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      TechnologyFilm StudiesDeathFilm Analysis
The fate of 35mm as an acquisition and exhibition medium is intimately connected with questions of future-proofing, archiving, preservation, and access, which are currently at the foreground of recent debates around screen heritage in the... more
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      Visual StudiesTechnologyHumanitiesCinema (Celluloid and Digital)
Taking a schizoanalytic approach to audio-visual images, this article explores some of the radical potential for deterritorialisation found within David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999). The film’s potential for deterritorialisation is... more
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      Film StudiesDigital CinemaGilles DeleuzeSpecial Effects
This paper aims to show how the symptom of history can be materialized in an intimate field, and be developed within as the account, more or less successful or frustrated, of a political gesture. The object of study are films linked by... more
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      Digital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaContemporary Cinema
Review of Immortal (Ad Vitam) (Enki Bilal France 2004)
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      Film StudiesFrench CinemaDigital CinemaScience Fiction
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      Film TheoryTechnology (Film Studies)Film HistoryAffect Studies
In light of the current transition from celluloid to digital cinema, this paper will explore the relation between old and new technologies as a means for understanding medium specificity as an activity of mediation. While the ongoing... more
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)Film StudiesAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm and New Media
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      Cultural StudiesAlgorithmsPhilosophyNew Media
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      Digital MediaDigital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaShort Films
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryTelevision StudiesPhotography
La tesi discute la questione estetica e stilistica nella televisione americana dalla cosiddetta prima Golden Age alla contemporaneità. La tesi di fondo è la stretta relazione fra i modi di produzione e lo stile e l'idea "negoziale"... more
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      Television StudiesAesthetics of digital cinemaTv serialsCinema and Media Studies
Cinematographic aesthesis. How does digital Cinema transform our Sensitivity? Abstract Nowadays, many cinema studies are dedicated to understand digital phenomena. The technological development of software for media production allows us... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryDigital Media
This essay looks at digital special effects in contemporary mainstream cinema through the theoretical lens of posthumanism. It argues that digital cinema retains the (humanist) tenets of analogue cinema (particularly the cut), but that it... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDigital CinemaFilm-Philosophy
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      Visual StudiesDigital TechnologyCultural EconomicsTechnology And Culture
A presente monografia procura levantar algumas questões específicas sobre a transição do cinema em película para o cinema digital, conforme sua influência na cinematografia brasileira. É considerada relevante para o trabalho a análise do... more
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)Digital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaDigital Cinematography
Current trends in film and television production styles have favoured the use of aesthetics associated with prosumer and social media products. These aesthetics, including handheld shaky-cam, variable audio and open acknowledgement of the... more
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    • Aesthetics of digital cinema
This article explores the ways in which digital special effects cinema shares some of the principles and effects of surrealist cinema, namely by rendering indistinguishable waking and dream images. Although there is much debate concerning... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFrench CinemaSurrealism
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      Visual StudiesDigital TechnologyTechnology And CultureAesthetics of digital cinema
Rossellini’s year zero is also a year zero for images: the year when the cinema depicts a teenager committing suicide is the year when the innocence of the movement-image seems insufficient to understand a world ripped apart. It is... more
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      Digital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaContemporary Cinema
El presente artículo pretende demostrar cómo el síntoma de la Historia puede encontrar su más cálido caldo de cultivo en el ámbito de la intimidad, y desarrollarse, en su seno, como el relato, más o menos exitoso o frustrado, de un gesto... more
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      Digital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaContemporary Cinema
El cine de José Luis Guerin, situado en los márgenes de la industria (unas veces en el lado de acá con todas las implicaciones de un equipo y de una producción; otras en el lado de allá, a modo de soliloquio reflexivo) se ha venido... more
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)Digital MediaDigital CinemaDigital Culture
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      New MediaFilm StudiesDigital MediaDigital Cinema
Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf (2007) is the latest film made using motion capture technology, a film that tells the story of a hero’s quest to defeat a series of monsters. This article examines not only the thematic role of monstrosity in the... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryAnimationDigital Cinema
In an age of retrotopia, nostalgia has become a dominant structure of feeling in our culture. With an innate futureleness permeating through generations, the need to long for the past is seemingly more prominent than ever. The... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesPopular CultureDigital Media
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      ArtAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm AestheticsCinematography
Il saggio analizza due importanti innovazioni avvenute nel cinema negli ultimi anni, e che hanno impattato sopratutto nella distribuzione dei contenuti audiovisivi: da un lato lʼemergere di tecnologie di produzione e proiezione 3D in... more
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      Aesthetics of digital cinema3dMobile CinemaCinema and Technology
La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine digital, parece implicar también una revolución estética. En la presente investigación cuantitativa se indaga sobre la interrelación entre... more
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      ArtAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm AestheticsCinematography
Recension Flickers of Film. Nostalgia in the time of Digital Cinema (Jason Sperb, Rutgers University Press, 2016)
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm Stars
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      Medieval LiteratureLiterature and cinemaRomance philologyMedieval Latin Literature
La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine digital, parece implicar también una revolución estética. En la presente investigación cuantitativa se indaga sobre la interrelación entre... more
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      ArtAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm AestheticsCinematography
The Lady and The Duke (2001) is an atypical movie by its duality in unity, mainly resulting from the digital incrustation of real actors in pictorial settings. Eric Rohmer, resorting to that obvious a visual technique and to that... more
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      HistoryVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Rossellini’s year zero is also a year zero for images: the year when the cinema depicts a teenager committing suicide is the year when the innocence of the movement-image seems insufficient to understand a world ripped apart. It is... more
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      ArtDigital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaContemporary Cinema
La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine digital, parece implicar también una revolución estética. En la presente investigación cuantitativa se indaga sobre la interrelación entre... more
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      ArtAesthetics of digital cinemaFilm AestheticsCinematography
Programa 94 de "La gran Evasión" (Radiópolis, 88.0 FM, Sevilla). José Luis Moreno a la dirección, Gervi Navío, Raúl Gallego, y Manuel Broullón. Rafaelle Pinto quiere sembrar la duda, llegar al conocimiento de la realidad mediante la... more
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)European CinemaLiterature and cinemaDigital Cinema
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cinema Digital. Democratização. Transição. Cinema nacional. Rain Network.
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)Digital MediaDigital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinema
Review of Dante 01 (Marc Caro, France, 2008).
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      Film StudiesFrench CinemaDigital CinemaScience Fiction
espanolLa filmacion documental de la intimidad, ?puede convertirse en un gesto politico? Si en lo intimo, como dice Nora Catelli, reside la via para comprender la Historia como sintoma, este articulo pretende demostrar como se traduce ese... more
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      ArtDigital CinemaDocumentary FilmAesthetics of digital cinema
La digitalización y virtualización del mundo es un proceso que no da luces de parar, en ello el cine ha sido un testigo privilegiado de estos cambios, desde sus primeros esbozos digitales en los años ochenta hasta las tecnologías 3D y... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDigital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinema
The Lady and The Duke (2001) is an atypical movie by its duality in unity, mainly resulting from the digital incrustation of real actors in pictorial settings. Éric Rohmer, resorting to that obvious a visual technique and to that... more
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      HistoryVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le cinéma équatorien a connu un essor important, dû en grande partie à la démocratisation des caméras numériques, mais l’essentiel de ce développement s’est produit dans le cadre d’un système économique... more
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      Latin American StudiesDigital CinemaEcuadorAesthetics of digital cinema
https://academic.oup.com/screen/article/59/2/235/5036227 Dossier contents: "Mapping digital practices in Hispanic cinemas. Introduction" Belén Vidal Screen, Volume 59, Issue 2, 1 June 2018, Pages 235–239,... more
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      Aesthetics of digital cinemaCinema and Digital MediaLatin American and Spanish Cinema
Analysis of the elusive application of the term "surrealism" to contemporary Japanese cinema, from Euro/U.S.-centric perspectives. Case study used: the omnibus anthology film 10 Nights of Dreams and some additional J-Horror examples.
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      Japanese StudiesHumanitiesFilm StudiesJapanese Language And Culture
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      AnimationStop-motion AnimationDigital CinemaPolitics and Film