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""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Abstract The Lod mosaic, discovered in the city bearing that name in Israel, was laid in a luxurious villa urbana in the late 3rd or early 4th century AD. It contains inter alia a nautical scene presented as a floor carpet in the form of... more
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      Roman MosaicsArqueología romana / Roman archeologyAncient ShipsFisheris and Marine Science
In this paper, we discuss the problem of object detection in a cultural heritage application context. In particular, the objects to be detected are ancient rock carvings, discovered at the archaeological site of Vathy, Astypalaia in... more
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      Petroglyphs and PictographsEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Rock ArtArchaeology of Dodecanese
Exhibition Catalogue, National Archaeological Museum, April 2012 – April 2013
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyGreek History
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock ArtRock art researchLandscape and Rock Art
Knowledge regarding prehistoric and Predynastic Egypt is informed significantly by the analysis of Petroglyphs found on rocks at many different desert sites. Here the depictions of boats, called by Winkler “square boats”, are very... more
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      EgyptNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyYemenArchaeology of Oman
A further examination of a most beguiling Etruscan krater from the seventh century B.C. that has fascinated scholars since its discovery in the nineteenth century.
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      Art HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsAnatolian StudiesRoman Religion
Portuguese Discoveries and Navigations - Discovery of Brazil - Naus and Caravelas - South Atlantic Winds and Currents
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesPortugalHistory of Brazil
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHellenistic History
Il Seminario di storia e storiografia italiana (Dipartimento di lingua e letteratura italiana dell’Università nazionale e capodistriaca di Atene - Laboratorio di storia e storiografia italiana) vi invita al seminario della Prof.ssa Zrinka... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryMediterranean StudiesHistory of the Mediterranean
A “frying pan” of some interest, since it depicts a longboat, (Syros Museum 1163) was found in a rescue excavation conducted under the direction of the author in the Roussos field at Chalandriani in Syros in 2002-2008. The field lies in... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIconography
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
Evidence for Ancient Egyptian boatbuilding during the Late Period (664-332 BC) is very scarce and thus the description of Herodotus (“Histories” II.96, c.450 BC) of the local Egyptian boat called “baris” is of great interest. Different... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
Much has been written on the use of lead and copper sheathing in post mediaeval shipbuilding, yet evidence for such hull protection by Dutch shipwrights in the 17th and 18th centuries has received little attention. A discussion of the... more
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
Liburnians and Illyrian Lembs: Iron Age Ships of the Eastern Adriatic explores the origins of two types of ancient ship which appear in the written sources connected with the protohistoric eastern Adriatic area: the ‘Liburnian’ (liburna... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
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    • Ancient Ships
This examination of C. Duilius (consul in 260 BCE) and his achievements consists of a series of linked hypotheses, each suggested by direct evidence for Duilius' activities and contextualized by near-contemporary precedents (wherever... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyLatin LiteratureRoman History
This is my unpublished master's thesis for nautical archaeology and anthropology at Texas A&M Master's. It was overseen by George Bass and Fred Van Doorninck. It would need substantial re-working textually, but especially graphically, to... more
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      Nautical ArchaeologyAncient EgyptAncient Ships
"""Ship 17 of Thonis-Hercaleion is the first vessel from the submerged city of Heracleion-Thonis in Egypt yet excavated. The peculiar constructional features of this ship, which dates to the Late Period (664–332 BC), allow us to argue for... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryEgyptian Archaeology
This dissertation intends to observe how the Roman Republic organises itself as a maritime power following the Punic Wars, analysing it as a thalassocracy in sequence of the evolution of a strategic naval thought as a conductive line of... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman RepublicRoman Britain
Wachsmann, S., 2015.  Understanding the Boat from the Time of Jesus: Galilean Seafaring. Jerusalem, Carta.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
The vases which are painted with black figured technique firstly appeared in 7th century B.C in Corinth. The works which were produced by Corinthian craftsmen were commonly in Mediterranean region on the first half of 6th century. After... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistorical Archaeology
Between 1998 and 1999 three excavation campaigns were undertaken on a shipwreck at the now-submerged site of the ancient Portus Magnus, off the coast of Alexandria. The site, close to the island of Antirhodos, was identified through... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman EgyptNautical Archaeology
This paper is devoted to the debatable issue of presence versus absence of a keel in the construction of Egyptian ships of the dynastic period. It analyses ship representations and models dating to the 18th-20th dynasties of the New... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyAncient Technology (Archaeology)
The ancient rudder: assessment and perspectives
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      Ancient HistoriographyAncient ShipwrecksAncient NavigationGraeco-Roman Shipbuilding
This paper explores the iconography of a sestertius of Nero, which depicts the harbor of Claudius on its reverse. The iconography of the coin is compared to recent archaeological investigations of the harbor.
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      Ancient Roman NumismaticsEmperor NeroPorts and HarboursAncient Ships
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      Maritime ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyAncient ShipwrecksAncient Navigation
Island of Izola its vicinity in Roman period: Archaeological excavations in the area of Manzioli palace The presented work is dedicated to the review of archaeological sites from Roman period in Izola and surrounding area, with focus on... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman PotteryIstrian historyRoman Architecture
Within the Imperial coinage depictions of ships appear on the reverses from the mid-1st to the end of the 4th century. These can be divided into five phases of minting. Warships as motifs only appear frequently in the 2nd century under... more
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      Roman coinsAncient NavigationAncient ShipsAncient Ports and Harbours
The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of a selection of archaeological materials included in the arqua collection. The items examined are related to fishing activities and have been found in submarine contexts off the coast of... more
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      FisheriesFishing GearsRoman fishing and fish processingFishing
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      Maritime ArchaeologyOstia (Archaeology)Nautical ArchaeologyPorts and Harbours
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      Maritime ArchaeologyAncient Ships
The ploion hellenikon, πλοίον ἑλληνικόν or ‘Greek boat,’ was a distinctive, Greek-style vessel which sailed the Nile from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. Its significance, its uses, and the origin and rationale for its name, can only be... more
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient EgyptAncient Ports and ShippingAncient Ships
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
The volume is the publication of the proceedings of the international colloquium ‘La batellerie égyptienne’ (The Egyptian River Craft) held in Alexandria in June 2010. Organized by the Centre d’Études Alexandrines, the event brought... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
Riassunto. La navigazione nell'Adriatico in epoca arcaica, tra il IX e il VI sec. a.C., si caratterizza per una fitta rete di scambi e contatti interni, sia in senso est-ovest, tra le due coste, sia in senso nord-sud. Tale situazione, ben... more
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      Nautical ArchaeologyAdriatic SeaAncient NavigationAncient Seafaring
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
This paper presents a Roman ship that was excavated in 2003 near the castellum Laurium (Woerden, the Netherlands). The ship, called the Woerden 7, was built in 162/163 AD and shows all the characteristics of a Roman barge or cargo ship of... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyAncient ShipwrecksAncient Ships
Nilotic navigation is at the heart of several hundreds of papyrus documents of the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The formal conventions and practices, variable over time, in which they are framed, certainly constitute one of the limits... more
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      Greek PapyrologyAncient ShipwrecksAncient EgyptShipbuilding
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyGreek History
ABSTRACT-The boat depictions that adorn pre-dynastic Gerzean, Naqada II, D-ware pottery vases are often described as ‘sickle boats.’ This familarity barely hides the deep problem of their unrealistic portrayal. A recognition of the... more
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      OpticsEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryEgyptian Archaeology
This paper is a preliminary presentation of parts of the "Journal of Merer", found amongst the Wadi el-Jarf papyri. It is the log of a team of sailors in charge of bringing limestone blocks from the carreers of Tura to the great pyramid... more
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      EgyptologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Red SeaGiza
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)
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      Ptolemaic Egyptian HistoryAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ptolemaic EgyptAncient Egypt
This is a presentation of an Iron Age- eraly Medeival ship that was excavated in Tvååker, Sweden. The Report deals with the ship, the sourrondings and analyses.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ScandinaviaMedieval ShipsViking Ships
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      Mediterranean archaeologyAncient ShipwrecksShipwrecksAncient Seafaring
Evidence for Ancient Egyptian boatbuilding during the Late Period (664-332 BC) is very scarce and thus the description of Herodotus (“Histories” II.96, c.450 BC) of the local Egyptian boat called “baris” is of great interest. Different... more
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      Naval ArchitectureEgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
Seals of Dilmun type from Bahrain and Failaka island (Kuwait) in 18 cases have depictions of boats. Contrary to previous studies, it is argued here that these vessels represent a distinct class of single-masted sail boats and further that... more
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      ArchaeologyDilmun (Archaeology)AmoritesArabian/Persian Gulf Archaeology
This paper is one of eleven articles in the series “Mastering Postal History” that describe how envelopes and other postal artifacts can be used as original source documents for researching the humanities and the social sciences.... more
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      Cultural HistoryPostal HistoryMaritime RoutesDromography (Historic Routes Research)
The article gives preliminary information on the shipwrecks of the submerged Egyptian city of Heracleion-Thonis excavated by the European Institute of Underwater Archaeology (IEASM). Underwater surveys started in 1996 in the Bay of Abukir... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology