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This study investigated emotional intelligence as correlates of productivity of librarians in Nigerian public universities. A correlational survey research design was adopted. The study population consisted of 1,254 librarians in public... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEmotional intelligenceLearning and Teaching
The professional ethics of librarians is a constant commitment to making the huge mass of information open and shared, truly usable by all. Now, in the 21st century, the "ethical" reflection of librarians involves as well the social... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledgeLibrarianSocial Responsability
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    • Librarian
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      Children's LiteratureLibrarianLitography
De masterproef voert een prosopografische studie uit naar de dekens van de Brugse librariërsgilde ca. 1450-1500 en sluit aan bij de tentoonstelling Haute Lecture by Colard Mansion. Die gaat indirect over de librariërs en vormt zo een... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryArt HistoryBook History
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a surge of fake news on social media. This dilemma has caused a ripple effect in society with increasing censorship on social media, which threatens the freedom of expression. The populace cannot... more
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      CensorshipSocial MediaLibrarianFake News
Pada tahun 1998, Model Infohio di seluruh negara bagian dalam bidang otomatisasi perpustakaan dan informasi jaringan untuk Ohio K-12 sekolah, mengembangkan DIALOGUE Model INFOhio untuk Literasi Informasi (INFOhio 1998). Serangkaian lebih... more
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      Information ScienceInformation LiteracyLibrarianOhio
Pada era globalisasi informasi menuntut pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi seseorang yang menginginkan serba cepat, instant, tepat, dan efisien tentunya merubah gaya hidup pemustaka. Perubahan gaya pemustaka tersebut menyebabkan perpustakaan... more
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      ReferenceLibrarianLibrary Reference services
The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the... more
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      ReadingLibrarianReaderPublic Library
Adapun laporan analisis ini diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Bibliotherapy dengan dosen pengampu bunda Susanti Agustina, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. Laporan ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi biblioterapis... more
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      PsychologyDepressionLibrary and Information ScienceBibliotherapy
Present scenario of Education Today’s education system has lost it’s luster & relevance because of the western influence. It has succeeded in developing within us a hatred towards our own tradition and culture & in making us look at the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationValues Education
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      Library ScienceInformaticsKnowledge ManagementLibrarian
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Ideal berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani yaitu idea. Secara umum, ideal bisa diartikan sebagai yang terbaik dan paling tepat dari pilihan yang dipilih dari ide-ide yang dipertimbangkan dalam proses berpikir. Ideal berarti bahwa... more
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      LibrarianshipLibrarianIndonesian librarianshipLibrary and Information Sciences
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      Special CollectionsLibrarianshipHistory of librariesLibrarian
This study investigated emotional intelligence as correlates of productivity of librarians in Nigerian public universities. A correlational survey research design was adopted. The study population consisted of 1,254 librarians in public... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEmotional intelligenceLearning and Teaching
The work ’’Reading and the Public Library* is an analysis of the conclusion reached a t by a sociological research accomplished in 1989. The pa tte rn upon which we mode the research consisted of 612 subjects, readers who frequent the... more
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      ReadingLibrarianReaderPublic Library
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      Information ScienceLibrary ScienceAgronomyRural Development
Secara Bahasa, etika berasal dari Bahasa Yunani ethos. Artinya tempat tinggal yang biasa; padang rumput, kandang, kebiasaan, adat; watak; ahlak; perasaan; sikap, cara berpikir (Basuki, 2004). Etika adalah ilmu tentang apa yg baik dan apa... more
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      Library ScienceLibrarianLibrary and Information StudiesPerpustakaan
Pendahuluan. Teknologi informasi memiliki dampak positif dan negatif pada pengguna dan membuat perubahan besar di perpustakaan. Di era digital, orang bebas untuk membuat dan mengakses informasi, membuatnya kelebihan beban. Artikel ini... more
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      LibrarianIndonesian librarianshipPustakawan Era DigitalAdaptasi Kebiasaan Baru
Innovation and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and different library software and its application in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) create changes in entire library management system.... more
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      Library and Information ScienceLibrarianLIS professionLibrary information
Despite the growing literature advocating the significance and importance of emotional intelligence, empirical studies on the topic about Pakistani university librarians are unavailable. Drawing upon this gap, the article reports... more
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      Tourism ManagementOrganizational CommunicationKnowledge ManagementBrand Management
Introduction Marketing of library and information services is essential. Libraries have used marketing channels such as the traditional media: newspapers, corporate newsletters, radio, and TV. Many libraries produce brochures,... more
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      SociologyLibrary ScienceBlogsBlogging
Exploring the world of ‘Stress and Healing ways for coping with it’ is really required for the Library Professionals, today. They have to handle the new advanced technology, old generation of upline management & downline i.e. library... more
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      Library ScienceEducational LeadershipLeadershipAcademic Librarianship
Adapun laporan analisis ini diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Bibliotherapy dengan dosen pengampu bunda Susanti Agustina, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. Selain itu, laporan ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi biblioterapis... more
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      PsychologyLibrary and Information ScienceBibliotherapyLibrarian
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      LibrarianPerpustakaanGus Dur
Descrizione del manoscritto arabo-islamico
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsLibrarianIslamic Codicology
Di Indonesia, profesi perpustakaan dapat dikatakan belum sepenuhnya diterima seperti profesi lainnya. Profesi pustakawan masih sering disamakan seperti tenaga administratif di perpustakaan. Jika kita melihat pengertian pustakawan itu... more
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      Information RetrievalLibrarianDigital EraLibrary
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    • Librarian
Abstrak Film merupakan salah satu media elektronik yang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan penonton atau masyarakat umum pada sesuatu. Hal ini juga berlaku pada bagaimana produser film menampilkan perpustakaan dan pustakawan pada suatu film.... more
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      Library ScienceFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisLibrarianship
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    • Librarian
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of Cartography19th Century (History)Belgian History
Laju teknologi yang pesat, menyebabkan disrupsi dalam berbagai bidang profesi termasuk pustakawan. Teknologi secara fundamental mengubah cara kerja seorang pustakawan, diantara perubahannya adalah interaksi antara pemustaka dan... more
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrarianshipLibrary and Information ScienceLibrarianship
In the paper there is presented the concept of proffesional competences, their categorization and role in the process of human resources management. The development of the competences in librarians' job in the last years was described and... more
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      Human ResourcesLibrarianshipLibrarianLibraries
This paper examine the best spine labeling method and materials, which can be a shortcut technical-knowledge for new librarians.
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrarianshipLibrary and Information ScienceLibrarianship
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      EducationLibrary ScienceAcademic WritingResearch
Kesehatan masyarakat adalah merupakan suatu citacita bangsa yang terkandung dalam UUD 1945 pasal 28 ayat 1. “Setiap orang berhak hidup sejahtera lahir dan batin, bertempat tinggal, dan mendapatkan lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat... more
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      Library ScienceHealth LibrarianshipSocial InclusionLibrarian
Resumen: El secreto profesional es un deber y derecho que tienen los profesionales por mantener la confidencialidad de la información que han recibido de sus usuarios o fuentes. Sin embargo, considerando la importancia de la información... more
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      JournalismLibrarianArchivisticprofessional secrecy
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi demikian cepat berkembang. Hal ini berdampak dalam bidang perpustakaan, baik dalam pengelolaan perpustakaan, layanan maupun perubahan perilaku pemustaka. Perpustakaan dengan berbagai kompleksitasnya,... more
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      Social IdentityAcademic LibrarianshipLibrarianshipTechnological change
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      LibrarianLibrary and Information Professionals
This Omicron B.1.1.529 Infographics Catalog Book is a collection of infographics taken from various online news media such as, Republika.co.id, detik.com, coverage 6, okezone, iNews.id, CNN, Arcadeia digital media, Suara.com, Kompas.com,... more
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      Library ScienceBibliographyLibrarianPerpustakaan
Perpustakaan sebagai Lembaga penyedia informasi dengan menyediakan berbagai layanan yang diselenggarakan yaitu dengan menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi-koleksi berkualitas sebagai bahan atau sumber belajar bagi pemustaka kini mulai... more
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      Library and Information ScienceLibrarianPerpustakaanContent Creation
The most important role of modern academic libraries is providing services to all types of users´ community including disabled persons. In the world there are approximately one billion people in the world live with some form of... more
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      AccessibilityAcademic LibrarianshipLibrary and Information ScienceLibrarianship
El objetivo de este trabajo es crear conciencia sobre la importancia de modernizar las bibliotecas y capacitar al personal a cargo de ellas tecnológicamente. Lo anterior por cuanto la biblioteca es sinónimo de progreso para cualquier... more
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      LibrarianshipLibrarianLibrariesLibrary Management
Saat ini, profesi pustakawan di Indonesia sudah mulai dikenal, berbeda dengan beberapa waktu yang lalu saat pustakawan Indonesia masih sibuk mencari pengakuan. Banyak perguruan tinggi yang membuka program studi Ilmu Perpustakaan dengan... more
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      Library ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceLIS EducationEducation for Library and Information Science
Breve storia della nascita della xilografia in Cina
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