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  • 11/2023: I successfully passed my habilitation at TU Wien.
New submissions:
Accepted and newly published papers:

About Me

Phone: +43-1-58801 - 104 581
Address: Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Wien
Room: DA05 H22, Freihaus, green tower, 5th floor
Email: michaelDOTwallnerATtuwienDOTacDOTat
ORCID: 0000-0001-8581-449X

At the moment I am a PostDoc and PI (FWF Project P34142) at the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry at the TU Wien.

My interests lie in all areas of analytic and enumerative combinatorics, and in particular in interactions with probability theory, number theory, and interdisciplinary applications in computer science and computational biology. I have studied lattice paths in one and higher dimensions, tree-like structures like directed acyclic graphs, deterministic finite automata, and phylogenetic trees, as well as Young tableaux and permutation patterns. The methods I am specialized to include

  • combinatorial methods, like generating functions, the symbolic method, and bijections;
  • analytic methods, like singularity analysis, saddle point analysis, and the kernel methods;
  • probabilistic methods, like the method of moments and martingales.



Peer Reviewed Conferences and Journals

  1. Asymptotics of relaxed k-ary trees
    with Manosij Ghosh Dastidar; in the Proceedings 35th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2024), 2024.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv || Maple | Maple (PDF) ]
  2. Composition schemes: q-enumerations and phase transitions
    with Cyril Banderier, Markus Kuba, and Stephan Wagner; in the Proceedings 35th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2024), 2024.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv ]
  3. A bijection between stacked directed polyominoes and Motzkin paths with alternative catastrophes
    with Florian Schager; accepted in the Proceedings of GASCom 2024 conference, 2024.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv]
  4. The decompressed tree size of chains
    [ Abstract and Picture ]
    • Bijections and congruences involving lattice paths and integer compositions
      with Manosij Ghosh Dastidar; submitted.
      [ Abstract and Picture | arXiv ]
    • Bijections between variants of Dyck paths and integer compositions
      with Manosij Ghosh Dastidar; accepted in the Proceedings of GASCom 2024 conference, 2024.
      [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv ]
  5. Dyck paths and inversion tables
    Permutation Patterns 2023, 142-144.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW ]
    • Enumerative and Distributional Results for d-combining Tree-Child Networks
      with Yu-Sheng Chang, Michael Fuchs, Hexuan Liu, and Guan-Ru Yu; Advances in Applied Mathematics, 157 (2024), 102704.
      [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv || Maple ]
    • Enumeration of d-combining Tree-Child Networks
      with Yu-Sheng Chang, Michael Fuchs, Hexuan Liu, and Guan-Ru Yu; in the Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2022).
      [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv || Maple ]
  6. On the critical exponents of generalized ballot sequences in three dimensions and large tandem walks
    Aequationes mathematicae, 96, 815-826 (2022).
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv ]
  7. Phase transitions of composition schemes: Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions
    with Cyril Banderier and Markus Kuba; Annals of Applied Probability, Volume 34(5), pages 4635-4693.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv ]
  8. Young tableaux with periodic walls: counting with the density method
    with Cyril Banderier; in the Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC21).
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW ]
  9. The binary digits of n+t
    with Lukas Spiegelhofer; Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, (5) 24 (2023), no. 1, 1-31.
    [ Abstract and Picture | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Walks avoiding a quadrant and the reflection principle
      with Mireille Bousquet-Mélou; European Journal of Combinatorics, page 103803, 2023.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv || Maple ]
    • More Models of Walks Avoiding a Quadrant
      with Mireille Bousquet-Mélou; in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020).
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv | Online Talk ]
  10. Latticepathology and Symmetric Functions
    with Cyril Banderier & Marie-Louise Lackner; in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020).
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | Poster ]
  11. Asymptotics of Minimal Deterministic Finite Automata Recognizing a Finite Binary Language
    with Andrew Elvey Price & Wenjie Fang; in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020).
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW || Maple | Maple (PDF) ]
  12. Compacted binary trees admit a stretched exponential
    with Andrew Elvey Price & Wenjie Fang; Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 177, January 2021, 105306.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv || Maple | Maple (PDF) ]
  13. Counting and sampling gene family evolutionary histories in the duplication-loss and duplication-loss-transfer models
    with Cedric Chauve & Yann Ponty; Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(5), 1353-1388(2020).
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks
      with Élie de Panafieu; submitted.
      [ Abstract and Picture | arXiv || Git | Maple ]
    • De la probabilité de creuser un tunnel
      with Élie de Panafieu & Mohamed Lamine Lamali; in Proceedings of AlgoTel 2019, Saint Laurent de la Cabrerisse, 2019.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | HAL ]
    • Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks of the Dyck and Motzkin type
      with Élie de Panafieu & Mohamed Lamine Lamali; in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), San Diego, 2019.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  14. Local time for lattice paths and the associated limit laws
    with Cyril Banderier; in Proceedings of GAScom 2018 conference, Athens, 2018.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  15. Rectangular Young tableaux with local decreases and the density method for uniform random generation
    with Cyril Banderier & Philippe Marchal; in Proceedings of GAScom 2018 conference, Athens, 2018.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Periodic Pólya Urns, the Density Method, and Asymptotics of Young Tableaux
      with Cyril Banderier & Philippe Marchal; full version, Annals of Probability, Volume 48, Number 4 (2020), 1921-1965.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Periodic Pólya Urns and an Application to Young Tableaux
      with Cyril Banderier & Philippe Marchal; in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2018), Uppsala, 2018.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  16. Divisibility of binomial coefficients by powers of two
    with Lukas Spiegelhofer; Journal of Number Theory, Volume 192, November 2018, Pages 221-239.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  17. The Tu-Deng conjecture holds almost surely
    with Lukas Spiegelhofer; The Electronic Journal Combinatorics, Volume.26 (2019), no. 1, Paper 1.28, 28 pp.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv || Maple | Maple (PDF) ]
  18. A bijection of plane increasing trees with relaxed binary trees of right height at most one
    Theoretical Computer Science,Volume 755, 10 January 2019, Pages 1-12.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  19. Asymptotic Enumeration of Compacted Binary Trees of Bounded Right Height
    with Antoine Genitrini, Bernhard Gittenberger & Manuel Kauers; to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 172, May 2020, Article 105177.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  20. Explicit formulas for enumeration of lattice paths: basketball and the kernel method
    with Cyril Banderier, Christian Krattenthaler, Alan Krinik, Dmitry Kruchinin, Vladimir Kruchinin & David Nguyen; Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications, G. E. Andrews, C. Krattenthaler and A. Krinik (eds.), Developments in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Cham, 2019, Pages 78-118.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • A half-normal distribution scheme for generating functions
      full version, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 87, June 2020, 103138.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • A half-normal distribution scheme for generating functions and the unexpected behavior of Motzkin paths
      In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2016), Krakow, 2016.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • On the shape of random Pólya structures
      with Bernhard Gittenberger & Emma Yu Jin; full version, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 341, Issue 4, April 2018, Pages 896–911.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • A note on the scaling limits of random Pólya trees
      with Bernhard Gittenberger & Emma Yu Jin; in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), Barcelona, pages 85-93, 2017.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
  21. An explicit generating function arising in counting binomial coefficients divisible by powers of primes
    with Lukas Spiegelhofer; Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017), 27-55.
    [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Lattice paths with catastrophes
      with Cyril Banderier; full version, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, September 29, 2017, Vol 19 no. 1.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Lattice paths with catastrophes
      with Cyril Banderier; Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 59 (dedicated to the GAScom 2016 conference), June 2017, Pages 131–146.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW ]
    • The kernel method for lattice paths below a line of rational slope
      with Cyril Banderier; full version, Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications, G. E. Andrews, C. Krattenthaler and A. Krinik (eds.), Developments in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Cham, 2019, Pages 119-154.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • Lattice paths of slope 2/5
      with Cyril Banderier; in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), San Diego, pages 105-113, 2015.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
    • The reflection-absorption model for directed lattice paths
      with Cyril Banderier; in Proceedings of the VIENNA young SCIENTISTS SYMPOSIUM (VSS), Vienna, pages 98-99, 2016.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | Poster ]
    • Some reflections on directed lattice paths
      with Cyril Banderier; in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2014), Paris, pages 25-36, 2014.
      [ Abstract and Picture | BibTeX | WWW | arXiv ]
A list of all my publications on arxiv.org can be found here.


  1. Combinatorial Analysis of Directed Acyclic Graphs, Young Tableaux, and Lattice Paths
    Habilitation thesis, TU Wien, 2022.
    [ PDF | BibTeX ]
  2. Combinatorics of Lattice Paths and Tree-Like Structures
    PhD thesis written under the supervision of Bernhard Gittenberger, TU Wien, 2016.
    [ PDF | BibTeX ]
  3. Lattice Path Combinatorics
    Master's thesis written under the supervision of Michael Drmota, TU Wien, 2013.
    [ PDF | BibTeX ]
  4. Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Higher-Order Finite Element Discretization with parallelization
    Master's thesis written under the supervision of Matthias Maischak, Brunel University, London, 2012.
    [ PDF | BibTeX ]


  • An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics and Lattice Path Counting
    with Marie-Louise Lackner; lecture notes of a mini-course held at the ALEA in Europe Young Researchers' Workshop, University of Bath, Bath, UK, December 2015.
    [ PDF ]

Work in progress

  • On beta-reduction of random closed linear lambda terms, joint work with Olivier Bodini (LIP13 Paris Nord), Bernhard Gittenberger (TU Wien), Alexandros Singh (Université Paris 8), and Noam Zeilberger (École Polytechnique).
  • On the question of parity in integer partitions and Dyck paths, joint work with George Andrews (Pennsylvania State University) and Manosij Ghosh Dastidar (TU Wien).
  • Enumerative properties of split graphs, joint work with Bernhard Gittenberger (TU Wien), Zbigniew Gołębiewski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), and Małgorzata Sulkowska (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology).
  • Critical compositon schemes II: stable laws and Boltzmann distributions, joint work with Cyril Banderier (LIP13 Paris Nord) and Markus Kuba (FH-Technikum Wien).
  • Stretched exponentials in Dyck-like recurrence relations, joint work with Andrew Elvey Price (LaBRI) and Wenjie Fang (UPEM).
  • Lattice paths with biased boundary interactions, joint work with Cyril Banderier (LIP13 Paris Nord).
  • High genus triangulations and unicellular maps, joint work with Andrew Elvey Price (LaBRI) and Wenjie Fang (UPEM), and Baptiste Louf (Université de Bordeaux).


  1. Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks, held at the séminaire de combinatoire, LIPN, Paris, France, April 2024.
  2. Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien, Austria, April 2024.
  3. Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks, held at the Applied Mathematics Webinar, Online, BASRC and KSU, February 2024.
  4. Stretched exponentials and beyond, held at the Workshop: Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, December 2023.
  5. Stretched exponentials in the asymptotics of phylogenetic networks, held at the Mathematics of Evolution-Phylogenetic Trees and Networks Workshop, Institute for Mathematica Sciences, Singapore, September 2023.
  6. Counting and sampling gene families evolutionary histories, held at the One-Day Workshop on Combinatorial and Stochastic Plylogenetics, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2023.
  7. Phase transitions of composition schemes: Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions, held at the 34th International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2023), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2023.
  8. Lattice pathology and Symmetric Functions, held at the Séminaire SPACE, Université de Tours, France, April 2023.
  9. Young tableaux with periodic walls: counting with the density method , held at the SFB F50 Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics veteran status seminar, Admont, Austria, December 2022.
  10. Walks avoiding a quadrant and the reflection principle, held at the Joint MATHEXP-PolSys Seminar, Inria Saclay (Palaiseau), France, October 2022.
  11. Limit laws for lattice paths with catastrophes, held at the Department of Mathematics, AAU Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2022.
  12. Phase transitions of composition schemes: Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions, held at the Algorithmic Enumerative Combinatorics Conference, TU Wien, Austria, July 2022.
  13. Walks Avoiding a quadrant and the reflection principle, held at the Groupe de travail "Transcendence et Combinatoire", IHP Paris (Online), France, May 2022.
  14. Phase transitions of composition schemes: Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien (Online), Austria, April 2022.
  15. Phase transitions of composition schemes: Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions, held at the seminar of the Probability, Statistics and Combinatorics Seminar, Uppsala University (Online), Sweden, February 2022.
  16. Young Tableaux with Periodic Walls: Counting with the Density Method, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien (Online), Austria, January 2022.
  17. Young Tableaux with Periodic Walls: Counting with the Density Method, held at the Seminar Combinatoire et interactions, together with Cyril Banderier, LaBRI, Bordeaux (Online), France, November 2021.
  18. Compacted binary trees and minimal automata admit stretched exponentials, held at the DMV-ÖMG Jahrestagung 2021, Passau (Online), September 2021.
  19. More Models of Walks Avoiding a Quadrant, held at the SFB In-person Meeting, Linz, Austria, August 2021.
  20. Stretched exponentials and beyond, held at the 32nd International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2021), Online/Klagenfurt, Austria, June 2021.
  21. Compacted binary trees and minimal automata admit stretched exponentials, held at CanaDAM 2021, Online, Canada, May 2021. [ slides | video ]
  22. More Models of Walks Avoiding a Quadrant, held at CanaDAM 2021, Online, Canada, May 2021. [ slides | video ]
  23. Das 1x1 des evolutinären Stammbaums (German), public lecture for a general audience held online at TUForMath, TU Wien (Online), Austria, May 2021.
  24. Periodic Pólya urns and asymptotics of Young tableaux, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien (Online), Austria, March 2021.
  25. Compacted binary trees and minimal automata admit stretched exponentials, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien (Online), Austria, January 2021.
  26. Compacted binary trees admit stretched exponentials, held at the Computational Logic and Applications (CLA 2020), Online, October 2020.
  27. Latticepathology and Symmetric Functions, recorded for the 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020), Online, October 2020.
  28. More Models of Walks Avoiding a Quadrant, recorded for the 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020), Online, October 2020.
  29. Periodic Pólya urns and asymptotics of Young tableaux, held at the Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar, Online, June 2020.
  30. Stretched exponentials for compacted binary trees and a class of minimal automata, held at the Séminaire d'algorithmique, together with Andrew Elvey Price, UPEM, Paris, France, January 2020.
  31. Compacted binary trees admit a stretched exponential, held at the Seminar Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique, together with Andrew Elvey Price, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France, December 2019.
  32. Counting and Sampling Gene Families Evolutionary Histories, held at the 5th Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School 2019, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2019.
  33. Periodic Pólya urns and an application to Young tableaux, held at the SIAM Algebraic Combinatorics Conference, Bern, Switzerland, July 2019.
  34. Asymptotic Enumeration of Compacted Binary Trees with Height Restrictions, held at the 30th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2019), CIRM, Marseille, France, July 2019.
  35. Counting and Sampling Gene Families Evolutionary Histories, held at the Seminar Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique, together with Cédric Chauve, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France, April 2019.
  36. Periodic Pólya Urns and Asymptotics of Triangular Young tableaux, held at the Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France, February 2019.
  37. Periodic Pólya Urns and Asymptotics of Triangular Young tableaux, held at the Séminaires de Probabilités-Statistiques, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France, February 2019.
  38. Limit laws for lattice paths with catastrophes, held at the Joint Mathematics Meetings 2019, Baltimore, USA, January 2019.
  39. A bijection of plane increasing trees with bounded relaxed binary trees, held at the 4th Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School 2018, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2018.
  40. Periodic Pólya urns and an application to Young tableaux, held at the 29th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2018), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2018.
  41. Periodic Pólya urns and an application to Young tableaux, held at the Seminar Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France, June 2018.
  42. Asymptotic Enumeration of Compacted Binary Trees with Height Restrictions, held at the Computational Logic and Applications (CLA 2018), Sorbonne University, Paris, France, May 2018.
  43. Periodic Pólya urns and an application to Young tableaux, held at the Journée MathStic - Combinatoire, probabilités, et physique, LIPN, Paris, France, May 2018.
  44. A bijection of plane increasing trees with bounded relaxed binary trees, held at the Journées ALEA, CIRM, Marseille, France, March 2018.
  45. Asymptotic Enumeration of Compacted Binary Trees with Height Restrictions, held at the Seminar of the Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France, February 2018.
  46. Half-normal lattice paths, held at the PhD Seminars Mathematics, Ghent University, Belgium, December 2017.
  47. Asymptotic Enumeration of Compacted Binary Trees with Height Restrictions, held at the Seminar "Computations and Proofs" at SpecFun, INRIA, France, December 2017.
  48. Lattice paths with catastrophes: limit laws and random generation, held at the Séminaire de Probabilités et Théorie Ergodique, Univeristé de Tours, France, November 2017.
  49. Limit laws for lattice paths with catastrophes, held at the séminaire de combinatoire, LIPN, Paris, France, September 2017.
  50. An introduction to lattice path counting (with catastrophes), held at the PostDoc Seminar, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, July 2017.
  51. Limit laws for lattice paths with catastrophes, held at the Seminar on Combinatorics, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, July 2017.
  52. The kernel method for lattice paths below a line of rational slope, held at the Algo@ISS-AS Seminar, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, June 2017.
  53. A note on the scaling limits of random Pólya trees, held at the Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), Barcelona, Spain, January 2017.
  54. Compacted binary trees, held at the SFB F50 Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics status seminar, Strobl, Austria, November 2016.
  55. A note on the scaling limits of random Pólya trees, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien, Austria, November 2016.
  56. Lattice paths with catastrophes, held at the 77th Séminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire (SLC77), Strobl, Austria, September 2016.
  57. A half-normal distribution scheme for generating functions, held at the Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms & Combinatorial Structures (A3CS), Paris, France, September 2016.
  58. A half-normal distribution scheme for generating functions and the unexpected behavior of Motzkin paths, held at the 27th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2016), Kraków, Poland, July 2016.
  59. Lattice paths below a line of rational slope, held at the Final conférence of the MADACA project, Domaine de Chalès, France, June 2016.
  60. A half-normal distribution scheme for generating functions, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien, Austria, June 2016.
  61. An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics and Lattice Path Counting, mini-course with lecture notes, held at the ALEA in Europe Young Researchers' Workshop, University of Bath, Bath, UK, December 2015.
  62. Counting compacted trees, held at the SFB F50 Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics status seminar, Strobl, Austria, December 2015.
  63. Why and when does the half-normal distribution appear in combinatorics?, held at the séminaire de combinatoire, LIPN, Paris, France, September 2015.
  64. A half-normal limit distribution scheme and applications to lattice paths, held at the 8th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics & Applications, Cal Poly Pomona, USA, August 2015.
  65. The extension of a Rayleigh limiting distribution scheme, held at the SFB workshop on Lattice Walks, Hagenberg, Austria, May 2015.
  66. Lattice paths of slope 2/5, held at the Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), San Diego, USA, January 2015.
  67. Lattice paths of slope 2/5, held at the SFB F50 Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics status seminar, Strobl, Austria, December 2014.
  68. Lattice paths of slope 2/5 – Solving a problem of Knuth, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien, Austria, November 2014.
  69. Some (more) reflections on lattice paths, held at the probability seminar of the Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, France, September 2014.
  70. Some reflections on lattice paths, held at the 25th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2014), Paris, France, June 2014.
  71. Some reflections on directed lattice paths, held at the seminar of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien, Austria, May 2014.


  1. Dyck paths and inversion tables, presented at Permutation Patterns 2023, Dijon, France, July 2023. [poster]
  2. Latticepathology and symmetric functions, presented at FPSAC 2021, Online/Ramat-Gan, Israel, January 2022. [poster]
  3. Latticepathology and symmetric functions, presented at Lattice Paths, Combinatorics and Interactions, Online/CIRM, Marseille, France, July 2021. [poster]
  4. The reflection-absorption model for directed lattice paths, speed talk with poster presented at the VIENNA young SCIENTISTS SYMPOSIUM (VSS16), Vienna, Austria, June 2016. [poster]


    Disclaimer: All items are copyrighted either by the author or the publisher. The files available on this website are preprints. For published papers, use the corresponding publications for the final version. The copyright for published papers is owned by the publishers.


    PhD Thesis

    • Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: (Since 2022)

    Master's Thesis

    Teaching at TU Wien (in German)

    Office hours: by appointment only.

    Previous classes (Frühere Lehrveranstaltungen)

    • WS 2022: Discrete Matehmatics, Vorlesung und Übung
    • SS 2022: Diskrete Methoden, Vorlesung und Übung
    • WS 2021: Discrete Matehmatics, Vorlesung und Übung
    • SS 2021: Diskrete Methoden, Übung
    • SS 2016: Diskrete Methoden, Übung
    • SS 2015: Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Übung
    • WS 2015: Analysis Mathematik für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Übung
    • SS 2015: Analysis Mathematik für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Übung
    • SS 2015: Diskrete Methoden, Übung
    • WS 2014: Analysis Mathematik für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Übung
    • SS 2014: Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Übung
    • SS 2014: Diskrete Methoden, Übung
    • WS 2012: Numerische Mathematik, Übung

    Teaching at FH Campus Wien (in German)

    Previous classes (Frühere Lehrveranstaltungen)

    • WS 2016: Analysis 1, Übung für Studierende der Angewandten Elektronik
    • WS 2015: Analysis 1, Übung für Studierende der Angewandten Elektronik

    Organization and Popularization


    Short CV

    Here is a longer CV (updated 09/2024).