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The contemporary business environment can be particularly challenging for boards and business leaders seeking to think and act strategically, and also embrace social and environmental responsibilities and the concerns of a wider range of... more
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      LeadershipCorporate GovernanceSustainable DevelopmentStrategic Management
L'articolo analizza la relazione tra pratiche sociali e politiche pubbliche a Barcellona. L'articolo concentra l'analisi nell'ambito socio-spaziale della gestione di spazi pubblici, come Centri Civici e vuoti urbani sostenendo che le... more
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      CommonsUrban PlanningPublic SpaceUrban Governance
Due to the current business and workplace complexities caused by the pandemic and diverse competition in the marketplace, organizations today are faced with many challenges more so in developing concerted shared values to get the most out... more
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      Collaborative GovernanceCollaborative leadershipCollaborative Leadership As a Complex Adaptive SystemCollaborative Leadership Values Beliefs and Experience
Studies on dynamics of power relationship play a significant role in the collaborative governance literature because many issues and challenges in collaborative governance can be linked to power asymmetry in collaboration. This article... more
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      Collaborative GovernanceContingencyPower Sharing
Outsourcing has become a regular management tool and the most distinguished feature of public and private management since late 20th century. Outsourcing changed the nature of management, which is now a kind of social activity rather than... more
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    • Collaborative Governance
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      E-GovernmentOpen GovernmentCollaborative GovernanceCoproduction
We looked at the governance aspects of the Second National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN-2). The Bangladesh government is taking steps for reviewing progress with NPAN2 and we hope that the mechanisms for collaborative governance is... more
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      NutritionGovernanceNew Public Management and GovernanceCollaborative Governance
Agriculture, environment, industry, and millions of households in the western US and northern Mexico depend on the Colorado River, which is facing increasing water shortages due to climate change and rising demand. Collaborative... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceSustainable Water Resources ManagementGlobal Environmental Change
This Second Chance Act evaluation report was supported by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The evaluation report summarizes the results of the process evaluation... more
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      Criminal JusticePublic ManagementGovernanceSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
An increasing number of cities are engaging with the sharing economy, exploring how it may be integrated into the urban agenda, fostering its positive aspects whilst avoiding its negative externalities. The paper focuses on two cities,... more
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      Urban GovernanceCollaborative GovernanceSocial InnovationSmart City
As a form of collaborative governance, government procurement of public services from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has become a major channel for public service delivery. Different from the relative mature practices of public... more
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      ProcurementChinaCollaborative GovernancePublic Services
This article presents a study of state-society relations in the context of urban arts and cultural space. Focusing on the suburban Manila town of Angono, Philippines, the article examines how the emergence of place-based cultural activity... more
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      Cultural PolicyUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban Development
ABSTRACT The study evaluated strategies of collaborative governance in place in Oyo state. It also assessed the effect of collaborative governance on service delivery in the study area; and examined the challenges of collaborative... more
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    • Collaborative Governance
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, agreed to launch a process to develop a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The conference did not specifically add detail to the... more
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      Development StudiesGovernmentSustainable DevelopmentGovernance
The transformation of local state institutions by way of the paradigm of the common-the creation of commons-state institutions-has become one of the strategies of new municipalist practices. It is an attempt to overcome two crises: the... more
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      Urban managementCommonsDemocratizationUrban Studies
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance
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      Performance ManagementNew Public Management and GovernanceCollaborative Governance
PROJECT BACKGROUND Over the years, the people of Manaʻe (East Molokaʻi) have witnessed a notable decline in the health of their watershed. A significant part of this declining health is the degradation of the mauka (mountain) native... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHistoric PreservationOral historyTraditional Ecological Knowledge
Studies show that collaborative governance, the idea that organizations must work together to address community problems, has been growing in popularity. Research indicates that many community problems are too complex to be handled by... more
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      Domestic ViolenceCase Study ResearchCollaborationViolence Against Women
Network governance has moved from being an analytical approach to an institutionalized way of managing public problems. This has given rise to a meta-governance stance in which collaboration by design is sought by governing authorities.... more
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For over half a century, industrial agricultural and food systems have developed to the detriment of rural spaces. Alongside modernization and growth, many local communities have experienced not only economic loss, but a loss of purpose... more
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      Political EconomyFood SystemsPolitical ScienceLocal and regional food systems
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      Disaster ManagementCollaborative Governance
Collaborative governance (CG) brings together representatives of all sectors for the purpose of reaching consensus-oriented decision making. We explore the reliance on local CG in minority society. As the closest tier of government to... more
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesIsrael/PalestineMinority Studies
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      ClimatologyAustraliaEnvironmental SustainabilityCollaborative Governance
In Jatinangor Subdistrict there is a weekly market called Unpad Market (Paun), but now the name has been changed to the Jatinangor Community-Associated Weekly Market. The existence of this market brings more complex problems, the problems... more
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    • Collaborative Governance
The paper offer a first reflection about the governance models applied in two cities that are trying to support the sharing economy in reply to common urban problems like urbanization, pollution, social inequality, isolation. Thanks to... more
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      GovernanceCollaborative GovernanceCitiesSmart City
El contexto que enmarca el presente ensayo, tiene como finalidad modelar el proceso de construcción de una política pública nacional para el desarrollo de las zonas metropolitanas, utilizando el enfoque teórico propuesto por John Kingdon... more
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      Collaborative GovernanceMetropolitan GovernancePublic Administration and Policy
The advent of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals has refocused global attention on the roles of business and other nonstate actors in achieving global goals. Often, business involvement takes the form of collaborations with the more... more
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      BusinessDevelopment StudiesSustainable DevelopmentGovernance
Collaborative governance arrangements have been touted as a useful tool in a world of multiple actors and dynamic public policy. However, they are also cumbersome, costly, difficult to manage, and may be problematic from the democratic... more
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      Public AdministrationValuesCollaborationGovernance
Researchers and policy-makers interested in assessing public communication to better inform the decision-making process are increasingly utilizing data harvested from social media. Twitter is one of the largest online sources of... more
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      Public OpinionDecision MakingRenewable EnergyTime Series
On April 12, 2012, the Canadian Conservative government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a decision to cancel its agreement with the province of Manitoba for the immigrant settlement programs. The decision came as Canada... more
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      MulticulturalismDeliberative DemocracyCitizenship TheoryCollaborative Governance
This round table discussion was conducted by Wu Jiannan, Tang Yalin, Wang Dianli, Chen Jianjun, Chen Xian, Suo Liming, and Ran Bing. Since China’s reform and opening up, regional competition has played an important role in stimulating... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningCollaborative Governance
Government institutions in Ghana have initiated the use of information technologies to accomplish their objectives. Among these institutions is the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), the local government institution that introduced the... more
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      E-GovernmentCollaborative GovernancePublic-Private PartnershipsPublic Policy
The city-regional scale is increasingly being considered the most suitable level for planning and development, yet city-regions have often been established for purely economic reasons in the UK. This paper argues that city-regions are not... more
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      Urban RegenerationCollaborative GovernanceRegenerative Cities
In the difficult context of rural Quebec, the village of Saint-Camille is an exception: it has managed to overturn a century-old demographic decline. It hosts very lively community activities and is developing new fields of economic... more
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      Community DevelopmentReflexivityRural DevelopmentQuébec Studies
This book chapter aims at illustrating how a Dynamic Performance Management and Governance approach may support the implementation of “collaborative platforms” (Ansell and Gash, 2018) to enhance network policy design and the pursuit of... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingDynamic Performance ManagementCollaborative GovernanceOutcome-Based Performance Management
L’articolo si interroga sul ruolo – reale e potenziale – dell’impresa artigiana nel determinare processi di innovazione sociale urbana. Gli autori offrono alcune risposte attraverso la ricostruzione di una caso di participatory action... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchUrban GovernanceCollaborative GovernanceSocial Innovation
The paper investigates institutional and governance arrangements that fiscal decentralisation provides for property taxation. Research for the paper was based on a case study of Lilongwe City Council in Malawi and data were collected... more
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      Public ManagementFiscal federalism and decentralizationCollaborative GovernancePublic Value
While the concept of Commons has acquired politicized meanings, it has also acquired some de-politicized ones. This article analyses a case of de-politicization of this concept, occurring in the city of Bologna, where the City Council has... more
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      CommonsUrban StudiesCollaborative GovernanceBologna
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      Public AdministrationCollaborationLeadership DevelopmentCollaborative Governance
Both professional and academic debates in cultural planning acknowledge the challenge of creative place governance. The question is recurrent in literature: what policies and policy instruments can stimulate the cultural ecology of... more
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      Cultural PolicySocial NetworksCollaborationGovernance
Abstract: This study finds infrequent collaborative action between state and civil society actors in Jamaica. Jamaica’s predominant institutional structure is authority-based. Relations between state and civil society actors may be... more
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      Global Civil SocietyNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)JamaicaCivil Society and the Public Sphere
This book chapter aims at illustrating how a Dynamic Performance Management and Governance approach may support the implementation of “collaborative platforms” (Ansell and Gash, 2018) to enhance network policy design and the pursuit of... more
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      Dynamic Performance ManagementCollaborative GovernanceCollaborative PlatformDynamic Performance Governance
งานวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาและพัฒนาแนวทางการประสานความร่วมมือในการจัดสวัสดิการสังคมในท้องถิ่นระหว่างหน่วยงานสามภาคส่วน ได้แก่ ท้องถิ่น ภูมิภาค และชุมชน โดยใช้ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยแบบผสมที่เน้นการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพเป็นหลัก... more
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      Social PolicyCollaborative GovernanceLocal welfareCollaborative Public Management
To address increasing climatic variability and extremes, cities are gradually forced to develop climate change adaptation strategies that can ensure a continuous and transformative adaptation process. There is widespread consensus that... more
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      Collaborative GovernanceParticipatory governanceIntervention researchCo-Production
How do social networks differ between highly collaborative and less collaborative forms of governance? Drawing on a prior study that characterized the level of collaboration for three federal hydropower relicensing processes, we develop... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Sustainable Water Resources ManagementHydropowerCollaborative Governance
Country governments and the WHO advocated that the "whole-of-government" and the "whole-of-society" approaches are necessary to fight against the pandemic. However, it is unclear what it means in practice and its implications in the... more
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      Food Security and InsecurityChina studiesUrban Food SystemsUrban Governance
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      Political ScienceSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Sustainable Water Resources ManagementHydropower
Salah satu lokasi daya tarik wisata di Kota Palangka Raya yang dapat diunggulkan adalah dermaga Kereng Bangkirai yang merupakan pintu masuk Taman Nasional Sebangau yang berada di Desa Kereng Bangkirai, Kecamatan Sabangau, Kota Palangka... more
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    • Collaborative Governance
While collaborative governance has many benefits for environmental planning and management, those benefits are not politically feasible if they impact process efficiency. This study assesses collaboration's effect on the duration of water... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementHydropowerCollaborative GovernanceEfficiency
Over the past four decades, open government has been applied and researched in diverse democratic and administrative contexts. The literature focuses primarily on open government initiatives designed by government actors or co-created by... more
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      Information and Communication technologyOpen InnovationOpen GovernmentCollaborative Governance