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In this paper we analyze the historical roots of neoliberal housing policies, mottos and principles in Italy and Spain, two countries with a Mediterranean welfare regime, showing how they are embedded in the twentieth century... more
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      Italian StudiesWelfare StateFascismHousing Policy
«Idee per lo sviluppo dell’Irpinia», indagine promossa dal Centro di Ricerca «Guido Dorso», parte dai più recenti dati, illustra la condizione attuale dell’Irpinia e indica alcune traiettorie per il suo sviluppo. Gli effetti della crisi... more
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      Immigration StudiesRegional and Local GovernanceLocal Economic DevelopmentLocal Government and Local Development
Storia dei piani per quartieri residenziali progettati e costruiti dal Gruppo Fiat in Italia e all’estero nel secondo Novecento, riletti attraverso le carte dell'archivio del Servizio Costruzioni Fiat, poi Fiat Engineering, poi Maire... more
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      HousingEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalySocial HousingContemporary Architecture
This is an article published in France Pizza by Carole Gayet which draws extensively on an interview with me about the specialty coffee movement in Italy.
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      Italian StudiesCoffeeFood HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary Italy
The State holding company, IRI, was created in 1933 for the purpose of taking over the industrial shareholdings of Italian universal banks in sectors including steel, telecommunications, shipbuilding, and automobiles.. It came forth with... more
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      Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyState Owned Enterprises
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      Italian (European History)Italy (History)Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyStoria Italia Contemporanea
"This paper presents new series of industrial value added in Italy from 1911 to 1938, the first ones not to incorporate the original Istat-Fuà figures for this period. They make use of the recent re-construction of national accounts for... more
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      Economic HistoryItalian (European History)Applied StatisticsEconomic Growth
Il focus del saggio è il fenomeno della cooperazione contrattuale (secondo la definizione Chandleriana) che ha interessato le imprese italiane dall’inizio del Novecento al termine del miracolo economico. Oltre ad una significativa... more
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      Competition LawEconomic and Business History of Contemporary Italy
This work analyzes the combination between Italian immigration and industrial penetration in Argentina during the first Peronism (1946-1955). It studies the transfer of Italian companies with all staff and machinery to Argentina as part... more
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      Business HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyHistoria ArgentinaEmigrazione Italiana
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryBusiness HistoryCoffee
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      Instrumentation EngineeringEconomic HistoryBusiness HistoryMigration Studies
One people? Swiss migrants in Naples (18th–20th centuries). From the 18th century to World War I, migrants from Switzerland played an important role in Southern Italy’s trade, industry, army and social life. As a whole, these migrants... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsBusiness English
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      Business HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyMade in ItalyNon profit
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      Economic HistoryItalian (European History)Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyNeoliberalism Vs Keynesism
L’articolo propone alcune riflessioni circa l’importanza della storia per le scienze sociali, a partire dal caso del divario Nord-Sud in Italia. La gerarchia delle disparità regionali in Italia non è rimasta fissa nel tempo, c’è stata... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryRegional GeographyEconomics
La fugace apparizione in Cina della Missione Aeronautica italiana negli anni 1933-1937 ha attratto solo marginalmente l'attenzione degli studiosi, forse perché considerata una parentesi trascurabile nel quadro generale della politica... more
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      Military HistoryAir Force StudiesItaly (History)Aviation
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      CinemaEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyItalyLittérature
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      French HistoryTransatlantic HistoryFashion HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary Italy
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      EntrepreneurshipModern HistoryEconomic HistoryBusiness History
The book reconstructs the entrepreneurial biography of Giannino Bassetti (1893-1980), one of the most important European manufacturers of textile sector, through the words of his relatives, his friends and his closest associates.... more
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      BusinessEconomic HistoryBusiness HistoryStorytelling
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtBusiness HistoryHistoriography
The dramatic growth in Japanese raw silk exports between 1859 and 1929 can be divided into two phases. The ‘early-Meiji phase’, which began in the bakumatsu period, was characterised by a process of labour-intensive development. During... more
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      Economic HistoryJapanese StudiesDevelopment EconomicsInternational Trade
REGIONAL DISPARITIES AND PUBLIC POLICIES. A RE-EXAMINATION OF ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT. Italy is probably the European country with the widest and most historically deep-rooted regional disparities, at least (but maybe not only) in economic... more
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsItalian (European History)Regional policy
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      ArchitectureBusiness HistoryArchitectural HistoryHistory of civil engineering
This article aims at identifying the turning points in the early history of Italian telephone (1877–1915) considering at the same level political, economical, technical, and social dimensions and trying to reconstruct conflicts and... more
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      Victorian StudiesPolitical Economy of CommunicationMedia HistoryTelecommunications
Imprenditore, urbanista, uomo politico, editore ed intellettuale italiano, Adriano Olivetti (1901-1960) fornì una lettura singolare della modernità e dimostrò la praticabilità di una via complessa e disinteressata verso il bene... more
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      Business HistoryLabor OrganizationsCommunityWork and Organizational Psychology
Si pone in rilievo il ruolo di una rivista di disegno industriale, oggi design, nella storia dell'italiano contemporaneo. Fondata dall'architetto Alberto Rosselli nel 1954, la pubblicazione trimestrale e poi bimestrale, «Stile industria»,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
Nota editoriale La preoccupazione per la salvaguardia dell’archivio e della biblioteca della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno si determina quando il Dipartimento per lo sviluppo e la coesione (Dps) del Ministero per le attività produttive si... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational Economics
Il capitolo ricostruisce l’evoluzione per settori dell’industria manifatturiera in Italia, approssimativamente dall’Unificazione ai nostri giorni, attraverso le vicende delle imprese ritenute di volta in volta più significative. I diversi... more
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      Economic HistoryItalian (European History)Business HistoryEconomics of Innovation
Il vincolo esterno, da Bretton Woods a Maastricht, passando per i trattati di Roma, ha rappresentato l'ancoraggio per un capitalismo dalle deboli radici, scarsamente capace di assumere una veste egemonica nei confronti delle classi... more
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      Italian (European History)Italy (History)Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyEU Conditionality
Con un secolo di vita alle spalle, la Società Produttori Sementi si è affermata come uno dei principali centri di ricerca genetica nei cereali a livello mondiale: rappresenta un'esperienza originale nel contesto economico nazionale ed... more
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      Business HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyMade in ItalyNon profit
Nel lavoro viene ricostruita l’attività della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno in Abruzzo, nei suoi diversi settori d’intervento: agricoltura, infrastrutture (strade, acquedotti), aiuti all’industria (contributi a fondo perduto e prestiti... more
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      Economic HistoryRegional GeographyEuropean StudiesRegional policy
"[book available in Italian only, welcomed proposals for translation or international version!] A detailed reconstruction of the history of the Italian state-owned oil company (AGIP, then ENI) from 1926 to 1970s. The book deals with... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryHistory of TechnologyEconomic and Business History of Contemporary Italy
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    • Economic and Business History of Contemporary Italy
In the 1970s Italy the cycle of inflation/devaluation represented a response to the challenges posed by class conflict and an offspring of a mercantilist vision of national development. Italian authorities essentially aimed at defending a... more
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      International Political EconomyEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyMonetary Policy and Exchange RateItaly 1970s
This paper analyses the evolution of the corporate networks in two Latin economies – Argentina and Italy – from 1913 to 1990 by using the interlocking directorates’ technique. The paper focuses on six benchmark years: 1914 (1913 for... more
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      BusinessEconomic HistorySocial NetworksInternational Business
This article deals with the informal side of the economic relation network established during the Cold War between Italy and Hungary, through an analysis of the cooperation between the Hungarian import-export company Terimpex, which... more
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      Cold WarHistory of HungaryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyCorruption
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsItalian (European History)
Is there such a thing as a design language? The rapid growth of design in Italy beginning in the earliest decades of the past century, witnessed the concurrent rise of a specific language that appeared in the writings of the authors of... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDesign
During Enrico Mattei’s chairmanship, AGIP achieved important results in the natural gas business by completing a slow process of capabilities assimilation begun in the 1930s through the firm’s activities abroad and its relationship with... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryBusiness HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyOil Industry
Dalmore Farm (1933-1934) was Victoria’s first biodynamic farming venture. A letter, written in Milan, Italy, in Italian in 1934 by Rosa Genoni (1867-1954) \ enables details of this venture to be finally revealed. Rosa wrote of her... more
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      Cultural HistoryVictorian StudiesAnthroposophyOrganic agriculture
In The Mediterranean Incarnate, anthropologist Naor Ben-Yehoyada takes us aboard the Naumachos for a thirty-seven-day voyage in the fishing grounds between Sicily and Tunisia. He also takes us on a historical exploration of the past... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyItalian (European History)Italian Studies
Spesso, nei suoi scritti, Caffè ripercorreva il periodo fecondo di idealità che traghettò la Resistenza in volontà Costituente, ponendo le basi programmatiche ed istituzionali del nuovo stato italiano. Ne registrava, tuttavia, con... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyContemporary Italian History and PoliticsPolitical Economy and History
Espresso coffee has become synonymous with Italy, as have those beverages which employ this as a base such as cappuccino and caffè latte. This article examines the processes by which espresso became “Itallan” over the course of the... more
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryBusiness HistoryCoffee
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      Italy (History)Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyContemporary ItalyItalian Economic History
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      Economic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyCraxiContemporary Italian History and PoliticsBettino Craxi
Member states of the Eurozone are undergoing a turbulent period both domestically and internationally. On the national front, many countries, including Greece and Spain, have been led to early elections or the collapse of their government... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationFinanceHistory
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryBusiness History
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      Italian StudiesContemporary HistoryEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyContemporary Italian History and Politics