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      DemocratizationPolitics of UkraineDonetskDonbas
Kiev should be careful in its game of trying to starve the rebels into submission. Russians as a people have never backed down when faced with a hostile enemy.
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      Russian StudiesUkraineCrimeaNATO's New Strategic Concept
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      Social PsychologyRussian StudiesTerrorismInternational Security
Donetsk and Luhansk are often labeled pro-Russian regions as a result of the founding of Peoples’ Republics there in spring 2014. This article investigates popular opinion in Donbas before armed conflict began, to determine whether the... more
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      Identity politicsUkraineSeparatismEthnicity and National Identity
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      War StudiesUkrainian StudiesUnited NationsEuropean Union
Following the decision of Ukrainian president Yanukovych to suspend further Eurozone negotiations prior to the Vilnius Summit of November 28–29, 2013, several hundred students began to occupy Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyNonviolence
A más de cuatro años del inicio del conflicto, el gobierno ucraniano insiste en hablar de "terrorismo", mientras que las agrupaciones internacionales que lo apoyan descartan el término y optan en cambio por "insurgentes", "militantes",... more
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      TerrorismPolitics of UkraineUkraineNATO-Russian Relations
A más de cuatro años de su inicio, el conflicto en el este de Ucrania no muestra avances ni retrocesos y parece condenado a continuar estancado. Quizás por eso prácticamente ha desaparecido de los medios. Existen sólo cuatro alternativas... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomic GeographyDonetskDonbass
The continuing international inattention for the Glazyev Tapes was and is surprising. If they are indeed authentic, the Glazyev Tapes should modify our understanding of the origins and nature of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The most... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian NationalismPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian Studies
The pro-Russian prisoners at Izoliatsiia went through similarly brutal torture often designed to extract preformulated confessions on, for instance, spying for Kyiv. The brutal persecution of “one’s own people” is a practice reminiscent... more
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      TortureState Complicity in TortureUkrainePunishment and Prisons
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesWar StudiesIdentity (Culture)
Since 2014, the inhabitants Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukrain with a total population of 7.5 million have been going through a forced transformation of their identities. The regions are divided by a frontline, and the parts of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIdentity politicsNational IdentityPolitics of Memory
Az ukrán elnökválasztások második fordulóját nagy fölénnyel nyerte a humorista–producerből lett elnökjelölt, Volodimir Zelenszkij. A nagyarányú győzelem azt is megmutatta, hogy a választók nagy többségben elutasítják az elmúlt évek... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesPolitics of UkraineUkraine
2019. március 31-én elnökválasztásokat tartanak Ukrajnában. A választás tétje ezúttal nem csak arról szól, hogy ki vezetheti az országot az elkövetkező öt esztendőben: az eredmény visszajelzés is lesz a választópolgárok részéről a 2014... more
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsNATO
We should support the progressive wings of both factions, not tie ourselves up with hypocritical justifications of one or the other.
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      Social MovementsRevolutionsSocial movements and revolutionPolitics of Ukraine
... 3. Bohdan Nahaylo, "The Birth of an Independent Ukraine," Report on the USSR 3 (13 December 1991): 1-2. 4. The Ukrainian Review41 (1): 77. ... Roman Solchanyk, "Ukraine: A Year of Crisis," RFE/RL... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceDemocratizationPolitics of Ukraine
In the context of contemporary religious communities the Catholic Church is perhaps better placed than most for meeting the new challenges of multipolarity in international affairs and supporting its members through socio-economic... more
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      ReligionHistoryRussian StudiesInternational Relations
This article analyses the foundations of the constitutional and legal orders of selected non-recognized entities in Georgia and Ukraine, namely the so-called “Republic of Abkhazia”, the “Republic of South Ossetia” and the “Donetsk/Lugansk... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational RelationsInternational LawComparative Constitutional Law
Основные индивидуальные и коллективные субъекты, дирижирующие этими событиями, как я подозреваю, будут найдены, в конце концов, в Москве, а не в Донецке или Луганске. Если бы Куделя сделал, по крайней мере, намек в этой связи, его в... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian Studies
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      Social PsychologyCrisis ManagementPolitics of UkraineRussia
The ambiguity of the 1920s Ukrainianization is well known among its scholars. A curious fact is that it was becoming less intense and effective where the initial positions of the Ukrainian were weaker. Donbas was specifically one such... more
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      Identity (Culture)Sociology of IdentityUkrainian StudiesUkrainian
This paper is devoted to the new challenge for international security system – the rise of quasi-states. Though, these state-like entities exists for more than two decades, the Ukrainian crisis and the declarations of independence of... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawUkrainian StudiesTransitional Justice
The documents signed in Minsk constitute agreements between Moscow (and its proxies in Ukraine’s Donets Basin) and Kyiv. Whether, when, and how the various aspects of this particular treaty are fulfilled should not guide any longer EU... more
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian Studies
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Following an event at Georgetown University hosted by the Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies (CERES), the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs sat down with Dr. Andreas Umland, a Senior Research Fellow at the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesEastern EuropePost-Soviet Regimes
A ceasefire was agreed between Ukraine and separatist forces on 5 September, although it is unclear whether this will hold following shelling in the city of Mariupol and near Donetsk airport on Sunday. Ellie Knott writes on public opinion... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesRussian Politics
A wide range of normative implications exists between corruption and the stability of de-facto states. While some claim that corruption inherently disrupts institutional development and stumps economic growth, others argue that corruption... more
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      Political EconomyPeace and Conflict StudiesUkraineCorruption
Die der­zei­ti­gen Mili­tä­risch-Zivilen Admi­nis­tra­tio­nen (MZAs) in den ost­ukrai­ni­schen Front­ge­bie­ten werden auf­recht­erhal­ten. Sie sollten teil­weise refor­miert werden. Nach einer künf­ti­gen Befrei­ung des Donez­be­ckens... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsPolitics of UkraineUkraine
Журнал присвячений проблемі релігійної освіти. Йдеться і про викладання релігії у школі, і про освіту, яку пропонують релігії
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      BaháiReligious EducationIslamic EducationPoland
У статті аналізується навчальний процес у вищих духовних навчальних закладах Донецької області в 90-х роках ХХ – першому десятиріччі ХХІ століття. Для всебічного дослідження проблеми автором було залучено конфесійну періодику та... more
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      EducationReligious EducationReligion in educationSpirituality and Education
First three chapters available FREE in PREVIEW. Sergei Loiko, former LA TIMES photojournalist and correspondent, was the only American ever embedded with the Ukrainian troops at the siege of DONETSK airport.
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureTranslation StudiesRussian Nationalism
Распад СССР, кроме всего прочего, создал к концу XX в. целый ряд очагов напряженности. О своей независимости, кроме существовавших советских социалистических республик, объявили их отдельные части, которые, как правило, больше тяготели к... more
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      Hong KongTransnistriaChina's borderlands, Macao and Hong Kong's post-colonial politicsSeparatism
Policy Brief regarding Civil Conflict in East Ukraine/Donetsk. Prepared in Human Rights coursework at American University.
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      International RelationsHuman RightsUkraineDonetsk
The Glazyev Tapes illustrate that the allegedly social regional rationale for far-reaching new political rules in the Donbas envisaged in the Minsk Agreements, a considerable reduction of Ukraine’s sovereignty in the currently occupied... more
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      Post-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictWar StudiesUkrainian Studies
The article describes religious policy of the Soviet government concerning the Protestant communities on the basis of archival materials. Two different models of Soviet policy in the field of religion are analyzed, using the activities of... more
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      AtheismSoviet HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
У статті на основі польових досліджень, які провів автор, робиться спроба розглянути вищу духовну освіту в християнських громадах Донецької області в період з 1991 по 2011 рр., її історичний розвиток і особливості навчального процесу.... more
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      ChristianityChristian EducationReligious EducationChristian Higher Education
У статті проаналізовано особливості діяльності уповноваженого Ради у справах релігій по Донецькій області в період «пізньої» радянської історії (1965–1991 рр.). Окрім роботи безпосередньо з релігійними організаціями краю уповноважений... more
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      ReligionHistorySoviet HistoryHistory of Religion
Umland gives intellectual expression to the characteristic biases of the Ukrainian nationalists in whose midst he now works. People in this social milieu focus so single-mindedly on the (very real) machinations of the Kremlin that they... more
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      Russian NationalismPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesRussian Politics
LINK TO ARTICLE ADDED BELOW The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia and the subsequent Russia-backed unrest in Donbas resonate with the events around the so-called "German mediatization" of the early 1800s. Russia is playing with... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesConstitutional LawComparative Politics
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      FondazioneDonetskFelice CasoratiUCRAINA