Analitical Philosophy
Recent papers in Analitical Philosophy
The philosophy of the twentieth century, when language is viewed as a major problem of philosophy, has shown its own development trends towards the end of the century. These trends have shaped different perspectives on the understanding... more
İmajoloji and Thought of Analytic For the last few centuries, specific references to concepts such as reason, criticism and analytics have been made and information, resources, processes, judgment and output have been saved. In modern... more
Madrid: Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso, 2017
ISBN 978-84-16639-56-4
ISBN 978-84-16639-56-4
In this work we look at one special case to provide a rational basis for the following assertion known as Statistical Law of Large Numbers: If an event E has a constant probability p of occurrence on any one trial, and has occurred m... more
Penggunaan bahasa dalam dunia jurnalistik bukan tanpa persoalan. Penggunaan bahasa dalam dunia jurnalistik tidak jarang mendapat kecaman dari berbagai pihak. Kecaman-kecaman itu berupa tuduhan bahwa dunia jurnalistik tidak jarang hadir... more
El propósito de la investigación fue explorar uno de los elementos clave en la articulación de identidad personal y afectividad. La presente investigación forma parte de un proyecto más amplio, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y... more
Appunti sui concetti fondamentali dell'ontologia dalla lettura di "Problemi fondamentali dell'ontologia analitica" di Edmund Runggaldier e Christian Kanzian.
Com vistas a contribuir para uma maior familiaridade com a linhagem anglófona da teoria da história, este artigo oferece uma exegese do exame narrativista realizado no pensamento historiográfico anglo-americano a partir de meados do... more
Questa tesi affronta il problema del libero arbitrio analizzando in particolare la soluzione a questo problema esposta dal filosofo statunitense Robert Nozick nella sua opera Philosophical Explanations. La proposta di Nozick della... more
Uvodni dio rada će sadržavati, prvo temeljne značajke skepticizma kao filozofske pozicije, dakle filozofijskog skepticizma, a drugo diferencijaciju antičkoga i modernoga skepticizma. Jedina poveznica navedenih tipova krije se iza samog... more
La crisi del verificazionismo ha messo in movimento l’intero quadro epistemologico. Né le esplorazioni di Wittgenstein né le soluzioni di Plantinga vogliono essere tentativi di arrestare quel movimento. Quasi gli si potrebbe imputare... more
El seminario abordará el pensamiento sobre el lenguaje en la filosofía contemporánea, articulado en tres grandes matrices: trascendentalismo y hermenéutica, estructrualismo y postestructuralismo y filosofía analítica. Se pondrá particular... more
Della distinzione tra senso e denotazione tratta il terzo dei famosi saggi di Frege sulla filosofia del linguaggio. Il presente articolo espone le tesi fregeane e cerca di farne una analisi critica
Almeyda, D. Disgregación jurídica. En Actualidad penal, Dirs. J. Castillo, P. García, R. Pariona, P. Talavera y F. Villavicencio, Instituto Pacífico, N° 51, Perú, Lima, septiembre, 2018, pp. 285-312. Sobre la base de la Nueva Gramática... more
In this article I will criticize the so called Frankfurt-style cases. These cases have been built with the purpose of denying that in order to hold a person responsible, it is necessary this person could have done otherwise, namely there... more
In what sense do we speak of the planetary university? This essay belongs to a more comprehensive, still unpublished reflection that the authors have been developing over the past years while teaching and doing... more
This research aims to get the empirical description about: (1) Application of the integration of hard skills and soft skills by using problem-based learning to improve student’s analytical ability toward (negative) cases and policy issues... more
La seconda tappa di "Linguaggio e ontologia" (dopo quella su Bolzano, Twardowski e Meinong) dove sono raccolti i saggi sinora scritti sul pensiero di Frege.
Nel presente scritto, parlo del rapporto tra concetto e rappresentazione in Frege
Keynote 1 Thaddeus Metz (University of Johannesburg) "Is a Moderate Supernaturalism about Meaning in Life Possible?" Keynote 2 Masahiro Morioka (Waseda University) "A Solipsistic and Affirmative Approach to Meaning in Life" Keynote 3... more
The essay is written as a task within the course of "History of Modern Philosophy" that is tought for third year students in the Kyiv Three Holy Hierarchs Spiritual Seminary. Date of writing: November 24, 2020.
Investigación para Pregrado, Verano 2018 – Concurso VRI UC – Profesor supervisor: Dr. José Tomás Alvarado.
– Proyecto financiado por la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
– Proyecto financiado por la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Las versiones hermenéuticas de la identidad que defienden autores como Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor y Paul Ricoeur, se enfrentan (1) a otras versiones Hermenéuticas como la Richar Rorty, quien se adhieren a una noción de... more
La tesis pretende reconstruir críticamente la reflexión realizada por el filósofo estadounidense Harry G. Frankfurt a partir de los años 1960 sobre las fuentes de la normatividad práctica. No es descabellado caracterizar los múltiples... more
ARTÍCULOS LUIS A. ROSSI El "regreso a la historia" y la pólis en el curso de Heidegger De la esencia de la verdad (1931-1932) _ 241 DIEGO RÍOS Realización múltiple: Una crítica del argumento selectivo _ 265 LUIS FERNANDO BUTIERREZ En... more
El área de las neurociencia cognitiva presenta hoy problemas disciplinarios que hay que atender con miras a la adecuada interpretación de los resultados empíricos. Uno de esos problemas es el de la correcta ubicación de los términos... more
Abstract. The present paper means to explore the performance of the speciesist objection to three arguments that challenge it. The first holds that we intuitively attach a higher value to the human species. The second states that it is... more
Neste ensaio apresentaremos e discutiremos a posição de Linda Zagzebski sobre os casos Gettier. Não falaremos da solução zagzebskiana a tal problema, mas sim que os casos Gettier, segundo a filósofa, são inevitáveis devido a comum e... more
Si esamina la teoria sulla denotazione del primo Russell espressa ne "I Principi della matematica" e con lui si analizzano i quantificatori cercando di definirli attraverso il rapporto tra i concetti e gli insiemi che ne costituiscono... more
We would like to show that the developments of both continental and analytic philosophy present structural similarities in their projects of grounding sense in the world and a naturalising meaning, respectively. This similarity results... more
In this paper we deal with the problem of identity and individuality in quantum mechanics. We analyze three definitions of the concept of an individual and propose to check their merits in relation to the theory. In order to achieve our... more
The aim of this paper is to give a practical meaning to the term «possible», which can then become a useful reading key to attempt to decipher the nature and functioning of the so-called Being, that is, of being-in-itself, of the reality... more
El propósito del trabajo fue examinar la similitud en los análisis de la acción de dos autores a partir de un concepto central en cada uno de ellos. Los autores fueron: Tomás de Aquino con su concepto de "imperium" y Harry G. Frankfurt... more
Rethinking the concept of literary corpus with the help of Leibnitz, Quine and Lausberg, the essay proposes to assess the Avant-garde in rhetorical terms and ascribes an argumentative function to it, which denotes both its value and its... more