Franciscan Art
Recent papers in Franciscan Art
The article investigates the history of the medieval interior design and furnishings of the former Franciscan Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Toruń during the Reformation period. The Franciscan Friars were brought... more
Los franciscanos, lejos de retirarse del mundo, optaron por vivir el siglo, transformándolo con la obra y la palabra y habitando las urbes. En sus orígenes, las órdenes mendicantes rechazaron la riqueza mercantil y el docto saber de las... more
The author analyzes various sources that allow to reconstruct the initial phases of the construction of the Franciscan church and friary in Cracow. The early architecture of the friary complex was presented against the broad background of... more
Gothic Wall Painting with the Crucifixion in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Toruń in the Light of Recent Studies This paper presents the results of recent studies (stylistic analysis and non-destructive... more
The first in-depth analysis of the advocation of the Virgin of the Macana--a devotion promoted by the Franciscans of Mexico in the eighteenth century connected to the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico. The essay illustrates a range of... more
Awers: warsztat czeski czynny w Toruniu, połowa XIV wieku / rewers: malarz lokalny, XIX wiek (?) Tłusta tempera na desce dębowej, złocenia z puncowaniem, rama dębowa, grun-towana i złocona; tablica Quinitas: 123,6 × 165,7 cm, tablica z... more
The article investigates the history of the medieval interior design and furnishings of the former Franciscan Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Toruń during the Reformation period. The Franciscan Friars were brought... more
Hovering in the early morning sky, a transparent angel appears to absorb and radiate the sun’s rays in Giovanni Bellini’s early Agony in the Garden, which now hangs in the National Gallery in London. Scholars have yet to fully consider... more
Contenidos de AIA vol. 89, nº 290 (enero-junio 2020)
Der Beitrag behandelt die mittelalterlichen Glasmalereien aus der Esslinger Franziskanerkirche, die zwei unterschiedliche Gruppen umfassen: Aus der Bauzeit des Chores, um 1280, stammen zahlreiche Ornamentscheiben, die 1899 in den Chor der... more
One of the aims of medieval Franciscan devotional art was to cultivate compassion, defined as the ability to sympathize (or “feel with”) with the pain and suffering of others. This essay examines images of Christian suffering and... more
An essay exploring how Dominicans and Franciscans have different fundamental understandings of visual representations of their patron saint in relation to their status as 'alter Christus' - another Christ.
Gallery guide to the Frist Art Museum's presentation of Sanctity Pictured: The Art of the Dominican and Franciscan Orders in Renaissance Italy
Title: Saint Francis and the Iconography of Chastity During the second half of the 16th century, images of a naked Saint Francis of Assisi, lying on a bed of burning coal accompanied by a female prostitute, started to appear in Franciscan... more
Based on a reappraisal of the documentation, this essay explores aspects of space and function in both the church and convent of Saint Anthony from c. 1263 until 1310. It seeks to understand who had jurisdiction and access over certain... more
Giovanni Bellini’s painting of St. Francis is arguably one of the greatest Renaissance paintings in North America. With arms outstretched and mouth parted, the lone figure steps into the effulgent light. The eminent art historian Millard... more
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo tratar da circulação e apropriação de um conjunto de gravuras flamengas, produzido entre os séculos XVI e XVII, e do resultado manifesto dessas operações presentes na azulejaria franciscana produzida... more
This article focuses on a single-sheet engraving, which was devised by Tomasz Treter, Polish canon of the Roman church of Santa Maria in Trastevere, and engraved by Giovanni Battista de’ Cavalieri. Published in Rome in 1574, the print... more
This essay comments on the relative lack of interest of scholarship for fourteenth-century sculpture at the Santo, and offers some methodological observations. It then proposes a journey through some of the major sculptural works... more
This paper studies the life and work of the foundress of the female Third Regular Order of Saint Francis, Angelina de Montegiove. This woman raises a very interesting gender problem that manifests the difficulties generated by a female... more
Fecha límite de recepción de trabajos: 15 de julio de 2017 Archivo Ibero-Americano. Revista Franciscana de Estudios Históricos, ha abierto el plazo para la presentación de contribuciones para el volumen 78, dedicado al tema «Ocho siglos... more