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Syamsul Ma'arif

    Syamsul Ma'arif

    This article presents a systematic literature review on Islamic moderation in education to prevent cyberterrorism in the latest literature. The method used is the systematic literature review and preferred reporting items for systematic... more
    This article presents a systematic literature review on Islamic moderation in education to prevent cyberterrorism in the latest literature. The method used is the systematic literature review and preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocol with the stages of identification, screening, eligibility, inclusion, abstraction, and data analysis assisted by PoP 7, VOSviewer, and NVIVO 12 plus. The search results in Scopus contained 1,252 articles, then filtered according to compatible themes into 54. The topic findings are the concept of Islamic moderation, Islamic moderation in preventing cyberterrorism in education, cyberterrorism, cyberterrorism phenomenon, terrorism, religious moderation, wasatiyyah, peaceful coexistence, and counter-terrorism. The findings of the results mention that Islamic moderation is a way of religion according to the principles of the Quran and Sunnah, namely ummah wasatan, which is applied to education. Cyberterrorism phenomenon ...
    Research related to the analysis of performance improvement (as used in a systematic process to identify performance, determine the desired performance targets, and to determine the priority of improvement at the sugar industry in... more
    Research related to the analysis of performance improvement (as used in a systematic process to identify performance, determine the desired performance targets, and to determine the priority of improvement at the sugar industry in Indonesia has not been done. This research aims to produce a conceptual model that can be used to analyze the sugar industry performance improvement. The model produced an integrated model to achieve the objectives of the analysis phase of performance improvement. The resulting model consists of five sub-models : 1) grouping, 2) performance measurement, 3) selection of the best performance, 4) analysis of best practices, and 5) determination of priorities for improvement.
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan berpikir kritis dan kreatif siswa,  peningkatanprestasi belajar, serta keterkaitan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif dengan prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan berpikir kritis dan kreatif siswa,  peningkatanprestasi belajar, serta keterkaitan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif dengan prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah  seluruh siswa  kelas VIIIF SMP Negeri 18 Purworejo. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, angket, tes, dan dokumentasi.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah rerata dan analisis deskriptif persentase.Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan berpikir kritis dan kreatif siswa, terdapat peningkatan prestasi belajar serta terdapat keterkaitan antara berpikir kritis dan kreatif terhadap prestasi. Kata kunci: berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, PBL
    This study aims to determine the effect of the protective gas flow rate on the tensile and shock strength of welded joints of dissimilar metals, namely aluminum 5052 – galvanized steel with Al-Si 4043 filler using argon gas as a shielding... more
    This study aims to determine the effect of the protective gas flow rate on the tensile and shock strength of welded joints of dissimilar metals, namely aluminum 5052 – galvanized steel with Al-Si 4043 filler using argon gas as a shielding gas. The protective gas flow rate parameters used in this study were 14, 17, and 20 liters/minute with a current of 80 A. The results showed that the higher the flow rate of the shielding gas, the lower the porosity defects that occurred in the welding results, resulting in higher tensile and shock strength values. Based on the analysis through the results of penetrant testing, it shows that the addition of the protective gas flow rate is given to reduce the porosity defects in the welding area. The surface area experiencing porosity decreases with the addition of the protective gas flow rate of 14, 17, and 20 liters/minute of 59.748%, 50.918%, and 48.857% respectively. The highest tensile strength was obtained from welding with a protective gas fl...
    Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada Sekolah PAUD Taman Kanak-Kanak Al Ikhlash Pekalongan Kabupaten Jepara ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas  penguasaan materi administrasi sekolah, pembuatan administrasi, meningkatkan kualitas... more
    Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada Sekolah PAUD Taman Kanak-Kanak Al Ikhlash Pekalongan Kabupaten Jepara ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas  penguasaan materi administrasi sekolah, pembuatan administrasi, meningkatkan kualitas guru dalam mengelola dan mempersiapkan adminsitrasi sekolah agar lebih baik, serta adanya jadwal pelatihan yang diperuntukkan untuk para guru. Kebaruan dari artikel ini adalah memuat tentang pentingnya pelatihan dan penguasaan materi praktek administrasi sekolah bagi guru paud taman kanak-kanak al ikhlash. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah Peserta dapat menguasai materi pelatihan yang telah diberikan serta peserta dapat mengikuti dan mempraktekkan pembuatan administrasi sekolah.
    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong masyarakat khususnya para pelajar agarmemiliki kesadaran sejak dini untuk menghindari risiko, mengendalikan risiko, mengurangi risiko,menanggulangi maupun memulihkan diri dari dampak... more
    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong masyarakat khususnya para pelajar agarmemiliki kesadaran sejak dini untuk menghindari risiko, mengendalikan risiko, mengurangi risiko,menanggulangi maupun memulihkan diri dari dampak bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah: (1)Meningkatnya kapasitas pemahaman masyarakat khususnya pelajar mengenai konteks situasi potensibencana di wilayah tempat mereka tinggal; (2) Meningkatnya kapasitas pemahaman masyarakatkhususnya pelajar mengenai penanggulangan bencana berikut tahapan-tahapan penanggulanganbencana; (3) Meningkatnya kesadaran beserta kesiapan masyarakat khususnya pelajar untuk turutberpartisipasi dalam rangka mengantisipasi timbulnya dampak potensi bencana. Oleh karena itu, prosespengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah yang dikombinasikan dengan diskusidan tanya jawab. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan rata-rata peserta cenderung mengalami peningkatankapasitas pengetahuan 38,45 persen dibanding sebelum mengikuti pela...
    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong Badan Usaha Milik Desa agar membiasakan diri memformalisasikan setiap kesepakatan kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh pihak Badan Usaha Milik Desa bersama pihak lainnya. Tujuan dari adanya... more
    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong Badan Usaha Milik Desa agar membiasakan diri memformalisasikan setiap kesepakatan kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh pihak Badan Usaha Milik Desa bersama pihak lainnya. Tujuan dari adanya kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Meningkatnya kapasitas pemahaman pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa mengenai pentingnya memformalisasikan setiap kegiatan kerjasama dengan pihak lainnya; (2) Meningkatnya kapasitas pemahaman pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa mengenai teknis penyusunan surat perjanjian kerjasama.
    Dekopin is the apex of Indonesian Cooperative Movement.  Dekopin has responsibility to  develop the cooperatives human resources and business of cooperatives.  Cooperatives have to be ready to face environmental change on business,... more
    Dekopin is the apex of Indonesian Cooperative Movement.  Dekopin has responsibility to  develop the cooperatives human resources and business of cooperatives.  Cooperatives have to be ready to face environmental change on business, politics and laws.  To anticipate that, cooperative movement  has to develop and increase the skill of cooperative human resources. DEKOPIN has responsibility to conduct the training to increase the skill of cooperative members. The objective of this study is to develop the education and training for human resources of agroindustrial-based cooperatives that are suitable for competitiveness in globalization era. This study uses the Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) to collect the competency that‘s needed by cooperative’s human  resources and Training  Need Assessment Tools (T-NAT) for setting of the training curriculum.  The result of the study indicates that the training curriculum should be arranged on the discrepancy based of competency at this time. K...
    Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to... more
    Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to build a small power plant by utilizing rice husks which are quite abundant in Yogyakarta. Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) by dual fuel system studied had a capacity of 50 kVA. Dual fuel system is combin ation of diesel fuel and synthetic gas from gasification of rice husks. This study is discussed about potential of rice husks, gasification equipment design, electrical distribution, and economic feasibility studies. The results showed that 0.2% of rice husks in Yogyakarta is enough to fulfill fuel requirements of PLTD by dual fuel system. Comparison of fuel requirements in PLTD by dual fuel system is 40% or about 4.72 liters/hour of diesel fuel and 60% synthetic gas from gasification of rice husk as much as 33.19 kgs/hour. Reactor is designed to fulfill gas...
    Plastic waste is one type of waste that would disturb the environment if it is not handled properly. Alternative treatment to solve this problem is by using pyrolysis technology that enable to convert plastic waste into fuel oil,... more
    Plastic waste is one type of waste that would disturb the environment if it is not handled properly. Alternative treatment to solve this problem is by using pyrolysis technology that enable to convert plastic waste into fuel oil, charcoal, and non-condensable gas. The success of pyrolysis technology is influenced by several factors, including the type of reactor, the particle size, the processing time, and the temperature of the pyrolysis process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature on the yield and the calorific value of plastic pyrolysis oil. Based on the experimen ts, increasing the temperature, the yield of the oil produced and calorific value will be higher . The yield and the highest calorific value generated for the pyrolysis process at a temperature of 400 0 C, are 44% and 10,292 cal/ g respectively.
    Kaliurang Tourism Area, located in Sleman Regency, is a very famous tourist area in Yogyakarta. The minimum number of visitors in one month is 35,742 people. A large number of visitors have the potential to produce waste, especially... more
    Kaliurang Tourism Area, located in Sleman Regency, is a very famous tourist area in Yogyakarta. The minimum number of visitors in one month is 35,742 people. A large number of visitors have the potential to produce waste, especially organic waste. Organic waste is often processed into energy sources, especially electricity. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the potential electrical energy generated from organic waste in the Kaliurang Tourism Area using the gasification process. Waste generated from visitors, especially organic waste and paper waste, is processed into charcoal. The charcoal produced is used as a feed for the gasification process. Synthetic gas produced from the gasification process is used as generator fuel. The calculation results show that the average garbage in the Kaliurang Tourism Area is 119.14 kgs per day. The processed waste is 66.9% or 79.7 kgs organic waste and 9.5% or 11.32 kgs of paper waste. Waste is processed into charcoal at 8.46 kg per day...
    This study shows that dimension ofacceptability has the higher contribution followed by dimension of sensitivity,relevance and reliability. In contrast, dimension of practicality has thelowest contribution to motivation, work satisfaction... more
    This study shows that dimension ofacceptability has the higher contribution followed by dimension of sensitivity,relevance and reliability. In contrast, dimension of practicality has thelowest contribution to motivation, work satisfaction and work performance. Furthermore,the company has not yet been able to comply with the employee's expectations ofpracticality used in conducting performance appraisal system. In other words,further evaluation of performance appraisal system emphasizing on practicalityfactors is required; keep manage and evaluate from the priority dimensionsof  acceptability, sensitivity, relevanceand reliability. These steps will lead to a condition of satisfactory to theexpectation of both the company and the employees; high work performance as aresult of highly motivated and work satisfaction employees. Keywords: effectiveness, Structural Equation Modeling, performance appraisal, motivation, employee
    Tourism management must involve stakeholders who each play a role in increasing tourist visits. Although several research have been pointed out the stakeholder’s role in tourism management, the research on the context of marine tourism is... more
    Tourism management must involve stakeholders who each play a role in increasing tourist visits. Although several research have been pointed out the stakeholder’s role in tourism management, the research on the context of marine tourism is still a few. This research aims to analyze stakeholder partnerships in the management of marine tourism in Lampung Selatan Regency. It is important to map engaged actors in the tourism management. The results show that there are 12 stakeholders who partnered and had their respective roles. Stakeholders involved in the management of nature tourism based on interests and influences in South Lampung consist of: a) Key Player, namely Tourism Agency; b) Subject, namely PT Kahaii (Private company) and the community who own beach tourism objects, c) Context Setter, namely NGOs, Indonesian Tour Guide Association (HPI) and Travel Agent Association (ASITA), Indonesian Recreational Park Business Association (PUTRI) and Event Organizer Association (AEO), Commu...
    PT. Pertamina (Persero) Shipping as shipping division of PT. Pertamina (Persero) since 1959 is affecting by a new transformation strategy of PT. Pertamina, as holding, to face the oil and gas regulation - UU No. 22 year 2001, which change... more
    PT. Pertamina (Persero) Shipping as shipping division of PT. Pertamina (Persero) since 1959 is affecting by a new transformation strategy of PT. Pertamina, as holding, to face the oil and gas regulation - UU No. 22 year 2001, which change Indonesian oil market from monopoly into competitive market. As competitiveness strategy, the transformation is a necessary condition to achieve PT. Pertamina goal to be world class Oil Company. Employee commitments to service and performance quality are critical factors to achieve its goal, which human resources quality will be improved by providing employee satisfaction. The research objectives at PT. Pertamina (Persero) Shipping were (1) to identify the level of employee satisfaction, (2) to analyze the Quality of Work Life (QWL) , (3) to identify the factor of QWL which influence employee satisfaction, and (4) to identify the factors need to be improve to achieve employee satisfaction. The primary and secondary data were collected from the comp...
    The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Against Employee Kinrja in PT. Cahaya Internusa Group Indonesia. This research uses survey method by using... more
    The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Against Employee Kinrja in PT. Cahaya Internusa Group Indonesia. This research uses survey method by using primary data obtained from questionnaire. The population in this study are the employees who are in the Environment PT. Cahaya Internusa Group Indonesia. The number of samples taken in this study are 148 employees who are in PT. Cahaya Internusa Group Indonesia. Samples were taken by Random Sampling technique. Testing data quality using validity test and reliability test. Data were analyzed using The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) of the AMOS 4.0 statistical software package in the model and hypothesis assessment. The structural equation model, Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that: (1) Organizational Culture positively affect Job Satisfaction. (2) Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on Job Satisfaction. (3) Job Sat...
    Mahasiswa, sebagai salah satu unsur masyarakat yang dapat dikatakan memiliki bekal ilmu pengetahuan yang memadai, bisa berdiri pada kedua sisi tersebut. Di satu sisi mahasiswa dapat memahami sebagai bagian kelompok intelektual yang sedang... more
    Mahasiswa, sebagai salah satu unsur masyarakat yang dapat dikatakan memiliki bekal ilmu pengetahuan yang memadai, bisa berdiri pada kedua sisi tersebut. Di satu sisi mahasiswa dapat memahami sebagai bagian kelompok intelektual yang sedang mengembangkan potensi dirinya dan di sisi lain mahasiswa juga merupakan anggota masyarakat yang menggunakan ruang untuk melakukan aktivitasnya sehari-hari sehingga dapat mengetahui secara langsung kebutuhan masyarakat. Sehingga bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin jika mahasiswa memiliki peluang untuk menjadi “jembatan” antara pemerintah dan masyarakat. Pengembangan kemahasiswaan di perguruan tinggi merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan pendidikan tinggi secara menyeluruh dan harus merujuk pada HELTS yang dikeluarkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Dengan demikian, kegiatan mahasiswa di dalam kampus harus mencakup pengembangan organisasi mahasiswa yang sehat, pembinaan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas yang mencerminkan adanya ot...
    Nahdah al-‘Ulamā’ (NU) sebagai Jam'iyyah Dīniyyah dan Ijtimā'iyyah merasa mempunyai andil besar dalam mengawal dan mewujudkan demokrasi di Indonesia. Maka, melalui lembaga Bahśu al-Masāil al-Dīniyyah al-Maudū’iyyah Mu'tamar... more
    Nahdah al-‘Ulamā’ (NU) sebagai Jam'iyyah Dīniyyah dan Ijtimā'iyyah merasa mempunyai andil besar dalam mengawal dan mewujudkan demokrasi di Indonesia. Maka, melalui lembaga Bahśu al-Masāil al-Dīniyyah al-Maudū’iyyah Mu'tamar XXX NU di Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo, Kediri, Jawa Timur, tahun 1999, di antaranya menghasilkan beberapa keputusan yang berkaitan dengan masalah kehidupan bernegara, misalnya demokrasi. Bahśu al-Masāil al-Dīniyyah adalah salah satu forum diskusi keagamaan dalam organisasi NU untuk merespons dan memberikan solusi atas problematika yang muncul bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Melalui forum ini dihasilkan sebuah keputusan dari kesepakatan hukum yang dipercayai menjadi tradisi dan pembimbing kehidupan bagi masyarakat umum khususnya warga NU. Berangkat dari asumsi di atas, maka penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian tentang NU dan demokrasi di Indonesia yang difokuskan dengan cara melakukan analisis wacana kritis terhadap keputusan Bahśu al-Masāil al-Dīniyyah al-Ma...
    Pesantren as the oldest institution in Indonesia actually has unique character and different specialty with the others Islamic studies institution. The flexibility of attitude and inclined inclusivity of religion expression are almost... more
    Pesantren as the oldest institution in Indonesia actually has unique character and different specialty with the others Islamic studies institution. The flexibility of attitude and inclined inclusivity of religion expression are almost showed by pesantren communities. It‟s caused by based of pesantren which has some rules, values, and norms that be entrenched and stem to AlQur‟an and Al-Hadist besides Ulama‟ agreement as a sources. Either Pesantren Tebuireng, as one of foremost pesantren in Indonesia famed so inclusive, always hold on “traditionalism” and local wisdom which is estate by Mbah Hasyim Asy‟ari and the his forefathers. Proved by this paradigm, Tebuireng is able to stay amid the challenges of modernity without having cut off the roots of his own culture, besides able be a modals to them in preaching their Islamic principle to the society without getting collision and conflict with another religion even the others local believer in Indonesia.
    The development implemented throughoutall this time still reveals an unbalanced development between the urban andrural area. This has occured due to the development policy that is lessfavorable toward the development of rural areas... more
    The development implemented throughoutall this time still reveals an unbalanced development between the urban andrural area. This has occured due to the development policy that is lessfavorable toward the development of rural areas causing various  problems of imbalances (inequalities) ofwelfares among the regions. In addition, the failures of development in therural areas have caused backwash effect, and the domination of capital marketand welfares have been mostly possesed by the urban dwellers. The conditionof  rural communities have become moredeteriorated, poorer, and the level of unemployment becoming higher. Thedevelopment of agropolitan (agro-based area development) is expected to providepositive impact in the effort to empowering the rural community, reducingpoverty, and supporting rural economic activities that are environmentallyoriented. This study aims to develop a sustainable rural policy through theagropolitan development model, based on regional analysis, insitutiona...
    The development of the era that resulted in to an era of disruption encourages changes in educational activities. It triggers new problems in educational ethics, including the ethics of teachers and students. The ethical constructions of... more
    The development of the era that resulted in to an era of disruption encourages changes in educational activities. It triggers new problems in educational ethics, including the ethics of teachers and students. The ethical constructions of teachers and students that have been formulated by scholars and education experts are by the conditions of their time. One of the scholars who laid the foundations for teachers and students' ethics was Zainuddin bin Nuruddin 'Ali bin Ahmad Al-'Amili Al-Juba'i or also known as Al-'Amili. This study aims to interpret the actualization of the ethics of teachers and students of Al-'Amili in the context of the era of disruption. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, namely the library research method with the primary data source of the book Munyah al-Murīd fī Adab al-Mufīd wa al-Mustafīd by Al-'Amili. The analysis was performed using Content Analysis techniques. This study found that teacher and student ethi...
    Buku ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa, dosen, dan pegawai yunior, dan pegawai senior dalam memahami dan mengelola permasalahan organisasi untuk mewujudkan cita-cita organisasi. Sebagai acuan dalam mengambil sikap organisasi dan... more
    Buku ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa, dosen, dan pegawai yunior, dan pegawai senior dalam memahami dan mengelola permasalahan organisasi untuk mewujudkan cita-cita organisasi. Sebagai acuan dalam mengambil sikap organisasi dan menumbuhkan sikap solidaritas antar warga organisasi dengan harapan untuk mencapai target dan tujuan organisasi. Perlu dipahami dalam pengelolaan organisasi banyak ditemui berbagai kendala/hambatan. Kendala/hambatan tersebut semata-mata tidak hanya sebagai peluru untuk melemahkan organisasi akan tetapi jika mampu dikendalikan akan menjadi motivator keberhasilan organisasi. Untuk itu semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat dalam pengelolaan keberahasilan organisasi. Mewujudkan cita-cita organisasi dan solidaritas antar warga organisasi
    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan hasil belajar ranah kognitif peserta didik kelas VII di MTs Nurul Ulum Mranggen Demak dalam materi pokok perkembangan kebudayaan Islam pada masa dinasti Umayyah masih rendah dan belum mencapai KKM... more
    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan hasil belajar ranah kognitif peserta didik kelas VII di MTs Nurul Ulum Mranggen Demak dalam materi pokok perkembangan kebudayaan Islam pada masa dinasti Umayyah masih rendah dan belum mencapai KKM yang telah ditentukan. Hal ini disebabkan karena metode dan media pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar masih menggunakan metode konvensional (ceramah dan tanya jawab) tidak menggunakan media, hal ini mengakibatkan para peserta didik mudah bosan karena pembelajaran seperti itu terus menerus dan tidak menggunakan media lain. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan: efektifkah penggunaan peta konsep dengan media gambar terhadap hasil belajar ranah kognitif pada mata pelajaran SKI materi pokok perkembangan kebudayaan Islam pada dinasti Umayyah peserta didik kelas VII di MTs Nurul Ulum Mranggen Demak. Efektifitas pada penelitian ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik kelas eksperime...
    Kendala pelayanan publik pada setiap jenjang pendidikan adalah masalah penataan institusi pendidikan. Bank Dunia menjelaskan beberapa kendala dalam pembangunan pendidikan Indonesia. (1) institusi-institusi pemerintah yang mengelola... more
    Kendala pelayanan publik pada setiap jenjang pendidikan adalah masalah penataan institusi pendidikan. Bank Dunia menjelaskan beberapa kendala dalam pembangunan pendidikan Indonesia. (1) institusi-institusi pemerintah yang mengelola pendidikan sangat rumit dan kurang terkoordinasi, terutama antara Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Departemen Dalam Negeri dan Departemen Agama; (2) pengelolaan sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, sehingga tidak terjadi tanggung jawab ganda; (3) anggaran pendidikan nasional dikelola secara kaku dan terkotak-kotak, baik jenis anggarannya maupun instansi yang menanganinya; (4) pelaksanaan manajemen pada tingkat sekolah yang tidak efektif. Pada umumnya Rektor di Perguruan tinggi Indonesia memiliki otonomi yang terbatas dalam mengelola perguruan tinggi dan mengalokasikan sumber daya yang diperlukan. Tiga misi pokok perguruan tinggi menurut Perkins mengacu ketiga aspek pengetahuan, yaitu pemerolehan (acquisition), pemindahan (transmission)...
    Higher Education as a provider of services in the field of education is supposed to show good performence, quality, and qualified as a form of responsibility and simultaneously pull/snatch confidence in the hearts of the people. Much more... more
    Higher Education as a provider of services in the field of education is supposed to show good performence, quality, and qualified as a form of responsibility and simultaneously pull/snatch confidence in the hearts of the people. Much more in line with the demands of reform in all sectors in Indonesia, all institutions of higher education, the more IAIN should improve itself and display a positive image with the new paradigm shift as a public bureaucracy Servan. As an institution under the Ministry of Religious should play an active role in providing services to the community, particularly in the fields of education and religion. Quality and whether or not the Ministry of Islamic religion is dependent upon the future of this institution. IAIN demanded to innovate, improvise and breakthroughs within the framework of intelligent optimization of services in the field of education to the general public. Therefore, this study sought to measure public satisfaction index of the service rend...
    Maksud ditetapkannya sistem informasi manajemen pada lembaga pendidikan adalah sebagai pendukung kegiatan fungsi manajemen; planning, organizing, staffing, directing, evaluating, coordinating, dan budgetting. Dalam rangka menunjang... more
    Maksud ditetapkannya sistem informasi manajemen pada lembaga pendidikan adalah sebagai pendukung kegiatan fungsi manajemen; planning, organizing, staffing, directing, evaluating, coordinating, dan budgetting. Dalam rangka menunjang tercapainya sasaran dan tujuan fungsi-fungsi operasional dalam organisasi pendidikan. Dengan adanya sistem informasi manajemen lembaga pendidikan akan merasakan beberapa manfaat sebagai berikut; pertama, tersedianya sistem pengelolaan data dan informasi pendidikan. Kedua, terintegrasinya data dan informasi pendidikan untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputuan. Ketiga, tersedianya data dan informasi pendidikan yang lengkap bagi seluruh stakholders yang berkepentingan dalam bidang pendidikan. SMA BPPT Darul Ulum dibawah naungan pondok pesantren Darul Ulum yang terakreditasi A, sejak tahun pelajaran 2007/2008 telah mengembangkan proses pembelajaran berbasis TIK dimana semua guru dan siswa menggunakan media LAPTOP dimasing-masing kelas sehingga proses pembel...
    Salah satu tantangan penting yang lembaga pendidikan Islam hadapi saat ini adalah lemahnya kualitas manajemen kelembagaannya. Tulisan ini akan membahas Manajemen Mutu Terpadu di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam dengan tujuan menjelaskan kepada... more
    Salah satu tantangan penting yang lembaga pendidikan Islam hadapi saat ini adalah lemahnya kualitas manajemen kelembagaannya. Tulisan ini akan membahas Manajemen Mutu Terpadu di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam dengan tujuan menjelaskan kepada pengelola pendidikan Islam agar lebih efektif dalam mengelola sumber-sumber pendidikan yang dimiliki. Manajemen mutu terpadu berangkat dari upaya-upaya peningkatan mutu secara terpadu meliputi, kualitas, ketenagaan, sarana prasarana manajemen dan lulusan.
    Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keadaan manusia modern sebagi objek dakwah. Setiap manusia yang mengemban tugas dakwah dihadapkan pada persoalan yang tidak mudah, khususnya manusiamodern sebagai objek dakwah. Manusia modern yang... more
    Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keadaan manusia modern sebagi objek dakwah. Setiap manusia yang mengemban tugas dakwah dihadapkan pada persoalan yang tidak mudah, khususnya manusiamodern sebagai objek dakwah. Manusia modern yang memperoleh kenyamanan dengan adanya kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, namun di sisi lain terjadi kekosongan, alienasi, dan peroalan lain yang perlu adanya jalan keluar atau solusi. Banyak tokoh yang menawarkan solusi persoalan tersebut, salah satunya adalah cinta sebagai solusi persoalan manuis modern, seperti Erich Fromm, dan beberapa tokoh lainnya. Sedang di dalam Islam ada Jalaluddin Rumi, seorang sufi yang menjadikan cinta sebagai tema sentral ajarannya. Dalam skripsi ini yang menjadi fokus adalah ajaran cinta rumi yang diimplementasikan dalam bimbingan konseling Islam. Di mana bimbingan konseling Islam merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani masalah manusia. Dalam hal ini cinta digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam proses pe...
    The emergence of a number of religious sects which culminated in violence, especially in Indonesia sometimes dragging the name of the salaf pesantren, is actually a phenomenon that is motivated by a number of determinant factors, such as... more
    The emergence of a number of religious sects which culminated in violence, especially in Indonesia sometimes dragging the name of the salaf pesantren, is actually a phenomenon that is motivated by a number of determinant factors, such as economic factors, politics and ideology. For the first and second factor has been widely discussed by experts/ researchers, while the ideological factor often forgotten by many people. Whereas the issue of ideologythat believed by each religious groups usually determine their direction and purpose. In fact, sometimes leads to an attitude/decision how to look to other groups. The streams of radical ideology has encourages the hostility with the others. This phenomenon of course reversed with the mainstream ideology of pesantren salaf, one of which is a Pesantren Edimancoro Salatiga. as the result of research revealed that the idiology of this pesantren salaf, always talking mutualrespect and love for fellow human beings, voice for justice, liberation...
    This study sheds light on the identity of Islamic education in Indonesia and Singapore to fight against radicalism. This study focuses on comparing Indonesia and Singapore in awakening multicultural consciousness, particularly on... more
    This study sheds light on the identity of Islamic education in Indonesia and Singapore to fight against radicalism. This study focuses on comparing Indonesia and Singapore in awakening multicultural consciousness, particularly on philosophical and practical religious education. The crisis of ideology faced by Muslim society in the world has an impact on the genesis of religious movements that legitimate violence and terrorism. This study is based on the sociological perspective and aimed at knowing the philosophical and practical construction of Islamic education in Indonesia and Singapore. The focus of this study is on preventive and persuasive deradicalization. Religious education institutions in both countries have multi principles and practices of education, which is implemented particularly in preventing Islamic ideology that teaches violent values and terrorism. Anticipating the development of understanding radicalism, in both countries, Islamic education has formulated polici...
    This article expects the readers to witness the condition of religious harmony in the village of Kutuk in Undaan, Kudus, Central Java. The people who live in the village share various religious backgrounds, but they live side by side in... more
    This article expects the readers to witness the condition of religious harmony in the village of Kutuk in Undaan, Kudus, Central Java. The people who live in the village share various religious backgrounds, but they live side by side in harmony. This condition is achieved as the results of the education carried out by the Kutuk people since ancient times that has passed down through generations. Then, what kind of education pattern is being developed by the community to accompany every Muslim to be a tolerant figure? This research question is answered through a qualitative research with a case study approach that uses non-measurement techniques in data collection processes, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. This study confirms that Kutuk village is a miniature of tolerant village in Kudus district. This village has a lifelong pattern of tolerance education, children with the education in their families, youth with peer education in youth organizations and adults with ...
    This research is motivated by the idea of Smart ASN which was introduced by the government as a step to face the industrial revolution 4.0. The government must face the industrial revolution 4.0. The apparatus must adapt to technological... more
    This research is motivated by the idea of Smart ASN which was introduced by the government as a step to face the industrial revolution 4.0. The government must face the industrial revolution 4.0. The apparatus must adapt to technological transformation. The purpose of this research is to explore critically the roots of the Smart ASN idea. This research method uses PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses). The results show that the Smart ASN idea still has an inherent problem that is not yet optimal use of information technology. In other words, the Smart ASN idea does not have a solid foothold. The result of the alternative analysis that needs to be done is to optimize the presence of the millennial generation by 1) Providing jobs that are in accordance with their competencies and potential; 2) Provide opportunities to open perspectives and learn new knowledge in work through various methods; 3) Providing space for the new idea; 4) Building a human...
    Management transformation is a change in form, nature, function, which focuses on the use of resources effectively and efficiently in achieving organizational goals. Tight competition globally and nationally, especially in the field of... more
    Management transformation is a change in form, nature, function, which focuses on the use of resources effectively and efficiently in achieving organizational goals. Tight competition globally and nationally, especially in the field of logistics delivery, makes PT. POS Indonesia creates transformation, so that it can compete competitively and improve public services as a SOEs. This study aims to describe and analyze the transformation of the POS Indonesia office, especially the Metro POS office, so that it can become a reference for the transformation and management strategies carried out by PT. POS Indonesia. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, documentation, and observation. The focus of this research is the transformation of the management of the Metro Post Office and the causes of the failure of the transformation of Metro POS Office Management. The latest findings in this study are reveals, strategies of transformation and bureaucratic ineffectiveness...
    Public service is area where government and large society meet one another. Unfortunatelly, public service in Indonesia is still contaminated by various practices of corruption. Based on the such objective condition, war against... more
    Public service is area where government and large society meet one another. Unfortunatelly, public service in Indonesia is still contaminated by various practices of corruption. Based on the such objective condition, war against corruption should be done not only by using repressive approach like law enforcement. This action, however, needs to be supported by preventive approach through public service reforms. By conducting public service reforms, government attempts to make social welfare of the people become higher by delivering acces of resources alocation (politics, social, and economics) as wide as possible for the people. Thus, the issue of public service reforms should be positioned as part of common efford to solve problems of justice, redistribution, and choice of development model. Public service reforms finally must be understood not just administratve affair, but also political affair.Key word: public service, corruption, reforms
    Private sector is one of the important element in the economic system driven by mar­ ket mechanism. It means that development process needs the entrepreneur group which is characterized as competitive and independent. However in... more
    Private sector is one of the important element in the economic system driven by mar­ ket mechanism. It means that development process needs the entrepreneur group which is characterized as competitive and independent. However in Indonesia, this faction never grew yet since Indonesia took independence. What happened in Indonesia is the rise of group named “ client entrepreneur “ ( client businessmen) which  their existence is highly dependent on the “patronage” and protection given by the state. While economic globaliza­ tion which recently wide spreads over the world demands governments to reduce their in­ volvement in many economic activity in order to increase the role of private sector. This last phenomenon happened since too large involvement of government bureaucracies have resulted failure and un-efficiency. That’s why numerous countries, including to Indonesia, conducted economic reforms to open the greater room to market mechanism.   Keywords : businessmen, bureaucracy, econ...
    This study was aimed to explain the social role that had been carried out, capacity building that had been done, and the capacity of the DAMAR NGO in fighting for the issuance of gender responsive public policies especially related to the... more
    This study was aimed to explain the social role that had been carried out, capacity building that had been done, and the capacity of the DAMAR NGO in fighting for the issuance of gender responsive public policies especially related to the fulfillment of women's basic rights. The results showed that the NGO DAMAR was successful in actualizing the social role of NGOs which included: supervision of the Government, policy advocacy and empowerment, and civic education even on a limited scale. Capacity building had been carried out by NGO DAMAR at various levels, both at the system level, institutional level, and individual level, so that making DAMAR NGOs have independence and self-sufficiency. But he had not been able to realize self-sufficiency through the establishment of productive business units. For this reason, NGO DAMAR was necessary to develop independent funding sources by transferring funding sources from abroad to local funding sources through the establishment of product...
    Puji syukur kehadirat Allah Swt. atas limpahan rahmat dan karunianya sehingga Buku Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam telah dapat diedit dengan sebaik mungkin. Buku Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam merupakan buku yang dapat digunakan... more
    Puji syukur kehadirat Allah Swt. atas limpahan rahmat dan karunianya sehingga Buku Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam telah dapat diedit dengan sebaik mungkin. Buku Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam merupakan buku yang dapat digunakan oleh pengelola lembaga pendidikan, pengawas, guru, mahasiswa dan para peneliti pendidikan Islam. Buku ini berisi 13 Bab. Bab I tentang Pendahuluan. Bab II tentang Konsep Dasar Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, bab ini berisi tentang Pengertian Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Tujuan dan Manfaat Manajemen Lembaga Pedidikan Islam, Ruang Lingkup Manajemen, Aplikasi Manajemen pada Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, Problematika dalam Pendidikan Islam dan Solusinya. Bab III tentang Sejarah Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen, bab ini berisi tentang: Teori Manajemen Kuno, Aliran Klasik, Aliran Perilaku, Aliran Modern, Perkembangan Teori Manajemen, dan Teori Manajemen dalam Islam. Bab IV tentang Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Sebagai Sistem Sosial, bab berisi tentang Pengertian Siste...

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