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In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
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      WikisInternet StudiesCommonsFacebook
La discusión sobre la explotación económica de las tecnologías de la información suele concentrarse en las nociones de ubicuidad e inmaterialidad. Sin embargo, su significativa demanda de recursos físicos locales transforma los sitios... more
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      Territorial politicsInfrastructureOrdenamiento TerritorialData Center
Η χρήση των social media έχει γίνει αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της καθημερινότητας για όλο και μεγαλύτερα τμήματα του παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού. Την 1η Απριλίου 2018, το internetlivestats.com μέτρησε περισσότερους από 3.884.164.000 χρήστες του... more
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      Critical TheorySocial NetworksMarxismPolitical Economy of Communication
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      Social MovementsLabor EconomicsPartnershipSharing Economy
TESI DI LAUREA TRIENNALE - SCIENZE POLITICHE E RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI Nel corso dell’ultimo ventennio, con varie modalità in relazione ai differenti contesti esistenti, è possibile rintracciare un processo globale di spostamento o... more
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      SociologyAlgorithmsPolitical Sciencee-Democracy
Ever get the feeling that life's a game with changing rules and no clear sides, one you are compelled to play yet cannot win? Welcome to gamespace. Gamespace is where and how we live today. It is everywhere and nowhere: the main chance,... more
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      Critical TheoryHuman GeographyCultural GeographyHuman Computer Interaction
The digital labour debate has produced manifold insights into new forms of work emerging within digital capitalism. So far, though, most research has focused on highly precarious labourers, neglecting the growing ranks of affluent 'tech... more
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      Sociology of ProfessionsMiddle Class IdentityHigh Tech/cultural WorkersDigital labor
Political communication is prominent in its role and essential for the political system in any models of public sovereignty. The problem of this paper is to discuss the political potential of dark social networks which can be recognized... more
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      ConsumerismPolitical communicationPublic SphereClubhouse
Googles Mutterkonzern Alphabet plant einen Stadtteil in Toronto. Facebook baut ein eigenes Stadtviertel in Menlo Park. Apple bezieht sein neues Hauptquartier in Cupertino. Es wird deutlich: Die Tech-Giganten aus dem Silicon Valley spielen... more
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      Urban StudiesStadtentwicklungDigital CapitalismSilicon Valley Urbanism
https://www.amazon.com/Google-Archipelago-Digital-Gulag-Speech/dp/1943003262/ <p> Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom begins with familiar cultural politics as points of entry to the book’s theme... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityDigital MediaAuthoritarianism
Kemitraan dalam industri transportasi dan kurir online seperti di Gojek, Grab, Maxim, Shopee Ekspress, dan perusahaan platform sejenis di Indonesia, bersifat semu. Alih-alih menciptakan kebebasan dan kemerdekaan bagi para ojek online... more
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      CapitalismPrecarious WorkersDigital laborDigital Labour
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      Political EconomyCultureLabor MigrationCall Centers
Capitalism, as both its supporters and detractors have long known, tends to be restructured when a crisis hits. Since the 2008 crisis, new digital technologies have given rise to new organizational forms and modes of exploitation that... more
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      Political EconomyMedia StudiesPublic PolicyGig Economy
In this article, we investigate labour struggles under the condition of digital capitalism. The main research question we address is: How do German unions evaluate and respond to the rapidly accelerating digitalisation of economy and... more
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      DigitizationWork and LabourGlobalization. Digital Economy. Digital Inclusion. Global Political Economy. International Relations. Feminism and Women and Policy .Digital Economy
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      MarxismDigital MediaBlack MirrorAffective Capitalism
Yirminci yüzyılın son on yılından itibaren dünyanın ileri kapitalist merkezlerinde bilgi ve yeniliğe dayalı bir 'yeni kapitalizm' aşamasına geçildiği görülmektedir. Bu makalenin amaçlarından biri, merkez ülkelerde gelişen çağdaş... more
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      International Political EconomyAutonomist MarxismPost-operaismoInformational Capitalism
Wenn Teile der akademischen Linken um 2000 herum von der ‚Wiederkehr des Politischen' geträumt haben, hat sich ihr Wunsch heute als Albtraum realisiert. Die Idee, dass politischer " Widerstreit " (Lyotard) nicht durch bürokratische... more
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      Ideology CritiqueClass StruggleRight Wing PopulismDigital Capitalism
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      Youth StudiesSocial MediaCapitalismLabour Studies
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      Higher EducationLearning TechnologyNeoliberalisms and the Transformation of the Cultural SphereAcademic Capitalism
Academic labour is often considered to be abstract and disembodied in the popular imagination, and its recent transformation by digital technologies might make this seem even more the case. But the advent of the digital also makes all... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDigital HumanitiesSocial Sciences
Executive Summary The success of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is a phenomenon that has not still been adequately studied and elaborated in economical and political theory. Yet FOSS has proved to be a laboratory of social,... more
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      CommonsSocial EconomyKnowledge EconomySocial Innovation
The Chinese digital technology giants, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent (BAT), dominate over their competitors in China across platforms that include e-commerce, digital entertainment, e-finance and artificial intelligence (AI). To understand... more
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      China studiesSoft PowerPlatform StudiesState Power
The article tackles the question of platform capitalism within the framework of a general understanding of the specificity of modern and contemporary capitalism. Digital platforms, which are emerging among the winners from the current... more
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      Critical TheoryAlgorithmsPolitical PhilosophyPlatform Studies
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      Critical TheorySociologyMarxismCapitalism
Academic labour is often considered to be abstract and disembodied in the popular imagination, and its recent transformation by digital technologies might make this seem even more the case. But the advent of the digital also makes all... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDigital HumanitiesSocial Sciences
Alex Garland’s recent sf mini-series Devs (2020) has been acclaimed by critics and online commentators, with most praises (and criticisms) usually focusing on both its cinematography and its philosophically charged themes. In an attempt... more
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      MarxismScience FictionCapitalismScience Fiction Film
In this study, the implications and limits of Industry 4.0 project will be discussed. Industry 4.0 is a European project that aims to integrate digital networks and manufacturing process with the whole commodity-value chain by using... more
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      science and technology studies (STS)Big DataCognitive CapitalismMarxian Political Economy
Questo libro è un viaggio alla scoperta di un continente antico, eppure nuovo. Da Google ad Amazon, passando per Baudelaire e Machiavelli, Spinoza e Marx, Ivanhoe, i gladiatori, racconta la genealogia dei lavori autonomi e dipendenti.... more
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      MarxismDigital MediaPost-MarxismGilles Deleuze
Az elmúlt húsz évben az internet és a digitális forradalom látványosan átalakította mindennapjainkat: digitális eszközök és szolgáltatások segítségével intézzük a pénzügyeinket, ezeken keresztül kommunikálunk ismerőseinkkel, az internet... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaFacebookImmaterial Labour
Le innovazioni introdotte dalla Quarta rivoluzione industriale possono risolvere i crescenti ed inascoltati bisogni di coesione e sviluppo socio-economico? Possono superare la retorica e la strumentalizzazione del capitalismo digitale e... more
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      Digital MediaSocial EconomyCooperativismoCooperativism
This chapter analyzes the cycle of worker contention at Amazon logistics in Italy, explaining the link between digitalization in logistics and worker mobilization. In this case, workers’ collective action has shown the critical aspects of... more
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      Social MovementsSociology of WorkLabour ProcessSociology of Organizations
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial TheorySocial Sciences
Coordinador: Eduardo Altheman C. Santos // Puede afirmarse que Herbert Marcuse fue el teórico crítico responsable de poner a la Escuela de Fráncfort en el mapa (mundial). Adoptado por las revueltas polimorfas en todo el mundo a partir de... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisMarxismHerbert Marcuse
This is the English transcript from a documentary of rising star of German philosopher, Byung Chul Han, Müdigkeitsgesellschaft: Byung-Chul Han in Seoul/Berlin
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This compact volume aims to take stock of the myriad critical responses elicited in recent years by transformations in computational media and digital capital. Attending to the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence in the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCyberneticsSurveillance StudiesMichel Foucault
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      ICT4DKnowledge EconomyPlatform StudiesBig Data
This article adds to the literature on digital capitalisms by introducing a new state-led model called ‘digital ID capitalism’. Here, state agencies help guarantee personal data for commercial exploitation by connecting it to the... more
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      Political EconomyEmerging EconomiesAadhaarDigital Capitalism
“Utopia or dystopia—to where will the ‘digital revolution’ lead human society?” is a question that remains unanswered. Negotiating between two opposing standpoints, this article, looking at a form of trans-border activism originally... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationDigital MediaSocial Activism
A transcript of a conversation between Gert Lovink, Antonia Majaca and Vladimir Jeric, held in the context of Art in Data Space symposium, Venice, Museo Correr, May 2019
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      Digital HumanitiesContemporary ArtDigital Capitalism
Contrario a las lecturas posmarxistas del Fragmento sobre las Máquinas de Marx, en este trabajo sostengo que el Intelecto General (General Intellect) no es una fuerza revolucionaria, sino que constituye la autoconciencia del capital como... more
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      HegemonySocial class strugglesGramscian StudiesDigital Capitalism
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      KybernetikCybersynDigital Capitalism
This is a comment on Gustavo Lins Ribeiro's paper"Giro global a la derecha y la relevancia de la antropología", published in the digital journal Encartes (CIESAS, Guadalajara, México).
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      Latin American StudiesEthnographyPostcolonial StudiesLatin American politics
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    • Digital Capitalism
The conventional labour- capital relationship that we inherited from industrial capitalism continues unchanged in the age of digital capitalism. The digitalization of capitalism did not reduce the pressure and exploitation of capital on... more
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      Digital laborDigital LabourTransformations of Work and LabourDigital Capitalism
This essay is the introduction to the special issue "Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology," ed. by Simon Schleusener (Freie Universität Berlin) and Florian Cord (TU Dresden). The special issue is dedicated to Gilles Deleuze's... more
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      Cultural StudiesTechnologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
With the higher education transitioning to online learning platforms during the coronavirus, cameras in classes have become incredibly prominent in academic and media discourse. Media, Facebook groups, and virtual events in academic... more
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      Higher EducationEmotional LabourNeo-liberalismAcademic Capitalism
Digitale Leitunternehmen wie Google, Apple, Amazon oder Alibaba setzen derzeit verstärkt auf die Expansion im Bereich der Unternehmenssoftware. Hier treffen sie nicht nur auf etablierte Anbieter wie SAP oder Salesforce, sondern auch auf... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyMedia StudiesSociology of Work