile
as the primary digital media platform. Traditional TV ratings saw pronounced
declines as Americans’ viewing habits time-shifted and moved to emerging
platforms. And digital advertising in many ways grew up, going through a
challenging but important transition to transacting on impressions that are
actually seen by people.
In this report, we will examine some of the most important sectors of the
digital media ecosystem to show how the landscape has changed, who is
leading the way, and what it all means for the year ahead – and beyond. It is
an exciting time in digital and we hope this exploration of today’s key issues
helps put the Digital Future in Focus.
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
•	 While most of the growth in digital media consumption over the past four years has
occurred on smartphones (up 394 percent) and tablets (up 1,721 percent), these
mobile platforms are not eating into aggregate time spent on desktop, which has
still grown 37 percent over this time period. The digital media pie continues to get
bigger and Americans engage with screens during more occasions throughout the
day than ever before.
•	 Across every age demographic, there is a substantially higher percentage of multi-
platform and mobile-only internet users than the previous year. More than 3/4ths of
all digital consumers (age 18+) are now using both desktop and mobile platforms
to access the internet, up from 68 percent a year ago. Mobile-only internet usage is
also becoming more prevalent, driven largely by the 21 percent of Millennials who
are no longer using desktop computers to go online. Meanwhile, the 55-years-and-
older consumer segment is actually the fastest growing faction of mobile users,
increasing its combined multi-platform and mobile-only share of audience from 60
percent to 74 percent in the past year.
•	 Because people prefer different devices depending on the online activity or task,
the desktop vs. mobile skews by content category can vary widely. Categories such
as Photos and Maps are more often than not used on the go, lending themselves
to heavy mobile usage, while the Portals and Business/Finance categories
comparatively index much higher on desktop devices. Although Portals function as
an accessible hub of information on desktop, the mobile environment is markedly
different where apps have taken on the role as the gateway to the web.
Total Digital Media Time Spent by Platform
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform & Mobile Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014 / Dec 2010
	 Dec 2010	 Dec 2014
+ 157%

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Selfies are dead. Long live the user generated content!
Selfies are dead. Long live the user generated content!Selfies are dead. Long live the user generated content!
Selfies are dead. Long live the user generated content!

User Generated Content is King. Το ξέρουμε αυτό εδώ και χρόνια. Ωστόσο, δεν είναι όλοι... οι βασιλιάδες ίδιοι στο βασίλειο των social media.  Τα brands πρέπει να βρουν τρόπους να δημιουργήσουν περιεχόμενο γι’ αυτά πέρα από τα συνηθισμένα. Να δημιουργήσουν τα κατάλληλα triggers, τα κατάλληλα συναισθηματικά connections για να μπουν οι χρήστες στη διαδικασία να παράξουν πραγματικά valuable και shareable περιεχόμενο, πέρα από π.χ. μια απλή selfie με το προϊόν.  Μεγάλο challenge. Αλλά εκεί θα κριθεί η... ηγεμονία του κάθε brand στο χώρο των social media.

Wave 2 - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker
Wave 2  - Mobility | UM | Social Media TrackerWave 2  - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker
Wave 2 - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker

Wave 2 - Mobility showed how social media moved from being a text-based medium of bloggers and posters to a fully audio visual one full of content creators and sharers. Find the latest Wave, "Wave 7 - Cracking the Social Code" here http://www.slideshare.net/Wave7

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Andy Vogel: Integrate Mobile into a Broader Ad Campaign
Andy Vogel: Integrate Mobile into a Broader Ad CampaignAndy Vogel: Integrate Mobile into a Broader Ad Campaign
Andy Vogel: Integrate Mobile into a Broader Ad Campaign

Explore the customer relationship management role that mobile can play as part of a broader advertising campaign and the mobile operator business transition from communications services to a more holistic client service model. While it is now commonplace for billboards and television commercials to call on viewers to send a text to a short code, the growing popularity of location-based social networking services opens up the possibility of combining the mobile medium and the physical world in much more sophisticated ways

mobile integrationandy vogelad campaign
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Share of Demographic Audiences by Platform Usage
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014 / Dec 2013
Dec 2013	 Dec 2014
Age 18+ Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age +55
Dec 2013	 Dec 2014 Dec 2013	 Dec 2014 Dec 2013	 Dec 2014
		 9%	 12%	
6%	3%	
22%	 12%	15%	
5%	 18%	 10%
Entertainment - News
Health - Information
Social Networking
Online Gaming
Share of Content Category Time Spent by Platform
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014
Mobile Only Multi-Platform Desktop Only
Desktop Mobile
•	 Google Sites once again ranked as the top overall digital media property in the
U.S. with a December 2014 audience of 238 million unique visitors, representing
94 percent of all internet users. Yahoo Sites ranked second with 216 million,
while Facebook jumped one spot in the ranking to #3 while reaching the 200
million visitor threshold. Approximately 31 percent of all traffic to the top 10 digital
properties was mobile-only visitation.
•	 A variety of large digital media companies saw exceptional growth in 2014.
Myspace, at one time the largest social network on the internet, has seen a
surprising renaissance following a pivot to video and music content. As it reignited
audience interest, the site boasted one of the fastest growth rates in 2014 in
surging 469 percent to nearly 40 million visitors. Several of today’s largest social
networks, including Linkedin, Snapchat and Vine, also ranked among the fastest
risers of the year with growth in the 60 percent range. Additionally, many digital-
savvy, new media companies experienced high user growth as they utilized social-
friendly content and highly clickable headlines while showing a deep understanding
of how the modern digital consumer engages with media. Examples of these
properties include Refinery29, Vice, Business Insider and BuzzFeed.
•	 Mobile apps are quickly becoming the primary access point for many digital
services. While the fastest growing mobile apps encompassed a wide range of
different categories, some notable ones include ride sharing services Lyft and Uber,
which have revolutionized urban transportation. Another app disrupting American
culture is Tinder, whose simple “swipe left or swipe right” concept has transformed
the modern dating landscape. Walmart was another big winner in the app market
this year as its introduction of a Savings Catcher feature made it a must-have app
for many shoppers.
Digital Media
Top Digital Properties: Unique Visitors (MM) by Platform
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014
Google Sites
Yahoo Sites
AOL, Inc.
Amazon Sites
Microsoft Sites
Mode Media
CBS Interactive
Comcast NBCUniversal
Apple Inc.
0	 50 	 100 	 150 	 200 	 250
Desktop Only Multi-Platform Mobile Only
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Y/Y Unique Visitor Growth of Selected Fast Rising Digital Media Properties*
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014 / Dec 2013
NBC Sports Live Extra
QR Reader For IPhone
Nike Training Club
Y/Y Unique Visitor Growth of Selected Fast Rising Mobile Apps*
Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014 / Dec 2013
* Based on selection of apps with at least 1 million unique visitors and growing 200 percent year-over-year.
* Based on selection of digital media properties with at least 20 million unique visitors and growing 40 percent year-over-year.
198%	173%
	105%	83%
Dec 2013 	 Dec 2014
•	 For the past few years, U.S. smartphone penetration has been growing at
approximately 10 percentage points a year and reached 75 percent penetration
of the mobile user base at the end of 2014. Although the growth in smartphone
penetration has begun to see modest evidence of deceleration, at the end of 2014
it was still growing at an annual rate of 16 percent.
•	 iOS and Android have officially solidified their stranglehold on the smartphone
market with a combined 95 percent market share in terms of installed base. While
Android maintains the majority at 53 percent, iPhones are not far behind at 42
percent. With the vast majority of apps now being developed only for these two
platforms, it becomes increasingly difficult for other platforms to regain a foothold in
the U.S. market.
•	 With its tightly integrated software and hardware, Apple remains the largest
smartphone OEM at 42 percent. However, Samsung’s popularity among Android
users has helped it capture 30 percent of the smartphone market. LG and Motorola
were the only two other OEMs with at least 5 percent share. Meanwhile in the
feature phone market, which still accounts for a quarter of all U.S. mobile phone
users, Samsung and LG continue to lead with a combined 64-percent market share
of that sector.
Smartphone Penetration of Mobile Phone Market
Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2005 - 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014
2% 3% 6%
Dec 2005	 Dec 2006	 Dec 2007	 Dec 2008	 Dec 2009	 Dec 2010	 Dec 2011	 Dec 2012	 Dec 2013	 Dec 2014

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Mobile Usage Trends in U.S.
Mobile Usage Trends in U.S.Mobile Usage Trends in U.S.
Mobile Usage Trends in U.S.

The way users are consuming content on their mobile devices is always a point of interest for developers and marketers, as it helps them in understanding their audience better.

mobile application developmentmobile marketing
Reuters digital news report 2013
Reuters digital news report 2013Reuters digital news report 2013
Reuters digital news report 2013

This document summarizes key findings from the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2013, which studied news consumption across multiple countries. Some of the main findings include: - Tablet and smartphone usage for accessing news has significantly increased over the past year. Denmark has the highest usage of smartphones and tablets for news. - Computers remain the most common device for accessing news, but smartphones and tablets are also widely used. Multi-platform access to news is becoming more common. - Tablets are seen as offering a better experience for in-depth news compared to smartphones, which are more often used for quick updates. Apple devices are more likely to be used for news compared to other manufacturers' tablets and smartphones.

Adobe Digital Index Q2 2013
Adobe Digital Index Q2 2013Adobe Digital Index Q2 2013
Adobe Digital Index Q2 2013

Mobile devices have changed the way consumers interact with businesses. Marketers should understand the trends, strengths, and weaknesses of both tablets and smartphones in order to present the right experience to the different mobile customers.

2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
HP/Palm Symbian Microsoft BlackBerry iOS Android
Smartphone Platform Market Share
Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2005 - 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014
Smartphone (75%)
iOS (42%) Android (53%) Other* (5%) Other (100%)
Feature Phone (25%)
U.S. Smartphone and Feature Phone OEM Market Share
Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014
	Dec-2005	 Dec-2006	 Dec-2007	 Dec-2008	 Dec-2009	 Dec-2010	 Dec-2011	 Dec-2012	 Dec-2013	 Dec-2014
* While not pictured in the above chart, 1.1 percent of smartphone subscribers use a non-Nokia, non-BlackBerry OEM device that does not run on
iOS or Android.
Multi-Platform Audience Penetration vs. Engagement of Leading Social Networks
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014
0%	 5%	 10%	 15%	 20%	 25%	30%	35%	40%	45%
% Reach of Total Digital Population
•	 Facebook remains the goliath of social media, leading all social networks with
81 percent reach of the total digital population and nearly 230 billion minutes
of user engagement. With time spent that is 18x that of the next biggest social
network, Facebook had to be excluded from the graphic below in order to show
meaningful detail for the others. Of the social networks pictured in the chart, popular
photo-sharing site Instagram leads all with 12 billion minutes in time spent, while
Snapchat, the ephemeral photo and video messaging app, racked up about half
of that — an impressive mark given its more narrow user base and lower overall
audience reach. Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ remain mainstays of the market with
very high penetration, while Pinterest and Tumblr have both considerably improved
their respective positions in the past year.
•	 Snapchat, Vine, Tumblr and Instagram each have audiences that are predominantly
Millennials (i.e. Age 18-34), as visually-oriented social networks continue to draw in
young audiences. Snapchat skews the youngest of all the leading social networks,
with 71 percent of its audience composed of 18-34 year-olds and 45 percent of its
audience 18-24 year-olds. The social networks with the highest overall penetration
owe much of their mainstream success to their ability to expand beyond Millennials
to older demographic segments, as well.
•	 According to Shareablee, comScore’s social analytics partner, National Geographic
ranked as the #1 social brand of 2014 with 579 million total actions, such as likes,
shares, comments, retweets, and favorites. High quality photos of animals in the
wild, and particularly baby animals, proved highly shareable for the brand, as it
garnered nearly 59,000 actions per post. Social video also stood out as one of the
most effective ways to engage audiences across platforms, with total actions on
video posts growing by 147 percent in 2014. Other brands faring well in the ranking
included three pro sports leagues: NBA, NFL and MLB.
Social Media
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Demographic Composition % of Leading Social Networks
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014
Top Brands by Total Social Actions* (MM)
Source: Shareablee, U.S., Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014
	16%	 22%	 19%	 18%	 15%	 10%
	16%	 25%	 22%	 18%	 13%	 7%
	14%	 21%	 22%	 18%	 16%	 9%
	19%	 22%	 21%	 18%	 13%	 7%
	 23%	 26%	 19%	 15%	 12%	4%
	15%	 26%	 21%	 17%	 15%	 7%
	 28%	 25%	 18%	 13%	 11%	6%
	 28%	 23%	 17%	 15%	 10%	7%
	 45%		 26%	 13%	 10%	 6%	1%
National Geographic
Men’s Humor
Fox News
Victoria’s Secret
Brandy Melville USA
Actions per Post
Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65+
* Total social actions include the sum of likes, shares, comments, retweets and favorites received by all the posts published by a brand on Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram, for the defined time period.
•	 Digital video viewing still occurs most frequently via desktop computer, but mobile
video viewing is on the rise. Nearly 7 in 8 Americans watch online video, with
more than half doing so daily. Slightly below half of smartphone and tablet users
watch video on their devices, with about 1 in 10 doing so daily, suggesting there is
significant room for continued growth. Over-the-top (OTT) devices such as Apple
TV, Google Chromecast, and Microsoft Xbox are also gaining adoption and driving
extended engagement of digital video viewing.
•	 Although desktop video is a mature medium, total viewership and engagement per
viewer continue to post gains. By the end of 2014, the number of monthly unique
video viewers on desktop fell just short of 200 million, with each viewer watching
more than ten videos per day on average.
•	 YouTube remains the #1 online video destination, with 159.5 million desktop viewers
in December. The popularity of professionally and semi-professionally produced
content on YouTube Channels continues to drive engagement on the platform, with
VEVO ranking as the #1 channel with 44.2 million viewers, followed by Disney/
Maker Studios (42.6 million) and Fullscreen (36.9 million). VEVO also led the Top 10
YouTube Channels with 15 videos watched per viewer in December 2014.
Video Viewer Penetration by Platform: Monthy vs. Daily
Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014
comScore MobiLens & TabLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014
	Desktop	 Smartphone	 Tablet
Monthly Daily

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Social media report 2012 (Nielsen)
Social media report 2012 (Nielsen)Social media report 2012 (Nielsen)
Social media report 2012 (Nielsen)

Social media usage continues to grow rapidly and is now a global phenomenon. Mobile access to social media, through smartphones and tablets, is driving much of this growth. Consumers are increasingly using social media on multiple devices simultaneously while watching TV. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are still the most popular, but Pinterest has seen explosive growth over the past year. Social media is transforming how consumers get information, make purchasing decisions, and provide feedback to brands through social customer service.

infographic2012social media
State of the media. The social media report 2012
State of the media. The social media report 2012State of the media. The social media report 2012
State of the media. The social media report 2012

1) Social media usage continues to grow rapidly and is now integral to daily life for many globally. 2) Mobile access to social media is driving much of the growth, now accounting for over 60% of time spent on social networks. 3) While Facebook and Twitter remain popular, Pinterest has seen enormous growth in 2012, becoming the network with the largest increase in unique audience and time spent across devices.

social media strategysocial media marketingnielsen
Mk4305 mobile marketing
Mk4305 mobile marketingMk4305 mobile marketing
Mk4305 mobile marketing

The document discusses the growth of mobile marketing, especially on social networks. Some key points include: - Mobile use and time spent on apps has surpassed desktop worldwide, with social media being a top mobile activity. - Facebook is the most popular social network globally but platforms vary regionally, with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger being very popular. - Marketers are shifting to "mobile first" strategies, developing content and campaigns tailored for smartphones and tablets first. - Consumers use mobile primarily for communications like texting and email, with some shopping activities but few actual purchases on mobile devices yet.

2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Total Desktop Video Unique Viewers (MM) vs. Videos per Viewer
Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2013 - Dec 2014
Top YouTube Channels by Desktop Unique Viewers (000)
Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014
Dec 2013	 Jan 2014	 Feb 2014	Mar 2014	 Apr 2014	May 2014	Jun 2014	Jul 2014	 Aug 2014	Sep 2014	Oct 2014	Nov 2014	 Dec 2014
VEVO @ YouTube
Disney/Maker Studios @ YouTube
Fullscreen @ YouTube
Machinima @ YouTube
Warner Music @ YouTube
QuizGroup @ YouTube
BroadbandTV @ YouTube
ZEFR @ YouTube
Rightster @ YouTube
any.TV @ YouTube
Videos per Viewer
•	 The U.S. online advertising market has seen a heightened emphasis on the use
of viewable impressions, or those rendering within the viewable portion of the
web browser, as a basis for the buying and selling of ads. comScore’s latest vCE
Benchmarks indicate that 46 percent of U.S. display ads are viewable, a rate that
is actually the same as the prior year. Although many publishers are improving their
website design to optimize for viewability, the uptick in ad fraud has likely negated
these gains, making it appear that there has been little progress on this issue.
•	 Ad fraud, and the overall incidence of ad impressions being delivered to non-human
traffic (NHT), became a huge issue in 2014 as the industry came to grips with the
gravity of the problem. Recent comScore research showed that among hundreds
of digital ad campaigns measured in November 2014, 21 percent of them had
NHT levels of at least 5 percent, and those campaigns accounted for 75 percent
of all NHT impressions. Not every campaign is affected in the same way, but fraud
has the potential to threaten any campaign and can create a substantial amount of
•	 Once advertisers ensure their ads are delivered in-view to actual people,
measurement of ad effectiveness becomes more accurate and meaningful.
comScore’s brand survey lift norms for desktop and mobile ad campaigns show
the average increases in brand awareness, favorability, likelihood to recommend
and purchase intent. The 2014 mobile ad norms show increases of between 2.5-4
percentage points, notably higher than the typical 1-2 percentage point average for
desktop display ads, likely reflecting the better targeting, higher in-view rates, lack of
ad clutter, and proximity to the point purchase for mobile ads.
Percentage of Viewable Ad Impressions in U.S.
Source: comScore vCE Norms, U.S., Q3 2014
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Advertiser/Campaign Non-Human Traffic (NHT)
Source: comScore Custom Analytics, U.S., November 2014
Percentage Point Lift from Mobile Advertising
Source: comScore mBSL Benchmarks, U.S., 2014
% NHT in Campaign
% of Total
% of Total NHT
Average NHT per
< 5% 79% 25% 1%
5%-20% 14% 45% 11%
> 20% 7% 30% 31%
79% of the campaigns have <5% NHT, accounting for 25% of the total NHT impressions.
14% of the campaigns have 5-20% NHT, accounting for 45% of the total NHT impressions.
7% of the campaigns have >20% NHT, accounting for 30% of the total NHT impressions.
Aided Awareness
Likelihood to Recommend
Purchase Intent
•	 The total U.S. multi-platform web search market grew 5 percent in query volume in
Q4 2014 vs. the previous year. Mobile search, which includes queries conducted
via app and mobile browser, now accounts for 29 percent of all search activity, with
smartphones driving a greater share (20 percent) than tablets (9 percent).
•	 As consumers shift their digital activity to mobile, growth in the search market is
being driven by both smartphones (up 17 percent from the prior year) and tablets
(up 28 percent). Desktop search, meanwhile, has declined marginally during the
same period.
•	 Google remains the leader in the U.S. explicit core search market with 66 percent
market share of search queries conducted in Q4 2014, followed by Bing at 20
percent and Yahoo at 11 percent. Bing increased its market share in 2014, while
Yahoo’s recent search partnership with Firefox has also bolstered its share. In terms
of multi-platform search activity measured by comScore, Google’s strong leadership
on both smartphones and tablets boosts its share of the multi-platform search
market by several percentage points vs. desktop alone.
Total Multi-Platform Web Searches* (Billions) by Platform
Source: comScore qSearch Multi-Platform, U.S., Q4 2014 / Q4 2013
45.5 Tablet
Q4 2013 Q4 2014
* Total multi-platform web searches include all web searches conducted on desktop, smartphone and tablet. Note that web searches on desktop
differ from “explicit core search” and comScore’s monthly desktop search rankings

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The social-media-report-2012-by-Nielsen

1) Social media usage continues to grow rapidly and is now integral to daily life for many globally. Mobile access is driving much of this growth, now accounting for over 60% of time spent on social media. 2) Key trends include the rise of mobile/tablet usage, proliferation of new social platforms like Pinterest, and transformation of TV viewing into a shared social experience. 3) Marketers now have opportunities to engage consumers who are using social media to make informed purchase decisions and provide customer service, though many still find ads annoying.

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Informe de Deloitte Insights Copyright © 2019 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
Y/Y Growth in Total Searches by Platform
Source: comScore qSearch Multi-Platform, U.S., Q4 2014
Share of Desktop Searches for Explicit Core Search Market
Source: comScore qSearch, U.S., Q4 2014
AOL, Inc.
Ask Network
Google Sites
Microsoft Sites
Yahoo Sites
*Q4 2014 market share only partially reflects the impact of Yahoo’s search deal with Firefox, which drove a material share increase for Yahoo from
November to December
•	 Total U.S. retail digital commerce grew 14 percent in 2014 to $268.5 billion.
Desktop-based e-commerce increased 13 percent to $236.9 billion, while mobile
commerce jumped 28 percent to $31.6 billion.
•	 Although mobile commerce is growing at more than twice the rate of desktop
e-commerce, there is still a significant mobile monetization gap. Mobile now
accounts for 60 percent of digital retail engagement as measured by time spent,
but only 13 percent of dollars. As friction gets removed from the mobile purchase
process, gains in sales can be expected to accelerate.
•	 The top-gaining digital commerce product category in 2014 was Digital Content &
Subscriptions, which includes downloadable music, movies, books and apps. The
category grew 27 percent in the past year, and was joined by Consumer Packages
Goods (up 21 percent) and Apparel & Accessories as the only categories to exceed
20 percent growth in 2014.
21% 17% 17% 17% 15% 16% 14% 12% 13% 13% 14% 16%
	Q1 2012	 Q2 2012	 Q3 2012	 Q4 2012	 Q1 2013	 Q2 2013	 Q3 2013	 Q4 2013	 Q1 2014	 Q2 2014	 Q3 2014	 Q4 2014
Mobile Desktop
Total U.S. Retail Digital Commerce Growth
Source: comScore e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., 2012 - 2014
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
% of Time Spent % of Dollars
Mobile Desktop
% of Time Spent* vs. % of Retail Dollars Spent by Platform
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform,
e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., Q4 2014
Y/Y % Change in Total Retail Digital Commerce Dollars by Category
Source: comScore e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., 2014 / 2013
60% 47%
Digital Content & Subscriptions
Consumer Packaged Goods
Apparel & Accessories
Sport & Fitness
Office Supplies
Furniture, Appliances & Equipment
Home & Garden
Toys & Hobbies
Total Digital Commerce
Consumer Electronics
Computers / Peripherals / PDAs
Event Tickets
Video Games, Consoles & Accessories
Music, Movies & Videos
Flowers, Greetings & Misc Gifts
Books & Magazines
Jewelry & Watches
Computer Software -4%
* Netflix duration excluded from Retail category.
As 2014 fades further in our rear view mirror and we ponder the road ahead, it is
time to put the digital future in focus. So many recent innovations and milestones
have laid the groundwork for a year ahead that presents opportunities up and
down the digital media ecosystem. We would like to outline ten trends in digital
that we feel are of particular importance and will shape what happens in 2015.
Ten Trends to Define 2015
1. Viewability Moves Closer to Becoming Currency, Better Aligns Dollars with Impact
Digital ad buyers and sellers have undergone a sometimes painful but
necessary transition toward using viewable impressions as currency. Publishers
willing to be held to this standard will also need to demonstrate that their
viewable inventory has been undervalued because its effectiveness has been
systematically understated by the non-viewable ads. As non-human traffic
and non-viewable ads get purged from the ecosystem, dollars will follow the
inventory that actually helps marketers reach their desired audiences and
influence consumer perceptions and purchase behaviors.
2. App Curation Improves Discovery, Expands the Market
The Apple and Android app stores have more than 1.3 million available apps and
not enough download activity to support much of what’s out there. And if getting
an app downloaded wasn’t already difficult enough, the average mobile user
uses only a handful of apps regularly with 75 percent of usage time concentrated
within their top four apps. Outside of the app store rankings, users lack a well-
optimized and curated way of finding the best apps for them. Look for new
approaches that leverage the social graph to aid in app discovery, serving to
diversify app usage and help build more sustainable mobile-first businesses in
the mid and long-tail of the market.

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Tic conceitos base
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Tic conceitos base

A evolução da sociedade humana passou por três revoluções principais: a Revolução Agrícola, a Revolução Industrial e a Revolução Tecnológica. Nesta última, o conhecimento passou a ser o recurso principal à medida que as TIC permitiram processar, armazenar e comunicar grandes volumes de informação digital.

15 aritmetica parte iv_p96-p101
15 aritmetica parte iv_p96-p10115 aritmetica parte iv_p96-p101
15 aritmetica parte iv_p96-p101

Este documento presenta información sobre fracciones equivalentes, la suma y resta de fracciones con el mismo denominador, y la representación de fracciones como cocientes y números decimales. Explica que las fracciones equivalentes representan la misma cantidad aunque sus numeradores y denominadores sean distintos, y que al sumar o restar fracciones con igual denominador se suma o resta sólo los numeradores. También introduce la idea de que una fracción puede representar el cociente de dos números enteros, el cual puede ser un número entero, decimal finito o periódico.

2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
3. The Rise of the Short-Form Video Ad Demands New Set of Creative Skills
The entire digital ecosystem is fighting to deliver high-quality video inventory with
many of the leading social and video platforms playing a key role. Because social
channels are generally better suited to short-form content, much of the video
innovation has been in the introduction of short-form ads that are between five
and ten seconds. While Vine first popularized the six-second video, Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter are making bigger plays in video, increasing the need
for short-form video ads that provide a quick and visually compelling brand
experience. In trading depth of engagement for scale, it will demand a new set of
creative skills from agencies seeking to fulfill these new requirements.
4. M-Commerce Begins Closing the Gap, But Conversion Won’t Get Solved Overnight
To date, not enough conditions have been met for mobile commerce to realize its
full potential. But with the continued uptick in smartphone screen size, improved
connection speeds, and apps and mobile websites better optimized for conversion,
we should see more smartphone users become comfortable with converting on their
phones. Enough of the market enablers have aligned to accelerate m-commerce
growth in 2015, and while it is expected to surge past 15 percent of digital
commerce before the end of the year, it will still be far from realizing its full potential.
5. Social Moves Down Funnel with “Buy Button”
Pinterest is already gaining traction as an ad platform as it rolls out its Promoted
Pin native ad units, which promise exposure among users who are already
exhibiting some level of intent in their browsing behavior. But reports of
integrating a “buy button” suggest Pinterest is looking closely at ways to more
directly tie exposure to purchase behavior and demonstrate the effectiveness
of these ads. Other social networks are also rumored to be working on
“buy buttons,” suggesting this is a theme to watch closely in 2015 as major
companies look to diversify from predominantly ad-based revenue streams to
those more closely associated with commerce.
6. Native Ads Scale to Accelerate Mobile Ad Monetization
Native advertising has the straightest and clearest path to ad monetization on
mobile, with companies like Facebook and Twitter showing that this channel
can deliver ad dollars in rough alignment with consumers’ usage patterns. While
large platforms have the benefit of scale and being able to package their mobile
inventory alongside online ads, the emergence of native ad platforms will enable
the aggregation of inventory that will facilitate cross-platform campaigns and
improve monetization and sell-through of native ad inventory on mobile. “Scalable
native advertising” almost sounds like an oxymoron, but with many consistencies
in how these ads are being deployed across sites, there are real opportunities for
aggregation – not only across publishers but across platforms.
7. Lines Blurring Between Tech and Content Bring New Challenges, Opportunities
2014 gave birth to the term “vertically integrated digital media company,” as
traditional publishers trying to adapt to the digital environment recognized the
need to use technology and content optimization strategies to build economically
sustainable businesses. At the same time, the increasing number of digital
companies acting as both platforms and content producers suggests the
inevitable intersection of technology and content. While this shift may be seen as
an existential threat to the news business, it also represents a new opportunity
that not only places value on high-quality information content, but enables it to
reach audiences on a scale not previously available before. Many publishers who
were once relegated to audiences mostly within their immediate geographic
boundaries are now establishing very large audiences on other continents.
8. Cross-Platform Video Measurement Takes Critical Steps from Dream to Reality
As fall 2014 TV ratings saw the first undeniable evidence of systematic declines,
the economic implications of audience and platform fragmentation become
clear. There is no stopping the bleed of coveted 18-49 year-old audiences
from traditional linear TV, but innovation in measurement systems this year will
enable their unique viewing patterns to be accounted for on other platforms. The
reality is that sizeable incremental audiences drive high viewing engagement on
desktop, smartphone, tablet and over-the-top devices, and without quantifying
this behavior in the context of TV viewing, content owners will lose money and
advertisers will have fewer options for marketing effectively.
2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
9. Media Content Focus Shifts Back to Quality and ‘Long-Form’; Attention Gets
More Attention
In reaction to the recent trend in viral content publishing, there will be a shift
back towards more in-depth content experiences in journalism, video and audio.
Curation of quality written content on premium publishers will become more
of an emphasis, as writing platforms such as Medium will help democratize
written content while solving for the distribution challenge experienced by many
self-publishers. Following the runaway success of NPR’s Serial, podcasting
appears to be in the early innings of a renaissance with a real opportunity to gain
mainstream audiences this time around. As these experiences find their ways to
modestly sized, but very highly engaged audiences, metrics demonstrating the
importance of attention will get a bigger seat at the table.
10. The Next Era of Innovation: Bridging the Digital and Physical Worlds
Watch out for wearables as the harbinger of the next big thing in tech innovation.
As with new product categories that preceded it, it can be difficult to predict all
of the potential applications that will add value to our lives until the product is
in our hands (or in this case, on our wrists). With the recent launch of the Apple
Watch sure to gain at least some level of mainstream adoption, developers will
race to invent the “killer app” for this platform. While health monitoring and digital
payments innovation seem like sure bets, a host of day-to-day ‘internet of things’
applications seem within grasp, such as turning on lights, unlocking doors and
activating alarms. If wearables emerge as a physical connector between these
worlds, then we must also look at how its data exhaust will spur innovation. A
higher quantity and quality of data about speed, physical location, and purchase
behavior also means new ways of tying behavior to outcomes.
© 2015 comScore, Inc.
For information about the proprietary technology used in comScore products, please refer to http://www.comscore.com/About-comScore/Patents.
comScore Brand Survey Lift™ Mobile
Brand Survey Lift Mobile (BSL™ Mobile) is a survey-
based solution that quantifies the branding impact of
a mobile campaign, providing actionable insights into
the effectiveness of advertising across the mobile web
and applications. The solution measures lifts across
a variety of key branding metrics, such as awareness,
message recall and purchase intent, to optimize mobile
campaigns and eliminate wasted ad spend.
comScore e-Commerce Measurement™
e-Commerce Measurement provides an accurate, timely
and comprehensive view of consumers’ online shopping
and spending behavior. Leveraging comScore’s panel
of more than 2 million internet users, e-Commerce
Measurement is used by retailers, travel suppliers,
financial analysts, credit card issuers, publishers and
manufacturers to understand competitive performance
and online marketing strategies.
comScore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform
Media Metrix Multi-Platform is an industry-leading
digital media measurement platform that provides an
unduplicated view of total digital audience behavior
across desktops, smartphones and tablets. Leveraging
the comScore UDM® methodology, Media Metrix Multi-
Platform measures total audience size, demographic
composition, engagement, performance within key user
segments and behavioral trends in the consumption of
browser, mobile app and video content. With this digital
measurement suite, publishers can showcase the value
of their audiences while agencies and advertisers can
create holistic media plans across platforms.
comScore Mobile Metrix®
Mobile Metrix is a mobile measurement solution that
captures total mobile audience behavior on browsers
and apps across smartphones and tablets. Leveraging
the comScore UDM® methodology, Mobile Metrix
measures total mobile audience reach, mobile
demographic composition, engagement and consumer
behavioral trends. As part of the Media Metrix Multi-
Platform suite, publishers can use Mobile Metrix to
showcase the value and scale of their mobile audiences
and benchmark against competitors, while agencies
and advertisers can strategically plan and buy mobile
advertising to achieve their campaign objectives.
comScore MobiLens®
MobiLens is a survey-based market research tool that
provides the latest insights about consumers’ mobile
usage trends, demographics and behaviors across
mobile devices. Used by media buyers, media sellers
and mobile phone manufacturers, MobiLens connects
data on mobile consumer demographics and behaviors
with device capabilities. By matching consumer
behavior with smartphone devices, MobiLens quantifies
the mobile phone market in terms of subscribers and
device penetration by manufacturer.
comScore qSearch™
qSearch is an online search tool that tracks online
search activity across search engines and websites
to identify search trends and behaviors of target
audience segments. Leveraging the comScore UDM®
methodology, qSearch measures actual search volume
and intensity for all traditional search engines as well
as other leading sites such as eBay, Facebook and
Wikipedia. Publishers use qSearch to understand their
referral traffic sources and optimize their organic or
paid search strategy. On the buy side, agencies and
advertisers can evaluate the worldwide search market
and research competitors’ search strategy to optimize
their marketing mix.
comScore TabLens®
TabLens is a survey-based market research tool that
provides the latest insights on the U.S. tablet market
including consumer usage trends and behaviors on
tablets. Used by media buyers, media sellers and
mobile device manufacturers, TabLens offers an in-
depth view of tablet owners, providing insights into
device-level adoption, content consumption and
consumer demographics.
comScore validated Campaign Essentials™
validated Campaign Essentials (vCE®) is an integrated
solution for complete campaign delivery validation
and in-flight optimization. Unlike existing single-point
solutions, vCE provides an unduplicated accounting of
impressions delivered across a variety of dimensions,
such as in-target, in-view, in-geo, brand safe and
free from non-human traffic (NHT). Used by media
buyers and sellers, vCE enables decreased waste and
increased campaign effectiveness.
comScore Video Metrix®
Video Metrix is a digital video measurement solution
that delivers end-to-end measurement of consumers’
digital video consumption of both video content and
advertising on desktops. Leveraging the comScore
UDM® methodology, Video Metrix captures user
engagement and viewing behavior at the video show
or property level. Publishers use Video Metrix to
demonstrate the value of their video audiences to
advertisers and benchmark against competitors, while
agencies and advertisers can compare video audiences
by publishers, category and demographics to inform
video ad planning and buying.
Shareablee, Inc.
Launched in 2013, Shareablee Inc.
(http://www.shareablee.com) is the leading authority
on audience intelligence, competitive benchmarking
and actionable insights for social media. The official
social media analytics partner of comScore,
Shareablee measures a census of global properties
and collects brand audience and engagement data
across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+,
Tumblr, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest.

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Este documento resume conceptos clave relacionados con software libre y de código abierto. Define software libre, shareware, freeware, Linux, distribuciones de Linux, la licencia GPL, OpenOffice y código abierto. También describe brevemente las ventajas y desventajas del software libre.

Tendencias digitales en Latam - comScore
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Este documento presenta una serie de tendencias digitales en América Latina. Incluye información sobre el escenario global y digital de la región, el comportamiento de la audiencia en redes sociales, finanzas, deportes y comercio electrónico, el consumo de videos online y el consumidor multipantalla. También analiza la evolución de los medios digitales y los desafíos de medir lo que realmente importa más allá de métricas como clics.

2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
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Digital Future in Focus 2015

  • 1. PAGE 1 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus DIGITAL 2015 FUTURE FOCUS IN U.S.
  • 2. PAGE 2 Introduction The digital world achieved enormous progress in 2014 as several transformative changes shaped how Americans interacted with technology and consumed media. Perhaps more so than at any other time in recent memory, changes were not merely incremental but rather seemed to represent key inflection points in the evolution of various markets and behaviors. We saw platforms collide in ways that upended existing markets, reconfigured the economics of various industries, and suggested that we are embarking on a new era of digital that will look markedly different from its predecessor. Consider some of the digital milestones of 2014 and what they suggest about the future. This was the year that mobile app usage exploded on its way to becoming the majority of all digital media activity. Facebook saw mobile revenues surpass desktop revenues, signaling a shift towards mobile as the primary digital media platform. Traditional TV ratings saw pronounced declines as Americans’ viewing habits time-shifted and moved to emerging platforms. And digital advertising in many ways grew up, going through a challenging but important transition to transacting on impressions that are actually seen by people. In this report, we will examine some of the most important sectors of the digital media ecosystem to show how the landscape has changed, who is leading the way, and what it all means for the year ahead – and beyond. It is an exciting time in digital and we hope this exploration of today’s key issues helps put the Digital Future in Focus.
  • 3. PAGE 3 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus
  • 4. PAGE 4 • While most of the growth in digital media consumption over the past four years has occurred on smartphones (up 394 percent) and tablets (up 1,721 percent), these mobile platforms are not eating into aggregate time spent on desktop, which has still grown 37 percent over this time period. The digital media pie continues to get bigger and Americans engage with screens during more occasions throughout the day than ever before. • Across every age demographic, there is a substantially higher percentage of multi- platform and mobile-only internet users than the previous year. More than 3/4ths of all digital consumers (age 18+) are now using both desktop and mobile platforms to access the internet, up from 68 percent a year ago. Mobile-only internet usage is also becoming more prevalent, driven largely by the 21 percent of Millennials who are no longer using desktop computers to go online. Meanwhile, the 55-years-and- older consumer segment is actually the fastest growing faction of mobile users, increasing its combined multi-platform and mobile-only share of audience from 60 percent to 74 percent in the past year. • Because people prefer different devices depending on the online activity or task, the desktop vs. mobile skews by content category can vary widely. Categories such as Photos and Maps are more often than not used on the go, lending themselves to heavy mobile usage, while the Portals and Business/Finance categories comparatively index much higher on desktop devices. Although Portals function as an accessible hub of information on desktop, the mobile environment is markedly different where apps have taken on the role as the gateway to the web. Multi-Platform Total Digital Media Time Spent by Platform Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform & Mobile Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014 / Dec 2010 1,600,000,000 1,400,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,000,000,000 800,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 0 Dec 2010 Dec 2014 + 157% +394% +1,721% +37% Smartphone Tablet Desktop
  • 5. PAGE 5 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus Share of Demographic Audiences by Platform Usage Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014 / Dec 2013 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Age 18+ Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age +55 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 9% 12% 18% 21% 5% 6% 3% 6% 68% 76% 67% 74% 77% 84% 57% 68% 22% 12% 15% 5% 18% 10% 40% 26% Portals Business/Finance Entertainment - News Multimedia Retail Sports News/Information Health - Information Lifestyles Personals Social Networking Online Gaming Weather Maps Photos 73% 70% 61% 61% 51% 50% 50% 48% 41% 38% 26% 13% 13% 10% 7% 27% 30% 39% 39% 49% 50% 50% 52% 59% 62% 74% 87% 87% 90% 93% Share of Content Category Time Spent by Platform Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014 Mobile Only Multi-Platform Desktop Only Desktop Mobile
  • 6. PAGE 6 • Google Sites once again ranked as the top overall digital media property in the U.S. with a December 2014 audience of 238 million unique visitors, representing 94 percent of all internet users. Yahoo Sites ranked second with 216 million, while Facebook jumped one spot in the ranking to #3 while reaching the 200 million visitor threshold. Approximately 31 percent of all traffic to the top 10 digital properties was mobile-only visitation. • A variety of large digital media companies saw exceptional growth in 2014. Myspace, at one time the largest social network on the internet, has seen a surprising renaissance following a pivot to video and music content. As it reignited audience interest, the site boasted one of the fastest growth rates in 2014 in surging 469 percent to nearly 40 million visitors. Several of today’s largest social networks, including Linkedin, Snapchat and Vine, also ranked among the fastest risers of the year with growth in the 60 percent range. Additionally, many digital- savvy, new media companies experienced high user growth as they utilized social- friendly content and highly clickable headlines while showing a deep understanding of how the modern digital consumer engages with media. Examples of these properties include Refinery29, Vice, Business Insider and BuzzFeed. • Mobile apps are quickly becoming the primary access point for many digital services. While the fastest growing mobile apps encompassed a wide range of different categories, some notable ones include ride sharing services Lyft and Uber, which have revolutionized urban transportation. Another app disrupting American culture is Tinder, whose simple “swipe left or swipe right” concept has transformed the modern dating landscape. Walmart was another big winner in the app market this year as its introduction of a Savings Catcher feature made it a must-have app for many shoppers. Digital Media Top Digital Properties: Unique Visitors (MM) by Platform Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014 Google Sites Yahoo Sites Facebook AOL, Inc. Amazon Sites Microsoft Sites Mode Media CBS Interactive Comcast NBCUniversal Apple Inc. 0 50 100 150 200 250 238 216 207 199 181 168 145 137 135 135 Desktop Only Multi-Platform Mobile Only
  • 7. PAGE 7 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus Y/Y Unique Visitor Growth of Selected Fast Rising Digital Media Properties* Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014 / Dec 2013 Lyft Kohl’s Tinder iTriage Uber Bing NBC Sports Live Extra QR Reader For IPhone Walmart Nike Training Club 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Y/Y Unique Visitor Growth of Selected Fast Rising Mobile Apps* Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014 / Dec 2013 * Based on selection of apps with at least 1 million unique visitors and growing 200 percent year-over-year. * Based on selection of digital media properties with at least 20 million unique visitors and growing 40 percent year-over-year. Myspace Refinery29 Vice EliteDaily.com NYPost Network Imgur.com WashingtonPost.com Linkedin SoundCloud.com Snapchat, Inc Vine Maker Studios Inc. Business Insider BBC Sites Woven BuzzFeed.com Gawker Media 469% 198% 173% 111% 105% 83% 71% 68% 67% 62% 58% 55% 55% 46% 44% 43% 42% Unique Visitors (000) Dec 2013 Dec 2014 835% 793% 737% 516% 440% 361% 360% 346% 342% 208%
  • 8. PAGE 8 • For the past few years, U.S. smartphone penetration has been growing at approximately 10 percentage points a year and reached 75 percent penetration of the mobile user base at the end of 2014. Although the growth in smartphone penetration has begun to see modest evidence of deceleration, at the end of 2014 it was still growing at an annual rate of 16 percent. • iOS and Android have officially solidified their stranglehold on the smartphone market with a combined 95 percent market share in terms of installed base. While Android maintains the majority at 53 percent, iPhones are not far behind at 42 percent. With the vast majority of apps now being developed only for these two platforms, it becomes increasingly difficult for other platforms to regain a foothold in the U.S. market. • With its tightly integrated software and hardware, Apple remains the largest smartphone OEM at 42 percent. However, Samsung’s popularity among Android users has helped it capture 30 percent of the smartphone market. LG and Motorola were the only two other OEMs with at least 5 percent share. Meanwhile in the feature phone market, which still accounts for a quarter of all U.S. mobile phone users, Samsung and LG continue to lead with a combined 64-percent market share of that sector. Mobile Smartphone Penetration of Mobile Phone Market Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2005 - 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014 2% 3% 6% 11% 17% 27% 42% 54% 65% 75% Dec 2005 Dec 2006 Dec 2007 Dec 2008 Dec 2009 Dec 2010 Dec 2011 Dec 2012 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
  • 9. PAGE 9 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus HP/Palm Symbian Microsoft BlackBerry iOS Android 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Smartphone Platform Market Share Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2005 - 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014 Smartphone (75%) iOS (42%) Android (53%) Other* (5%) Other (100%) Feature Phone (25%) U.S. Smartphone and Feature Phone OEM Market Share Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014 42% 53% 42% 51% 36% 53% 30% 47% 25% 29% 25% 5% 17% 9% Apple 41.6% BlackBerry 1.8% HTC 3.6% Nokia 2.5% LG 32.5% Samsung 31.3% Other 27.2% Motorola 9.0% Motorola 5.2% Other 7.6% Samsung 29.7% LG 8.0% Dec-2005 Dec-2006 Dec-2007 Dec-2008 Dec-2009 Dec-2010 Dec-2011 Dec-2012 Dec-2013 Dec-2014 * While not pictured in the above chart, 1.1 percent of smartphone subscribers use a non-Nokia, non-BlackBerry OEM device that does not run on iOS or Android.
  • 10. PAGE 10 Multi-Platform Audience Penetration vs. Engagement of Leading Social Networks Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Dec 2014 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 2,426 38% 1,697 37% 5,001 25% 12,242 34% 6,437 11% 1,530 14% 6,649 36% 6,527 29% % Reach of Total Digital Population Total Minutes (MM) • Facebook remains the goliath of social media, leading all social networks with 81 percent reach of the total digital population and nearly 230 billion minutes of user engagement. With time spent that is 18x that of the next biggest social network, Facebook had to be excluded from the graphic below in order to show meaningful detail for the others. Of the social networks pictured in the chart, popular photo-sharing site Instagram leads all with 12 billion minutes in time spent, while Snapchat, the ephemeral photo and video messaging app, racked up about half of that — an impressive mark given its more narrow user base and lower overall audience reach. Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ remain mainstays of the market with very high penetration, while Pinterest and Tumblr have both considerably improved their respective positions in the past year. • Snapchat, Vine, Tumblr and Instagram each have audiences that are predominantly Millennials (i.e. Age 18-34), as visually-oriented social networks continue to draw in young audiences. Snapchat skews the youngest of all the leading social networks, with 71 percent of its audience composed of 18-34 year-olds and 45 percent of its audience 18-24 year-olds. The social networks with the highest overall penetration owe much of their mainstream success to their ability to expand beyond Millennials to older demographic segments, as well. • According to Shareablee, comScore’s social analytics partner, National Geographic ranked as the #1 social brand of 2014 with 579 million total actions, such as likes, shares, comments, retweets, and favorites. High quality photos of animals in the wild, and particularly baby animals, proved highly shareable for the brand, as it garnered nearly 59,000 actions per post. Social video also stood out as one of the most effective ways to engage audiences across platforms, with total actions on video posts growing by 147 percent in 2014. Other brands faring well in the ranking included three pro sports leagues: NBA, NFL and MLB. Social Media
  • 11. PAGE 11 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus Demographic Composition % of Leading Social Networks Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, U.S., Age 18+, Dec 2014 Top Brands by Total Social Actions* (MM) Source: Shareablee, U.S., Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 16% 22% 19% 18% 15% 10% 16% 25% 22% 18% 13% 7% 14% 21% 22% 18% 16% 9% 19% 22% 21% 18% 13% 7% 23% 26% 19% 15% 12% 4% 15% 26% 21% 17% 15% 7% 28% 25% 18% 13% 11% 6% 28% 23% 17% 15% 10% 7% 45% 26% 13% 10% 6% 1% National Geographic NBA NFL MLB Men’s Humor WWE Fox News Aeropostale Victoria’s Secret Brandy Melville USA 579 420 300 253 235 195 154 135 132 131 58,543 18,766 14,528 10,103 17,490 9,723 7,520 30,339 38,451 36,044 Actions per Post Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65+ * Total social actions include the sum of likes, shares, comments, retweets and favorites received by all the posts published by a brand on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, for the defined time period.
  • 12. PAGE 12 86% 52% 46% 9% 48% 10% • Digital video viewing still occurs most frequently via desktop computer, but mobile video viewing is on the rise. Nearly 7 in 8 Americans watch online video, with more than half doing so daily. Slightly below half of smartphone and tablet users watch video on their devices, with about 1 in 10 doing so daily, suggesting there is significant room for continued growth. Over-the-top (OTT) devices such as Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and Microsoft Xbox are also gaining adoption and driving extended engagement of digital video viewing. • Although desktop video is a mature medium, total viewership and engagement per viewer continue to post gains. By the end of 2014, the number of monthly unique video viewers on desktop fell just short of 200 million, with each viewer watching more than ten videos per day on average. • YouTube remains the #1 online video destination, with 159.5 million desktop viewers in December. The popularity of professionally and semi-professionally produced content on YouTube Channels continues to drive engagement on the platform, with VEVO ranking as the #1 channel with 44.2 million viewers, followed by Disney/ Maker Studios (42.6 million) and Fullscreen (36.9 million). VEVO also led the Top 10 YouTube Channels with 15 videos watched per viewer in December 2014. Video Viewer Penetration by Platform: Monthy vs. Daily Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014 comScore MobiLens & TabLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Mo. Avg. Ending Dec 2014 Video 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Desktop Smartphone Tablet Monthly Daily
  • 13. PAGE 13 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus 278 265 270 248 223 203 237 255 277 284 262 270 317 196 192 191 192 196 190 186 183 186 187 182 183 188 Total Desktop Video Unique Viewers (MM) vs. Videos per Viewer Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2013 - Dec 2014 Top YouTube Channels by Desktop Unique Viewers (000) Source: comScore Video Metrix, U.S., Dec 2014 200 195 190 185 180 175 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Dec 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Videos per Viewer Unique Viewers (MM) 19,050 19,948 21,430 23,740 24,385 25,980 30,348 36,893 42,571 44,190 VEVO @ YouTube Disney/Maker Studios @ YouTube Fullscreen @ YouTube Machinima @ YouTube Warner Music @ YouTube QuizGroup @ YouTube BroadbandTV @ YouTube ZEFR @ YouTube Rightster @ YouTube any.TV @ YouTube 15.1 13.9 11.3 9.8 6.7 4.7 7.3 3.7 3.0 4.6 Videos per Viewer
  • 14. PAGE 14 • The U.S. online advertising market has seen a heightened emphasis on the use of viewable impressions, or those rendering within the viewable portion of the web browser, as a basis for the buying and selling of ads. comScore’s latest vCE Benchmarks indicate that 46 percent of U.S. display ads are viewable, a rate that is actually the same as the prior year. Although many publishers are improving their website design to optimize for viewability, the uptick in ad fraud has likely negated these gains, making it appear that there has been little progress on this issue. • Ad fraud, and the overall incidence of ad impressions being delivered to non-human traffic (NHT), became a huge issue in 2014 as the industry came to grips with the gravity of the problem. Recent comScore research showed that among hundreds of digital ad campaigns measured in November 2014, 21 percent of them had NHT levels of at least 5 percent, and those campaigns accounted for 75 percent of all NHT impressions. Not every campaign is affected in the same way, but fraud has the potential to threaten any campaign and can create a substantial amount of waste. • Once advertisers ensure their ads are delivered in-view to actual people, measurement of ad effectiveness becomes more accurate and meaningful. comScore’s brand survey lift norms for desktop and mobile ad campaigns show the average increases in brand awareness, favorability, likelihood to recommend and purchase intent. The 2014 mobile ad norms show increases of between 2.5-4 percentage points, notably higher than the typical 1-2 percentage point average for desktop display ads, likely reflecting the better targeting, higher in-view rates, lack of ad clutter, and proximity to the point purchase for mobile ads. Percentage of Viewable Ad Impressions in U.S. Source: comScore vCE Norms, U.S., Q3 2014 Advertising Non-Viewable 54% Viewable 46%
  • 15. PAGE 15 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus Advertiser/Campaign Non-Human Traffic (NHT) Source: comScore Custom Analytics, U.S., November 2014 Percentage Point Lift from Mobile Advertising Source: comScore mBSL Benchmarks, U.S., 2014 % NHT in Campaign % of Total Campaigns % of Total NHT Impressions Average NHT per Campaign < 5% 79% 25% 1% 5%-20% 14% 45% 11% > 20% 7% 30% 31% 79% of the campaigns have <5% NHT, accounting for 25% of the total NHT impressions. 14% of the campaigns have 5-20% NHT, accounting for 45% of the total NHT impressions. 7% of the campaigns have >20% NHT, accounting for 30% of the total NHT impressions. Aided Awareness Favorability Likelihood to Recommend Purchase Intent +2.5 +3.0 +4.3 +4.3
  • 16. PAGE 16 • The total U.S. multi-platform web search market grew 5 percent in query volume in Q4 2014 vs. the previous year. Mobile search, which includes queries conducted via app and mobile browser, now accounts for 29 percent of all search activity, with smartphones driving a greater share (20 percent) than tablets (9 percent). • As consumers shift their digital activity to mobile, growth in the search market is being driven by both smartphones (up 17 percent from the prior year) and tablets (up 28 percent). Desktop search, meanwhile, has declined marginally during the same period. • Google remains the leader in the U.S. explicit core search market with 66 percent market share of search queries conducted in Q4 2014, followed by Bing at 20 percent and Yahoo at 11 percent. Bing increased its market share in 2014, while Yahoo’s recent search partnership with Firefox has also bolstered its share. In terms of multi-platform search activity measured by comScore, Google’s strong leadership on both smartphones and tablets boosts its share of the multi-platform search market by several percentage points vs. desktop alone. Total Multi-Platform Web Searches* (Billions) by Platform Source: comScore qSearch Multi-Platform, U.S., Q4 2014 / Q4 2013 Search 64.0 5.9 12.6 45.5 Tablet Smartphone Desktop Q4 2013 Q4 2014 61.1 4.6 10.8 45.7 +5% Y/Y * Total multi-platform web searches include all web searches conducted on desktop, smartphone and tablet. Note that web searches on desktop differ from “explicit core search” and comScore’s monthly desktop search rankings
  • 17. PAGE 17 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus Y/Y Growth in Total Searches by Platform Source: comScore qSearch Multi-Platform, U.S., Q4 2014 Share of Desktop Searches for Explicit Core Search Market Source: comScore qSearch, U.S., Q4 2014 28% Desktop -1% 17% Tablet Smartphone AOL, Inc. 1% Ask Network 2% Google Sites 66% Microsoft Sites 20% Yahoo Sites 11% *Q4 2014 market share only partially reflects the impact of Yahoo’s search deal with Firefox, which drove a material share increase for Yahoo from November to December
  • 18. PAGE 18 • Total U.S. retail digital commerce grew 14 percent in 2014 to $268.5 billion. Desktop-based e-commerce increased 13 percent to $236.9 billion, while mobile commerce jumped 28 percent to $31.6 billion. • Although mobile commerce is growing at more than twice the rate of desktop e-commerce, there is still a significant mobile monetization gap. Mobile now accounts for 60 percent of digital retail engagement as measured by time spent, but only 13 percent of dollars. As friction gets removed from the mobile purchase process, gains in sales can be expected to accelerate. • The top-gaining digital commerce product category in 2014 was Digital Content & Subscriptions, which includes downloadable music, movies, books and apps. The category grew 27 percent in the past year, and was joined by Consumer Packages Goods (up 21 percent) and Apparel & Accessories as the only categories to exceed 20 percent growth in 2014. E-Commerce 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Percentage Change Dollar Spend ($ Billions) 72.1 53.9 54.8 56.1 63.1 47.5 49.8 50.2 56.8 41.9 43.2 44.3 10.7 6.7 6.8 7.3 8.3 4.7 4.6 3.8 4.5 21% 17% 17% 17% 15% 16% 14% 12% 13% 13% 14% 16% 5.8 7.2 5.9 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Mobile Desktop Total U.S. Retail Digital Commerce Growth Source: comScore e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., 2012 - 2014
  • 19. PAGE 19 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus % of Time Spent % of Dollars Mobile Desktop % of Time Spent* vs. % of Retail Dollars Spent by Platform Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., Q4 2014 Y/Y % Change in Total Retail Digital Commerce Dollars by Category Source: comScore e-Commerce & m-Commerce Measurement, U.S., 2014 / 2013 87% 40% 13% 60% 47% Monetization gap Digital Content & Subscriptions Consumer Packaged Goods Apparel & Accessories Sport & Fitness Office Supplies Furniture, Appliances & Equipment Home & Garden Toys & Hobbies Total Digital Commerce Consumer Electronics Computers / Peripherals / PDAs Event Tickets Video Games, Consoles & Accessories Music, Movies & Videos Flowers, Greetings & Misc Gifts Books & Magazines Jewelry & Watches Computer Software -4% 27% 21% 20% 17% 15% 15% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 8% 7% 6% 6% 2% -1% * Netflix duration excluded from Retail category.
  • 20. PAGE 20 Conclusion As 2014 fades further in our rear view mirror and we ponder the road ahead, it is time to put the digital future in focus. So many recent innovations and milestones have laid the groundwork for a year ahead that presents opportunities up and down the digital media ecosystem. We would like to outline ten trends in digital that we feel are of particular importance and will shape what happens in 2015. Ten Trends to Define 2015 1. Viewability Moves Closer to Becoming Currency, Better Aligns Dollars with Impact Digital ad buyers and sellers have undergone a sometimes painful but necessary transition toward using viewable impressions as currency. Publishers willing to be held to this standard will also need to demonstrate that their viewable inventory has been undervalued because its effectiveness has been systematically understated by the non-viewable ads. As non-human traffic and non-viewable ads get purged from the ecosystem, dollars will follow the inventory that actually helps marketers reach their desired audiences and influence consumer perceptions and purchase behaviors. 2. App Curation Improves Discovery, Expands the Market The Apple and Android app stores have more than 1.3 million available apps and not enough download activity to support much of what’s out there. And if getting an app downloaded wasn’t already difficult enough, the average mobile user uses only a handful of apps regularly with 75 percent of usage time concentrated within their top four apps. Outside of the app store rankings, users lack a well- optimized and curated way of finding the best apps for them. Look for new approaches that leverage the social graph to aid in app discovery, serving to diversify app usage and help build more sustainable mobile-first businesses in the mid and long-tail of the market.
  • 21. PAGE 21 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus 3. The Rise of the Short-Form Video Ad Demands New Set of Creative Skills The entire digital ecosystem is fighting to deliver high-quality video inventory with many of the leading social and video platforms playing a key role. Because social channels are generally better suited to short-form content, much of the video innovation has been in the introduction of short-form ads that are between five and ten seconds. While Vine first popularized the six-second video, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are making bigger plays in video, increasing the need for short-form video ads that provide a quick and visually compelling brand experience. In trading depth of engagement for scale, it will demand a new set of creative skills from agencies seeking to fulfill these new requirements. 4. M-Commerce Begins Closing the Gap, But Conversion Won’t Get Solved Overnight To date, not enough conditions have been met for mobile commerce to realize its full potential. But with the continued uptick in smartphone screen size, improved connection speeds, and apps and mobile websites better optimized for conversion, we should see more smartphone users become comfortable with converting on their phones. Enough of the market enablers have aligned to accelerate m-commerce growth in 2015, and while it is expected to surge past 15 percent of digital commerce before the end of the year, it will still be far from realizing its full potential. 5. Social Moves Down Funnel with “Buy Button” Pinterest is already gaining traction as an ad platform as it rolls out its Promoted Pin native ad units, which promise exposure among users who are already exhibiting some level of intent in their browsing behavior. But reports of integrating a “buy button” suggest Pinterest is looking closely at ways to more directly tie exposure to purchase behavior and demonstrate the effectiveness of these ads. Other social networks are also rumored to be working on “buy buttons,” suggesting this is a theme to watch closely in 2015 as major companies look to diversify from predominantly ad-based revenue streams to those more closely associated with commerce.
  • 22. PAGE 22 6. Native Ads Scale to Accelerate Mobile Ad Monetization Native advertising has the straightest and clearest path to ad monetization on mobile, with companies like Facebook and Twitter showing that this channel can deliver ad dollars in rough alignment with consumers’ usage patterns. While large platforms have the benefit of scale and being able to package their mobile inventory alongside online ads, the emergence of native ad platforms will enable the aggregation of inventory that will facilitate cross-platform campaigns and improve monetization and sell-through of native ad inventory on mobile. “Scalable native advertising” almost sounds like an oxymoron, but with many consistencies in how these ads are being deployed across sites, there are real opportunities for aggregation – not only across publishers but across platforms. 7. Lines Blurring Between Tech and Content Bring New Challenges, Opportunities 2014 gave birth to the term “vertically integrated digital media company,” as traditional publishers trying to adapt to the digital environment recognized the need to use technology and content optimization strategies to build economically sustainable businesses. At the same time, the increasing number of digital companies acting as both platforms and content producers suggests the inevitable intersection of technology and content. While this shift may be seen as an existential threat to the news business, it also represents a new opportunity that not only places value on high-quality information content, but enables it to reach audiences on a scale not previously available before. Many publishers who were once relegated to audiences mostly within their immediate geographic boundaries are now establishing very large audiences on other continents. 8. Cross-Platform Video Measurement Takes Critical Steps from Dream to Reality As fall 2014 TV ratings saw the first undeniable evidence of systematic declines, the economic implications of audience and platform fragmentation become clear. There is no stopping the bleed of coveted 18-49 year-old audiences from traditional linear TV, but innovation in measurement systems this year will enable their unique viewing patterns to be accounted for on other platforms. The reality is that sizeable incremental audiences drive high viewing engagement on desktop, smartphone, tablet and over-the-top devices, and without quantifying this behavior in the context of TV viewing, content owners will lose money and advertisers will have fewer options for marketing effectively.
  • 23. PAGE 23 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus 9. Media Content Focus Shifts Back to Quality and ‘Long-Form’; Attention Gets More Attention In reaction to the recent trend in viral content publishing, there will be a shift back towards more in-depth content experiences in journalism, video and audio. Curation of quality written content on premium publishers will become more of an emphasis, as writing platforms such as Medium will help democratize written content while solving for the distribution challenge experienced by many self-publishers. Following the runaway success of NPR’s Serial, podcasting appears to be in the early innings of a renaissance with a real opportunity to gain mainstream audiences this time around. As these experiences find their ways to modestly sized, but very highly engaged audiences, metrics demonstrating the importance of attention will get a bigger seat at the table. 10. The Next Era of Innovation: Bridging the Digital and Physical Worlds Watch out for wearables as the harbinger of the next big thing in tech innovation. As with new product categories that preceded it, it can be difficult to predict all of the potential applications that will add value to our lives until the product is in our hands (or in this case, on our wrists). With the recent launch of the Apple Watch sure to gain at least some level of mainstream adoption, developers will race to invent the “killer app” for this platform. While health monitoring and digital payments innovation seem like sure bets, a host of day-to-day ‘internet of things’ applications seem within grasp, such as turning on lights, unlocking doors and activating alarms. If wearables emerge as a physical connector between these worlds, then we must also look at how its data exhaust will spur innovation. A higher quantity and quality of data about speed, physical location, and purchase behavior also means new ways of tying behavior to outcomes. © 2015 comScore, Inc. For information about the proprietary technology used in comScore products, please refer to http://www.comscore.com/About-comScore/Patents.
  • 24. PAGE 24 comScore Brand Survey Lift™ Mobile Brand Survey Lift Mobile (BSL™ Mobile) is a survey- based solution that quantifies the branding impact of a mobile campaign, providing actionable insights into the effectiveness of advertising across the mobile web and applications. The solution measures lifts across a variety of key branding metrics, such as awareness, message recall and purchase intent, to optimize mobile campaigns and eliminate wasted ad spend. comScore e-Commerce Measurement™ e-Commerce Measurement provides an accurate, timely and comprehensive view of consumers’ online shopping and spending behavior. Leveraging comScore’s panel of more than 2 million internet users, e-Commerce Measurement is used by retailers, travel suppliers, financial analysts, credit card issuers, publishers and manufacturers to understand competitive performance and online marketing strategies. comScore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform Media Metrix Multi-Platform is an industry-leading digital media measurement platform that provides an unduplicated view of total digital audience behavior across desktops, smartphones and tablets. Leveraging the comScore UDM® methodology, Media Metrix Multi- Platform measures total audience size, demographic composition, engagement, performance within key user segments and behavioral trends in the consumption of browser, mobile app and video content. With this digital measurement suite, publishers can showcase the value of their audiences while agencies and advertisers can create holistic media plans across platforms. comScore Mobile Metrix® Mobile Metrix is a mobile measurement solution that captures total mobile audience behavior on browsers and apps across smartphones and tablets. Leveraging the comScore UDM® methodology, Mobile Metrix measures total mobile audience reach, mobile demographic composition, engagement and consumer behavioral trends. As part of the Media Metrix Multi- Platform suite, publishers can use Mobile Metrix to showcase the value and scale of their mobile audiences and benchmark against competitors, while agencies and advertisers can strategically plan and buy mobile advertising to achieve their campaign objectives. comScore MobiLens® MobiLens is a survey-based market research tool that provides the latest insights about consumers’ mobile usage trends, demographics and behaviors across mobile devices. Used by media buyers, media sellers and mobile phone manufacturers, MobiLens connects data on mobile consumer demographics and behaviors with device capabilities. By matching consumer behavior with smartphone devices, MobiLens quantifies the mobile phone market in terms of subscribers and device penetration by manufacturer. comScore qSearch™ qSearch is an online search tool that tracks online search activity across search engines and websites to identify search trends and behaviors of target audience segments. Leveraging the comScore UDM® methodology, qSearch measures actual search volume and intensity for all traditional search engines as well as other leading sites such as eBay, Facebook and Wikipedia. Publishers use qSearch to understand their referral traffic sources and optimize their organic or paid search strategy. On the buy side, agencies and advertisers can evaluate the worldwide search market and research competitors’ search strategy to optimize their marketing mix. comScore TabLens® TabLens is a survey-based market research tool that provides the latest insights on the U.S. tablet market including consumer usage trends and behaviors on tablets. Used by media buyers, media sellers and mobile device manufacturers, TabLens offers an in- depth view of tablet owners, providing insights into device-level adoption, content consumption and consumer demographics. comScore validated Campaign Essentials™ validated Campaign Essentials (vCE®) is an integrated solution for complete campaign delivery validation and in-flight optimization. Unlike existing single-point solutions, vCE provides an unduplicated accounting of impressions delivered across a variety of dimensions, such as in-target, in-view, in-geo, brand safe and free from non-human traffic (NHT). Used by media buyers and sellers, vCE enables decreased waste and increased campaign effectiveness. comScore Video Metrix® Video Metrix is a digital video measurement solution that delivers end-to-end measurement of consumers’ digital video consumption of both video content and advertising on desktops. Leveraging the comScore UDM® methodology, Video Metrix captures user engagement and viewing behavior at the video show or property level. Publishers use Video Metrix to demonstrate the value of their video audiences to advertisers and benchmark against competitors, while agencies and advertisers can compare video audiences by publishers, category and demographics to inform video ad planning and buying. Shareablee, Inc. Launched in 2013, Shareablee Inc. (http://www.shareablee.com) is the leading authority on audience intelligence, competitive benchmarking and actionable insights for social media. The official social media analytics partner of comScore, Shareablee measures a census of global properties and collects brand audience and engagement data across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Tumblr, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest. PRODUCT SUMMARY
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