Recent papers in Fans
This article explores the views of 906 football fans (96% of whom selfidentified as White), collected via an online survey from May-June 2019, regarding the impact of the leading equality and inclusion organization, Kick It Out, in... more
Elevating the fan to the status of a byword for the Ancien Régime went hand in glove with an expansion of a sign language which coordinated the rituals at the French court. It was forbidden to open a fan in the presence of the sovereign... more
El propósito de este trabajo es abordar las continuidades y rupturas entre el mundo de los fans de la saga de Harry Potter y el deporte quidditch en Argentina, el cual se inspira en dicha obra, pero se muestra como una actividad... more
Only one association football (soccer) player in history has declared his homosexuality during his professional active playing career. Before or since that player’s death in 1998, no other professional footballer player has come out. The... more
This article draws on 3,500 responses from fans and professionals involved in association football (soccer) to an anonymous online survey posted from June 2010 to October 2010 regarding their views towards gay footballers. The overall... more
O presente artigo visa questionar e buscar respostas, através do estudo de caso, como e por que os fãs de determinados artistas do mundo da música usam a plataforma Twitter para divulgar as ações de seus ídolos e concomitantemente as... more
From inventive memes to fan films, contemporary popular culture continues long-standing traditions of adapting existing content to new formats. Despite the centrality of adaptation to popular culture, adaptation studies methods are rarely... more
A palavra leque, que teve em tempos muito recuados o significado de moeda, passou depois a designar unidade monetária e substituiu, a seu tempo, abano. Após o aparecimento do objecto desdobrável a que em definitivo se chamaria leque e... more
Article about the Louis XIV place (place Vendome today), and the celebration shown on a fan.
Tesis doctoral Cum Laude - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Esta tesis trata precisamente sobre cómo interactúan diferentes factores. Se estructura en tres partes diferenciadas. En la primera parte de la tesis, se establece el marco... more
Objet culturel désormais culte, en 39 ans Star Wars a révolutionné l’industrie du cinéma, bien que nul ne présageait la réussite de la franchise. Ce dossier pose la question des conditions de la réussite culturelle et économique... more
We examined whether the psychological needs fulfilled by group membership predicted fanship (identification with a fan interest) and fandom (identification with other fans) among anime fans. Self-identified anime fans completed measures... more
We examined the extent to which anime fans believe in paranormal phenomena and whether these beliefs are associated with preferences for specific genres of anime. Anime fans rated their preference for a variety of different anime genres... more
There are numerous empirical sociological researches of transmedia storytelling media consumption. However, they mainly record either the practices of media consumption of specific media formats included in the structure of a transmedia... more
Cette thèse est la première thèse consacrée à l'éventail en France. Elle porte sur l’étude du décor de la feuille d’éventail produite dans les ateliers parisiens depuis la fin du XVIIe siècle jusqu’au début de la Révolution. La... more
Bien avant l’invention du cinéma, les hommes ont cherché à animer images ou objets afin de créer un mouvement ou de simuler une animation. Il n’est qu’à observer des pièces d’une exceptionnelle ingéniosité, et d’un raffinement extrême,... more
Savoir-faire et ingéniosité dans les ateliers parisiens, la vogue de l'éventail au XVIIIe siècle In "Les arts réunis, Etudes offertes à Daniel Rabreau, réunies par Janine Barrier, Claire Ollagnier et Josiane Sartre" Dans une démarche... more
Article about the links between fans painting and miniature during the XVIIIth century. in Miniature et éventails en Europe au XVIIIe siècle. La question du portrait. Colloque international "Miniature et éventail", Paris, Fondation... more
Abstract of an article about fan-makers and tabletiers in Paris before Revolution.
Published in the Vieux Papier magazine.
Published in the Vieux Papier magazine.
À la fois familier et méconnu, l’éventail allie savoir-faire et création artistique. Accessoire du costume et objet d’art, soumis à la fugacité des modes, il se renouvelle sans cesse. Importé d’Asie, au milieu des cargaisons d’épices... more
Praca licencjacka w katedrze Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
Parmi les multiples cafés ouverts sous les arcades du Palais-Royal à la fin du XVIII e siècle, il en est un hors du commun, non par son décor ou les boissons proposées mais par son mode de service. Connu sous le nom de Café mécanique,... more
The present paper is a proposal for an empirical study on eye-tracking in subtitling to determine the efficacy of fansubs and their perception and reception by the general audience, as well as the intended demographic. It begins with a... more
Pretende-se com este trabalho apresentar e interpretar os resultados de investigação feita para comprovar a existência de manufactura de leques em Portugal antes de meados do século XVIII , cuja possibilidade já foi aventada por alguns... more
The development of ‘new’ media at the end of the 1980s and early 1990s has radically changed the relationship between the media and football supporters. Firstly, a growth in media sources created a very competitive media environment and,... more
We tested Wann’s (2006) team identification-social psychological health model in a sample of self-identified anime fans. Anime fans completed measures of fanship (a construct analogous to team identification), online and face-to-face... more
In 2010, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered on television. A large, avid fandom soon emerged—not the pre-teen female demographic earlier versions of the franchise had been created for, but a roughly 80 percent male audience,... more
Au fil de nos découvertes et de nos recherches, cet article de quelques pages est devenu une somme que nous avons souhaité publier en plusieurs livraisons. A l'instar de ce que nous avons proposé aux lecteurs pour l'article sur Les... more
Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport communication, forming a message that is both interpersonal (the attempt to reflect dialogue through a letter writer and its recipients) and public (the “open” part of the... more
This is a version in English of my papers «Leques, abanos, armas...» Parts I and II, where I expressed mainly opinions about several interpretations of the meaning of the Portuguese words «leque» and «abano» in the book «THE GLOBAL CITY... more
Este artículo se propone analizar qué implica ser fan a partir del caso del «fandom» de Harry Potter en Argenti-na. Para ello, se indagarán las representaciones, actividades y vínculos de los fans. Se recurrió a una metodología... more
The people of Melbourne are renowned for their ‘football fever’, yet this fever is under-studied. This paper addresses this fever by exploring the loves, suffering, and strange identifications of Australian Football League fans. Building... more
Kpop sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga masyarakat, karena kpop semakin merajalela di berbagai belahan dunia. Kpop merupakan sebutan karya musik dari Korea Selatan, yang terdiri dari girl group, boy group dan bahkan penyanyi solo. Biasanya... more
The changing relationship between football clubs and supporters has been the subject of recent debate but has received relatively limited empirical analysis based on case study research. This article draws on interviews and a... more
Membandingkan Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Kipas Angin Dengan AC (Air Conditioner) dilihat dari segi Kesehatan, Lingkungan serta Penghematan energi dan biaya
Surpreende-me que ainda se aceite em geral que os leques chineses destinados a exportação tenham sido todos manufacturados em Cantão, alargando até alguns autores esse fabrico a Hong-Kong como se fosse possivel desde a respectiva... more
With the development of internet technology, a fundamental change took place in communications field, it has emerged the concept of interaction. With the emergence of Web 2.0, social sharing networks has enabled them to users actively... more
Esta tesis de licenciatura investiga la construcción social y simbólica de fandoms en Argentina entre fines de los noventa y la actualidad, a la luz de la antropología de la religión y mediante un estudio de caso de los fans de Harry... more
Visita a um importante leque europeu de encomenda, com proveniência conhecida, alegórico e topográfico, inteiramente decorado com cenas alusivas ao reinado de rei Carlos III de Espanha e no reverso com vistas da nova Madrid... more
Cersei Lannister and Claire Underwood are central female figures in the fictional worlds of Game of Thrones and House of Cards, respectively. Queen of the Seven Kingdom the first, First Lady turned Madame President the second, they have... more
Free Tik Tok Followers | Up to 20k Tik Tok Followers Free Get free tik tok followers , tik tok followers free, Tik Tok fans and likes 2019, online, no survey, no human verification, Free Tik Tok Followers Auto VISIT THE LINK BELOW TO... more