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This chapter surveys the field of domestic violence law. What are the wins, debates and innovations in laws addressing intimate partner violence? The first part is about the path travelled. We will see how certain kinds of violence... more
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      Criminal LawDomestic ViolenceWomen and the LawDomestic Violence (Law)
En "El Mismo Horror, la Misma Responsabilidad: perspectiva de género sobre la tortura", publicado en septiembre de este año en El Reporte judicial, de la Escuela de Capacitación Judicial de la Provincia del Chubut, Rawson, Argentina, la... more
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      CriminologyGender StudiesDomestic ViolenceSexual Violence
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      Domestic ViolenceGenderCritical CriminologyFeminism
Presented at the International Conference on Gender and "The Law": Limits, Contestations and Beyond. Organizers: London Centre for Social Studies (LCSS), in partnership with Dokuz Eylul University, Gediz University, and Indiana... more
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      Domestic ViolenceLegal ReformDomestic Violence (Law)Qatar
This mixed-methods study examines the impact of immigration status on the ability of Latina survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) to file for and obtain a domestic violence protection order. Undocumented Latinas living in shelters... more
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      Domestic ViolenceEmergency ShelterDomestic Violence (Law)undocumented latino immigrants in the U.S.
In late 2007, a newly elected Australian government began to engage with issues that arose from growing ground level concerns about the 2006 amendments to the Family Law Act 1975, particularly those relating to negative outcomes for... more
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily LawDomestic Violence (Law)Family Law,Domestic Violence
“Varones Violentos/Estado Negligente”, es un trabajo colectivo realizado por las investigadoras de EQUIFEM, Claudia Hasanbegovic, Rocío Belén Oliva y Carolina Cymerman, publicado en ”Mujeres de Latinoamérica. El presente en Veintidós... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial PolicyDomestic ViolenceHuman Rights Law
This paper is about best practices in regulating corporate governance.
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      Gender StudiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityDomestic Violence (Law)Public Participation In Governance
Based on the evolutionary psychology of parenting, Children tend develop a closer bond to mothers than fathers. That is typical and an expected normal trend in child rearing. Women carry the responsibility for nurturing children. Although... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)InsanityChildhood Trauma
KEY POINTS • Children’s wellbeing depends, among other things, on them being protected from harm, including the harm of exposure to domestic violence or exposure to triggers of trauma arising from previous abuse. • The safety and... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)Family Law,Domestic Violence
Globally, gender based violence effects one out of every three women. Recently, the alarming rise in reported cases of domestic violence in Qatar has led to a national call to find an effective way to deal with the issue. This paper... more
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      Gender StudiesDomestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)Qatar
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA), 2005 aims to protect a woman’s right to live in a home that is free from violence and provide legal remedies in case this right is violated. In order to achieve these legislative... more
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      Domestic Violence (Law)Indian Law
Despite improved understanding regarding domestic violence, child welfare and child contact, and related policy developments, problems persist regarding how the family courts deal with fathers’ violence in contested contact/ residence... more
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      Domestic Violence (Law)Children Exposed to Domestic ViolenceDomestic AbuseFamily Courts
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)Domestic violence/intimate partner violence, including male victimization and female perpetration.
This book critically examines domestic violence law in India. It focuses on women's experiences and perspectives as victims and litigants with regard to accessibility to law and justice. It also reflects on the manner in which the legal... more
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      LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesDomestic Violence
This thesis investigates the influence of legal fiction over the philosophy behind family law in New Zealand and our subsequent responses to domestic violence. As a feature of common law reasoning, legal fiction, asserting something to be... more
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    • Domestic Violence (Law)
Recently when the Bill to criminalize marital rape was introduced in India, it was turned down by the Parliament. According to some of the Parliamentarians, marriage is a sacred institution and touching it will leads to breakdown of... more
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      SociologyLawSocial WorkSocial Sciences
La mia relazione si propone di analizzare la violenza intra- familiare contro le donne in età moderna, nelle sue forme ritenute legittime (la moderata correzione della moglie da parte del marito o delle figlie da parte dei genitori) e... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGender Studies
Domestic Violence - A multidisciplinary approach

Paulo Guerra, Lucília Gago, Manuel Albano, Marta Silva, Francisco Mota Ribeiro, Helena Susano, Maria Perquilhas, Sérgio Pena
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    • Domestic Violence (Law)
Research led by the University of Northampton has found that children who experience domestic violence are not just passive observers - they find complex, creative ways to manage and cope with what they have experienced, and have the... more
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      Domestic ViolenceFeminismDomestic Violence (Law)Intimate Partner Violence
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      Domestic ViolenceVictimologyDomestic Violence (Law)Gender And Violence
The contribution of foreign workers into the rapid development of Malaysia is enormous. Nevertheless, the workers have complained of exploitation and deprivation of their rights by their employers. This study aims to examine the extent to... more
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      MalaysiaDomestic Violence (Law)ExploitationMigrant workers
Discrimination, immunity, re-victimization and to be at risk of death for women and their children victims of gender and generation based violence have been identified in connection to their access to Justice. (CIDH, 2007). When women... more
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      Gender StudiesDomestic ViolenceArgentinaDomestic Violence (Law)
* Mandatory arrest refers to any state or local law or police policy which requires a police officer to make an arrest when responding to a domestic violence call if there is probable cause to believe any violence has occurred. *... more
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      Criminal JusticeDomestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)mandatory arrest policies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCanon Law
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      Domestic Violence (Law)Cross-cultural Issues in Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence, Emotional AbuseProtection of Women from Domestic Violence
Access to justice for women affected by gender based violence is a human rights (see CEDAW and “Belém do Pará” Conventions and others). Empirical evidence showed that the judicial response on this matter in Buenos Aires City in year 2004... more
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      Social PolicyWomen's StudiesDomestic ViolenceHuman Rights
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      EthicsDomestic ViolenceValuesConflict
Esta revisão de 20 casos de homicídio praticados por parceiro íntimo pretende ser mais um elemento para a sustentação do conhecimento sobre o homicídio em violência doméstica em Portugal e contribuir para o desenvolvimento e criação da... more
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    • Domestic Violence (Law)
Violencia de Género en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Acercamiento y debates teóricos ha sido recientemente publicado en El Reporte Judicial No. 27, publicación de la Escuela de Capacitación Judicial del Tribunal Superior de Justicia... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)Feminist criminologyThe role of the judiciary
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      Restorative JusticeDomestic Violence (Law)
Este artículo aborda la violencia patrimonial contra mujeres y niñas(os), en el contexto de la violencia de género, desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos, y de teorías sobre violencia de género. Coloca el debate en el marco actual del... more
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      Domestic ViolenceHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawDomestic Violence (Law)
This short article describes civil and criminal legislation approved or proposed in the United States related to Coercive Control domestic abuse.
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      Civil LawDomestic ViolenceFamily LawDomestic Violence (Law)
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCanon LawGender Studies
La violencia en la familia, y en especial la que tiene por autores o víctimas a niños o adolescentes, tiene unas especiales características que deben abordarse de forma multidisciplinar. Las consecuencias jurídicas son una de las claves a... more
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      Domestic Violence (Law)CrimeInjuryChild Abuse
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)
Resumo: O presente estudo constitui-se em uma análise dos dados coletados na Delegacia Pública da cidade de Bezerros-PE sobre aspectos sociais que permeiam o perfil de homens atores em casos de violência doméstica. A metodologia utilizada... more
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      Domestic Violence (Law)Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a mulherViolência de gênero no BrasilViolência Pernambuco
Este capítulo del libro Mujeres en el Mundo (2007) es una apretada síntesis de los resultados de la investigación de doctorado (Ph.D.) de la Dra. Hasanbegovic, en la Universidad de Kent en Canterbury, Gran Bretaña. La investigación... more
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      CriminologyGender StudiesSocial PolicySociology of Law
Criminal law analyses of lethal violence towards female intimates are examined in three domestic violence settings. These scenarios reveal internally inconsistent legal evaluations of domestic homicide and incongruity with internationally... more
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      Criminal LawInternational Human Rights LawDomestic Violence (Law)Feminist legal theory
¿Puede un violento dejar de serlo? este es el título de la investigación académica escrita en formato de crónica basada en investigación empírica sobre los hombres que ejercen o ejercieron violencia contra sus parejas mujeres, y los... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyDomestic Violence (Law)Domestic Violence, Emotional AbuseSalud Mental
Despite a dramatic expansion in states’ adoption of UN agreements to protect human rights, these efforts often fail to deliver on the full promise of compliance within national contexts. In this paper, we examine the process and... more
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      Social MovementsDomestic ViolenceWomen's RightsGhana
Analyzing recent legislative and judicial developments calling on practitioners and judges to better protect domestic violence victims by seeking and issuing protection orders.
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily LawDomestic Violence (Law)Comparative Civil Procedure
The authors deal with the issue of hate crimes on the basis of sexual orientation in connection with the issue of domestic violence. Namely, Article 54a of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Sribja stipulates that if a criminal offense... more
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      Domestic ViolenceHate CrimesDomestic Violence (Law)Hate Crime Law
KEY POINTS: Comprehensive law reforms across most states and territories have created new legal regimes for protection orders, primarily focussed on increased victim safety and the needs of children living with violence. Changes have... more
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    • Domestic Violence (Law)
COVID-19 has imposed mandatory lockdowns in many countries including India. However, since the lockdown has been imposed, attention is being focused on its economic repercussions and on providing food and shelter to poor and migrants. But... more
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      Women's StudiesDomestic ViolenceWomen and the LawWomen
Previous researchers have called attention to documents composed more than 600 years ago in varied parts of the world that attest to physical abuse of wives by Jewish husbands. This article notes that those texts were composed because... more
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      HistoryJewish LawDomestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)
Violence against women takes many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic. Violence leads to negative and, at times, dramatic mental and physical health consequences. It leads to increased absenteeism at work and limits... more
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      Domestic ViolenceHuman RightsWomen's RightsDomestic Violence (Law)
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      Domestic ViolenceHuman RightsGenderJustice
The domestic violence sector has for some time explored the need for greater multi-agfency collaboration and cross-sectoral integration, and many states and territories have developed systems for this. However, for victims of family and... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic Violence (Law)Family Law,Domestic ViolenceCollaborative Practice