Recent papers in Eurocommunism
Estratto dalla biografia politica (Moro, Salerno editore, 2016) pubblicato su LPLC, 18 novembre 2016.
The article provides an account of the much-disputed episode of the dialogue between the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) on the eve of the Ostpolitik. Basing on multi-archival research, the... more
This habilitation treatise presents the direction of my academic activity after the year 2011,
The Eurocommunist legacy is rich with inspiration (the search for a middle way between social democracy and the far left) and potential assets (in defining a strategy adapted to current European societies and the multiplicity of... more
Turkish Abstract: Bu makale tarihsel materyalist gelenekteki sınıf tartışmalarının yirminci yüzyıl kökenlerini incelemektedir. İncelemenin ana aksına György Lukács, Nicos Poulantzas ve E.P. Thompson’ın sınıf yaklaşımlarını alarak, bu... more
La democracia, como bien ha señalado Luciano Martorano (2011), nunca gozó de tanto prestigio e influencia, sea en el discurso "docto", sea en el "sentido común", como en las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Casi se ha convirtido en... more
The article provides a critical overview of the latest phase of scholarly engagement with Eurocommunism, firstly, by pointing out the resilience of a 'Cold War framing' in many of the new studies of the phenomenon , secondly, by stressing... more
Étienne Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe ? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (Paris, La Découverte, 2001)
The visit of Dolores Ibárruri to Yugoslavia in August 1976 occurred during the period of significant political changes in Spain that had a direct impact on both Yugoslav and Spanish communists. The encounter between Dolores Ibárruri,... more
Cet article propose une étude synthétique des usages de la pensée de Gramsci (en premier lieu les notions d’hégémonie et d’État intégral) par Althusser et par des philosophes et théoriciens de l’État fortement influencés par lui (Étienne... more
Geboren in Galizien und aufgewachsen im »Roten Wien« der Zwischenkriegszeit, erfolgte Franz Mareks Politisierung vom Zionismus zum Marxismus. Der österreichische BürgerInnenkrieg im Februar 1934 machte ihn zum Kommunisten. Er war führend... more
Reseña aparecida en "Nuestra Historia" número 5 (segundo semestre de 2018), pp. 128-132.
Starting with the question why there was no such phenomenon as “Euro-communism” in West Germany, this essay wants to explore the problem of continuity between pre-war and post-war communist politics in Germany. Following a short account... more
After Franco’s death in November 1975 the most mobilized part of the opposition struggled to break with his political regime, which seeks for its survive beyond the dictator’s life. Social and political conflicts, which became the... more
Since the mid sixties the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC, after its Catalan initials) was able to promote and lead a broad movement to end the dictatorship, not only in the industrial area of the Great Barcelona, but also... more
This article focuses on the international activity of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) since the aftermath of the Prague Spring’s repression until 1977. It was a period characterized by the beginning of the definitive decline of the... more
Mitte der 1970er-Jahre avancierte der italienische Eurokommunismus zu einer massiven sicherheitspolitischen Heraus-forderung, weil er sich der klassischen Ost-West-Logik entzog. Eine im Nachkriegsitalien noch stark an der Sowjetunion... more
This interview was conducted over the course of a month and touches on Karl-Heinz Dellwo's experiences and reflections during his participation in the Red Army Faction; in the squatters movement prior to the days of the RAF; the... more
This paper examines ten years (1963-1973) of visits to Australia of Italian Communist Party (PCI) officials. In particular, the visits' origins, meaning and ramifications are analysed and framed against the background of postwar migrant... more
Die Auseinandersetzungen um den Eurokommunismus in der bundesdeutschen Politik 1967–1979, in: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2012, hrsg. von der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, 20. Jahrgang, 2012, S.... more
François Mitterrand und der PCF. Die Folgen der „rééquilibrage de la gauche“ für den Parti Communiste Français, in: MIP – Mitteilungen des Instituts für deutsches und internationales Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung an der... more
Tekst će razmatrati istorijsko-političku ulogu neoliberalnih intelektualaca koji su delovali u smeru prevazilaženja klasičnog laissez-faire liberalizma, ali i ulogu eurokomunističkih intelektualaca (onih koji su delovali u okvirima... more
Este trabajo de final de máster pretende investigar los puntos en común y las divergencias entre las diferentes corrientes historiográficas de interpretación y recepción del pensamiento político de Antonio Gramsci. Para mostrar una... more
En las próximas páginas se realizará una comparación entre los principales rasgos de las líneas políticas de PCI, PCE, PCF y PCP, tomando como caso de estudio las posturas adoptadas por los primeros tres partidos hacia la actuación del... more
This article touches upon the problem of Eurocommunism and estimates its place among the social thoughts of Western Europe in the XX century. The main peculiarities of this doctrine are depicted and compared with... more