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Conference Call / Webcast   Almir Barbassa
RESULTS ANNOUCEMENT          CFO and Investor
4th Quarter 2006 and 2006     Relations Officer
Brazilian Corporate Law)    February 14th 2007
The presentation may contain forecasts about future events. Such forecasts merely reflect the
expectations of the Company's management. Such terms as "anticipate", "believe", "expect",
"forecast", "intend", "plan", "project", "seek", "should", along with similar or analogous
expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and
uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of
operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations
exclusively on the information presented herein. The Company is not obliged to update the
presentation/such forecasts in light of new information or future developments.

Cautionary Statement for US investors
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits oil and gas companies, in their
filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved reserves that a company has demonstrated by actual
production or conclusive formation tests to be economically and legally producible under existing
economic and operating conditions. We use certain terms in this presentation, such as oil and
gas resources, that the SEC’s guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in filings with
the SEC.


  5.6% increase y-o-y due to
                                                                  .6 %
  the start-up of the                                           =5       1,778
  following production                                     Δ

                                         thousand bpd
  P-50 (Albacora Leste), in April 2006                  1,684
  FPSO Capixaba (Golfinho), in May

  P-34 (Jubarte), in December 2006

                                                        2005             2006


       thous. boed
                                                                    3.5%                       Δ = 1.4                      2,334

                                         2,278                       2,273

              4Q05                       1Q06                        2Q06                       3Q06                        4Q06

• Increase in the 4Q06 production due to the start-up of new production wells linked to P-50 platform (Albacora Leste)
• For the same period, decrease in the international oil and gas production, as a consequence of the contractual negotiations in
Argentina that affected production in some fields (oil), lower demand for Bolivian gas and the finalization of some repairs in the duct of
San Antonio (gas).


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XTO Energy had a successful 2001, exceeding expectations with record cash flow of $4.49 per share, daily gas production growth of 21%, and proved reserves growth of 19% to 2.68 trillion cubic feet equivalent. The company deployed $395 million in development expenditures to grow production and reserves organically while also acquiring new properties. XTO Energy is well positioned for continued growth and strong returns in 2002 with over 1.5 trillion cubic feet equivalent of potential future reserves and a visible path to exceptional growth.

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Cross Timbers Oil Company achieved record financial results in 2000, with total revenues of $600.8 million, income before taxes of $176.4 million, and earnings of $115.2 million. Daily production averaged 448,098 Mcfe, up 14% from 1999. Proved reserves grew 11% to 2.252 Tcfe at year-end 2000. The company aims to further increase production and reserves in 2001 while improving its strong financial position.

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Joint Presentation with Pete Singbeil, Pricipal of Intro-Spec Energy Group, reviewing HZ MSF wells in Viking, with a focus on the Viking Redwater

              US$/bbl              2005       2006              Δ
          Aver. Sales Price        45.42      54.71           20.45%
             Brent (Av.)           54.38      65.14           19.79%
              Spread               8.96       10.43             -                       69.62      69.49

                                                     61.53                  61.75                          59.68
                                                                                         64.74    66.07
                                                      56.39         56.9

                                                                             57.59       58.20    58.69
                                   51.59                                                                   56.08   US$ 10.98 bbl
                           47.83                      54.24         52.7      53.69
           44.00                     49.33                                                                 48.70

                           44.19                                    46.05
   39.70                              43.04


            4Q04         1Q05       2Q05          3Q05      4Q05            1Q06        2Q06       3Q06    4Q06
                        Average sales price          Brent (average)                OPEC Basket

            Stable spread between Brazilian oil and Brent (US$ 10.80/bbl in the 3Q06 and US$ 10.98/bbl in the 4Q06)
                                 despite of the oil prices decrease in the international market.
  Thousand barrels/day
                                                                                                                                       95   %
                                                           93                                                                          90
1, 950
             89                    91
                                                                        89                                                             85
                                    81                     80                                              80
                  79                                                       79                                                80
1, 800                                                                                   78                                            75

                               1,8 12                                                                                                  65
1, 650                                            1,79 5                   1,74 6                                       1,76 4
            1,76 1                                                                                                                     60
                                                        1,6 8 4    1,753                   1,70 7                            1,6 9 7
                                                                                                     1,73 5
                                     1,6 4 9                                        1,6 9 6                                            55
                   1,6 3 5                                                                                 1,6 4 4
1, 500                                                                                                                                 50
                4 Q0 5             1 Q0 6             2 Q06            3 Q0 6           4Q0 6            2005                2006
         D o mest ic o il p r o d uct s p r o d uct io n                             Oil p ro d uct s sales vo lume

         Pr imar y p r o cessed inst alled cap acit y - B r az il ( %)               D o mest ic cr ud e as % o f t o t al

   Oil products production in 4Q06                                 Sales volume               Slight decline in domestic crude
   decreased relative to 3Q06 because of                          decreased due               participation was a consequence of
   programmed stoppages in REVAP,                                  to seasonal                greater competitive advantage to
   REFAP and REMAN refineries, also                                  demand;                  process more light oil, reducing
   affecting capacity utilization;                                                            production of fuel oil.

       US$/bbl         2005     2006        Δ
      ARP Brazil       58.58    70.92   21.07%           4Q05                                      3Q06             4Q06
100   Brent (Av.)      54.38    65.14   19.79%           Avrg                                      Avrg             Avrg
       ARP USA         65.14    75.52   15.93%                                                     81.83            70.59
80                                                                                                 72.28            68.81

                                                         56.90                                     69.49            59.68


 Dec-04        M ar-05         Jun-05           Sep-05           Dec-05    M ar-06        Jun-06           Sep-06      Dec-06
                    ARP Brasil (US$/ bbl)                                 Average Brent Price (US$/ bbl)
                    ARP USA (US$/ bbl w/sales vol.in Brasil)

          Domestic prices aligned with the practiced prices in the American market in the 4Q06.
      After summer season in the northern hemisphere, international oil prices tended to decrease.

                                                     3Q06       4Q06
                                                                                          41.041    - 5.4%
                   Net Revenue

                          COGS                                                                        -1.4%
  R$ million

                         EBITDA                                                                      - 19.9%

               Operational Profit                                                                    - 26.2%

                                    5.200                                                           - 26.6%
                     Net Income

• The decrease in oil (E&P) and realization (Downstream) prices and smaller sales volume led to a fall in net
  revenues in the 4Q06. In the other hand the drop in COGS wasn’t able to follow the decrease in the net
  revenues as inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters were liquidated. (inventories
  evaluation using the average cost criteria).
• increase in operational expenses, specially Exploratory and General & Administrative.

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- The company reported strong financial results in the second quarter of 2009, with NOI growth of 26.7% and same-property NOI growth of 17.2% year-over-year. Adjusted EBITDA grew 36.9% to R$73.1 million with an 81.1% margin. - Anchors store sales recovered and contributed to a 6.4% increase in consolidated same-store sales. Leasing spreads on new and renewed contracts were 13.9% and 15.9%, respectively. - The company raised R$446 million in a share offering to finance expansion plans, including five greenfield projects and acquisitions. Construction began on the Granja V

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This document provides an overview of a real estate development company. It discusses the company's business model, ownership breakdown, projects launched by region and income segment, project delivery schedules, cash position, revenue, sales, inventory levels, receivables, balance sheet details, land bank, and profitability metrics. Key details include a partnership model focused on the low-income segment, over R$700 million in projected project value delivered by end of 2010, growing revenues and profits, and a sizable land bank to be launched in 2011.

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Eni 2010 4Q and Full Year Preliminary Results

The document summarizes Eni's 2010 fourth quarter and full year preliminary results. Key highlights include record oil and gas production of 1.815 million barrels of oil equivalent per day for 2010. Exploration efforts discovered over 0.9 billion barrels of oil equivalent in resources. The company achieved cost reductions in refining ahead of target. Net debt increased from €23.1 billion to €26.1 billion due to capital expenditures, acquisitions and dividend payments exceeding operating cash flow and divestment proceeds. For 2011, Eni expects production to increase 1% at an oil price of $70 per barrel through continued growth initiatives.

by Eni
resultseni profileeni share paolo scaroni

                                                      3Q06        4Q06
                                                                                        1.550           0,3%
               Sales Expenses

                  General and                                                                   1.728   18,4%
                 Administrative                                                     1.459
 R$ million

                                                          818                                           54,0%
              Exploratory Costs

                                         356                                                            35,9%


• Sales Expenses: stable despite decrease in total volume sold in the domestic market. There was an increase in
  gasoline and diesel sales volumes;
• General & Adm.: higher personnel expenses due to increase in labor force and collective bargaining agreement;
• Exploratory Costs: write-off of dry and non-commercial wells and update of provision for area abandonment.
  These costs usually are concentrated in the fourth quarter.

            Exploration & Production –Operational Profit Change– R$ millions

   1,779                    Domestic Oil, NGL and Condensate – thousand bpd                                1,823
     10.313            3.748

                                                           776             363
                                          796                                                               7.409

  3Q06 Operating   Price Effect on   Avrg Cost Effect Volume Effect on Volume Effect on   Operational   4Q06 Operating
      Profit        Net Revenue         on COGS         Net revenue         COGS           Expenses         Profit

           E&P’s operational result in 4Q06 was particularly affected by the decrease in the
                                        international oil prices
                         Downstream – Change in Operating Profit – R$ million
                                                                   326            319
                                    4.191                                                         142           2.315

    1.533           3,557

3Q06 Operating                                   Net Effect   Volume Effect Volume Effect      Operating    4Q06 Operating
    Profit                                                       on Net       on COGS          Expenses         Profit

                 Price Effect Avrg Cost Effect
                 on Net Rev      on COGS

 • ARP’ drop reduced the operational revenues on the Downstream by R$ 3,557 million;
 • The decrease on the transfer prices (E&P to Supply) and the lower offshore operating costs contributed to the
   reduction in the average costs (R$ 4.191 million);
 • R$ 634 million net effect as inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters were liquidated.
NET PROFIT CHANGE – R$ million (4Q06 VS 3Q06)

        1,779                  Domestic Oil, NGL and Condensate – thousand bpd                                       1,823
          7.085       2.322

                                   370                                                   43
                                                828                          361
                                                                                                        63            5.200

          3Q06 NP     Income       COGS      Oper. Expen.    Fin. Expen.,    Taxes   Non Control.   Employee Part.     4Q NP
                                                             Non Oper.,              Shareholder
                                                            Others and Inc              Part.

• Profit decrease in 4Q06 mainly due to smaller average realization prices of exports and oil products in the
  domestic market;;
• Liquidated inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters (average cost criteria) halted a
  steeper drop in the COGS.

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BTG Pactual focuses on low-income real estate developments through partnerships with pure play developers. As of December 2010, Itaú Unibanco owned 20.6% of BTG Pactual shares, with the remaining shares owned by executives, board members, and public float. Between 2006-2010, BTG Pactual launched the most projects and property value in the metropolitan areas of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, with a focus on low-income segments. By the end of 2010, BTG Pactual planned to deliver 69% of total launched property value, consisting of 13 projects.

by CR2
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This document provides an overview of CR2's business model, financial performance, and project portfolio. Key points: - CR2 partners with pure play developers and focuses on the low-income housing segment. - As of December 2010, CR2 had delivered over R$500 million in PSV, with projects concentrated in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. - CR2 has a strong pipeline of future projects, with over R$700 million in PSV scheduled for delivery by the end of 2010. - Financially, CR2 has grown its net operating revenue and EBITDA steadily since 2008. Cash position remains strong. - CR2 has a diversified land bank,

    10.609                                   4Q05 vs. 3Q05 (R$ million)
                                              327            45
                                 782                                      542
                                                                                       377           21          7.829

  3Q06 Oper.       E&P         Downst          G&E          Distr.       Inter.       Corp.         Elim.    4Q06 Oper.
    Prof.                                                                                                      Prof.

International: decrease mainly due to:                                 G&E: improvement related to the previous quarter due to:
• Decrease in the international oil prices;                            • Increase in gross profit as a result of better
• Lower trade oil volume in Argentina (oil workers strike);              commercialization energy margins;
• Lower sales volume in Bolivia (repairs in the Santo Antonio pipe);   • Loss accrued in the 3Q06 as a result of the closing of
• Write-off of well in the USA and expenses with seismic in              the hedge contract for the reduction of natural gas
   Argentina and USA                                                     price volatility.


               Volume Surplus 128 thous bpd in 4Q06 and 93 thous bpd in the year

       Exports (thous barrels/day)                                   Imports (thous barrels/day)
                                                             559                                                540
                                                   669                          488
                   581                    576                 109     446               459              510
         523              532      548                                                          442               132
                                                                                118                       137
409                                              215                   94                115     88
         260                       281
                                                                                370      344              373     408
                                                 454                   352                      354
                   335                    355
         263                262    267

2004    2005      2006   1Q06      2Q06 3Q06     4Q06        2004     2005     2006 1Q06       2Q06      3Q06      4Q06

                  Oil               Oil Products

• The lower percentage of domestic crude participation in the throughput (due to the commercial advantages of
   processing light oil, reducing the fuel oil production) allowed an increase in the heavy oil exports and a decrease
   in the fuel oil exports;
• On the other side there was an increase in the light oil imports and stability in the oil products imports.
  2006 includes ongoing exports                                                                                     13
Cash Breakdown (R$ millions)


 15.000                                                                                                                   800


                   'jun/05         'sept/05          'dec/05        'mar/06        'jun/06      'sept/06        'dec/06
       FX rate
       change*            Δ-5.5%            Δ5.3%              Δ-7.2%         Δ-0.4%         Δ0.5%         Δ-1.7%         (400)

(15.000)                        Abroad                                             In Brazil w/ FX correction
                                In Brazil CDI                                      Cash
                                Financial Income
(25.000)                                                                                                                  (1.200)
        • Financial revenues influenced by the US dollar indexed cash as hedge
          against the debt and costs linked to dollar.

         * Price of US Dollar at end of the period                                                                            14

                                                      Petrobras’ Leverage Ratio

                                                                                R$ million                         12/31/2006          12/31/2005
             32%                                                                                     (1)
                                                                                Short Term debt                         13.074              11.116
                                             28% 27%
                   26%              26%
                                                               28%              Long Term Debt                          33.531              37.126
   20%                              20%
                   19%                       18%
                             23%                      17% 16%                   Total Debt                              46.605              48.242
                                                                                Cash and Cash
                                                                                                                        27.829              23.417
Mar-05 Jun-05 Sept- Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sept- Dec-06                           Net Debt                                18.776              24.825
               05                         06
                  Net Debt/Net Capitalization
                  Short-Term Debt/Total Debt
                                                Decrease in total and net debt:
                                 Strong operating cash generation allows reduction of the debt (bonds
                                               buyback) and increase in cash balance.

 (1)    Includes debt contracted through leasing contracts of R$ 2.540 million on December 31, 2006, and R$ 3.300 million on December31, 2005.
 (2)    Total debt - cash and cash equivalents

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DCP Midstream reported its gas volume, margins, and contract types for the first quarter of 2008. The document shows that: - Percentage of Proceeds (POP) contracts accounted for 4.4 trillion British thermal units per day of gas volume and $457 million in margins. - Keepwhole contracts accounted for 0.8 trillion British thermal units per day and $85 million in margins. - Total margin for DCP Midstream was $707 million for the quarter.

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The document summarizes an investment opportunity in the Opportunity Drilling & Acquisition Fund, LLC. The Fund will acquire existing production from 4 wells and drill 12 new wells targeting oil and gas. Projected revenue from the existing wells and new drilling is shown under different production scenarios. The Fund is seeking to raise $12 million total from 50 investment units of $240,000 each. Projected net yearly disbursements per unit range from $33,487.52 to $192,072 depending on production assumptions.


                                                                 R$ million
                                                            4Q06                3Q06
   (=) Net Cash from Operating Activities                 13.244              10.209
   (-) Cash used in Cap. Expend.                         (12.061)             (8.341)
   (=) Free Cash Flow                                      1.183               1.868
   (-) Cash used in Financing and Dividends                2.127                 (62)
       Financing                                           2.128                 (60)
       Dividends                                              (1)                 (2)
   (=) Net Cash Generated in the Period                    3.310               1.806
   Cash at the Beginning of Period                        24.519              22.713
   Cash at the End of Period                              27.829              24.519

                               R$ 3,3 billion cash increase.

                                                      2006        %        2005        %     %
Direct investments                                29.769       90      22.927        89     30
Exploration & Production                          15.314       51      13.934        54     10
Downstream                                         4.181       13       3.286        13     27
Gas & Energy                                       1.566        5       1.527         6       3
International                                      7.161       17       3.153        12    127
Distribution                                         642        2         495         2     30
Corporate                                            905        2         532         2     70
Special Purpose Companies (SPCs)                   3.507        9       2.385        10     47
Ventures under Negociation                           409        1         311         1     32
Project Finance                                        1      -            87       -       -
Total Investments                                 33.686      100      25.710       100     31

     Primarily Investing in the development of oil and gas production capacity using own
                                    resources and partnerships.

                                                                    Δ = 9% or US$ 0.60
      US$/bbl                            6.32                          6.64
                         6.07                           6.12

                          4Q 05           1Q06           2Q06            3Q06           4Q06

                                          MAIN CAUSES
 Higher expenditures:
 • Drilling rigs
 • Specialized services and materials
 • Well interventions and repairs
 • Personnel expenses resulting from wage readjustment
 • High initial unitary costs from FPSO-Capixaba (Golfinho) and P-34 (Jubarte) projects, which will tend to
   decrease with the production grow.


US$/boe   26
                                                         61,5              61,8
                                                                 56,9                69,6              59,7
                                                                                             69,5              60
                                         47,5                               17,3    17,5     18,1     17,6
          16                   38,2      13,6   13,9
                                                          15,2                                                 40
               24,8               10,7                                   64% 11,0 65% 11,4 64% 11,5 59%10,4
                         8,5                             9,7     10,0
                 7,0                     7,7 59% 8,4                                                           20
          6             5,1
                4,0 57%
                                         6,0                     6,1        6,3      6,1      6,6      7,2
                                4,3              5,4     5,4                                                   0
                3,0     3,4

               2002     2003    2004     1Q05   2Q05     3Q05    4Q05       1Q06     2Q06    3Q06     4Q06
          -4                                                                                                   -20
                                          Lifting Cost    Participação Gov.          Brent

   Lower government participation in the quarter due to the decrease in the average reference price
                      of the domestic oil, linked to the international quotations.

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by BCV
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Chevron Corporation reported net income of $7.8 billion for third quarter 2008, down from $5.9 billion in the previous quarter. Upstream international operations contributed $3.9 billion to net income, while upstream U.S. operations contributed $2.1 billion. Downstream U.S. operations contributed $1 billion to net income. Foreign exchange gains increased to $303 million for the quarter.

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POSCO achieved strong operating performance in 3Q 2009 with sales reaching 2.5 million tons per month due to increased production and market recovery. Key activities included expanding domestic production capacity through facility upgrades and new plants, strengthening competitiveness in stainless steel, and laying the foundation for global growth through projects in Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, and India. POSCO also promoted environmentally friendly coal gas and advanced material businesses through new investments and joint ventures.

posco09 q3finance earnings reports

                                                             Δ = 9% or US$ 0.23
          2.03                              2.07

          4Q 05            1Q 06            2Q 06            3Q 06            4Q 06

       9% increase in 4Q06 relative to the previous period reflecting an increase in personnel
     expenses as due to Collective Work Agreement 2006/2007 and programmed stoppages
                     Petrobras presented the higher y-o-y growth among majors...
                           US$ billion     2005        2006     2006/ 2005
                        Petrobras*             9,74       11,92      22,3%
                        Chevron               14,10       17,14     21,6%
                        ConocoPhillips        13,53       15,55     14,9%
                        Exxon                 36,13       39,50       9,3%
                        Shell                 25,31       25,44       0,5%
                        BP                    22,34       22,00      -1,5%
                        Média                                       11,2%
               ...however 4Q06 results were affected by the decrease in Brent price.
                               US$ bilhões                   3Q06              4Q06   4T06/3T06
                             Exxon                            10,49             10,25     -2,3%
                             Shell                             5,94              5,28    -11,1%
                             ConocoPhillips                    3,88              3,20    -17,5%
                             Chevron                           5,02              3,77    -24,8%
                             Petrobras*                        3,26              2,42    -25,8%
                             BP                                6,23              2,88    -53,8%
                             Média                                                       -22,5%
Source: Evaluate Energy
* Petrobras results converted by the average dollar prices from their corresponding periods.
Visit our website: www.petrobras.com.br/ri

                         For more information contact:
               Petróleo Brasileiro S.A – PETROBRAS
                        Investor Relations Department
       Raul Adalberto de Campos– Executive Manager

                E-mail: petroinvest@petrobras.com.br
                Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22o floor
                      20031-912 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
                      (55-21) 3224-1510 / 3224-9947


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  • 1. Conference Call / Webcast Almir Barbassa RESULTS ANNOUCEMENT CFO and Investor 4th Quarter 2006 and 2006 Relations Officer Brazilian Corporate Law) February 14th 2007
  • 2. Disclaimer The presentation may contain forecasts about future events. Such forecasts merely reflect the expectations of the Company's management. Such terms as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "forecast", "intend", "plan", "project", "seek", "should", along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein. The Company is not obliged to update the presentation/such forecasts in light of new information or future developments. Cautionary Statement for US investors The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved reserves that a company has demonstrated by actual production or conclusive formation tests to be economically and legally producible under existing economic and operating conditions. We use certain terms in this presentation, such as oil and gas resources, that the SEC’s guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC. 1
  • 3. DOMESTIC OIL AND NGL PRODUCTION 5.6% increase y-o-y due to .6 % the start-up of the =5 1,778 following production Δ units: thousand bpd P-50 (Albacora Leste), in April 2006 1,684 FPSO Capixaba (Golfinho), in May 2006 P-34 (Jubarte), in December 2006 2005 2006 2
  • 4. TOTAL OIL, NGL AND GAS PRODUCTION thous. boed % 3.5% Δ = 1.4 2,334 Δ= 2,301 2,278 2,273 2,256 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 • Increase in the 4Q06 production due to the start-up of new production wells linked to P-50 platform (Albacora Leste) • For the same period, decrease in the international oil and gas production, as a consequence of the contractual negotiations in Argentina that affected production in some fields (oil), lower demand for Bolivian gas and the finalization of some repairs in the duct of San Antonio (gas). 3
  • 5. E&P – OIL PRICES US$/bbl 2005 2006 Δ Aver. Sales Price 45.42 54.71 20.45% Brent (Av.) 54.38 65.14 19.79% Spread 8.96 10.43 - 69.62 69.49 61.53 61.75 59.68 64.74 66.07 56.39 56.9 US$/bbl 57.59 58.20 58.69 51.59 56.08 US$ 10.98 bbl 47.83 54.24 52.7 53.69 44.00 49.33 48.70 44.19 46.05 39.70 43.04 37.48 35.11 4Q04 1Q05 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 Average sales price Brent (average) OPEC Basket Stable spread between Brazilian oil and Brent (US$ 10.80/bbl in the 3Q06 and US$ 10.98/bbl in the 4Q06) despite of the oil prices decrease in the international market. 4
  • 6. REFINING AND SALES IN THE DOMESTIC MARKET Thousand barrels/day 95 % 89 93 90 1, 950 89 91 89 85 87 85 80 81 80 80 79 79 80 1, 800 78 75 70 1,8 12 65 1, 650 1,79 5 1,74 6 1,76 4 1,76 1 60 1,6 8 4 1,753 1,70 7 1,6 9 7 1,73 5 1,6 4 9 1,6 9 6 55 1,6 3 5 1,6 4 4 1, 500 50 4 Q0 5 1 Q0 6 2 Q06 3 Q0 6 4Q0 6 2005 2006 D o mest ic o il p r o d uct s p r o d uct io n Oil p ro d uct s sales vo lume Pr imar y p r o cessed inst alled cap acit y - B r az il ( %) D o mest ic cr ud e as % o f t o t al Oil products production in 4Q06 Sales volume Slight decline in domestic crude decreased relative to 3Q06 because of decreased due participation was a consequence of programmed stoppages in REVAP, to seasonal greater competitive advantage to REFAP and REMAN refineries, also demand; process more light oil, reducing affecting capacity utilization; production of fuel oil. 5
  • 7. AVERAGE REALIZATION PRICE - ARP US$/bbl 2005 2006 Δ ARP Brazil 58.58 70.92 21.07% 4Q05 3Q06 4Q06 100 Brent (Av.) 54.38 65.14 19.79% Avrg Avrg Avrg ARP USA 65.14 75.52 15.93% 81.83 70.59 72.90 80 72.28 68.81 68.90 56.90 69.49 59.68 60 40 20 Dec-04 M ar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 M ar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 ARP Brasil (US$/ bbl) Average Brent Price (US$/ bbl) ARP USA (US$/ bbl w/sales vol.in Brasil) Domestic prices aligned with the practiced prices in the American market in the 4Q06. After summer season in the northern hemisphere, international oil prices tended to decrease. 6
  • 8. INCOME STATEMENT 4Q06 VS 3Q06 3Q06 4Q06 41.041 - 5.4% Net Revenue 43.363 26.696 COGS -1.4% 27.066 R$ million 10.594 EBITDA - 19.9% 13.218 7.829 Operational Profit - 26.2% 10.609 5.200 - 26.6% Net Income 7.085 • The decrease in oil (E&P) and realization (Downstream) prices and smaller sales volume led to a fall in net revenues in the 4Q06. In the other hand the drop in COGS wasn’t able to follow the decrease in the net revenues as inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters were liquidated. (inventories evaluation using the average cost criteria). • increase in operational expenses, specially Exploratory and General & Administrative. 7
  • 9. OPERATIONAL EXPENSES ANALYSIS 4Q06 VS 3Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1.550 0,3% Sales Expenses 1.546 General and 1.728 18,4% Administrative 1.459 R$ million 818 54,0% Exploratory Costs 531 356 35,9% Taxes 262 1.059 Others 1.036 2,2% • Sales Expenses: stable despite decrease in total volume sold in the domestic market. There was an increase in gasoline and diesel sales volumes; • General & Adm.: higher personnel expenses due to increase in labor force and collective bargaining agreement; • Exploratory Costs: write-off of dry and non-commercial wells and update of provision for area abandonment. These costs usually are concentrated in the fourth quarter. 8
  • 10. CHANGE IN QUARTER REVENUES (4Q06 VS 3Q06) Exploration & Production –Operational Profit Change– R$ millions 1,779 Domestic Oil, NGL and Condensate – thousand bpd 1,823 10.313 3.748 776 363 365 796 7.409 3Q06 Operating Price Effect on Avrg Cost Effect Volume Effect on Volume Effect on Operational 4Q06 Operating Profit Net Revenue on COGS Net revenue COGS Expenses Profit E&P’s operational result in 4Q06 was particularly affected by the decrease in the international oil prices 9
  • 11. CHANGE IN QUARTER REVENUES (4Q06 VS 3Q06) Downstream – Change in Operating Profit – R$ million 326 319 4.191 142 2.315 634 1.533 3,557 3Q06 Operating Net Effect Volume Effect Volume Effect Operating 4Q06 Operating Profit on Net on COGS Expenses Profit Revenues Price Effect Avrg Cost Effect on Net Rev on COGS • ARP’ drop reduced the operational revenues on the Downstream by R$ 3,557 million; • The decrease on the transfer prices (E&P to Supply) and the lower offshore operating costs contributed to the reduction in the average costs (R$ 4.191 million); • R$ 634 million net effect as inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters were liquidated. 10
  • 12. NET PROFIT CHANGE – R$ million (4Q06 VS 3Q06) 1,779 Domestic Oil, NGL and Condensate – thousand bpd 1,823 7.085 2.322 370 43 828 361 63 5.200 640 3Q06 NP Income COGS Oper. Expen. Fin. Expen., Taxes Non Control. Employee Part. 4Q NP Non Oper., Shareholder Others and Inc Part. Par • Profit decrease in 4Q06 mainly due to smaller average realization prices of exports and oil products in the domestic market;; • Liquidated inventories with a higher costs basis purchased during prior quarters (average cost criteria) halted a steeper drop in the COGS. 11
  • 13. BUSINESS AREAS CONTRIBUITION TO OPERATIONAL PROFIT 2.904 10.609 4Q05 vs. 3Q05 (R$ million) 327 45 782 542 377 21 7.829 3Q06 Oper. E&P Downst G&E Distr. Inter. Corp. Elim. 4Q06 Oper. Prof. Prof. International: decrease mainly due to: G&E: improvement related to the previous quarter due to: • Decrease in the international oil prices; • Increase in gross profit as a result of better • Lower trade oil volume in Argentina (oil workers strike); commercialization energy margins; • Lower sales volume in Bolivia (repairs in the Santo Antonio pipe); • Loss accrued in the 3Q06 as a result of the closing of • Write-off of well in the USA and expenses with seismic in the hedge contract for the reduction of natural gas Argentina and USA price volatility. 12
  • 14. NET EXPORTS OF OIL AND OIL PRODUCTS Volume Surplus 128 thous bpd in 4Q06 and 93 thous bpd in the year Exports (thous barrels/day) Imports (thous barrels/day) 559 540 669 488 581 576 109 446 459 510 523 532 548 442 132 118 137 409 215 94 115 88 246 221 260 281 270 228 450 370 344 373 408 454 352 354 335 355 263 262 267 181 2004 2005 2006 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 2004 2005 2006 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 Oil Oil Products • The lower percentage of domestic crude participation in the throughput (due to the commercial advantages of processing light oil, reducing the fuel oil production) allowed an increase in the heavy oil exports and a decrease in the fuel oil exports; • On the other side there was an increase in the light oil imports and stability in the oil products imports. 2006 includes ongoing exports 13
  • 15. Cash Breakdown (R$ millions) 1.600 25.000 1.200 15.000 800 Cash 400 5.000 0 'jun/05 'sept/05 'dec/05 'mar/06 'jun/06 'sept/06 'dec/06 (5.000) FX rate change* Δ-5.5% Δ5.3% Δ-7.2% Δ-0.4% Δ0.5% Δ-1.7% (400) (15.000) Abroad In Brazil w/ FX correction (800) In Brazil CDI Cash Financial Income (25.000) (1.200) • Financial revenues influenced by the US dollar indexed cash as hedge against the debt and costs linked to dollar. * Price of US Dollar at end of the period 14
  • 16. LEVERAGE Petrobras’ Leverage Ratio 37% R$ million 12/31/2006 12/31/2005 32% (1) Short Term debt 13.074 11.116 28% 27% 26% 26% (1) 24% 28% Long Term Debt 33.531 37.126 20% 20% 19% 18% 23% 17% 16% Total Debt 46.605 48.242 19% Cash and Cash 27.829 23.417 Equivalents (2) Mar-05 Jun-05 Sept- Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sept- Dec-06 Net Debt 18.776 24.825 05 06 Net Debt/Net Capitalization Short-Term Debt/Total Debt Decrease in total and net debt: Strong operating cash generation allows reduction of the debt (bonds buyback) and increase in cash balance. (1) Includes debt contracted through leasing contracts of R$ 2.540 million on December 31, 2006, and R$ 3.300 million on December31, 2005. (2) Total debt - cash and cash equivalents 15
  • 17. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT R$ million 4Q06 3Q06 (=) Net Cash from Operating Activities 13.244 10.209 (-) Cash used in Cap. Expend. (12.061) (8.341) (=) Free Cash Flow 1.183 1.868 (-) Cash used in Financing and Dividends 2.127 (62) Financing 2.128 (60) Dividends (1) (2) (=) Net Cash Generated in the Period 3.310 1.806 Cash at the Beginning of Period 24.519 22.713 Cash at the End of Period 27.829 24.519 R$ 3,3 billion cash increase. 16
  • 18. INVESTMENTS 2006 % 2005 % % Direct investments 29.769 90 22.927 89 30 Exploration & Production 15.314 51 13.934 54 10 Downstream 4.181 13 3.286 13 27 Gas & Energy 1.566 5 1.527 6 3 International 7.161 17 3.153 12 127 Distribution 642 2 495 2 30 Corporate 905 2 532 2 70 Special Purpose Companies (SPCs) 3.507 9 2.385 10 47 Ventures under Negociation 409 1 311 1 32 Project Finance 1 - 87 - - Total Investments 33.686 100 25.710 100 31 Primarily Investing in the development of oil and gas production capacity using own resources and partnerships. 17
  • 19. DOMESTIC LIFTING COSTS WITHOUT GOVERNMENT PARTICIPATION Δ = 9% or US$ 0.60 7.24 US$/bbl 6.32 6.64 6.07 6.12 4Q 05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 MAIN CAUSES Higher expenditures: • Drilling rigs • Specialized services and materials • Well interventions and repairs • Personnel expenses resulting from wage readjustment • High initial unitary costs from FPSO-Capixaba (Golfinho) and P-34 (Jubarte) projects, which will tend to decrease with the production grow. 18
  • 20. LIFTING COSTS INCLUDING GOVERNMENT PARTICIPATION US$/boe 26 61,5 61,8 56,9 69,6 59,7 69,5 60 51,6 47,5 17,3 17,5 18,1 17,6 16,1 16 38,2 13,6 13,9 15,2 40 28,8 24,8 10,7 64% 11,0 65% 11,4 64% 11,5 59%10,4 8,5 9,7 10,0 7,0 7,7 59% 8,4 20 6,4 6 5,1 4,0 57% 6,0 6,1 6,3 6,1 6,6 7,2 4,3 5,4 5,4 0 3,0 3,4 2002 2003 2004 1Q05 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 -4 -20 Lifting Cost Participação Gov. Brent Lower government participation in the quarter due to the decrease in the average reference price of the domestic oil, linked to the international quotations. 19
  • 21. REFINING COSTS IN BRAZIL (US$bbl) Δ = 9% or US$ 0.23 2.71 2.48 2.03 2.07 1.90 4Q 05 1Q 06 2Q 06 3Q 06 4Q 06 9% increase in 4Q06 relative to the previous period reflecting an increase in personnel expenses as due to Collective Work Agreement 2006/2007 and programmed stoppages 20
  • 22. NET INCOME COMPARISON 3Q06 Vs 4Q06 AND 2006 Vs 2005 Petrobras presented the higher y-o-y growth among majors... US$ billion 2005 2006 2006/ 2005 Petrobras* 9,74 11,92 22,3% Chevron 14,10 17,14 21,6% ConocoPhillips 13,53 15,55 14,9% Exxon 36,13 39,50 9,3% Shell 25,31 25,44 0,5% BP 22,34 22,00 -1,5% Média 11,2% ...however 4Q06 results were affected by the decrease in Brent price. US$ bilhões 3Q06 4Q06 4T06/3T06 Exxon 10,49 10,25 -2,3% Shell 5,94 5,28 -11,1% ConocoPhillips 3,88 3,20 -17,5% Chevron 5,02 3,77 -24,8% Petrobras* 3,26 2,42 -25,8% BP 6,23 2,88 -53,8% Média -22,5% Source: Evaluate Energy * Petrobras results converted by the average dollar prices from their corresponding periods. 21
  • 23. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION Visit our website: www.petrobras.com.br/ri For more information contact: Petróleo Brasileiro S.A – PETROBRAS Investor Relations Department Raul Adalberto de Campos– Executive Manager E-mail: petroinvest@petrobras.com.br Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22o floor 20031-912 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ (55-21) 3224-1510 / 3224-9947 22