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      Urban ArtModern mural paintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural PaintingsArtistic Technique
Bologna, 12 marzo 2016: tarda mattina. Davanti alla facciata dell'XM24 si è appena arrivati all'apice di un terribile, per taluni, scempio, per altri di un glorioso ultimo atto di "resistenza". Il grande murale che qualche anno prima... more
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      Urban ConservationBanksyWu MingHistory of graffiti and wall-writing
Descoperă Valea Târnavelor și monumentele sale medievale cu o carte-călăuză care îți va ghida pașii, ochii și gândurile spre ansambluri și detalii! Adună în suflet frumusețea unor monumente ce aduc faimă țării! Monumente Medievale de pe... more
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      IconographyMedieval ArtMedieval Art HistoryScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Nel crescente dibattito sul restauro delle pitture murali che vide protagonista Firenze a metà del XIX secolo, Stefano Bardini, il "principe" degli antiquari italiani, maturò le sue conoscenze in materia di "stacchi" e "strappi" in veste... more
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      Federico ZeriStoria Di FirenzeStefano BardiniMelozzo Da Forlì
Νέα υποστηρίγματα αποσπασμένων τοιχογραφιών με τη χρήση σύνθετων υλικών με τρισδιάστατα υαλοϋφάσματα Γιώργος Κορκόβελος, Συντηρητής Αρχαιοτήτων και Έργων Τέχνης, Β.Χ.Μ. Μαρία Χατζηδάκη, καθηγήτρια Εφαρμογών, Τμήμα Σ.Α.Ε.Τ., Τ.Ε.Ι.... more
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      Conservation of Ancient and Historic Wall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsConservation and Restoration of Wall PaintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Entdecke das Tal der Großen Kokel und seine mittelalterlichen Denkmäler in Begleitung dieses Reiseführers, der sowohl deine Schritte zu den Gesamtensembles leiten als auch deine Augen und Gedanken auf die Einzelheiten lenken wird!... more
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      IconographyMedieval ArtMedieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureMedieval Art History
Storia del restauratore Paolo Emilio Mora, uomo la cui vita intreccia momenti e temi cruciali della cultura del restauro italiano tra la fondazione dell'Istituto Centrale del Restauro (1939) e la fine del secolo scorso.
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      Art HistoryHistory of conservation thoughtMaterial Culture StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
The aim of this paper is to suggest the accomplishment of an uptodate cataloguing campaign of the ancient decorated façades still visible in the city of Feltre, one of the most renowned "urbes pictae" (i. e. "painted cities") in the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesItalian Renaissance ArtCataloguing of Cultural HeritageFeltre
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      Conservación Pintura MuralConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
El descubrimiento inesperado y excepcional de las pinturas murales del Edificio B15 en Pachacamac ha planteado un caso de conservación complejo debido al estado de conservación precario de la mayoría de los enlucidos de tierra, a las... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationInca ArchaeologyYchsma
In this study the surfaces and cross sections of deteriorated Coptic mural paintings were investigated using Computer Tomography (CT) scan images and video, and points (voids) on the surface were analyzed. To our knowledge, it is the... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageHeritage ConservationArchitectural Conservation
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageMural paintingConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
Saqqara is the main necropolis of Memphis which was the capital of ancient Egypt during the old kingdom. The ancient Egyptians tried to keep their place in the beyond life so they tried to hide their grave away from robbers, in the old... more
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    • Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
The study of pictorial techniques in ancient mesoamerican murals unveil traditional aspects of the cultures that produced these amazing paintings. After more than two decades of continuos study in the Project "La pintura mural... more
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      Mesoamerican StudiesConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
A cycle of 18th century frescoes, depicting the last days of Christ on earth, were recently discovered in Aci Sant’Antonio (Sicily). The paintings survive along the corners of an originally square chapel that was altered in the early 20th... more
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      Ultraviolet photographyInfrared photographyMural paintingsPanoramic Photography
The paper deals in detail with the unknown wall paintings in the sacristy of the church of St. Haštal in Prague and the existence of planographic documentation of local paintings, which was made ​​in 1945. Today is stored in archive of... more
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      Medieval ChapelsInternational Gothic StyleMedieval Mural PaintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Cultural StudiesSicilyCalcitePompeii, Roman Domestic Space
Since 2006, the Tuscia University is carrying out in Cappadocia a survey fallows two main guidelines: the realization of a database on painting and rupestrian habitat in Cappadocia published in www.museovirtualecappadocia.it and the... more
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      Conservation and RestorationByzantine Studies, Byzantine Art, Cappadocia ChurchesCappadociaConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval ArtPainting techniquesGiotto
Art criticism related to architeture
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    • Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
The paper deals with the unknown wall paintings in the sacristy of the church of St. Haštal in Prague and the existence of planographic documentation of local paintings, which was made ​​in 1945. Today is stored in archive of the National... more
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      International Gothic StyleMedieval Mural PaintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural PaintingsTownspeople
V prvním patře opatského domu bývalého cisterciáckého kláštera ve Zlaté Koruně byla po polovině 14. století vybudována na oktogonálním půdorysu výtvarně velmi působivá opatská kaple. Kaple prošla v minulosti několika fázemi stavebních... more
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      Mural paintingConceptChapelCistercian monasteries
The main objective of the paper is to try to answer the following question: how to help the mural painting restorator to achive the conservation documentation in a more efficient way.
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      Spatial DatabasesMural paintingsHeritage Conservation and DocumentationConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
Top of Mind by Julie Rose, Broadcast Journalist and Interviewer at National Internet BYURadio interviews internationally renown Art Conservator Scott M. Haskins who tells stories or adventure while restoring murals on Southern California... more
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      Street ArtRestorationArchitectural ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
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      Fine ArtsWall paintingFine ArtMural paintings
The numerous paintings on the facades of churches, chapels, monuments, castles, town houses and rural houses demonstrate that the custom of decorating exteriors was widespread in Slovenia from the Middle Ages onwards. This segment of... more
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      Late Middle AgesCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesConservation
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      Ultraviolet photographyInfrared photographyMural paintingsPanoramic Photography
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      Ultraviolet photographyInfrared photographyMural paintingsPanoramic Photography
In 2007 began a conservation project coordinated by the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museology (ENCRyM-INAH, Mexico). At some point in this project some fragments of wall paintings were found, during the floor... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyConservation and Restoration of Mural PaintingsHeritage Conservation, Conservation of Mural Paintings, Romanesque Church, Gothic Mural Painting, Palencia (Spain), San Cebrian De Muda (Palencia, Spain), Centuries XV - XVI AC
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtNeoclassicismHistória da arte
This poster shows part of the results of the investigation for the project “Planning and establishing an inclusive cultural policy: Uruguayan Contemporary mural Art as a tool for sustainable heritage”. Four mural paintings by artists Eloy... more
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      Sustainable TourismStreet ArtSEMContemporany Graffiti
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      Mural paintingPintura muralConservation and Restoration of Mural PaintingsRestauração E Conservação De Pinturas Murais
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationMural paintingConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Storia Dell'Arte ModernaCarlo Cesare MalvasiaLorenzo SabatiniHisotry of botany, science and medicine
V minulih dveh študijskih letih so študentje 4. letnika Oddelka za restavratorstvo Akademije za likovno umetnost Univerze v Ljubljani restavrirali pet večjih fragmentov srednjeveških fresk, ki jih že desetletja hrani Oddelek za umetnostno... more
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      Art HistoryCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationArt Conservation
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      Mural paintingMedieval Mural PaintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Mural paintingPintura muralConservation and Restoration of Mural PaintingsRestauração E Conservação De Pinturas Murais
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      Conservación Pintura MuralConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Cultural HeritageAxiologyCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
The lining of 30' paintings on canvas (detached murals) is a skill set few art conservators in the world have and is highlighted by the US professional art conservation organization the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and... more
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      Public ArtPainting ConservationConservation- restoration mural and canvas paintingMurals