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  • Castellón, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
s and the writing of abstracts (Swales and Feak, 2009).
En las últimas décadas se han publicado diversos trabajos sobre la estructura y la forma de ofrecer una presentación oral académica, centrados principalmente en componentes verbales. En los últimos años, la investigación en este campo ha... more
En las últimas décadas se han publicado diversos trabajos sobre la estructura y la forma de ofrecer una presentación oral académica, centrados principalmente en componentes verbales. En los últimos años, la investigación en este campo ha evolucionado y este tipo de presentaciones se estudian desde la perspectiva del análisis multimodal del discurso. El presente artículo versa sobre la fase inicial de las ponencias, la conocida como set-up stage. Algunos trabajos previos sobre este tema (Räisänen, 1999, 2002; Rowley-Jolivet, 2002; Rowley-Jolivet y CarterThomas, 2005; Fortanet-Gómez, 2008; Piqué Angordans, Camaño Puig y Piqué Noguera, 2011), así como algunos manuales del ámbito de la Enfermería (Ribes y Feliu Rey, 2010; Giba y Ribes, 2011), describen ciertas recomendaciones para elaborar la personalidad del hablante y captar la atención del público. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si existe un patrón común para comenzar una ponencia en un congreso internacional de Enfermería...
This volume originates from the editors' interest in one of the most relevant fields of research these days: Intercultural and International Business Communication. The needs of the business world to communicate effectively at an... more
This volume originates from the editors' interest in one of the most relevant fields of research these days: Intercultural and International Business Communication. The needs of the business world to communicate effectively at an international level in order to overcome language differences have proved to be a fascinating topic for many scholars. International business discourse is culturally-situated and therefore context-dependent, and all three -- discourse, culture and context -- play a key role in the communication process. The present contributions analyse this topic under the perspective of theory, research and teaching. Different scholars have offered their views on the subject, presenting contributions on different areas related to business communication all over the world.
Crisis has affected businesses worldwide. Many international corporations must cope with this turmoil, which affects their economic liability. Firms express their actual financial situation in the annual reports they issue every year. The... more
Crisis has affected businesses worldwide. Many international corporations must cope with this turmoil, which affects their economic liability. Firms express their actual financial situation in the annual reports they issue every year. The annual report is a document that combines both promotional and informative features. Our study tries to find out how companies from two different countries (United States and Spain) deal with the issue of crisis in difficult times through their annual report. Additionally, and from a pedagogical perspective, we discuss the benefits of using the annual report in the teaching of writing for our students.
The internationalisation process undertaken by the EU has affected the way business communication is carried out throughout the continent and, therefore, the students and lecturers now face a new reality. English has become the lingua... more
The internationalisation process undertaken by the EU has affected the way business communication is carried out throughout the continent and, therefore, the students and lecturers now face a new reality. English has become the lingua franca for European communication due to the enhancement of the European Higher Education Area, and many lecturers are teaching their classes in this language. We defend the CLIL approach to teaching, observing the specific case for a master’s degree in English language and Business (English Language for International Trade, ELIT) which is currently taught at Universitat Jaume I. Results suggest that both companies and universities are eager to implement similar academic programmes as this new concept of European unity will be based on sharing information.
Language for tourism has developed relatively recently as a field within languages for specific purposes (LSP), joining other more widely known and longer-established specific language disciplines such as business, science and technology,... more
Language for tourism has developed relatively recently as a field within languages for specific purposes (LSP), joining other more widely known and longer-established specific language disciplines such as business, science and technology, and academic purposes. Keywords: discourse analysis; tourism; language for specific purposes
organizations. The book succinctly covers its topics, but it offers two bibliographies, one for academics and one for professionals. The academic bibliography includes works such as Geert Hofstede’s Culture’s Consequences, which examines... more
organizations. The book succinctly covers its topics, but it offers two bibliographies, one for academics and one for professionals. The academic bibliography includes works such as Geert Hofstede’s Culture’s Consequences, which examines one multinational organization crossculturally (cited on p. 97). The manager’s bibliography directs readers to works like Deborah Tannen’s Talking From 9 to 5: Women and Men in the Workplace: Language, Sex and Power, which uses straightforward prose to explore the effect of gender on conversation and persuasive styles (cited on p. 96). My one critique of Thomas’s guide is that it needs a more extensive discussion of how communication technology and its use/misuse can impact credibility, reception, audience, and other issues interconnected to persuasion and influence in a professional context. In sum, Guide to Managerial Persuasion and Influence effectively communicates its content, given its intended audience of professionals and advanced business students. The book carries readers from selfreflection to the consideration of organizational and global level issues. BCQ readers will find the book most useful to orient novice students to the subject area and to serve as a refresher and reference for graduating students embarking on professional careers. The book retails at US$22.67, a reasonable price considering the book lends itself to frequent use by professional readers negotiating different aspects of persuasion and influence in the course of their careers.
International firms are interested in getting the best possible professionals, those who are able to communicate accurately at the workplace. To help them, the use of authentic materials in the classroom can enhance students’ options to... more
International firms are interested in getting the best possible professionals, those who are able to communicate accurately at the workplace. To help them, the use of authentic materials in the classroom can enhance students’ options to succeed in their prospective working environment. From a genre-based perspective, annual reports can be useful for that purpose, as they offer a real corporate image of the companies, helping students to understand better how firms work. This paper shows a practical implementation of three activities that are carried out among three different groups of students at a Spanish public university to promote their communicative skills. To do so we have followed a multimodal approach, so that our students can experience, conceptualize and apply meaning to a genre (annual report), completing some tasks in which they have to communicate in English the information appearing in those texts. The final pedagogical recommendations enhance the benefits of using aut...
Integrar contenido y lengua en la educación superior o inglés como medio de enseñanza (Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) o EMI (English Medium Instruction) en inglés) es un tema ampliamente estudiado en la... more
Integrar contenido y lengua en la educación superior o inglés como medio de enseñanza (Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) o EMI (English Medium Instruction) en inglés) es un tema ampliamente estudiado en la actualidad. Existen algunos estudios sobre los procesos y las creencias de su enseñanza y aprendizaje (Autor, 2013, Jiménez-Muñoz & Lahuerta-Martínez, 2019) pero, hasta donde sabemos, ninguna investigación implica el uso de plataformas de educación online complementarias o Sistema de Gestión de Cursos. (SGC) (es decir, Moodle). Hoy en día, los docentes están combinando diferentes conceptos y términos en el aula, tratando tanto géneros digitales como tradicionales que han sido digitalizados y compartidos a través de diversos canales para llegar a su público potencial. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo los docentes del lengua y contenido en carreras afines a la empresa utilizan Moodle. Como la investigación estaba en curso durante la c...
From the Editors MULTIWORD PATTERNS: CONSIDERING PHRASAL VERBS AND THEIR UNDERLYING SEMANTIC SYSTEMS (II) This is the second volume in Language Value that is thoroughly devoted to the issue of Verb Particle Combinations (VPCs) also known... more
From the Editors MULTIWORD PATTERNS: CONSIDERING PHRASAL VERBS AND THEIR UNDERLYING SEMANTIC SYSTEMS (II) This is the second volume in Language Value that is thoroughly devoted to the issue of Verb Particle Combinations (VPCs) also known and analysed under different linguistic trends and terms as phrasal/prepositional verbs, compound verbs, discontinuous verbs or multiword verbs, among others. For the sake of simplicity we will use the term verb particle combinations (VPCs) throughout this editorial.
“From the Editors”, The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 1:1, 1999, iii-iv. ... ALAN BEATTY - Senior Editor CARLOS CARDENAS - Technical Editor ROBERT KEMPF-Editor JOSEPH LOEFFLAD - Managing Editor TOYGUN... more
“From the Editors”, The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 1:1, 1999, iii-iv. ... ALAN BEATTY - Senior Editor CARLOS CARDENAS - Technical Editor ROBERT KEMPF-Editor JOSEPH LOEFFLAD - Managing Editor TOYGUN OVUL - Technical Editor ...
Las empresas consideran la formacion continua como una estrategia mas que la corporacion utiliza para afrontar los cambios tecnologicos, sociales y economicos. De este modo, las organizaciones y los gobiernos han comenzado a valorar la... more
Las empresas consideran la formacion continua como una estrategia mas que la corporacion utiliza para afrontar los cambios tecnologicos, sociales y economicos. De este modo, las organizaciones y los gobiernos han comenzado a valorar la inversion adecuada, continua y a largo plazo de la formacion, lo que permitira a las empresas adaptarse a tiempo y de forma flexible a las crisis y cambios no previstos para mantener la competitividad y supervivencia empresarial y maximizar la efectividad de su plantilla. De manera que la inse- guridad precedente a todo cambio y las resistencias suscitadas durante el proceso que este conlleva, deben ser atacadas mediante las acciones formativas apropiadas a todos los niveles (Tannenbaum et al., 1992; Dipboye et al., 1994; Saari et al., 1988). Asi pues, en este marco el presente trabajo pretende ofrecer algunos resultados que sobre formacion se han obtenido en el proyecto WONT sector metal-mecanica, analizando el contenido de entrevistas realiza- das t...
Si bien la ensenanza del lenguaje escrito se apoya en diferentes caracteristicas estilisticas como son brevedad, claridad, concision y no-ambiguedad, mas lo es cuando se trata de un documento empresarial escrito de caracter formal. A... more
Si bien la ensenanza del lenguaje escrito se apoya en diferentes caracteristicas estilisticas como son brevedad, claridad, concision y no-ambiguedad, mas lo es cuando se trata de un documento empresarial escrito de caracter formal. A traves de un estudio realizado con alumnos adultos de ingles empresarial, dirigido hacia la creacion de informes empresariales basandose en la informacion oral recibida, analizamos en que medida 2 grupos de alumnos de diferentes niveles reflejan cierto tipo de expresiones innecesarias para el contenido del texto, y de que forma el nivel y la cantidad de informacion influyen en los resultados finales.
El presente trabajo trata de reflexionar sobre la relevancia, pero tambien sobre la falta de consenso, de la formacion docente para la imparticion de clases mediante el uso la lengua inglesa como lengua vehicular. El estudio explica que... more
El presente trabajo trata de reflexionar sobre la relevancia, pero tambien sobre la falta de consenso, de la formacion docente para la imparticion de clases mediante el uso la lengua inglesa como lengua vehicular. El estudio explica que la docencia en ingles forma parte de la internacionalizacion de la universidad espanola. Sin embargo, cada universidad desarrolla un modelo propio de internacionalizacion y multilinguismo, que deriva en una heterogeneidad en cuanto a los requisitos o a la preparacion docente de los profesores que se implican en este tipo de docencia. Lo mismo ocurre en la Universitat Jaume I. Nuestro objetivo final es el de realizar una primera propuesta de trabajo para la certificacion de los docentes que vayan a usar el ingles en el aula. Esta acreditacion busca garantizar tanto la aptitud docente como las buenas practicas que permitan llegar a esa calidad de la docencia universitaria.
Teaching in English is part of the consolidation of English as lingua franca and the policy of internationalization of the Spanish university. Its integration in the higher education demands the commitment of teachers and their readiness... more
Teaching in English is part of the consolidation of English as lingua franca and the policy of internationalization of the Spanish university. Its integration in the higher education demands the commitment of teachers and their readiness to implement such a job: teaching content-subjects in a foreign language. To better train the university teaching staff, it is a need to know about their problems, opinions and fears, and try to give them an answer or help those teachers to face them. The aim of the present article is to show the university teachers’ attitude to improve their training.
Business English is one of the ESP fields which has been paid more attention to. However, teachers and researchers have not shown the same interest in all the topics involved in business English, as it is the case of business reports.... more
Business English is one of the ESP fields which has been paid more attention to. However, teachers and researchers have not shown the same interest in all the topics involved in business English, as it is the case of business reports. This article tries to awaken the interest to research on this written document and its implementation in the business English classroom. Therefore, we present a teaching experience which encourages the teaching of this complex document in the specific context of Universitat Jaume I.
Nowadays, email messages are probably the most common medium used in international business. Many researchers have studied them from diverse standpoints. Our paper shows some research in-progress based on a corpus of complaint/apology... more
Nowadays, email messages are probably the most common medium used in international business. Many researchers have studied them from diverse standpoints. Our paper shows some research in-progress based on a corpus of complaint/apology emails from a Spanish car rental company. We show an initial analysis of some examples of our corpus, trying to find out the characteristic moves and describing the main language features found when exchanging complaints and apologies. We also point out some pedagogical implications related to the teaching of business pragmatics.
espanolEn las ultimas decadas se han publicado diversos trabajos sobre la estructura y la forma de ofrecer una presentacion oral academica, centrados principalmente en componentes verbales. En los ultimos anos, la investigacion en este... more
espanolEn las ultimas decadas se han publicado diversos trabajos sobre la estructura y la forma de ofrecer una presentacion oral academica, centrados principalmente en componentes verbales. En los ultimos anos, la investigacion en este campo ha evolucionado y este tipo de presentaciones se estudian desde la perspectiva del analisis multimodal del discurso. El presente articulo versa sobre la fase inicial de las ponencias, la conocida como set-up stage. Algunos trabajos previos sobre este tema (Raisanen, 1999, 2002; Rowley-Jolivet, 2002; Rowley-Jolivet y CarterThomas, 2005; Fortanet-Gomez, 2008; Pique Angordans, Camano Puig y Pique Noguera, 2011), asi como algunos manuales del ambito de la Enfermeria (Ribes y Feliu Rey, 2010; Giba y Ribes, 2011), describen ciertas recomendaciones para elaborar la personalidad del hablante y captar la atencion del publico. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si existe un patron comun para comenzar una ponencia en un congreso internacional de Enf...
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