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The adverse effects booming tourism activity and peer-to-peer platforms on housing markets are well known, while the influence of relative changes in tourism accommodation composition on housing prices are not well understood. To shed... more
The adverse effects booming tourism activity and peer-to-peer platforms on housing markets are well known, while the influence of relative changes in tourism accommodation composition on housing prices are not well understood. To shed more light on the issue, this paper employs the data set on housing prices and its main tourism, economic, and demographic determinants, for cities and municipalities in a tourism-dependent country. The results suggest more intensive tourism demand and the conversion of housing stock into rentals boost housing prices. The increase in the share of short-term rentals depresses prices, while in destinations where hotels and campsites become more prevalent prices increase. These findings could be attributed to the pricing-in effects of an increased supply of tourism amenities developed as part of hotels’ and campsites‘ product mix that improve the quality of life, and lower quality of life experienced at destinations where rentals are becoming more prevalent.
Procjena razlike aritmetickih sredina dviju populacija: nezavisni uzorci ; Procjena razlike proporcija dviju populacija: nezavisni uzorci ; Procjena razlike aritmetickih sredina dviju populacija: zavisni uzorci ; Usporedba varijanci dviju... more
Procjena razlike aritmetickih sredina dviju populacija: nezavisni uzorci ; Procjena razlike proporcija dviju populacija: nezavisni uzorci ; Procjena razlike aritmetickih sredina dviju populacija: zavisni uzorci ; Usporedba varijanci dviju normalno distribuiranih populacija
osnovne formule deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike, tablice odabranih distribucija vjerojatnosti
The primary objectives of this paper are to provide a theoretical and empirical framework for corporate governance quality assessment in selected SEE countries and to investigate differences in corporate governance practices using our... more
The primary objectives of this paper are to provide a theoretical and empirical framework for corporate governance quality assessment in selected SEE countries and to investigate differences in corporate governance practices using our original methodology. Construction of composite SEECGAN index and its evolution is explained. It’s seven building blocks, (1) structure and governance of boards, (2) shareholders’ rights, (3) transparency and disclosure of information, (4) audit and internal control, (5) compensation/remuneration, (6) corporate risk management, and (7) corporate social responsibility along with the four groups classification of companies, (A) companies having first-class governance practices, (B) companies having good governance practices, (C) companies having unsatisfactory governance practices, and (D) companies having poor governance practices are used to capture the differences in corporate governance quality in three countries ; Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. Ou...
Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na problem nejednake razine konkurentnosti županija u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu se pomocu Wardove metode provodi grupiranje županija na temelju vrijednosti skupina statistickih indikatora, koji uz skupine... more
Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na problem nejednake razine konkurentnosti županija u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu se pomocu Wardove metode provodi grupiranje županija na temelju vrijednosti skupina statistickih indikatora, koji uz skupine perceptivnih indikatora formiraju Regionalni indeks konkurentnosti. Provedeno statisticko klasteriranje ukazuje na homogene grupe županija koje posjeduju slicne karakteristike konkurentnosti, cime bi se nosiocima regionalne politike moglo olaksati donosenje odluka u cilju jednolikog regionalnog razvoja, odnosno postizanja jednake razine konkurentnosti u svim županijama. Provedena analiza nadopunjuje analizu konkurentnosti županija te se istice skupni pristup rjesavanju problema nekonkurentnosti županija.
A community-supported agriculture (CSA) was introduced into Croatia in 2009, immediately after the 2008 economic crisis. This grassroots movement falls within the wide range of activities belonging to yet another global initiative... more
A community-supported agriculture (CSA) was introduced into Croatia in 2009, immediately after the 2008 economic crisis. This grassroots movement falls within the wide range of activities belonging to yet another global initiative solidarity economy. CSA in Croatia developed in two distinct directions one in Istria and other in Zagreb and its surroundings. Initially, in Croatia the initiative became familiar under the name of Groups of Solidary Exchange (Grupe solidarne razmjene, (GSR)), but since the end of 2014, the initiative in Istria took the name of Solidarity Ecological Groups (Solidarne ekološke grupe, (SEG)). The main difference between the two “forms” of CSA in Croatia is related to a legal framework. In Istria the development of the CSA was linked with the Istrian Ecological Producers (IEP) NGO, resulting in more formal regulation regarding the certification processes and selling products on public areas. This was not the case in other parts of Croatia, where CSA was orga...
Stambeno zbrinjavanje ima znacajnu ulogu u svakom gospodarstvu, a kako se rjesavanje stambenog pitanja smatra jednom od primarnih životnih potreba, pracenje stambenog sektora dodatno dobiva na znacenju. Nastanak krize u gospodarstvu samo... more
Stambeno zbrinjavanje ima znacajnu ulogu u svakom gospodarstvu, a kako se rjesavanje stambenog pitanja smatra jednom od primarnih životnih potreba, pracenje stambenog sektora dodatno dobiva na znacenju. Nastanak krize u gospodarstvu samo je potencirao problem pracenja stambenog sektora, pa se ovim radom nastoji dati doprinos postojecim analizama toga sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cijena stambenog prostora smatra se bitnim elementom stambenog tržista i stoga je upravo ona u ovome radu u žaristu istraživanja. Nakon teorijske analize varijabli koje utjecu na ponudu i potražnju za stanovima, preciznije na cijenu stambenog prostora, pomocu indeksa priustivosti analizira se priustivost novih stanova u Republici Hrvatskoj. Modelom visestruke linearne regresije pokazano je da stopa novosklopljenih brakova i stopa prosjecnih neto placa najbolje objasnjavaju razinu cijena novih stanova u Hrvatskoj i u gradu Zagrebu.
In this paper, after data exploration, the cluster analysis is used to identify which of the selected 8 European countries have similar housing affordability, measured by seven indicators: Price to income ratio ; Gross rental yield city... more
In this paper, after data exploration, the cluster analysis is used to identify which of the selected 8 European countries have similar housing affordability, measured by seven indicators: Price to income ratio ; Gross rental yield city centre ; Gross rental yield outside of centre ; Price to rent ratio city centre ; Price to rent ratio outside of city centre ; Mortgage as a percentage of income and Affordability index. The results of the analysis have shown that there is a substantial difference in the housing affordability levels between analysed groups of European Union and Western Balkan countries.
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to investigate the interrelation between the housing sector and macro-economy in Croatia. It focuses on the housing sector as a source of volatility and studies whether the changes in house prices easily... more
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to investigate the interrelation between the housing sector and macro-economy in Croatia. It focuses on the housing sector as a source of volatility and studies whether the changes in house prices easily spillover to the rest of the economy. Furthermore, it studies how domestic variables, especially financial conditions, influence house prices. Finally, as Croatia is a small open economy, we explore the responses of housing prices and other domestic variables to external shocks. For the purpose of our research, we use a five variable structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model comprising both domestic and foreign variables and impose block-exogeneity restrictions, assuming that domestic shocks have no significant impact on foreign variable. The model suggests that the developments in house prices and other domestic variables were mainly caused by external shocks. However, the changes in real estate prices have important influence on domestic variables in Croatia.
Land value capture can be defined as a policy approach that allows communities to restore and reinvest land value increases that result from public investment and other government actions. For that reason, public action should generate... more
Land value capture can be defined as a policy approach that allows communities to restore and reinvest land value increases that result from public investment and other government actions. For that reason, public action should generate public benefit. The recurrent property tax, one of many tools for land value capture, is the foundation of a stable, enduring revenue source that supports the provision of essential housing and amenities services. This empirical paper aims to examine the influence of recurrent property tax income, and general government spending on housing and community amenities on house prices. To assess the hypothesized direction of the effects, yearly data structured in a balanced panel on a sample of 26 European Union economies from 2010 to 2019 was used. Fixed effects regression model with Driscoll and Kraay standard errors was employed and the results confirmed a negative but statistically insignificant effect of increased property tax revenue on house prices, ...
Since the sharing economy is a rather new phenomenon, there is still no official definition of it in the legal framework of Croatia. The continuous development of sharing economy started a few years after the 1998 global and domestic... more
Since the sharing economy is a rather new phenomenon, there is still no official definition of it in the legal framework of Croatia. The continuous development of sharing economy started a few years after the 1998 global and domestic economic crisis stroked Croatia. Namely, a total of eight platforms in the sectors of transportation, accommodation, finance, and online skills could be identified. The total market share of these platforms amounts to estimated market revenue of roughly 106 million EUR. When compared to the other EU Member States, it could be noticed that Croatia falls within the group of countries with a below-average performance by a number of platforms per 1 million population, as well as in the level of revenues compared to national GDP. Figures that are more promising can be detected regarding the collaborative economy's contribution to national employment, which positions Croatia within the EU average. Future studies should explain in greater depth how the sha...
When studying and forecasting macroeconomic developments, wages play an indispensable part. In this paper flexibility of real and nominal wages is explored for the following Western Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,... more
When studying and forecasting macroeconomic developments, wages play an indispensable part. In this paper flexibility of real and nominal wages is explored for the following Western Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia and the following New Member States: Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia. The main goal of this study was to identify whether selected Western Balkan countries show different behaviour in comparison to the selected New Member States with the respect to the response of nominal and real wages to shocks. The data used for the empirical analysis were the data on gross monthly wages for total economy expressed as nominal and real indexes with the previous period used as the base (previous period =100) taken from the WIIW Monthly Database. Since the data for all countries in the sample are available from January 2004 to June 2015, average monthly growth rates for that period were calculated. Namely, the real growth rates are below ...
This paper examines economic and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development influence on recently increasing Internet purchases by individuals for European Union member states. After a growing trend for Internet purchases... more
This paper examines economic and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development influence on recently increasing Internet purchases by individuals for European Union member states. After a growing trend for Internet purchases in EU27 was noticed, all possible regression analysis was applied using nine independent variables in 2011. Finally, two linear regression models were studied in detail. Conducted simple linear regression analysis confirmed the research hypothesis that the Internet purchases in analysed EU countries is positively correlated with statistically significant variable Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPpc). Also, analysed multiple linear regression model with four regressors, showing ICT development level, indicates that ICT development is crucial for explaining the Internet purchases by individuals, confirming the research hypothesis.
The Eastern enlargements of the European Union (EU) since the early 2000s have included post-transitional economies at a lower level of development than the existing member states and thus, have significantly affected the East-West... more
The Eastern enlargements of the European Union (EU) since the early 2000s have included post-transitional economies at a lower level of development than the existing member states and thus, have significantly affected the East-West migration flows and labour markets on both sides. This has provided a distinctive opportunity to study the effects of liberalisation and to identify economic factors leading to migration flows with the purpose of enabling better estimations of future migration trends. In this research, a panel data analysis with pair of country fixed effects and time fixed effects is used to explore several pull and push factors of the East-West EU migration flows in the period from 2000 to 2017. Results indicate that emigration rate responds rather quickly to the changes in GDP per capita and unemployment rate of the youth population in immigration country, with statistically significant elasticity coefficients, suggesting that international migration contributes signifi...
We analyze the long-term trends in Croatian income convergence with respect to the EU. Croatia is the worst performer among new EU members in terms of β-convergence. Stochastic income convergence tests with breaks suggest Croatia is not... more
We analyze the long-term trends in Croatian income convergence with respect to the EU. Croatia is the worst performer among new EU members in terms of β-convergence. Stochastic income convergence tests with breaks suggest Croatia is not able to catch up to old EU members, but could still diminish the difference between Croatian and new EU members’ income levels over the long term. Analysis of Croatian gross domestic product (GDP) and gross value added (GVA) growth drivers suggests services-led growth fueled by investments in nontradable sector and government consumption contributed to the observed income divergence as new EU members grew faster, dominantly drawing from the personal consumption, international trade and manufacturing growth. Deindustrialization and technological downgrading of the tradable sector also contributed to slower GDP growth in the observed period.
In this paper the impact of the economic development level indicators and the selected Information Technology and Communication (ICT) development level indicators on “the percentage of individuals using Internet booking for travel and... more
In this paper the impact of the economic development level indicators and the selected Information Technology and Communication (ICT) development level indicators on “the percentage of individuals using Internet booking for travel and holiday accommodation in the last 12 months” in selected European countries is studied. For this purpose the Eurostat data for 2013 were analyzed for 28 European Union (EU) countries and five official EU candidate countries. After detailed data exploration, one serious outlier for Luxembourg GDP per capita should be removed, and therefore the data set was reduced to 32 countries. The non-hierarchical K-means clustering based on the Euclidean distances with predefined four clusters was applied, with the purpose of recognizing which countries would gather regarding the included variables. Special focus is given to the Western Balkan countries, the FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia. The analysis continues with multiple linear regression model building....
Ovaj rad sagledava slobodu kretanja radnika na podrucju prosirene EU s aspekta ekonomske i pravne pozadine koju takva sloboda donosi. Cilj rada je prikazati postojece stanje na europskom tržistu rada u svjetlu cinjenice da je Republika... more
Ovaj rad sagledava slobodu kretanja radnika na podrucju prosirene EU s aspekta ekonomske i pravne pozadine koju takva sloboda donosi. Cilj rada je prikazati postojece stanje na europskom tržistu rada u svjetlu cinjenice da je Republika Hrvatska u procesu pregovora za clanstvo u EU. Predmet istraživanja je ovisnost BDP per capita o ukupnoj stopi zaposlenosti u prosirenoj EU i to metodom jednostavne linearne regresije. Dobiveni rezultati su osnova za daljnja i detaljnija istraživanja tog opsežnog i zanimljivog podrucja.
This paper analyzes the bank concentration of banking industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro according to the latest available data on total bank assets. The analysis of concentration of banks' net assets... more
This paper analyzes the bank concentration of banking industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro according to the latest available data on total bank assets. The analysis of concentration of banks' net assets is done using following concentration indices: concentration ratios, Herfindahl-Hirchman index, Theil entropy indeks, Hall-Tideman and Rosenbluht index, Gini coefficient and normalized Gini coeffcient, as well as Lorenz curve. According to calculated concentration measures, concentration of banking industry is highest in Croatia, followed by Bosnia and Hercegovina, while in Serbia and Montenegro concentration is moderate.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought international tourism at a standstill. Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation, in particular, has been greatly affected with platforms being heavily criticised for lacking a strategic response to users’... more
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought international tourism at a standstill.  Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation, in particular, has been greatly affected with platforms being heavily criticised for lacking a strategic response to users’ needs.  Drawing from the perspectives of P2P accommodation hosts, this study aims to explore: a) their perceptions of the short-term impacts of the pandemic on their hosting practice, b) their responses to the pandemic and c) the long-term perspectives of the pandemic on the P2P accommodation sector.  Specifically, the study offers a continuum of host pandemic responses which illustrates different types of hosts in relation to their market perspective and intention to continue hosting on P2P platforms. The continuum carries theoretical implications as it offers insights to academics exploring crisis impacts on P2P accommodation.  It is also of practical value to platforms and practitioners as it may lead to improved crisis management strategies.