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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
An exploration of the Catholic Church's teachings on Just War and Abortion.
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      Just War TheoryCatechism of the Catholic ChurchAbortion Theory
Uwagi wstępne Tytuł zapowiada więcej, niż poniższe uwagi zawierają. Zaproponowany przez redaktora naczelnego "Przeglądu Filozoficznego" został przez autora przyjęty jako wezwanie. Z tematem zmagam się od lat, więc go podjąłem, wcale nie... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentDoctrine of GodTradition
Se il sesto comandamento si concentra sugli atti lussuriori, il nono mette in guardia contro la concupiscenza della carne, che si manifesta in pensieri e desideri impuri: richiede cioè di incanalare correttamente le pulsioni... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingPastoral and catechismCatechism of the Catholic Church
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      Urban GeographyEastern European StudiesOttoman HistoryEastern Europe
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
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      TheologyDogmatic theologyFilosophyDefinitions
Anand Amaladass, "The Writing Catechism and Translation Strategies of Three Jesuits in South India: Henrique Henriques, Roberto de Nobili and Joseph Beschi", in "Translating Catechisms, Translating Cultures: The Expansion of Catholicism... more
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      ChristianityTheologyHistory of ChristianityMissionary History
While the author cannot speak for churches of Christ, common among them are unique ways of understanding holy scripture, believed to have been written by apostles and prophets of the Lord before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.) and... more
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      MarketingCanon LawPhilosophyCommunication
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
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      FaithFundamental theologyCatechism of the Catholic Church
Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego w perspektywie biblijnej, w: Katechizm w służbie katechezy, red. A. Kiciński, Lublin 2013, s. 35-57 The Catechism of the Catholic Church in the Biblical Perspective, in: Catechism on duty of Catechesis,... more
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      CatecheticsBibleCatechism of the Catholic Church
The article aims to address the question of whether the catechism is still a valid missionary tool. The question had already emerged with the various catechetical renewals preceding Vatican II. A biblical-liturgical catechism was... more
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      Catechism of the Catholic ChurchCatechism
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      TheologyUkrainian StudiesGreek-Catholic ChurchesUkraine
This article examines Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s grounding of the New Evangelization in the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, especially in light of critiques that view the Catechism as a reversal of... more
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      CatecheticsSecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIRessourcement Theology
To the sacred dead. Florentius made this monument to his worthy son Appronianus, who lived one year, nine months, and five days. Since he was dearly loved by his grandmother, and she saw that he was going to die, she asked from the church... more
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      HistoryTheologyBaptist TheologyMonastic Studies
The year of Faith, announced by Benedict XVI, is an excellent time for a new reception of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. According to Benedict XVI, the Catechism presents the content of faith «that is professed, celebrated, lived... more
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      TrinityCreeds and ConfessionsCatechism of the Catholic Church
This dissertation examines themes of good and evil in Tolkien’s mythos through its god, Ilúvatar, and its moral agents, ranging from the Valar and Maiar down to the elven, human, dwarven and hobbit characters, focusing on the subject... more
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      English LiteratureTheologyVirtue EthicsJ. R. R. Tolkien
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      TraditionGospelJohn Paul IICatechism of the Catholic Church
Because one is made spiritually alive from the dead, baptism into Christ can accurately be described as a spiritual revolution of the heart.
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      HistoryCognitive Behavioral TherapyMusicPhilosophy
How did the need for a plural presentation of the Christian message in catechetical practice arise and how did it develop? In summary form it can be summarized as follows: the strong reaffirmation of the unity of Christian doctrine made... more
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      CatecheticsInculturationCatechism of the Catholic Church
This elaboration has been describing the development of Mariology since the Catholic Catechism Of Trident until the Catechism Of The Catholic Church, in the aspect of the Eve-Mary antithesis. The time between the two Catechisms – since... more
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      Book of GenesisSecond Vatican CouncilMariologyGenesis 1-11
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      Review articleCatechism of the Catholic Church
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
o r d i a U n i v e r s i t y , 7 1 4 1 S h e r b r o o k W e s t A D 1 0 3. 8 , M o n t r e a l. Q u e b e c. C a n a d a. Abstract Pope John Paul II encouraged people to make good use of the means of social communications to sustain... more
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      Media effectsMass-Media EthicsSecularizationGreek-Catholic Churches
Du début du XXe siècle à la fin du XXe siècle, la présentation du péché s'est nettement transformée au sein du catholicisme et du protestantisme français. La reformulation du rapport à Dieu s'y manifeste nettement, ainsi que le recul de... more
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      20th century FranceSocial NormsCatecheticsFrench Protestantism
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      LinguisticsText LinguisticsOld PrussiansCatechism of the Catholic Church
A pioneer of the French School of Spirituality, St. John Eudes has never been categorized as a moral theologian. Yet, section 3 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which explains the moral life in Christ, begins with a long quote... more
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      Moral TheologyCatholic Moral TheologyFundamental Moral TheologyCatechism of the Catholic Church
Chapitre 7 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCatholic ReformHistory of SculpturePopular Arts
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines the Sacrament of Matrimony as a "matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life … ordered toward the good of the spouses and... more
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      Catholic TheologyMarriage and FamilyTheology of the BodyCatechism of the Catholic Church
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      Catechism of the Catholic ChurchMillenialismCtechisme of the Catholic Church does not believe in Christ's Kingdom on earthChrist's Kingdom on earth
«Joseph Ratzinger y la catequesis», J. SESÉ – R. PELLITERO (ed.), La transmisión de la fe en la sociedad contemporánea, Eunsa, Pamplona 2008, 237-251.
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      CatecheticsTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerPastoral and catechism
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
First published in 2008 for the US Bishops' "Year of the Word," this brief piece offers an overview of biblical basics for catechists and Sunday school teachers.
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesCatholic Social TeachingYouth Ministry
This paper reviews the historical development of the Roman Catechism, analyzing portions of its text according to Paul Ricoeur’s interpretative theory. It then demonstrates how the catechism conveys an ideology in which the church’s... more
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      Pastoral and catechismCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic ChurchHeidelberg Catechism
This paper is taken from the last chapter of “The De-Judaization of the Image of Jesus of Nazareth (the Virgin Mary) at the Time of the Holocaust: Ensoulment and the Human Ovum” by Thomas Blüger (Xlibris 2021) Introduction Reviews two... more
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      Holocaust and Genocide StudiesVirgin MaryJoseph RatzingerAdolf Hitler
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      CatecheticsCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic Church
Two weeks ago, in a post entitled “The West Needs Clarity, not Confusion About Islam,” I commented on Catholic writer William Kilpatrick’s article “Pope Francis Doesn’t Understand Islam,” which he had posted in Crisis Magazine on 25... more
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      Muslim-Christian RelationsCatechism of the Catholic ChurchPope Francis and Islam
Der Artikel bietet eine Darstellung der auf den polnischen Gebieten in der Zeit der nachtridentinischen Reform entstandenen Katechismen an. Durch die Reformatoren erfunden, wurde diese Art der Evangelisierung von den Katholiken, besonders... more
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      History of EducationHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthJesuit educationCatechism of the Catholic Church
Tutto è connesso. Appello a sintonizzarsi con il Creatore. Breve sussidio tratto dalla rivista "IL GABBIANO" del Centro Oratori della Diocesi di Brescia, sul tema della lettera enciclica Laudato si' di papa Francesco. Destinatati:... more
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      EducationSustainable DevelopmentEcologyPastoral Theology
It is essential to examine how the catechetical reforms of Vatican II are being implemented at the secondary level through an analysis of the requirements of the National Directory for Catechesis, the development, methodology, uses, and... more
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      Religious EducationSecond Vatican CouncilCatholicismHigh School
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      ChristianityEvolutionary BiologyEthologyEvolutionary Psychology
The following is the text of a lecture I gave at a conference entitled, "Hope and Death: Christian Responses" at Ave Maria University on February 13, 2021. After treating the substantial tradition regarding limbo and the hope we have for... more
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      PatristicsCatholic TheologyBaptismCatholic Church
a chronological listing
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Este texto aborda a formação de catequistas, tendo como referência a catequese de iniciação cristã e as implicações para os agentes de pastoral.
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      Catechism of the Catholic ChurchCatechism
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      ChristianityGender StudiesEthicsTheology
In his proposal, which appears in the current Instrumentum Laboris for the 2015 Ordinary Synod, articles 120 and following, Cardinal Walter Kasper recommends a new pastoral discipline for the Church in which bishops would decide on a... more
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      Pastoral TheologyJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaCatholic theology of marriageWalter Kasper
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      Pastoral and catechismCatechesisCatechism of the Catholic ChurchFamily catechesis