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People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
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      Sex and GenderExercise PhysiologySociology of Food and EatingDepression
Review of anger expression styles
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAngerAddictionDrugs And Addiction
Achilles is a complex hero. His brief, brilliant life is sacrificed to avenge the death of his beloved friend. He is a consummate warrior, yet he is childlike in his rage; and outside the Homeric Iliad we learn that he was dressed as a... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureHomerHistory Of Emotions
Anger is a basic human emotion which has a force for constructive or destructive ends. Its expression in any circumstance can be a trigger for a desire to change a prevailing situation. In all cases, anger is a fundamental component of... more
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      Comparative AnalysisAnger Expression
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    • Anger Expression
Britain in the years immediately following World War Two was beginning to move forwards once again. The National Health Service began offering comprehensive health care for all in 1948. The Festival of Britain, held in 1951, celebrated... more
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    • Anger Expression
The present review summarizes the current research on anger coping and experiencing. We proceeded step by step, starting from the structure of anger coping, covering the influence of anger coping on somatic health, the influence of anger... more
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      EmotionAngerEmotion RegulationAffect Theory
Respond to each numbered item in the short list here as either True or False for you. A “True” response may identify a potential area for training. Reflect on whether an item identifies a problem or issue in the way you manage your anger.... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
How to offer criticism in a way that is most likely to be accepted, is the subject of this discussion paper. The essential underlying value is the equal worth and dignity of every human being and the belief that everyone deserves to be... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationHistoryPsychology
The differences between man and woman can be seen from the way they use language. Simulated situations which can trigger the rise of emotion are powerful tools to investigate this gender-based study. This paper aims to analyze the anger... more
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      SociolinguisticsAnger Expression
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      Breast CancerPsycho-oncologyAnger ExpressionEarly maladaptive schemas
صديقي القارئ، هل يسيطر الغضب على حياتك؟ هل يسبب لك التعاسة طوال الوقت؟ هل يسبب لك المشاكل في البيت والعمل ومع الجيران والأصدقاء؟ هل يسبب لك الأمراض البدنية والنفسية؟ إذن أنت في حاجة ماسّة لقيادة غضبك قبل أن يفسد حياتك كما أفسد حياة كثير... more
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementAnger regulationAnger Management
This is essential material for anger management.
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      Critical TheoryMarketingCultural StudiesPsychology
ÖZ Bu araştırma polislerin kişilerarası problem çözme becerileri ile öfke ve öfke ifade tarzlarının benlik saygısı, cinsiyet ve hizmet süresi değişkenlerine göre incelenmesi amacıyla yapılan betimsel bir çalışmadır. Çalışma grubunu... more
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      AngerProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)Self-EsteemProblem Solving
Para evaluar la experiencia, expresión y control de la ira, Spielberger construyó el Inventario State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. El presente trabajo se propuso evaluar la validez y confiabilidad de las puntuaciones de la versión... more
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      AngerAnger regulationAnger ManagementValidity Research
Hiram Crespo shares his reasonings on Philodemus' scroll On Anger, which provides moral and therapeutic guidance regarding issued of anger and indignation, which are not demoralized or seen as vices but treated with compassion, as natural... more
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      PhilosophySecular HumanismAngerPsychotherapy
The aim of the book is to encourage discussion among experts on De ira, a text of philosophical nature, by reading it page by page, from a philosophical, philological, and literary perspective (a multidisciplinary choice which is the... more
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      EmotionLatin LiteratureAngerEmotional intelligence
This phenomenon has little content in professional literature and on the internet. Domestic bullying occurs when a spouse engages in frequent criticism, threats, insults, emotional manipulation, demeaning language or bouts of anger.
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyPsychiatryPhilosophy
a survey of the earliest sources
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationChristianityHistory
El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas del Driver Expression Inventory (DAX) para su uso en Argentina. Se aplicó la escala a 378 conductores (hombres=50.3%) con edades entre 18 y 77 años de la población... more
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      AngerDriverRoad RageAnger Expression
L’intérêt pour les émotions qui se manifeste depuis deux décennies dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales semble pencher plus souvent vers leur naturalisation ou leur moralisation que vers une attention à leur mise en langage.... more
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      Louis-Ferdinand CélineHenri Michaux (Literature)EmotionsLittérature Française
Résumé. De toutes les émotions, la colère est l’une des plus puissantes. Elle s’accompagne de bien d’autres affects – indignation, culpabilité, amertume, ressentiment, haine, désir de vengeance – dénominateurs communs d’une actualité... more
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      Political SociologyInternational RelationsAngerSociology of Emotion
The experiment was designed to test the relationship between self-reported hostility and the capacity of frontal eye field regulatory control over visual smooth pursuit eye movements. Previous research has demonstrated a relationship... more
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      ViolenceAnger regulationFrontal Eye FieldsAnger Expression
Th e purpose of this study was to investigate the anger and anger expression styles with respect to coping with stress and interpersonal problem-solving. Th e participants were 468 (258 female and 210 male, between 17-30 years old)... more
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      Creative Problem SolvingProblem solving (Education)Coping with StressAnger Expression
Passion propice à la démesure et à l’éclat, nœud d’intensité volontiers opposé au logos, la colère dévoile en réalité nombre de ses caractéristiques lorsqu’on veut la saisir dans la langue et l’interroger en tant que processus de... more
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      AngerPassionsSemiotique des passionsAnger Expression
Genel tanımı ile öfke; ‚bireyin planları, istek ve gereksinimleri engellendiğinde ya da bir haksızlığa uğradığında ve kendi benliğine yönelik bir tehdit algıladığında yaşadığı bir duygu‛dur. Öfke, genellikle suça ve şiddete yönelik... more
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      AngerAnger ManagementAnger TreatmentSelf Awareness and Anger
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality Psychology
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      Creative Problem SolvingStress ManagementInterpersonal RelationshipProblem Solving
The article analyzes the relationship between medieval theories of anger and representations of this emotion through manual and facial gestures. The medieval theory of emotions drew a distinction between two kinds of anger, sinful and... more
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      IconographyAngerMedieval StudiesHistory Of Emotions
This study focused on reviewing trait anger and level of anger expression styles of students who studied at School of Physical Education and Sports of Adnan Menderes University during 2016-2017 academic year in terms of some variables. As... more
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      AngerAnger ManagementSportSports
Itikaf (seclusion in a mosque) is prayer maintained with deep hunger during Ramadan, the month of fasting. Hunger has a positive psychological impact on people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of itikaf on... more
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      RamadanFastingSpritualityAnger Expression
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      European HistorySociologyCriminologyPolitical Sociology
Is anger like energy, forever changing form but never dissipating, or part of our repertoire of desires, the cry of a need unmet? A psychoanalytic consulting room is a crucible for a rich array of emotions. But perhaps none appears more... more
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      Anger ExpressionPsychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan)Viral Nervous NecrosisPsychoterapy and Didactic Analysis
The present study examined if high levels of religious attendance (ORG), private religious activity (NOR), or intrinsic religiosity (SUB) buffer cardiovascular responses to active speech and anger recall lab stressors alone and by John... more
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      ReligionPsychologyAfrican American CultureBlack Psychology
The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the State Anger Subscale of Spielberger using a sample of Turkish undergraduate students aged 18 to 31 years. The scale's reliability and... more
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      AdaptationEmotionsAnger ExpressionState anger
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      SociologySocial PsychologyEmotionGender Studies
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      GeneticsPsychologyPersonality PsychologyPsychiatry
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      AngerPersonalityFamily Caregivers/CarersInformal Caregivers/Carers
The present study explored how anger expression relates to the suicidal tendencies of Filipino adolescents. 1,368 university students participated by responding to the Anger-Expression Type Indicator Test (AETIT) and the Suicide... more
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      SuicideSuicide (Psychology)Anger ExpressionAnger Expression Styles
This study examines language preferences to express anger and happiness among 15 Russian Australians belonging to the 1.5 generation, who acquired Russian as first language (L1) and English as second language (L2), after migration during... more
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      HappinessGeneration 1.5Anger ExpressionEmotionality of Languages
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      Breast CancerPsycho OncologyAnger ExpressionEarly maladaptive schemas
The purpose of this study was to investigate the anger and anger expression styles with respect to coping with stress and interpersonal problem-solving. The participants were 468 (258 female and 210 male, between 17-30 years old)... more
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      Creative Problem SolvingStress ManagementInterpersonal RelationshipProblem Solving
Her name is Mafalda the West and she’s a converted Westfalia van, equipped with a mobile radio studio. She just got to Saint-Anne des Monts, on the Gaspé Peninsula, the first stop of a travelling survey of young people and their social... more
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      Rural SociologyYouth StudiesAngerQualitative methodology
Покрасневшее лицо, дрожащие руки, и речь, переполненная злобой и оскорблениями. Гнев — это свойство личности более экстравертного состава ума, связанное с демонстрацией (внешней экспрессией). Когда мы говорим о гневе, то преимущественно... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthQuality of Mental Health CareGrief (Psychology)Anger regulation
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      Anger regulationAnger Expression
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureCultural StudiesPsychology
We used a social constructionist and feminist framework to examine how young women negotiate gendered rules for anger in their romantic relationships and how such negotiations are associated with women’s power in these relationships. We... more
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      Social PsychologyEmotionGender StudiesSex and Gender
This paper is written on the Gift that the emotion Anger can bring up in one's life to begin to see ... who the anger appears for.
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      EducationSelf and IdentitySociology of EducationTeacher Education