Denis de Rougemont
Recent papers in Denis de Rougemont
Parmi les thèmes et engagements jalonnant l’œuvre et le parcours de Denis de Rougemont, le rapport à la démocratie, au fascisme et au national-socialisme dans les années 1930 suscite des jugements contrastées chez les historiens. Les... more
L'articolo affronta la questione delle resistenze oggi sempre più forti a leggere, studiare, amare i classici perché ritenuti spesso politicamente e moralmente impresentabili, perché veicolerebbero pregiudizi di genere, religiosi,... more
Through a comparative analysis of themes and motives associating the love poetry of the “Serbian Bob Dylan” Bora Đorđević and the fiction of the French novelist Michel Houellebecq, with an emphasis on Đorđević’s collection of poetry Pusto... more
Într-o lume în care raporturile umane inclusiv cele afective şi etice sunt puse în discuţie de fenomenul erotismului, Denis de Rougemont încearcă în cartea Iubirea şi Occidentul o mitanaliză a iubirii. Cel care a scris Viitorul e treaba... more
Cette biographie intellectuelle d'une figure marquante du mouvement européen, décédée en 2000, couvre la période de formation d'Alexandre Marc de sa naissance en Russie en 1904 à l'apogée en 1934 de son mouvement appelé Ordre Nouveau... more
In the general excitement over the invention of new types of never-before seen plastic, pluriperspectival images in Adieu au Langage – the “third images”, as Daniel Fairfax proposes to call them, which were rewarded with spontaneous... more
Dans cette thèse de pensée politique, nous chercherons à renouer avec l‘idéalité du projet politique moderne en pensant le lien qu‘entretiennent amour et politique dans le cadre ce celui-ci. Au niveau du mouvement de la pensée politique,... more
Quarante années se sont écoulées depuis la fondation de l'Institut européen de Genève. À l’heure où la construction européenne devient une réalité tangible, les successeurs de Denis de Rougemont et Jacques Freymond ont voulu évoquer leurs... more
An interpretation in danish of Lipps "Der Soldat des letzten Krieges, 1934. Viewed in the light of contemporary thinking, especially Ernst Jünger, Erich Weniger and the french personalism of the 30s.
The article discusses C.S. Lewis' strategies of exposing Devil's discrete work in history. It elaborates around the contextual motivations of the book, on the wonderful coincidence of meeting with Denis de Rougemont in the preoccupation... more
Storicamente, il personalismo nasce negli anni Trenta del secolo scorso come un movimento politico, di "filosofia politica", e solo in seguito si dota di tutto un suo spessore storico, teoretico, teologico. La persona si delineava dunque... more
Parigi, 1934. Marcel Moré entra nello studio di Mounier per proporgli un articolo di stampo marxista. La risposta di Mounier, che rifiuta l’articolo, rimarrà celebre: «Qui siamo tutti proudhoniani». Cosa intendeva dire Mounier? Perché... more
"Frankfurter Romanistik im Nationalsozialismus: Denis de Rougemonts Journal d’Allemagne und die literaturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Hans Jeschkes,” in: Tradition der Entgrenzung: Beiträge zur romanistischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte... more
Between November 1932 and January 1936 there appeared the eleven numbers of the ephemeral and irregular periodical "Hic et Nunc", run by five young Protestant intellectuals : Denis de Rougement, Henry Corbin, Roland de Pury, Roger... more
Utdrag fra en forelesningsserie høsten 2010. Ikke publisert
H περίπτωση του Μάρουλλου είναι σημαντική επειδή αφορά μια καίρια μετάλλαξη στην διανοητική ιστορία του ελληνισμού, η οποία συμβαίνει την επαύριο της Άλωσης. Είναι η στιγμή, όπου η ελληνικότητα επανιδρύεται στην εξορία σε γλώσσα ξένη·... more
The eighteenth-century English writer Matthew Gregory Lewis wrote one of the most dramatic Gothic novels, The Monk; over 200 years later, a film of the same name appeared, based on the novel and directed by Dominik Moll. The film, a free... more
A draft of P.S. (Post-Structuralism): Letters of Love and Cinema, an experimental exploration of love and cinema that combines the work of Alain Badiou, Andre Bazin, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Martha Nussbaum, Maurice Blanchot,... more
French personalism is a political philosophy generally associated with the review “Esprit” founded by Emmanuel Mounier in 1932, although another branch is also known, that of the review “L’Ordre Nouveau” (1933-1938). This article... more
Voce singolare, quella di Benjamin Fondane. Essa riecheggia nella sua poesia, in cui emerge un viso d’uomo, nel suo pensiero esistenziale all’interno del quale si elabora una metafisica del singolare. Contraddistinta e arricchita... more
Réalisé par une équipe multidisciplinaire de chercheurs du Global Studies Institute de l’Université de Genève, Rougemont 2.0 propose une édition numérique et scientifique des œuvres et manuscrits inédits de Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985),... more
“We haven’t done much yet. Do you understand me, Alexandre? We haven’t done anything yet. We’ve got to start all over again…” This is what Denis de Rougemont told Alexandre Marc, his great companion in thinking and activities, just... more
Distinct de la revue doctrinale L’Ordre Nouveau (mai 1933-septembre 1938), le modeste Bulletin de liaison des groupes « Ordre Nouveau » (avril 1935-novembre 1937), lancé par les « cellules techniques » de ce mouvement personnaliste... more
The theological concept of " Person " was developed during the trinitarian and christological debates of the 4 th and 5 th centuries. Afterwards it was employed in order to indicate the " human person " , that is the Western Man. As the... more
[English] This article reviews the history of European integration since the signing of the Rome treaties in 1957, in the light of the cultural approach developed by Denis de Rougemont. Starting with a reference to général de Gaulle and... more
E' un saggetto veloce che mostra come il film Joker sia in qualche modo una rivisitazione del romanzo di Hugo "L'uomo che ride" di Todd Philipps. Mostra però anche come la grandiosa utopia coltivata da Victor Hugo (e Rousseau), quella... more
Le personnalisme est apparu en France dans le contexte d'une critique radicale du monde moderne, selon une démarche qui ne s'inscrivait pas d'emblée dans le cadre habituel du progressisme, pas plus qu’elle n’était propre aux milieux... more
The western journey of love. Jules de Gaultier, Denis de Rougemont and René Girard Jules de Gaultier’s Le Bovarysme was published in 1902, Denis de Rougemont’s L’Amour et l’Occident in 1939, René Girard’s Mensonge romantique et... more
Complementing existing research that has focused exclusively on Esprit and its new, socially committed style of Catholic religiosity, this article will examine the terms of a debate between the two main Personalist publications: Emmanuel... more
An analysis of Lana Del Rey's songs
- by Per Grande
- Violence, Mimesis, Hegel, Desire
The eighteenth‐century English writer matthew Gregory Lewis wrote one of the most dramatic Gothic novels, The Monk; over 200 years later, a film of the same name appeared, based on the novel and directed by dominik Moll. The film, a free... more