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Nelle realtà vive della scuola italiana ci si interroga sulle vie migliori per superare quella frattura tra scuola e vita, i cui esiti sono leggibili da tempo da una pluralità di segnali, sistemici o esistenziali. Riconciliare la scuola... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationService-LearningItaly
The task of schools, universities and educational institutions should be to support people in their growth by helping them to develop their potential and providing them with a wide range of skills for a successful integration in the... more
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      EducationCritical PedagogyService LearningPaulo Freire
The professional ethics of librarians is a constant commitment to making the huge mass of information open and shared, truly usable by all. Now, in the 21st century, the "ethical" reflection of librarians involves as well the social... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledgeLibrarianSocial Responsability
La Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) es una respuesta del llamado a las Instituciones de Educación Superior a realizar trabajos de extensión ligados a las necesidades de la población con quienes se trabaja, con la... more
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      Community PsychologyYouth Civic EngagementCivic EngagementStudents
The COVID-19 Pandemic has become a major public health concern worldwide, which can impact environmental sustainability and social responsibility, as well as people's quality of life. In this context, environmental awareness, sustainable... more
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      Social SciencesSustainable Production and ConsumptionQuantity SurveyingStructural Equation Modeling
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    • Social Responsability
All technical degrees in the Spanish Higher Educational System include a mandatory Final or Honours project. This is a technical activity which should lead the student to put into practice most of the skills acquired throughout the whole... more
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      Political ScienceSocial ResponsibilitySocial EngineeringSocial Responsability
Los europeos tienen que volver a aprender la libertad como responsabilidad y autosuficiencia, no como dependencia de los EE. UU. Eso es lo mejor para Europa y EE. UU., e incluso para aquellos rusos, iraníes y chinos que buscan liberarse... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsWorld War IICold War International Relations
This chapter of the book aimed to establish the background of the USR (University Social Responsibility), the methodology used was the content analysis, with a qualitative approach, the type of review is descriptive and the document... more
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      Social ResponsabilityUniversity Social Responsibility (USR)
Actas completas descargables del congreso celebrado en Huesca los días 2, 3 y 4 de mayo de 2014. http://www.mastermuseos.es/blog/publicaciones/actas-del-ii-congreso-internacional-de-educacion-y-accesibilidad/
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMuseum EducationSocial Justice in Education
The Economic and Environmental Decline of Atenquique, Mexico, Associated with Socially Irresponsible Corporate Ownership This chapter analyzes the development process of Atenquique, a town now under corporate ownership, showing how... more
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      EconomicsNeoliberalismSocial ResponsabilityResponsabilidad Social
Summary in English (article is in German): In this article the author deals with the concept of responsibility in psychotherapy on the background of a critical-realistic position. In doing so, she understands responsibility as a certain... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingProfessional EthicsGestalt PsychologySocial Responsability
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      Environmental SustainabilitySocial Responsability
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      EthicsSocial ResponsabilityÉthiqueSocial Studies of Finance
Resumo A moda agênero-que não faz distinção entre peças femininas e masculinas-é um fenômeno recente, influenciado por novas pautas identitárias (que desconstroem a ideia das identidades serem binárias, heteronormativas e involuntárias) e... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSocial ResponsabilityFashion
La gamificación es una de las herramientas más poderosas que tienen las grandes, medianas y pequeñas corporaciones, así como los docentes y otros entornos profesionales, para motivar e influir en la actitud de los usuarios con el fin de... more
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      EducationValuesVideo GamesEnvironmental Sustainability
En esta investigación tratamos de contribuir al conocimiento del papel mediador de la prensa, analizando el rol que jugaron los profesionales del periodismo durante la catástrofe del Prestige, desde el punto de vista de su función... more
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      EthicsEnvironmental EducationRisk communicationEnvironmental journalism
Social enterprise is a model of solving various problems through its enterprise elements that are widely applied by the whole world to develop the well-being of the global community. This situation also makes this social enterprise can... more
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      Community DevelopmentSocial JusticeSocial ResponsabilitySocial Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Dalla responsabilità per le conseguenze alla responsabilità come principio. – 3. Responsabilità, futuro e dignità umana.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsContinental Philosophy
The recent pandemic as a widespread social crisis shows the social relevance of resilience, e.g. the capacity of deal with unfavorable events through a flexible approach. Recent studies on resilience underline the ability of the social... more
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      Community ResilienceEmpowermentVulnerabilityPublic Policy - Social Welfare Policy
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheorySociology of Culture
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSocial ResponsabilityResponsabilidad SocialConsumo Consciente
"El objeto de análisis de esta investigación desarrollada en población universitaria de diferentes países y áreas de estudio se centra en la influencia que tendría la educación superior desde la formación académica, en generar un sentido... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyMoral PsychologyCorporate Social Responsibility
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityContractarianismStakeholder TheorySocial Responsability
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      EthicsStakeholdersSocial Responsability
Philip Zimbardo, ideatore del celebre esperimento carcerario di Stanford e perito della difesa nel processo sugli abusi di Abu Grahib, approfondisce il concetto di responsabilità di sistema. Egli accusa il diritto penale di anacronismo... more
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      TortureAgencySocial ResponsabilityDiritti Umani
Microfinance achieves financial inclusion to the poor population stimulating the creation of sources of income and employment. Banco Compartamos, is an institution that has more market share and has more than 20 years providing financial... more
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      MicrofinanceSocial Responsability
La actividad de la empresa y en particular de las cooperativas, constituye un sistema que se caracteriza de manera significativa por interacciones sociales internas y externas y su objetivo social se cumple a través de la relación con... more
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      Social ResponsabilitySocial BalanceCooperativism
The report “Social Responsibility of Citizens” comes out of the need to examine the responsibility of citizens in a broader sense. The report gives an insight in the citizens’ attitudes about their responsibility on the crucial social... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)PhilanthropyCivic EngagementSocial Responsibility
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      Public HealthMortalityItalySocial Responsability
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito elucidar la postura de Aristóteles con respecto a la responsabilidad moral basándonos en el contenido de su libro Ética a Nicómaco. A pesar de que no encontramos una teoría explícita al respecto,... more
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      EthicsDeliberationFilosofíaSocial Responsability
In Peru, a recent legislative reform obliges all universities to implement social responsibility initiatives. Thus, law schools have promoted clinical legal education. This process has been drastically disparate, due to differences in... more
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      EducationSocial ResponsabilityEducación Universitaria Y Responsabilidad Social
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial ResponsabilityResponsabilidad Social
This study aims to measure the perception of owners/managers of small and medium–sized enterprises (SMEs) towards corporate social responsibility (CSR). It also seeks to examine whether ownership type causes any difference in the CSR... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySMEOwnershipSocial Responsability
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      EthicsStakeholdersSocial Responsability
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      Medical AnthropologyChildhood studiesSocial Responsability
"ABSTRACT The aim of this essay is to introduce the concept of Social Responsibility and to know the context where it appeared and where now is developing. The most important ideas of the text are the definition of Social... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMoral PsychologyEvolution of MoralitySocial Cognition
1960’lı yıllarda kurumsallaşan sosyal devlet olgusu, 70’lerle birlikte sosyal devlet anlayışının sorgulanması ve 1980’lerden itibaren neoliberal politikaların yaşama geçmesiyle birlikte çözülmeye başlamıştır. Bu süreç sonucunda devletin... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityNeoliberalismSocial ResponsabilitySustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Article for "ITSTIME– Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues & Managing Emergencies", the webjournal of the research center of Department of Sociology of the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan: September 4, 2020. In June... more
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      JournalismPhotographyDigital JournalismPopular/Folk Catholicism
This paper aims to show how the Green Campus Program has been implemented at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of A Coruña (Spain). It describes the criteria used to create teaching sustainability actions related to community... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyTeaching and LearningHigher Education
The increasingly worldwide press restrictions by intolerant regimes —including those called " democratic " — are forcing journalist to use social media as new report trenches, but using prudently semantic writing strategies to evade... more
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      Social MediaSocial ResponsabilityJournalism And Mass communicationNews Reporting
Purpose – The authors want to study the connection between institutional theory and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the set of hotels with three, four and five star situated in Galicia (Spain) and in the Northern region of... more
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      ManagementTourism StudiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityHuman Resource Management
Freedom implies the absence of constraints; responsibility implies the assumption of limitations. In this context, education has a very important role, having the task of balancing the disadvantages of freedom with the advantages of... more
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      ReligionAcademic FreedomReligious EducationValues Education
Responsabilidad y compromiso social en bibliotecas, centros de documentación y archivos
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      Public LibrariesSocial ResponsabilityBibliotecas públicasResponsabilidad Social
ABSTRACT The increase of studies arising from neuroscience, based on the technological developments that permit the investigation of cerebral patterns through neuro-imaging, has created a new area of study involving all those fields of... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyMoral PsychologyEmpathy (Psychology)
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      Community DevelopmentPolitical ScienceSocial JusticeSocial Responsability
Resumo Neste trabalho são analisadas, qualitativamente, as percepções de 28 professores universitários da Faculdade de Educação Física em relação às funções da educação física, aprofundando-se na função da transformação das desigualdades... more
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      Physical EducationEducaciónSocial Responsability
Editoriale Annalisa Caputo «Un segno intelleggibile, / che può dar senso al tutto». Franare e rilucere del linguaggio sulla responsabilità ai tempi del Corona virus Licenziare un numero su Responsabilità e giudizio, mentre si moltiplicano... more
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      PhilosophySocial ResponsabilityCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
La Arendt è convinta che a differenza della natura, la storia sia piena di eventi e che questa frequenza abbia la La Arendt è convinta che a differenza della natura, la storia sia piena di eventi e che questa frequenza abbia la sua unica... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical ScienceHannah Arendt
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      Disaster StudiesResilienceDisaster risk managementSocial Responsability