Recent papers in Bakery
The present study aimed to better understand the metabolite release and rheological characteristics of sponge cake after in vitro digestion and the effect of Eucheuma as a fibre-rich flour replacer. Overall, 22 compounds including amino... more
Metode untuk meningkatkan kualitas roti / produk lain ada beberapa macam. Peningkatan kualitas ini menjadi hal yang wajib dicermati pada masa kini. Sebab persaingan usaha dibidang ini sangatlah ketat serta butuh kerja keras untuk... more
One evening in July, he was sitting in his yard and smoking his pipe, and suddenly he heard some warbling and chirping all around him. He saw a whole band of sparrows dancing in the trees and visiting the nest that had been unoccupied for... more
'Op 't randje van 't Weerter perron...'
If you're looking for an extra-special way to give a gift, consider a custom candy box. Our beautiful gift boxes are perfect for making an impression on any recipient. Plus, we offer free shipping on all of our boxes, so it's easy to give... more
El artículo presenta una breve historia de la panadería tradicional en el Perú destacando en el siglo XX las variantes regionales de pan según sus denominaciones, tamaños, formas, sabores, consistencias y significados van de acuerdo con... more
The ovenpits, subterranean tuffquarries in the Siebengebirge at the Rhine. In the Siebengebirge at the Rhine for over 600 years tuffstone was quarries below ground. The hardened vulcanic ashes proved to be fire-resistant and the stone... more
8th Iberoamerican Academy Conference, São Paulo, Brasil
«Κρατική πολιτική και συγκεντροποίηση του κεφαλαίου (1910-1929): η εργατική νομοθεσία, οι προδιαγραφές υγιεινής και η εξαίρεση της αρτοποιίας», στο Χριστίνα Αγριαντώνη, Λήδα Παπαστεφανάκη και Μαρία-Χριστίνα Χατζηιωάννου (επιμ.), Αγορές... more
co-ed. with Klaus Hench and Georg Hench.
Beihefte zu den Mitteilungen des Stadt- und Stitfsarchivs Aschaffenburg, Vol. 6, 2020.
Beihefte zu den Mitteilungen des Stadt- und Stitfsarchivs Aschaffenburg, Vol. 6, 2020.
Este artigo aborda a relação entre discursos técnicos, construções simbólicas e práticas sociais, problematizando suas fronteiras aparentes e analisando as articulações pelas quais se constituem efetivamente. Esta discussão é mobilizada... more
HALWA is a traditional dish and it is a century-old kind of thing being used in sub-continent of India. Dera Ismail Khan is an old City of Southernmost area of N.W.F.P. D.I.Khan stands on the bank of the mighty Indus. Sohan HALWA is one... more
Yiyecek-içecek sektörü altında hizmet veren fırın ve pastane işletmesi çalışanları örnekleminde gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmanın amacı çalışanlarının örgütsel adalet ve iş performansı algılarının çeşitli demografik değişkenlere göre... more
Membuat roti kualitas tinggi memang membutuhkan skill yang mumpuni, bahan-bahan yang bermutu tinggi, pengetahuan tentang adonan yang luas, serta peralatan yang cukup lengkap. Tetapi, untuk sementara kita sisihkan dulu masalah tersebut.... more
Makanan Pelancar ASI Alami-Telah diketahui bersama bahwa ASI memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting bagi bayi dan tak bisa tergantikan oleh makanan yang lain seperti susu formula. Beberapa manfaat ASI yang sangat penting untuk bayi adalah... more
Bread was the staple of the ancient Mediterranean diet. It was present in the meals of emperors and on the tables of the poorest households. In many instances, a loaf of bread probably constituted an entire meal. As such, bread was both... more
The study shows how communal baking practices were used to establish a sense of community, and to establish and maintain feelings of mutual solidarity during the first half of the nineteenth century in the mill towns of northern England,... more
Best Buttercream Decorating. Would you like to surprise your guests and loved ones with baking creations? This book gives you helpful tips on cake Frosting Decorating and best buttercream decorating recipes you can make at home. Bake like... more
During the 2017 field season, our team cleaned and documented six of the bakeries in Volubilis. The primary goal of this fieldwork was to provide the first detailed study of the interior operations of the city’s commercial bakeries,... more
What the roti-kapada-aur-makhan phrase conveys in India is conveyed by a single word "bread" in many other countries of the world. The word represents all the basic necessities of people. Bread is consumed worldwide in many forms, but... more
Prešporskí pekári patrili k významným mešťanom od stredoveku až po koniec „dlhého“ 19. storočia. Ich mená a adresy boli všeobecne známe, keďže mešťania si od nich denne kupovali čerstvý chlieb a voňavé pečivo. Niektorí pekári išli ešte... more
Mentega atau Margarine adalah makanan berlemak yang mirip mentega baik dalam soal penampakan atau karakter dan formasnyai. Produk itu dibuat bermaksud jadi alternatif dari mentega. Pemahaman margarine yang lebih detil adalah emulsi dari... more
In the middle of XX century with the appearance of modern bakery, the traditional way of bread preparation, which had been characteristic through centuries in Pirot area was abandoned by which the traditional recipes and the basis... more
Manufacturing industries have been pressured to use less power and reduce pollution by the development of power-efficient and pollution-preventing policies from the government. However, quality and cost are of main concern in this agenda.... more
Tim Kerig, [Lemma] Bäckerei (vorindustriell). IGZA Zeittafel Version 0 (Preprint 2018) © Institut für die Geschichte und die Zukunft der Arbeit (IGZA) Bäckerei (vorindustriell) Bäckereien ermöglichen die Produktion von Brot und anderen... more