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Afro-European/ Afro-Peninsular Literature
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      Second generation identityBenin studiesAfro Europa
Of all the West African societies, the Kingdom of Benin is the one most mentioned in contemporary European literature. Since the end of the 15th century, a great deal of material about Benin has been supplied by sailors, traders, etc.,... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryAfrican StudiesHistorical Anthropology
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      African StudiesBenin studiesAfrican ArtArt of Benin
Before the Portuguese arrived in the Niger Delta in the 1480s, Benin was a fledgling empire that had some influence in the Western Niger Delta. In the course of the four centuries in which the European trade with Africa blossomed,... more
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      Atlantic WorldHistory of the Portuguese EmpireBenin studiesNiger Delta Studies
A presente tese analisa os africanos que se declararam pertencentes a identidade étnica courá em Minas Gerais entre 1715 e 1760. Para esse fim, estuda-se a inserção social desses indivíduos a partir de Vila Rica de Ouro Preto e Vila do... more
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      African StudiesLatin American StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican History
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
The article deals with the most shadowy (though very significant) episode of the Benin Kingdom’s history. Scanty and unreliable sources still seem to give some reasons to suppose that the interregnum between two originally Ife dynasties... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesPolitical AnthropologyAfrican History
A detailed analysis of Bini and Yoruba versions of the oral tradition, as well as of other sources has let to infer that the legendary founder of Benin Second (Oba) Dynasty, the Yoruba Prince Oranmiyan could be a historical figure and his... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesPower SystemsPolitical Anthropology
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryHistory of West Africa
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesPolitical AnthropologyAfrican History
Ancient African civilizations span the course of several millennia, in time, and a large expanse of lands stretching from the Nile Valley a c ross the cursed Sahara to the forest states of West Africa, in space. Many states and kingdoms... more
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      MythologyBenin studiesIgbo studies
Until quite recently, cultural evolution has commonly been regarded as the permanent teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy, crowned by state formation. However, recent research, particularly those based upon the principle of... more
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      Social TheoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
Les objets du royaume du Benin en ivoire, corail, laiton, bois et autres matériaux, présents dans des musées partout dans le monde, ont été pour la plupart pillés par les forces navales britanniques en... more
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      British Imperial & Commonwelath History - 19th & 20th centuryBenin studiesMuseum Collection history
В монографии на максимально широкой и многообразной источниковой базе, с привлечением большого массива отечественной и зарубежной (в том числе африканской) научной литературы реконструирован ход политической истории Бенина и прослежен... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
The Vision of His Royal Majesty King Ewuare II, which is Centered on cultural renaissance i.e. focuses on tourism and the production of Arts and crafts along the establishment of the Benin Royal Academy for performing Arts!
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    • Benin studies
Over the past twenty years in Benin, Christian Evangelical and Pentecostal movements, while still in minority, have grown stronger and more visible. This article takes the angle of religious pluralization to view and understand the... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionAfrican Studies
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
A story of the author's visit of Erediauwa, the Oba (King) of Benin in 2005.
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      NigeriaBenin studiesBeninBenin Kingdom
There is no need to go into details on the history of the former Kingdom of Benin (now a part of Nigeria) because it is well known to scholars (for its bibliography see, e.g. Fayioshe & Omobogie 1996). Therefore, a short abstract may... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesHistorical AnthropologyTravel Writing
This paper presents the result of an investigation into the provenance of the ethnonym Ijẹbu, which was carried out with intent to gain insight into the history of the Ijẹbu people. The Ijẹbu are a major branch of the Yoruba tribe of... more
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      SociolinguisticsBenin studiesNigerian HistoriographyPre-colonial Ijebu History
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      African StudiesAnthropologyIdeology (Anthropology)Legitimacy and Authority
The paper provides an anthropological analysis of the socio-political system of the Kingdom of Benin during the longest and most important period of her history: from coming to power of the ruling up to now Second (Oba) dynasty presumably... more
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      Social TheoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
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      African StudiesAnthropologyCommunity HistoryPolitical Anthropology
The article provides an anthropological analysis of the socio-political system of the Benin Kingdom from coming to power of the Oba dynasty presumably in the 13th century till the British conquest in 1897. The course of this system... more
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      Social TheoryAfrican StudiesHistorical AnthropologyHistorical Sociology
"The advent to power of the Second (Oba) dynasty in the early 13th century signified considerable increase of centripetal tendencies in the Benin society. However, the centuries of its rule did not result in the socio-political... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyCommunity History
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      ColonialismHistory of CollectionsBenin studiesProvenance research
The tremendous impact of the small screen (television) as a vibrant medium of mass communication cannot be underestimated. More so, a well-packaged product such as docu-soap, soap opera or even a serial that is put together to edutain or... more
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      Cultural TourismAudienceBenin studiesSmall Screen
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      African StudiesAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyUrbanism (Archaeology)
В монографии выявляется и описывается социоантропологическая модель функционирования древнебенинского общества, раскрывается механизм соотнесения, взаиморегуляции и взаимопроникновения миров социальной и мифологической реальности.... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyCommunity History
The history of the former Kingdom of Benin is a fascinating subject which aroused the interest of many scholars during more than one hundred years. However, today, when Africa unfortunately attracts much less public and professional... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
"Until recently, cultural evolution has commonly been regarded as a permanent teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy, crowned with state formation. However, recent research based upon the principle of heterarchy – ‘... the... more
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      Social TheoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyCommunity History
Kaba's rebellion (1916-1917) in Benin's political imagery. -- A national tradition, mainly created after 1972 in Benin and made up of "little traditions", is "redivided". Interpretations of history and images of identities take on... more
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      African StudiesEthnobotanySocial and Cultural AnthropologyWest Africa
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      African StudiesIntercultural CommunicationAfrican HistoryAfrica
Dossier Pour une identité sud-atlantique : le patrimoine culturel dans la coopération bénino-brésilienne Curating a South Atlantic identity: cultural heritage in Brazil-Benin cooperation La preservación de una identidad del Atlántico sur:... more
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      Brazilian StudiesWest AfricaBrazilBenin studies
ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: [Socio-cultural proximate analysis: Benin Republic] - The process of democratic renewal that began in Benin in 1989 is considered a model for all of Africa The sovereign national conference (February... more
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      West AfricaBenin studiesSociocultural AnthropologySub-Saharan Africa
This article explores the socialisation of the experience of grief in Southern Benin. Drawing on field research conducted in Southern Benin since the beginning of the 2000s and mobilising interviews and participant observations with... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyDeath
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      African HistoryWest AfricaGhanaNigeria
Of all the West African societies, the Kingdom of Benin is the one most mentioned in contemporary European literature. Since the end of the 15th century, a great deal of material about Benin has been supplied by sailors, traders, etc.,... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyCommunity HistoryHistorical Sociology
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      Cultural HistoryAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrican Women's Studies
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawBenin studiesSub-Saharan Africa
Intersectionalities/Interconnections/Liminalities CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE 33rd ANNUAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE IN THE HUMANITIES The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the College of Arts and Humanities, and the... more
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      German StudiesLatin American StudiesAmerican StudiesPortuguese and Brazilian Literature
Soil degradation is one of the most serious ecological and environmental problems in south of Benin. Understanding farmers’ perceptions of soil degradation and its causes is important in promoting soil and water conservation practices.... more
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      Benin studiesLocal Knowledge and Farmers PerceptionsSoil DegradationWatershed
This study examines the impact of the implementation of the Common External Tariff (TECUEMOA) on agricultural trade and agricultural imports on local agricultural production in Benin using time series data for the period 1970 -2016.... more
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      Benin studiesAgricultural ProductionRegional Economic Integration in AfricaTimes Series, Statistics
Colloque 12 juin 2019, 9h-19h, Sorbonne, Amphi Durkheim, Repatriation strikes back. Sujet récurrent depuis une trentaine d’année, la question de la restitution des objets volés ou spoliés est de retour, dans un contexte politique a... more
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      African StudiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Benin and Togo have much in common: both countries are former French colonies; throughout the 20th century, both have achieved a comparable level of economic development; both are characterized by a postcolonial history marked by coups... more
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      African StudiesComparative PoliticsDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
Soil degradation is one of the most serious ecological and environmental problems in south of Benin. Understanding farmers’ perceptions of soil degradation and its causes is important in promoting soil and water conservation practices.... more
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      GeographyBenin studiesLocal Knowledge and Farmers PerceptionsSoil Degradation
There are traditions of long-standing relationships between the Ijebu and Bini peoples in prehistoric times, but these traditions are vague and lacking in detail. The Ijebu are a sub-group of the Yoruba tribe of South-western Nigeria,... more
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      Benin studiesBenin KingdomPre-colonial Ijebu Historytraditional festivals
No comprehensive appraisal of the precolonial nature of plant use by the Binis (Edos) of the famed Benin Kingdom is available. Using the recent catalogue of botanical and ethnobotanical narratives and commentaries, extracts from the 1937... more
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      EthnobotanyBenin studiesFolk taxonomyBotany of Useful Plants
Soil degradation is a serious problem for people living in watersheds of Benin. This degradation is mainly due to poor farming practices and because of this poor management annual maize production reduced critically. This study was aimed... more
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      Benin studiesSoil Survey and Land EvaluationSoil DegradationWatershed