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      HistoryHistory of Ottoman ScienceCholera Epidemicsalgın hastalıklar
Objective of this thesis is find out how much of Roman Catholics in selected parishes of Kosice bishopric died of cholera in 1831 in terms of Church registers. Secondary objecitve this thesis was bring cholera medically, what its history... more
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      Cholera EpidemicYear 1831
Orlin Sabev, The Dance of Cholera, Sofia: Avangard Prima, 2021, 380 pages, 27 coloured illustrations, ISBN 978-619-239-574-2 (in Bulgarian) The book deals with the outbreak of the great cholera epidemic in Constantinople in 1865 and... more
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      Ottoman StudiesCholera Epidemic
ABSTRACT Thanks to a pluridisciplinary approach, this paper explores the origins of the Kura-Araxes Culture through the prism of Medicine. It demonstrates that if Plague (Yersinia Pestis) was expanding between the Caucasus and the... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceIndo-European StudiesNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
This article explores the forms of housing and living of the subalternclasses in the French urban context of the early 19th century affected by the social consequences of the Industrial Revolution. It focuses on the social representations... more
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      The Industrial RevolutionHousing StudiesPauperismCholera Epidemic
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      Ottoman HistoryTarsusCholera Epidemic
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      BiałystokCholera EpidemicRosja XIX w.krzyże przydrożne
Na začiatku 30. rokov 19. storočia zasiahla Uhorsko epidémia cholery. Pôvodnou oblasťou jej výskytu bola India, kde v pravidelných cykloch hubila miestne obyvateľstvo. V roku 1824 vôbec prvýkrát prenikla do Ruska. Trvalo niekoľko rokov,... more
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      History of HungaryVibrio choleraeGlobal EpidemicsHistory of Epidemics
The paper provides a chronological timeline of the cholera epidemics in Bulgaria and the Balkans from the 1820s through the 1920s. In the course of a century these territories were eight times heavily struck by the so-called “blue death”... more
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      Balkan HistoryCholeraCholera Epidemic
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      Capital PunishmentSuperstitions and Superstitious BeliefResurrectionLuxembourg
19. yüzyıla kadar kitlesel ölümlere sebep olan salgın hastalıkların başında, veba ve kolera gelmekteydi. Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Osmanlı Devleti de bu hastalıklardan çeşitli dönemlerde büyük ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Osmanlı’da karantina... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHadisVibrio choleraeQuarantine
A Habsburg Birodalom határán jelentkező kór és a magyarországi intézkedések szinte azonos időben megkezdődtek. 1830 novemberétől 1831 júniusáig Magyarország részéről elsősorban preventív intézkedésekről beszélhetünk, még akkor is, ha az... more
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      KoleraCholera EpidemicYear 1831helytartótanács
1892-1895 yılları arasında bütün dünyayı sarsan Kolera salgını, 1894 yılında Sivas’ı etkisi altına aldı. Kısa zamanda ciddi boyutta can kaybına yol açmasına karşın salgın çok uzun sürmedi ve yaklaşık 45 gün içinde şiddetini yitirdi. Ülke... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of MedicineOttoman EmpireOttoman History Of Medicine
Dal Giornale di Arona del 4 dicembre 2020, rubrica "Alla (ri)scoperta di Arona".
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      Nurse EducationArchitetturaBenefactorsItalian Risorgimento
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      Movimientos socialesUrbanismoSeguridad E HigieneCholera Epidemic
En esta breve reseña se presentan datos novedosos que permiten una visión del efecto de la epidemia del cólera en la población matancera dieciochesca. Para ello, se extrajeron datos de la historiografía nacional e internacional, nutridos... more
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      Cholera EpidemicMatanzasEpidemia de cóleraHistoria de Matanzas
In the second half of the 19th century various quarters of Poznań differed in terms of infrastructure, including access to clean water. This paper aims to analyse whether these spatial and social inequalities related to the quarter of... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHistorical DemographyInfrastructureVibrio cholerae
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      HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of PlagueMichel Foucault
Die Frage, ob bzw. inwiefern das Aufkommen von Eisenbahnen die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung einer Region prägte, wurde bereits im 19. Jahrhundert gestellt und erfährt bis dato wissenschaftliche Bearbeitungen, wobei meist ein „Boom“ gesucht... more
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      Economic HistoryDemographyStatistics19th Century (History)
The cholera epidemic, which entered the Ottoman geography with Russian pilgrims, was seen in July 1910 in Erzurum, and then spread to the surrounding cities, especially to harbor cities. Despite the inadequate health infrastructure, local... more
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      Middle East StudiesHistory of Public HealthEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireOttoman medicine, urban public health, food distribution
Recent research has explored the distributive consequences of major historical epidemics, and the current crisis triggered by Covid-19 prompts us to look at the past for insights about how pandemics can affect inequalities in income,... more
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      Economic HistoryPovertyBlack DeathIncome inequality
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      HistoriographySocial HistoryCholera Epidemic
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPublic HealthInfectious Disease
Az első kolerajárvány elleni védekezés szervezeti hátterét központilag a Magyar Királyi Helytartótanács adta, a gyakorlati megvalósítás azonban leginkább a vármegyei tevékenységen alapult. Ez azonban közel sem kiforrott, jól működő... more
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      CholeraKoleraCholera Epidemicjárványok
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkansBalkanlarNewspaper
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      History of MedicinePlagueCholera EpidemicHistory of Luxembourg
A cólera transmite-se pela água e alimentos contaminados. Provoca diarreia, desidratação, febres altas, vómitos, dores abdominais, seguidos de queda de temperatura corporal e morte. A sua origem encontra-se na Índia, de onde se propagou... more
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      HistoryVibrio choleraeHistory of EpidemicsSeguridad E Higiene
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      Military HistoryCzech History19th Century (History)Local and regional history
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      CholeraKoleraCholera EpidemicХолера