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    Manuela Almeida

    Os edifícios da zona mais antiga da cidade de Bragança apresentam, em alguns casos, anomalias devidas à presença de humidade ascensional. Este estudo envolve a caracterização do património construído do Centro Histórico e a realização de... more
    Os edifícios da zona mais antiga da cidade de Bragança apresentam, em alguns casos, anomalias devidas à presença de humidade ascensional. Este estudo envolve a caracterização do património construído do Centro Histórico e a realização de uma série de ensaios num edifício seleccionado, com o objectivo de analisar o comportamento e modo de aplicação de produtos comerciais destinados a solucionar problemas de humidade ascensional. Dois dos produtos impedem a ascensão de água no interior da parede, enquanto que o terceiro produto facilita a sua evaporação.Robbialac, Cimpor, Secil Martinganç
    Abstract: With the objective of fostering the energy efficiency of the building sector as well as of the integration of renewable energy sources, the adoption of near Zero Energy Buildings ( nZEB) concepts (buildings that have a very high... more
    Abstract: With the objective of fostering the energy efficiency of the building sector as well as of the integration of renewable energy sources, the adoption of near Zero Energy Buildings ( nZEB) concepts (buildings that have a very high energy performance) in new and in existing buildings, is currently being promoted by the SouthZEB project. This Project, initiated in March 2014, is developing, in 30 months, certified training modules targeted towards engineers, architects, municipality technicians and decision makers in Southern European countries, including Portugal. Training modules definition considers the experience and know-how of the front-runner countries (Austria, UK and Northern Italy) participating in the project, but are also based on the counselling of representatives of the main nZEB stakeholders in each of the Southern European countries partnering the SouthZEB project (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Cyprus), the so-called SouthZEB National Support Groups. This paper, ...
    Daylight illuminance levels and their spatial distribution are important design elements to achieve indoor visual comfort conditions and sustainability in buildings during the operation stage. While a proper daylighting scheme increases... more
    Daylight illuminance levels and their spatial distribution are important design elements to achieve indoor visual comfort conditions and sustainability in buildings during the operation stage. While a proper daylighting scheme increases the efficiency of the building, the excessive use of glazed surfaces can contribute to thermal and visual discomfort, hence increasing the cooling demand and use of artificial lighting. Solar control film (SCF) is a self-adhesive thin film that can be applied on glazing systems of existing buildings for retrofitting purposes to modify thermal and optical properties of the glass substrate. This paper analyses experimentally the impact of single glazing with different SCFs on the indoor illuminance levels and respective distribution on horizontal work plane by comparing the measured absolute values and the useful daylight illuminance metric. Field experiments using a small scale model with the glazing oriented to the south, in Lisbon, were performed fo...
    A construção civil é um setor responsável pela geração de grandes impactos ambientais, visando minimizar esses impactos, foram criadas normas e selos ambientais para a construção. Este artigo apresenta um estudo preliminar comparativo... more
    A construção civil é um setor responsável pela geração de grandes impactos ambientais, visando minimizar esses impactos, foram criadas normas e selos ambientais para a construção. Este artigo apresenta um estudo preliminar comparativo entre os requisitos da Norma ISO 21931:2010 de Construção Sustentável, os requisitos dos selos AQUA-HQE, o LEED e a Norma de Desempenho NBR 15575:2013. Para tanto, foi realizado uma pesquisa bibliográfica para realizar uma análise comparativa dos requisitos de cada uma delas, tendo em vista conhecer aqueles comuns a todas elas. Como resultado deste trabalho foi identificado que a norma de desempenho, o selo AQUA  e o LEED estão bem alinhados com os critérios de sustentabilidade, conforto e saúde do usuário, e já a norma ISO 21931 possui alguns desses itens como opcionais.
    Bolsa de Doutoramento PD/BD/135162/2017, atraves do Programa Doutoral EcoCoRe. Este trabalho foi suportado financeiramente pelo: Projecto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457 - CONSTRUCT - Institute of R&D In Structures and Construction com apoio... more
    Bolsa de Doutoramento PD/BD/135162/2017, atraves do Programa Doutoral EcoCoRe. Este trabalho foi suportado financeiramente pelo: Projecto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457 - CONSTRUCT - Institute of R&D In Structures and Construction com apoio financeiro do FEDER atraves do COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) – e por fundos nacionais atraves da FCT.
    Dada a pertinência da eficiência energética, novas tecnologias e processos têm surgido para auxiliar as equipas de projeto a melhorar o desempenho energético dos edifícios. De entre elas, destaca-se o Building Information Modelling (BIM),... more
    Dada a pertinência da eficiência energética, novas tecnologias e processos têm surgido para auxiliar as equipas de projeto a melhorar o desempenho energético dos edifícios. De entre elas, destaca-se o Building Information Modelling (BIM), que proporciona aos projetistas novas oportunidades, desafios e apoio na otimização energética dos seus projetos
    In order to mitigate climate changes induced by human action, the European Union settled a long term goal of reducing, up to 2050, the carbon emissions to 80 to 95% of 1990 values. At the level of the built environment it is expected to... more
    In order to mitigate climate changes induced by human action, the European Union settled a long term goal of reducing, up to 2050, the carbon emissions to 80 to 95% of 1990 values. At the level of the built environment it is expected to reduce carbon emissions to about 90% of the values of 1990 in that period. In order to promote this achievement, EU established the “nearly-zero energy” buildings concept that emerged in the context of the EPBD recast. This directive determines that by 31 December 2020, all new buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings and all member states must develop policies and take measures to stimulate the transformation of the building stock also into nearly zero-energy buildings. In the actual context, this is a major challenge since there isn’t yet enough knowhow to do it and the existing standards and regulations regarding energy consumption are mainly focused on new buildings and do not respond effectively to the numerous constraints of the existing ...
    To promote energy efficient buildings, with low energy consumption and energy generation onsite, innovative renovation projects are needed that can act as forerunners and inspiration but also serve as best practice examples for the expert... more
    To promote energy efficient buildings, with low energy consumption and energy generation onsite, innovative renovation projects are needed that can act as forerunners and inspiration but also serve as best practice examples for the expert audience and the general public. Within this IEA EBC Annex 56 project, six different Case Studies from six European countries were compiled and analysed . The Case Studies are both residential and non-residential buildings, which serve as model projects for renovations in each individual country. The specific aim of the case study activity of this IEA EBC Annex 56 project is to provide significant and useful feedback from practice on a scientific basis
    ABSTRACT: The Portuguese housing sector experienced a significant growth throughout the 20 century, particularly in the last quarter, after the democratic revolution in 1974. In fact, the number of buildings built between 1970 and 1990... more
    ABSTRACT: The Portuguese housing sector experienced a significant growth throughout the 20 century, particularly in the last quarter, after the democratic revolution in 1974. In fact, the number of buildings built between 1970 and 1990 ismore than one third of the buildings actually existing in Portugal. Therefore most of them were built before the publication of the first regulation concerning the energy efficiency in buildings. Regarding this scenario, it would be expected that rehabilitation activities would represent most of the current construction activities. However, given some remaining barriers from old social policies, this situation is not observed; actually building retrofitting is the least significant sector, accentuating the degradation level of major part of the Portuguese housing stock. Several studies show that the main problems are found in the building’s envelope elements, such as roofs and facades. Based on this context, the aim of this paper is to introduce som...
    A urbanizacao de Vila d’Este e uma das mais importantes urbanizacoes de “habitacao de custos controlados” em Portugal, com um total de 109 edificios, alojando cerca de 17 mil habitantes. Tendo por base o processo de reabilitacao em curso,... more
    A urbanizacao de Vila d’Este e uma das mais importantes urbanizacoes de “habitacao de custos controlados” em Portugal, com um total de 109 edificios, alojando cerca de 17 mil habitantes. Tendo por base o processo de reabilitacao em curso, e realizada uma analise de custos de ciclo de vida. O objetivo e identificar os niveis otimos de rentabilidade dos requisitos energeticos aplicaveis na reabilitacao dos edificios e em cada um dos seus componentes com relevância no desempenho energetico, bem como identificar os niveis de desempenho energetico compativeis com o conceito de edificios de necessidades quase nulas de energia. Os resultados desta avaliacao serao de utilidade relevante para o desenvolvimento do plano nacional para a reabilitacao do parque edificado existente como previsto na Diretiva Europeia para o Desempenho Energetico dos Edificios de 2010.
    Os autores agradecem o apoio financeiro concedido pelo programa Erasmus Mundus ISAC – Improving Skills Across Continents a presente pesquisa.
    This document reports the importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in the school environment. Education in school has a potential to make the benefits of the building construction visible for society... more
    This document reports the importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in the school environment. Education in school has a potential to make the benefits of the building construction visible for society and media, showing to the students, parents and communities how sustainability in built environment could improve the people life in economic, social and environment aspects. Thus, this paper addresses the main events related to sustainability, such as the Stockholm Conference, the Brundtland report, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and Agenda 21, until reaching the necessity of the elaboration of Methodologies for environmental assessment of building, and later, the development of the specific methodologies according to the buildings. It is also described some examples of sustainability in schools in Germany, Finland and Italy and what kind of sustainable systems those countries are currently using.
    Santiago de Chile is a city with a semi-arid climate, with prolonged periods of high temperature and solar radiation. In recent years, in this city, office buildings have been built with high window to wall ratio (WWR) facades. 65% of the... more
    Santiago de Chile is a city with a semi-arid climate, with prolonged periods of high temperature and solar radiation. In recent years, in this city, office buildings have been built with high window to wall ratio (WWR) facades. 65% of the office buildings built in the period 2005-2014 have a WWR higher than 60%. Only 5% of these buildings showed an efficient glazed façade solar protection device. One of these systems corresponds to an exterior textile solar protection. This type of systems, together with the perforated screens, could be effective solutions for the solar protection of glazed facades, reducing the cooling energy consumption of buildings, without risking the visual comfort of the occupants. The objective of this research is to evaluate the solar transmission and lighting of seven perforated solar protection systems. Three of these systems correspond to external textile solar protections, and the remaining four are perforated metallic screens. The evaluation was carried...
    Improving energy efficiency in existing buildings is a great challenge. These buildings have their own limitations related with their design, location and function. To study the possibilities of cost-effectively improve the thermal... more
    Improving energy efficiency in existing buildings is a great challenge. These buildings have their own limitations related with their design, location and function. To study the possibilities of cost-effectively improve the thermal performance of these buildings and increase the chances of reaching the nearly zero energy (nZEB) target, one building of Rainha Dona Leonor neighbourhood has been analysed. The purpose of the study was to analyse the robustness of the cost optimal methodology when renovating towards nZEB targets. With this work it was possible to understand that the most cost effective package of renovation measures to achieve cost optimal levels and to achieve the nZEB target are very similar and these results do not suffer major changes when variations on the energy prices, discount rates or photovoltaic (PV) costs are considered. However, these changes make the use of PV more cost-effective and nZEB levels become, sometimes, also cost optimal levels. Cost optimal, nZE...
    Intelligent Energy Europe programme for its financial support, Grant agreement no.IEE/09/631/SI2.558225
    Buildings are one of the major consumers of energy in Europe. This makes them an important target when aiming to reduce the energy consumptions and carbon emissions. The majority of the European building stock has already some decades and... more
    Buildings are one of the major consumers of energy in Europe. This makes them an important target when aiming to reduce the energy consumptions and carbon emissions. The majority of the European building stock has already some decades and so it needs renovation in order to keep its functionality. Taking advantage of these interventions, the energy performance of the buildings may also be improved. In Portugal the renovation techniques, both regarding energy efficiency measures as well as measures for the use of renewable energy sources, are normally planned at the building scale. It is important to explore the possibility of having large scale interventions, has it has been done in other countries, namely at neighbourhood scale with district energy system in order to optimize the results in terms of costs and environmental impact.
    The work within IEA EBC is co-funded by different national authorities and the individually participating national organisations – universities and private companies. Without their contributions, this work had not been possible
    In the last decades, public and governmental awareness on thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) has been growing. In buildings the number of potential pollutants is significant, and even low concentration levels can cause health... more
    In the last decades, public and governmental awareness on thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) has been growing. In buildings the number of potential pollutants is significant, and even low concentration levels can cause health problems (increased incidence of asthma and allergies, for example) if combined effects are considered. Therefore, the assessment of IAQ is very important to ensure health, well-being and productivity. This paper presents the results of a thermal comfort conditions and IAQ assessment of two hospital buildings with natural ventilation. The air temperature, the black bulb temperature, air velocity, relative humidity and the concentration of suspended particles, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, formaldehyde and total volatile organic compounds were measured. A standard questionnaire was delivered to the occupants to also obtain a subjective assessment of the thermal comfort and IAQ conditions. The goal of this study was to verify the thermal and I...
    Wind tunnel tests are a reliable tool to determine the effect of natural ventilation on buildings. This paper presents results of wind tunnel tests conducted to evaluate the influence of ventilation modules positioning on a facade system.... more
    Wind tunnel tests are a reliable tool to determine the effect of natural ventilation on buildings. This paper presents results of wind tunnel tests conducted to evaluate the influence of ventilation modules positioning on a facade system. Modules positioning was modified, resulting in different facade configurations. The tests were carried out with the use of a model, varying the position of the ventilation modules in the facade configuration. The cases tested were six ventilation modules positioned below the window sill (ventilated window sill), and three ventilation modules positioned above and below the facade. The facade system proposed was movable and interchangeable so that the same basic model could be used to test the possibilities for ventilation.Wind speedmeasurements were taken inside and outside themodel for the different facades configurations to evaluate the best performance in relation to natural ventilation. Single sided and Cross ventilation were considered for wind...
    The relevance of the building sector in the global energy use as well as in the global carbon emissions makes the improvement of the overall ener gy performance of existing buildings an important part of the actions to mitigate climate c... more
    The relevance of the building sector in the global energy use as well as in the global carbon emissions makes the improvement of the overall ener gy performance of existing buildings an important part of the actions to mitigate climate c hanges. Regardless of this potential, large scale building renovation has been found hard to tr igge , with present standards mainly focused on new buildings, not responding effectivel y to the technical, functional and economic constraints of the existing ones. One of t he common problems in the assessment of building renovation scenarios is that only energy s avings and costs are normally considered, despite the fact that the investment on energy effi ci ncy yield several benefits beyond the value of saved energy (the so-called co-benefits). To demonstrate and highlight the relevance of co-be nefits achieved in the renovation process, a Portuguese neighbourhood with nearly 17.000 inhab itants that has been recently renovated is analysed in search ...
    The European roadmap towards a competitive low carbon economy in 2050 raised the awareness about buildings energy performance due to their potential for cost-effective energy consumption and carbon emissions reductions. For the evaluation... more
    The European roadmap towards a competitive low carbon economy in 2050 raised the awareness about buildings energy performance due to their potential for cost-effective energy consumption and carbon emissions reductions. For the evaluation of the levels of energy performance of buildings, the European Commission presented the Cost Optimal Methodology allowing comparing different energy performance levels of buildings and buildings components and identifying those with the lowest associated cost considering the building life cycle. This study, using four reference buildings from the Portuguese building stock, where some scenarios for the improvement of their energy performance were analysed with the purpose of identifying the cost-optimal levels, compares the economic performance of different measures. Results provide guidance for the assertive combination of elements for new buildings and for building packages of renovation of measures, as well as for the choice of individual measure...
    Research Interests:
    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the structural adaptation of the residential buildings “Le Navi” in Florence. As well as tackling the typological, architectural and environmental obsolescence of the multi-storey blocks, the refurbishment... more
    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the structural adaptation of the residential buildings “Le Navi” in Florence. As well as tackling the typological, architectural and environmental obsolescence of the multi-storey blocks, the refurbishment programme also achieved ...
    The correct specification of glazings for façades can reduce the energy consumption in buildings. The heat exchange occurs through transparent surfaces and radiation reaches the building as light and heat. Therefore, glazings... more
    The correct specification of glazings for façades can reduce the energy consumption in buildings. The heat exchange occurs through transparent surfaces and radiation reaches the building as light and heat. Therefore, glazings significantly contribute to the heat transfer between outdoor and indoor spaces and act directly on daylighting and thermal comfort. This paper reports on the spectrophotometric characterization of glazings transmittance for the study of components of a modular façade system and its suitability for the climate of Portugal (temperate climate). The study focused on results of spectrophotometric measurements of optical properties, specifically the transmittance of some types of glazings (solar control, self-cleaning, low-e, float, and extra-clear) and two types of double glazings. The results show the percentage of transmission to ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions and its importance, which enabled the analysis of the glazing efficiency regarding daylighting and the correlation to thermal performance. Subsidies and indications for the specification and adequate uses of transparent surfaces have been presented and complemented the datasheets available from the manufactures.
    It is increasingly recognised that the energy renovation of the existing building stock will be determinant for achieving 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets in Europe. As operational energy is being dramatically reduced through... more
    It is increasingly recognised that the energy renovation of the existing building stock will be determinant for achieving 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets in Europe. As operational energy is being dramatically reduced through regulatory efforts and funding from the European Union, the relevance of the environmental performance of these interventions becomes higher, namely regarding embodied energy and carbon emissions associated with the materials that compose the renovation solutions. Although some studies address these impacts in buildings, the range of studies focusing on the neighbourhood scale is limited. This article presents a methodological framework combining a life cycle cost assessment (LCC) and a life cycle assessment (LCA). The purpose is to assess the relevance of embodied energy and carbon emissions on the cost-effectiveness of building renovation solutions towards nZEB at the neighbourhood scale by comparing an operational energy approach and a whole life cycle ...
    CIES2020: As Energias Renováveis na Transição Energética: Livro de Comunicações do XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar. Helder Gonçalves, Manuel Romero (Ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: LNEG, 3-5 Novembro,... more
    CIES2020: As Energias Renováveis na Transição Energética: Livro de Comunicações do XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar. Helder Gonçalves, Manuel Romero (Ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: LNEG, 3-5 Novembro, 2020, p. 1157-1165. ISBN: 978-989-675-076-3
    Peritoneal fast transport in incident peritoneal dialysis patients is not consistently associated with systemic inflammation
    Received: 28 March 2021 Accepted: 20 May 2021 In this paper, the energy and environmental impacts of a passive retrofit action, involving the installation, on an office building, of a second-skin system with the external layer made of a... more
    Received: 28 March 2021 Accepted: 20 May 2021 In this paper, the energy and environmental impacts of a passive retrofit action, involving the installation, on an office building, of a second-skin system with the external layer made of a PVC-coated polyester fabric, were evaluated in terms of primary energy saving and carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. The primary energy consumption and the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions associated with the considered case studies were evaluated through the dynamic simulation software TRNSYS, across a whole year. The study was carried out considering five cities (Athens, Barcelona, Lisbon, Marseille and Naples) in five different countries in southern Europe upon varying the orientation of the two main façades of building (north-south and east-west orientation were considered). The office building was modeled in detail considering different construction characteristics upon varying the country. The simulation results highlight that the best res...
    Este trabalho foi financiado por: Projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457 - CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construcoes - financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), atraves do COMPETE2020 – Programa... more
    Este trabalho foi financiado por: Projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457 - CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construcoes - financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), atraves do COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) e por fundos nacionais atraves da Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia I.P.; Bolsa FCT PD/BD/52658/2014.
    MORE-CONNECT is funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program
    Promoting the improvement of the overall energy performance of buildings is a relevant part of the European climate action and the Roadmap for moving towards a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, with an expectation of reducing... more
    Promoting the improvement of the overall energy performance of buildings is a relevant part of the European climate action and the Roadmap for moving towards a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, with an expectation of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by around 90% when compared to 1990 values, in the area of the built environment. The recast of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) introduced the goal of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB) for all new buildings from January 1st, 2021 and plans should be drawn to stimulate the transformation of existing buildings that are refurbished into the same concept. EPBD also requires that all European Member States must ensure that the minimum energy performance requirements for buildings are set to achieve optimal levels, i.e. the energy performance levels that lead to the minimum cost during the life cycle. Therefore, Cost Optimality and nZEB are two fundamental concepts within the current European Union ...
    Research Interests:
    O presente capítulo apresenta uma metodologia para a determinação das soluções de reabilitação de custo ótimo, ou seja, das soluções que apresentem o menor custo considerando o investimento na operação de reabilitação e os custos de... more
    O presente capítulo apresenta uma metodologia para a determinação das soluções de reabilitação de custo ótimo, ou seja, das soluções que apresentem o menor custo considerando o investimento na operação de reabilitação e os custos de utilização do edifício ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, e demonstra a aplicação dessa metodologia num edifício residencial característico do parque edificado de Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
    A construção de novos edifícios, infraestruturas e a reabilitação deve reger-se pelos princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável. A reabilitação de edifícios pode contribuir para uma melhoria do desempenho ambiental das cidade e da... more
    A construção de novos edifícios, infraestruturas e a reabilitação deve reger-se pelos princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável. A reabilitação de edifícios pode contribuir para uma melhoria do desempenho ambiental das cidade e da qualidade de vida dos seus cidadãos. O presente trabalho tem como finalidade otimizar, sob o ponto de vista de eficiência energética e sustentabilidade, a solução de reabilitação a aplicar na cobertura de um caso de estudo. Para a avaliação do nível de sustentabilidade de diferentes soluções de reabilitação da envolvente vertical exterior dos edifícios, isto é do seu nível de desempenho global baseado em indicadores ambientais, sociais e económicos, será utilizada a Metodologia de Avaliação Relativa da Sustentabilidade de Soluções Construtivas (MARS-SC). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo resultam da aplicação da referida metodologia a um caso de estudo. A aplicação a um caso de estudo, correspondente a um edifício unifamiliar convencional em Portugal, per...
    Research Interests:
    ... C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes NEEDS edited by: Ebbe Melgaard George Hadjimichael Manuela Almeida Leo GW ... Urban Building Envelopes 81 T. Stojkov General Overview of the Problems, Needs and Solutions... more
    ... C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes NEEDS edited by: Ebbe Melgaard George Hadjimichael Manuela Almeida Leo GW ... Urban Building Envelopes 81 T. Stojkov General Overview of the Problems, Needs and Solutions in the Maltese Urban Building ...

    And 159 more