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The perception of Greek movies by the audiences, as well as, the various ways through which, the movies affect the audiences’ consciousness are important factors within film studies. They are, however, significantly understudied,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAudience StudiesAudience and Reception Studies
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      NarrativityAudience ResearchTV Series
The most distinguishing feature of performing arts courses is the culminating presence of an audience. Although direct research about how audiences play a teaching role in performing arts courses and in performing arts in general is... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesEducational TechnologyAudience Studies
As pesquisas definidas como estado da arte ou da questão, entre as várias nomenclaturas utilizadas, não constituem, aparentemente, uma preocupação efetiva entre os pesquisadores da Comunicação. A partir de um entendimento de que esta... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesAudience MeasurementAudience ParticipationAudience Research
In this project, we conducted focus groups with college students at a mid-sized university in order to examine their interpretations of different political advertisements. Our interest emerged from heightened political tensions in the... more
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      Audience ResearchNew Media and Political ActivismPolitical Advertisement
Supplément Musées. D’Lëtzebuerger Land 21 (2016).
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      Museum StudiesVisitor studiesAudience ResearchLuxembourg
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOnline MuseumVisitor studies
Children’s television is an important and heavily researched subject area that has a long and outstanding tradition. However, while there are a lot of academic works on the content of children’s programming and the production aspect, the... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTelevision StudiesFamily studies
The era of multiplatform media and big data provide new opportunities to reconsider data access by media companies. Outlined here is the discussion surrounding data access from media institutional logic and user-centric perspectives in... more
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      User-Generated ContentConvergenceRemediationAudience Research
Radio audiences are today a mix of traditional radio broadcasting audiences and networked publics (boyd, d. [2007]. Why youth (heart) social network sites: The role of networked publics in teenage social life. In D. Buckingha (Ed.),... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaRadio And Sound StudiesDigital Media
ABSTRACT Immigration has become an increasingly significant social phenomenon in Spain. The immigrant population has proven to be a potentially powerful target audience for advertisers. However, media research concerning immigrant... more
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      Media StudiesAdvertisingImmigrationMarket Research
The first decade of the 21st century redefined the traditional ways for audiovisual communication distribution. The digital boom has brought a relevant multimedia transformation, characterized mainly by mergers between traditional and new... more
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      CommunicationAudience StudiesAudience Research
Community of Krakow's cultural institutions The article is a chapter of the report from the research project "Krakow's recipient of culture". The author describes the community that uses 27 Krakow cultural institutions that had taken... more
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      Museum StudiesVisitor studiesAudience ResearchCultural Institutions
Historien om SKAM er ikke bare historien om hvordan en norsk «hemmelig» tenåringsserie erobret verden, men også historien om en ny måte å utvikle tenåringsdrama på – basert på målgruppas interesser og behov.
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      Television StudiesPublic Service BroadcastingTelevision DramaAudience Research
Audiences for blockbuster event-film sequels and adaptations often formulate highly developed expectations, motivations, understandings and opinions well before the films are released. A range of intertextual and paratextual influences... more
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      Media StudiesReception StudiesArtFilm Studies
It is widely considered that technology gave birth and continues to play a vital role in film production around the globe. Technological advancements have shaped film language and the audience experience throughout history. With the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionBrain-computer interfacesAugmented RealityInteractive and Digital Media
This article examines the mutual domestication of users and recommendation algorithms on Netflix. Based on 25 interviews with users and an inductive analysis of their practices and profiles on the platform, we discuss five dynamics... more
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      Latin American StudiesAlgorithmsAudience ResearchDomestication
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      User Experience (UX)Information BehaviorHuman Information InteractionHuman Information Behavior
A review of the collection "The Audience Experience," edited by Jennifer Radbourne, Hilary Glow, and Katya Johanson; published in Theatre Topics 24.1 (2014).
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      Audience StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesAudience MeasurementAudience Research
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
Definition of nine visit segments of the Tate website
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOnline MuseumMuseum
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      Audience StudiesChildren and FamiliesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureAudience and Reception Studies
This article discusses the audience migration between Brazilian television and digital media. Since 2000, Brazilian free-to-air TV audience dropped by 28%. In the same period, Internet access increased 400%, and digital paid TV, more than... more
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      New MediaJournalismAudience and Reception StudiesAudience Research
The Phoenix is one of only a handful of British cinemas to have remained active for the past 100 years. This is the story of Oxford’s oldest continuously operating cinema, as told by its staff and customers. Featuring first-hand... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesReception StudiesFilm Studies
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      Museum StudiesMuseumVisitor studiesMuseums and Exhibition Design
[Classical Music and Social Media: A New Perspective of the Basic Aesthetic Relationship – “Music Creator and Recipient”] With the development of technology, the twenty-first century has brought new research challenges, both for theorists... more
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      New MediaAudience and Reception StudiesSocial MediaMusic Aesthetics
The article asks how local audience studies are re-framed when seen within a globalisation perspective. Based on a overview of recent theories of media globalisation, I argue for a bottom-up perspective on media globalisation in order to... more
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      Audience StudiesGlobal Media StudiesGlobal mediaAudience and Reception Studies
S nástupem nových médií se během poslední půl druhé dekády proměnily praxe mediálních publik – tu takřka nárazově, tu pozvola a nenápadně. Společným jmenovatelem probíhajících změn je přitom jednak zmnožení komunikačních technologií... more
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      New MediaAudience StudiesMass mediaAudience Research
Con el relanzamiento de la TDT en España en 2005 se produce un aumento progresivo del consumo televisivo que alcanza su máximo histórico en 2012 con 246 minutos por persona y día. Las razones podemos buscarlas en factores como la... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesMedia
Il volume analizza la storia della televisione italiana delle origini a partire da una prospettiva sociale. Tramite l’utilizzo sia di dati statistici sugli ascolti televisivi, conservati presso gli archivi RAI, sia di memorie degli... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
This article will examine how a public service broadcaster, specifically the BBC, delivers news content to its audience across multiple media platforms. Rather than looking at how the audience responds to media texts, this article will... more
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      SociologyMedia SociologyMedia StudiesNew Media
Eine Studie im Auftrag des Sie werden Digital Natives genannt, Millennials oder Gen Y – ihre Generation ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie den digitalen Wandel von Kindesbeinen miterlebt haben und die digitale Medientechnologie ebenso... more
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      JournalismAudience StudiesDigital JournalismNewswork
Digital technologies are being introduced in museums and other informal learning environments alongside more traditional interpretive and communication media. An increasing number of studies has proved the potential of digitally mediated... more
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      Information TechnologyDigital HumanitiesUsabilityAssessment
Fragestellungen, Kriterien und Modelle // Angesichts der rasanten Zunahme an digitalen Projekten und Initiativen haben Fragen nach dem Erfolg beim Publikum und somit der Messbarkeit, der Nutzungsintensität und der Learnings massiv an... more
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      Digital MuseumDigital LiteracyDigital MediaAudience Studies
Results of an online survey suggest that heavy binge-watching might be in part socially motivated. Among a sample of US college students, heavy binge-watchers were more likely to be opinion leaders and to experience Fear of Missing Out... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTelevision StudiesDigital Media
First: I am not a museologist. I do have extensive experience in the intercultural sector, as producer, performer, curator and observer. But I am in no way an expert on museums. It is quite possible that many of my reflections about the... more
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      Museums and IdentityIntercultural CompetenceAudience ResearchAudience Development
Media Studies Research Investigation A2: Female representations in fantasy/sci-fi film, focusing on the representations in Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) and The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
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      Media StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
With this book, based on my Ph.D. dissertation defended in 2013, I have tried to answer some questions, no less stimulating today than when I started my research: why are we fascinated by the representations of death? What attracts us to... more
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      SociologyFilm StudiesDigital MediaAudience Studies
Despite the vast amount of data at their disposal, museums struggle to measure the impact and value of their social-media activities due to the lack of standard metrics, consistent tools, and clear guidelines from funders. This paper... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOnline MuseumBalanced Scorecard
La presente ponencia presentará una serie de avances del proyecto de investigación “Escuchar las prácticas” radicado en la Facultad de Ciencia Política y RRII de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, que, desde el campo de estudios de la... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesAudience StudiesRadioAudience Research
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityAudience StudiesGroup Behavior
Datos cuantitativos sobre producción y recaudación y cualitativos sobre calidad y target del mercado del cine de terror en el mundo.
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      Horror FilmHorror CinemaCinema StudiesMedia Research
This empirical study explores the responses of 40 young people to a chamber music concert, considering how their greater experience of popular music listening formed a frame of reference for their responses to live classical music. Using... more
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      Audience StudiesAudience Research
Frederick Douglass spoke to a multiracial public sphere by engaging in "antagonistic cooperation" with white and black abolitionists. He served as an "integrative ancestor" for all those trying to help build a multiracial democracy.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
A large and growing body of literature shows that audience metrics exert a significant influence in many newsrooms around the world. Scholars assume that this might affect the quality of news, but findings on how audience metrics... more
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      JournalismMetricsOnline JournalismQuantification
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      Journalism StudiesAudience Research
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      MusicBrand ManagementFilm StudiesFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
This study examined psychological constructs related to the subjective experience of binge-watching serial video content. The results underscore the centrality of transportation in shaping viewers’ perceptions of the binge-watching... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia StudiesNew Media
Roland Emmerich's disaster blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow appeals to both rational thinking and emotions as it tells its tale of abrupt and catastrophic climate change, turning current perceptions of risk—anticipated catastrophes, as... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionAmerican StudiesCommunication