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This paper looks at the most significant OT an NT references connected with the issue of homosexuality. Each text is analyzed taking into account the progress of revelation and authorial intent.
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      Homosexuality and LiteratureRomansHomophobiaAncient Homoerotism
An introduction to the literary analysis of homoerotic invective graffiti in ancient Pompeii, written and presented for the 2013 San Francisco State University Classics Journal Pithos.
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)Ancient HomoerotismAttitudes Towards Homosexuality
"... the unveiling of the hidden ways and means of _La Cazzaria_ should clarify aspects of 'the intersections of sexuality, politics and learning' that characterize Renaissance pornography as an issue of fundamental importance." (60)
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      Queer StudiesRhetoricItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
This is a revised version (winter 2022) of the restored Laius and Chrysippus myth, first published in 2002 in my book “Lovers’ Legends.” This version (with further stylistic adjustments in 2023) is inspired by the Phoenissae fragment... more
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      Greek and Roman SexualitiesAdolescent Sexuality
En el ámbito de los estudios medievales se ha pasado por alto la presencia de la homosexualidad de la época, ya sea por tabúes o por falta de fuentes que traten el tema. Esta ponencia se propone sacar a la luz a este grupo disidente a... more
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      Medieval LiteratureHomosexuality and LiteratureAncient HomoerotismHomoeroticism
Con questo lavoro ci proponiamo di fare ordine nel 'mare magnum' di considerazioni e studi più o meno approfonditi che riguardano la problematica figura di Bieiris de Romans e della sua unica 'canso' a noi pervenuta. Nel primo capitolo... more
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      PhilologyRomance philologyOccitan LiteratureHomosexuality and Literature
The early Church universally proscribed homoerotic activity and sporadically persecuted homosexuals.
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      Queer StudiesHistory of ReligionHistory of ChristianityQueer Theology
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
Published in Somatic Desire: Rethinking Corporeality in Contemporary Thought, edited by Sarah Horton, Stephen Mendelsohn, Christine Rojcewicz, and Richard Kearney (Lexington Books, 2018), pp. 117-137.
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      PlatoQueer TheorySexualityLacan
En este artículo se exploran los significados culturales y jurídicos de la Sodomía en el mundo Ibérico durante la conquista y colonización de América. Asimismo el autor hace una propuesta interpretativa de las fuentes coloniales que... more
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      Gender and SexualityAncient HomoerotismHomosexualityDescolonización
It is commonplace in New Testament scholarship to assume that Judaism at the turn of the Era univocally condemned same-sex intercourse among men, whether scholars use this supposition to argue that Jesus felt likewise or was uniquely... more
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      Second Temple JudaismGender and religion (Women s Studies)Historical JesusAncient Homoerotism
IN RECENT YEARS, homosexuality has become one of the most contested cultural issues, at both a national and international level. Even the question of language is hotly debated, especially in Christian circles, with some rejecting... more
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      ChristianityPlatoCatholic StudiesSexuality
The aim of this paper is to read the V dialogue of Lucian's of Samosata Dialogues of Hetaerae using the euristic tools offered by Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality. The transformation of Lucian's dialogue in “monument” and the... more
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      ClassicsSecond SophisticHistory of SexualityMichel Foucault
This story of Muscleman and Blondie is a 2300 year old myth from Ancient Greece. The story was almost lost. All that is left is fragments from five different ancient authors, Aristotle, Strabo, Plutarch, a papyrus fragment from... more
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      MythologyGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesStorytelling
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      History of SexualityAncient HomoerotismPindarAeschylus, Greek tragedy
This paper examines the poetic persona of Sappho in the fragment 31V, one of the most erotic poem in Ancient Greek literature. By describing Sappho's cycle and the theories of ancient homoerotism, I proceed to an alternative analysis of... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesHomosexuality and LiteratureGreek Lyric Poetry
Ερωτικά ήθη και σεξουαλικές συµπεριφορές στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα.
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHistory of SexualityHomosexuality and Literature
The goal of this paper is to examine the major areas of discussion when looking at homosexuality in the Bible, provide a brief survey of the different approaches used by both affirming and non-affirming scholars, and to make a choice on... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheologySystematic TheologyHebrew Bible
Tesis de Doctorado que estudia los discursos sobre la sodomia en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Cubre dos periodos el de la conquista y la sociedad colonial. Se propone una interpretación sobre las nociones de sexualidad,... more
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      Gender and SexualityAncient HomoerotismHomosexualityHistoria de la homosexualidad
The paper examines the laws about male prostitution in Classical Athens. There was no law aimed at outlawing the practice of male prostitution, but two laws that prevented male prostitutes from serving as magistrates or making proposals... more
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      Greek HistoryAncient Greek HistoryHistory of ProstitutionAncient Homoerotism
Desde pequeno criava minhas próprias histórias. Minha imaginação sempre foi responsável por me levar a reinos, aventuras, batalhas, intrigas e romances dos mais variados tipos. Dando-me um espaço vazio, um pedaço de madeira que... more
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    • Ancient Homoerotism
RESUMO Os estudos clássicos, de modo geral, desde o final do século XIX até meados do XX, foram permeados de ideais de superioridade e dominação. Buscou-se uma relação imediata com o passado antigo, formando uma linha de tempo... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryPostcolonial StudiesGender and Sexuality
Interpretations of the sport objects in Attic vase-painting have traditionally taken a single-directional approach viewing them solely in the light of their primary function as locale indicators. However, these objects had an additional... more
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      Ancient Sports/AthleticsAncient HomoerotismGender and sexuality in the ancient world
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGender StudiesClassics
Among the academic subjects, Ancient Studies are those considered the most conservative. However, through interdisciplinarity (particularly through the dialogue with Archaeology), this field of study has managed to reach more critical... more
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      Gender and SexualityPompeii (Archaeology)Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsAncient Homoerotism
A previously unpublished Attic black-figure neck amphora is attributed here to the Medea Group and dated ca. 530-520 BCE. It illustrates on Side A Apollo and Artemis framed between Poseidon and Hermes, and on Side B a scene of pederastic... more
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      Greek and Roman SexualitiesGreek ArchaeologyGreek MythAncient Greek History
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo central a análise e discussão dos cinco primeiros discursos que compõem um dos mais célebres diálogos platônicos, O Banquete. Dentre as justificativas que podem ser apresentadas para o exame... more
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      PlatoAncient HomoerotismPlatãoPlato Symposium
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      Greek LanguageGreek EpigraphyGreek DialectsAncient Homoerotism
Pessoa's Antinous follows a tradition of poems on mythological dying-god figures mourned by their divine lovers, transferring the tropes of that tradition to the Roman emperor Hadrian and his lover, who had been appropriated by... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureQueer Studies
" As Easily as a Fox Eats a Pear " (Plaut. Most. 559): a Homoerotic Pun In Plautus' Mostellaria, Tranio, who has already persuaded his master, Theopropides, that his house is haunted is afraid that his trickeries will be revealed.... more
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      Latin LiteratureHomosexuality and LiteratureRoman ComedyAnimal Symbolism
Aqui vamos, antes de qualquer pretensão, fazer uma viagem ao passado, na busca por algumas concepções sexuais em três povos da Antiguidade: egípcios antigos (papiros do século XV A.E.C.), gregos/atenienses (séculos V-IV A.E.C.) e... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEgyptology
O Livro XII da Antologia Grega contempla cerca de 260 epigramas unidos pela temática homoerótica que desenvolvem. À parte um conjunto escasso de componentes dedicados ao amor heterossexual, erroneamente introduzidos pelos copistas na... more
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      Ancient HomoerotismGreek EpigramGreek AnthologyGreek poetry
A día de hoy, el único trabajo específico, riguroso y relativamente amplio sobre la homosexualidad femenina en los textos astrológicos grecolatinos con el que contamos es el capítulo 4 (“Predetermined Erotic Orientations: Astrological... more
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      Greek and Roman SexualitiesAncient HomoerotismAncient astrology
El mundo griego antiguo nos ha legado una imagen de cercanía visual y mental que no siempre corresponde a la realidad. La iconografía griega nos es tan cercana que a veces nos cuesta admitir que es una sociedad antigua alejada de nuestro... more
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      Gender StudiesLoveAncient HomoerotismAncient Greece (History)
The story of the old man whose back was bent and who did not put the right stamp on the ground through love, and who, because of his crookedness, lost sight of the right lover From the "Silsilat al-Dhahab" (‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺬھﺐ‬
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      Sufi PoetryAncient HomoerotismSufi literatureIslamic Sufi Literature
There are two interconnected feminine homoerotic threads in the Dionysiaca, the references to the myth of Callisto, scattered throughout the poem, and the episode of Aura in book 48, which I read against the narratives of heteroerotic... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesHistory of SexualityLate AntiquityHomosexuality and Literature
Resumo: Neste artigo, proponho a tradução e análise dos capítulos 28 e 29 da Vida de Nero, de Suetônio, com comentários linguísticos e cotejo com outras passagens da obra e de outros documentos pertencentes a gêneros literários diversos.... more
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesRoman HistoryImperial Rome
Side B (color fig. 39) shows a pederastic courting scene of Beazley's Type γ. 5 In the center a youthful eromenos and bearded erastes peform sexual intercourse in the dia merion mode (fig. 2) framed by pairs of naked men dancing in from... more
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      ArtGreek and Roman SexualitiesGreek ArchaeologyGreek Myth
This essay explores the literary motif of lovesickness with in the Acts of Andrew, a second century Christian apocryphal text. I argued that lovesickness is used within this ascetic narrative to portray the erotic connection between two... more
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      Early ChristianityAncient HomoerotismAncient NarrativeLovesickness
Verba volant, scripta manent-Τα λόγια πετούν, τα γραπτά μένουν. Έτσι έκαναν φράση οι Ρωμαίοι την προειδοποίηση ότι ο γραπτός λόγος αποτελεί ανεξίτηλη απόδειξη υποθέσεων που σε κάποια μελλοντική στιγμή μπορούν να αποδειχθούν άβολες ή... more
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      African HistoryAncient HomoerotismGreek homosexualityΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ
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      Classical ArchaeologyFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryEthnic and Racial Studies
Eroticism and ethics – an underlying issue of mankind that never ceased to be relevant. In current debates it becomes clear that positions hostile to sexuality are often ascribed to the Bible––but is this indeed the case? The necessity of... more
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      Gender StudiesSpiritualityHebrew BibleSexual Ethics
Resumo: O relacionamento homoerótico masculino realizado entre os atenienses do período clássico, conhecido como pederastia, se constitui em um objeto de destaque em pesquisas cujo recorte se fundamenta no envolvimento entre indivíduos do... more
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      PlatoAncient Greek HistoryAncient HomoerotismHistoria Antiga
O texto explora a temática da efeminação e travestismo na Antiguidade grega, em torno da tríade conceitual identidade-diferença-fronteira, baseando-se em fontes literárias e iconográficas. Como recurso hermenêutico, propõem-se... more
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      Ancient HomoerotismHomoerotism, History, HomosexualityTravestismoHistoriografia do Homoerotismo grego
Examination of the role of fiction and historical reconstruction in the work of Carlos Motta, emphasizing works show at his exhibition at PPOW Gallery in April 2016. Because of the erasures of colonialism and its legacies, Motta explores... more
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      Queer StudiesArt HistoryIntersexualityContemporary Art
A través del análisis de las formaciones discursivas que evocan la sexualidad de los pueblos originarios de América, en el siglo XVI, el autor intenta exponer los usos ideológicos y políticos de la recurrencia al tema de la homosexualidad... more
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      Sex and GenderGender and SexualityAncient HomoerotismHomosexuality
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient HomoerotismHomosexuality
Resumo: Durante o período clássico em Atenas, os sympósia desempenharam um importante papel entre os membros da aristocracia descontentes com os rumos que o regime democrático havia tomado. Tal festividade era cenário para encontros... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PhilosophyGreco-Roman MythologyAncient Homoerotism