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      Human EcologyLawAnthropologyPolitical Economy
Resumen La relación entre salud y ambiente ha sido explorada desde antiguas y nuevas tradiciones de conocimiento. De manera particular, este artículo explora las formas de pensamiento subyacentes a la relación entre salud y ambiente... more
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The relationship between resource management, local populations, and property regimes has long puzzled researchers and policy-makers. The constant failure of conservation policy reliant upon privatization and statization, has led both... more
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      Property RightsAtlantic ForestAmbienteNatural Resource
This article aims at highlighting the potential value of “vagabonding” as a pedagogical strategy in experiential learning programs of Environmental Education, based on the importance of “phenomenological deconstruction/reconstruction” in... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental ScienceTeaching and LearningEducation
A submerged biologicalaeratedfilter (BAF) partiallyaerated was used to study the removal of lowconcentrations of ammonia nitrogen (0.3 g N/m3 to 30.5 g N/m3) typically found in nutrient enriched river and lake waters, and treated... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Understanding the relationship between environmental factors and public health is critical to improving sustainability at a sub-national level. Proposals to evaluate the status of environmental health in a region must consider factors... more
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      Environmental StudiesSustainability IndicatorsEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Excessive growth of biomass and retention of solids associated with air bubbles lead to bed clogging, which affects the biofilters’ performance. Two experiments were carried out in a submerged biofilter at the flow velocity of 0.5 m h−1,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Environmental management research: An analysis of its evolution at the University of São Paulo Abstract: Increased production of research in environmental management has occurred after international conferences on environment and... more
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      Environmental ManagementEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental SustainabilitySustentabilidade
The economic valuation of water has recently been discussed in the Brazilian political scenario. Incorporation of water in trade and commerce, especially in commodities is part of the proposed discussion , using the "virtual water"... more
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    • Ambiente
El artículo que se presenta seguidamente se realizó con base en la investigación3 relacionada con los ambientes escolares que propician el aprendizaje de los niños y niñas. El objetivo planteado buscó “determinar los factores físicos y... more
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      AprendizajeAmbienteCalidad de la educacionAula
Alkali-activated binders can be obtained using several sources of alumino-silicate materials, from calcinated clays, like kaolin, to industrial by-products, such as fly ash and, more recently, to calcinated waste mud from mining... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical Engineering
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      AmbienteAmbiente Construido
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      AmbienteAmbiente Construido
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      Desarrollo Local / Local DevelopmentAmbienteDesarrollo SustentableConflictos ambientales
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      AmbienteInsectosAgricultura sustentableHongos Entomopatogenos
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      Operations ManagementAmbienteBuilding Design
Based on the information available on the Municipal Basic Information Research of IBGE, this article aims to analyze three variables: the existence of Municipal Councils for the Environment, Special Funds for the Environment and... more
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    • Ambiente
The increase in industrial and housing developments have affected the total number of urban constructions and thereby negatively impacted the local environment. Examining this process we see how man has the ability to change local climate... more
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    • Ambiente
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      Building ConstructionAmbienteQuality Management System
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      PortugalTurismoAmbienteImpactes Ambientais
Os ligantes obtidos por activação alcalina, embora conhecidos por parte da comunidade científica há já algum tempo, não conseguiram até ao momento afirmar-se como uma alternativa ao cimento portland, nomeadamente por questões de custo, de... more
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      AmbientePolímeros, resíduos, gestão ambientalEco Friendly BuildingsLigantes Geopoliméricos
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From a political ecology perspective, anthropogenic threats to the environment can be understood in terms of a lack of power by local people. By analysing discourses about the spread of leukemia in rural Eastern Sicily, the connection... more
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      Political EcologyLeukemiaChildrenSicily
Se investigó un grupo de 254 estudiantes de una secundaria pública de Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México, adaptando el cuestionario utilizado por el Grup de Recerca Educació i Ciutadani (GREIC) de la Universitat de... more
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      Environmental EducationEducación AmbientalAmbienteEnvironmental
Despite almost thirty years of environmental activities with the first ‘environmental’ steps taken in Portugal in the early 1970s, it was only in the mid-1980s with Portugal’s joining the then European Community that policy lines for... more
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      Environmental ManagementAmbientePoliticas Publicas
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      AmbienteAmbiente Construido
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      Democratic TheoryEnvironmental EthicsPhenomenology of TemporalityIntergenerational justice
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Introducción: Ae. aegypti es una especie adaptada a ambientes urbanos, es el vector de varias enfermedades virales, entre ellas el dengue, zika y chikungunya. Objetivo: Determinar los factores demográficos, socioeconómicos, ambientales y... more
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      Aedes aegyptiAmbienteDengueFactores De Riesgo
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as flexibilidades institucionais a partir da incoerência entre o uso planejado e o uso efetivo na unidade de conservação (UC) da Floresta Nacional (FLONA) do Bom Futuro, localizada no... more
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      Construction ManagementBuilt EnvironmentAmbienteResearch Method
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      AmbienteAmbiente Construido
El presente artículo es el resultado de una revisión bibliográfica en torno al modo en que se configuró la relación entre educación y ambiente en la Educación Superior Universitaria de América Latina. Se estableció como propósito... more
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      Latin AmericaAmbienteAmérica LatinaHigher Education, University
El objetivo del estudio consistió en: Determinar las actividades de participación ciudadana que promueve el docente del L.B. “Sabana Libre” para el fortalecimiento de una educación ambiental sustentable. Teóricamente se fundamenta en la... more
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      EducaciónAmbienteCiudadaníaParticipación Comunitaria
En este artículo se describen algunas investigaciones sobre las representaciones sociales del medio ambiente en Brasil y en México, con el objetivo de observar las implicaciones de estos estudios para la educación ambiental; destaca el... more
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      AmbienteErosione Costiera
Este artículo sustenta las razones que acreditan los alcances constitucionales e internacionales del ambiente como una fortaleza para los procesos de transición de los POT en Colombia. Para ello expone las formas en que se define el... more
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      AmbienteOrdenamiento TerritorialViviendaPOT
Reflexión sobre la problemática ambiental y la forma como el hombre se relaciona con su entorno. La crisis ambiental global es un problema social, cultural y político con referentes éticos sustentados en la forma de abordar la... more
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      EducaciónEducación AmbientalAmbienteRelacion Medio Ambiente Y Sociedad
Introducción. Este texto evidencia el diseño de un sistema de gestión por procesos para la evaluación del desempeño ambiental. Objetivo. Diagnosticar el estado actual ambiental de los procesos que hacen parte de las organizaciones,... more
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      AmbienteGestiónSistemaImpactos Ambientales
L’ambiente, oggi consacrato dottrinalmente come diritto umano di terza generazione e contemplato con disposizioni costituzionali che lo innalzano alla condizione di diritto fondamentale nell’ambito di diversi Paesi, è bene giuridico atto... more
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      Ambientetutela penale diritto umano fondamentale
There are different infl uences in Environmental Latin-American History. From the historical demography to anthropology, this discipline has been benefi t from Cook and Borah’s contributions to Carl Sauer’s. In this article, my... more
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Los enfoques que promueven algún tipo de participación comunitaria están siendo cada vez más utilizados para abordar problemáticas socio-ambientales. Uno de éstos son las investigaciones participativas (IP): estrategias de investigación... more
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      AmbientePesca ArtesanalInvestigación ParticipativaFORMACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA
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      PortugalAmbienteMedio AmbienteTerritorio
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      PortugalTurismoAmbienteLInha De Costa
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      PortugalAmbientePercepção Ambiental
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      Compressive StrengthAmbienteCoefficient of DeterminationChemical Composition
L’articolo parte dalla considerazione della quasi totale assenza di contributi giuridici sul tema dell’economia circolare e propone una definizione di tale concetto. L’economia circolare costituisce un modello di sviluppo economico che ha... more
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      AmbienteBioeconomiaeconomia circolarepotere pubblico
En Colombia se han asumido modelos de desarrollo sustentados en la extracción de materias primas, provocando con ello, múltiples conflictos socioambientales entre los distintos actores sociales y el Estado. En este contexto, la... more
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      GobernanzaEducación AmbientalAmbiente
Il libro è frutto della volontà di alcuni ricercatori e ricercatrici di rischiarare le ombre attorno al tema oggi rilevante dei servizi ecosistemici, cercando di indagare in maniera approfondita la sua consistenza e – soprattutto –... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesGovernancePaesaggioAmbiente