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“Gazeta Narodowa” and the uprising in the Bay of Kotor in 1869 The aim of this article is to describe the uprising in the Bay of Kotor in 1869 as seen from the perspective of the Lviv daily newspaper “Gazeta Narodowa” (“National... more
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      19th Century (History)Austro-HungaryBalkansHistory of the Balkans
»Bratje Čehi« v ljubljanskem bogoslovju (1885-1897) »Czech Brothers« at the Ljubljana Seminary (1885-1897) Povzetek: V letih od 1885 do 1897 so v ljubljansko bogoslovje prihajali duhovniški kandidati s Češke in Moravske. Na Kranjskem je... more
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      Czech HistoryChurch HistorySlovenian HistoryTheology and Religious Studies
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      Women's writingFirst World WarHungarian LiteratureBudapest
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      Military HistoryCzech HistoryLocal HistoryHistorical memory
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      Military HistoryModern HistoryCzech HistoryHistorical memory
The following piece, which is based on archival materials and newspaper notices supplemented by relevant literature, presents the activity and the throbbing life of the parish. The time frame spans from a peaceful period in 1913, when the... more
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      Church HistoryFirst World WarSlovenian HistoryHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
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      HistoryUrbanizationIstorijaNovi Sad
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      Jewish HistoryJudaismModern Jewish HistoryModern Judaism
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      Military HistoryCzech HistoryMemoir and AutobiographyLocal and regional history
Kulcsszavak: Adria, nemzetiesített táj, szimbolikus politika, modernizáció, gőzhajózás
Keywords: Adriatic, nationalized space, symbolic politics, modernization, steamboating
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      Modern HistoryCultural GeographyHabsburg StudiesCroatian History
La nobleza austriaca (Österreichischer Adel) presenta en su formación similitudes con la nobleza germánica del Sacro Romano Imperio, al que Austria perteneció durante largos siglos (1273/1806). Sin embargo, se diferencia esencialmente de... more
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      Habsburg StudiesHeraldryNobilityCourts and Elites (History)
[Vol. 3: Biographical entries (Polska Lutynia - Żywocice) + Conclusions + Summary (in English)]
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      Czech HistoryPeasant StudiesProsopographyVillage Studies
In the accounts of life in Austria-Hungary at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, one reads about a world dominated by nations and nationalism. Both contemporaries and historians describe a nationality... more
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      Austria (European History)NationalismHabsburg StudiesHistory of Nationalism
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      Military HistoryAustria (European History)Habsburg StudiesSlovenian History
The establishment and development of the Municipal Theatre in Pressburg in the period 1886–1920 was closely linked with the cultural and social development of the city in the period following the Austrian-Hungarian Compromise in 1867. The... more
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      Music HistoryMusical TheatreRomanticismTheatre History
„Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter”. „Feloszthatatlanul és elválaszthatatlanul” : A kiegyezés 150. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett tudományos konferencia előadásai
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      HistoryEthnic minoritiesGreek Catholic Church in HungaryDualism
Das liberale Gedankengut förderte - nicht zuletzt in bewußter Abgrenzung gegenüber einem "katholischen" Österreich - den Protestantismus. Sowohl der intellektuelle, als auch der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung v.a. in der zweiten Hälfte des... more
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      LiberalismCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918Habsburg Monarchy 1867-1918Liberalismus
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      Polish HistoryHistory of Silesiahistory of PolandHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
This article takes a fresh look on the status of Galicia within the Habsburg Monarchy between the late 18 th and the early 20 th century, presenting the obstacles and opportunities of economic growth faced by imperial policy-makers. At... more
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      Jewish HistoryHabsburg Studieshistory of PolandCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918
History of the Tomanek family from Ropica (Ropice) in Cieszyn Silesia from 1671, when they purchased a mill in the village, to the beginning of the 20th century. It includes 407 biographical notes and is the most extensive study devoted... more
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      Czech HistoryGenealogyPolish HistoryCentral European history
"Se queremos que tudo fique como está é preciso que tudo mude." O leitmotif da obra de Tomasi de Lampedusa, imortalizada no grande ecrã pela objectiva de Visconti, sintetiza a sua ideia central, acerca do declínio das antigas elites, em... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryCultural HistorySociology
Among the most interesting episodes in art history of the late 19th century Osijek is undoubtedly the sculpture of mythological Hindu queen Sakuntala (Shakuntala), placed in 1892 in Le Maitre park in Osijek, which at the time was... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesCentral EuropeCentral European history
This work aims to provide an objective portrait of Emperor Karl I and an analysis of his early reign in order to help determine his responsibility in the collapse of AustriaHungary and to fill the gap in a historiography distorted by both... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryCzech HistoryPolish HistoryHabsburg Studies
L'assimilazione del Tirolo a una fortezza venne teorizzata sin dall'epoca delle campagne napoleoniche e trovava fondamento sia nella barriera naturale delle Alpi, sia nel mito del "pugnace popolo tirolese" quale presidio del territorio,... more
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      FortificationsArchitettura militareStoria MilitareHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
Based on the example of a Hutsul song, presented by a Ukrainian scholar as representative for Ukrainian-Ruthenian culture in Galicia, this paper investigates two trails: 1) How Ukrainians were able to participate in imperial projects,... more
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      EthnographyHistory of ScienceImperial HistoryUkrainian Studies
Um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert erschütterte die Los von Rom-Bewegung in Österreich die konfessionelle Lage. Viele Tausende traten unter politischem Einfluß aus der Katholischen Kirche aus und in die Evangeliche ein. Die Los von... more
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      Habsburg StudiesCentral European StudiesCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918Kulturkampf
The article is about the work of Joseph Hatzinger, son of builder Paul (Pál) Hatzinger from Székesfehérvár (Hungary), and Joseph’s sons Heinrich and Paul. Joseph worked in Osijek and in Slavonia in the second half of the 18th century. In... more
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      Civil EngineeringArt HistoryArchitectureCzech History
A Zsil-völgye fogalomnak számít a magyar bányászok körében, 1 de az elmúlt két évtized híradásait figyelmesen szemlélő laikus előtt is ismert a Zsil-völgyi bányász, mint az aktuális román kormány védelmére, vagy ellenében mozgósítható... more
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      Mining HistoryElső világháborúHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918Társadalomtörténet
The Army belongs to the most important pillars of every state unit. The ruler, having at least seemingly a uniformed homogeneous armed mass behind them, could present their power not only in front of their own people, but also in the... more
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      World War IFirst World WarHistory of WarAustria-Hungary
Članak govori o arhitekturi Valpovačkog vlastelinstva razdoblja od kraja 18. stoljeća do kraja Prvoga svjetskog rata.
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      Habsburg StudiesCroatian HistoryNineteenth-century ArtCultural History of Central Europe
BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF HUNGARY ACCORDING TO THE POPULATION CENSUS FROM 1910 The subject of this research was the general census of the population of Hungary from 1910, with the aim of showing the basic demographic... more
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      StatisticsHistorical DemographyHabsburg StudiesHistory of Hungary
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      Nationalism And State Building19th Century (History)History of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingCultural History of Austria-Hungary 1867-1918 Popular image in Imperial China
Selbst wenn der Begriff "Kulturkampf" in Österreich nur bedingt Verwendung gefunden hat, so sind mit dem reichsdeutschen Kulturkampf auch die Frontlinien für die österreichische Situation abgesteckt. Die Rahmenbedingungen unterschieden... more
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      Habsburg StudiesProtestantismCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918Kulturkampf
Die politischen Parteien Österreichs als Entscheidungsträger des Staates : eine Vorstellung, die im cisleithanischen Staat innerhalb der Habsburgermonarchie sowohl verfassungstheoretisch als auch in der Verfassungspraxis unmöglich... more
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      Political PartiesRepublicanismState FormationHistory of Democracy
Alexander Pinwinkler: Walter Kuhn (1903–1983) and the „Wandervogel e.V.“ of Bielitz. Historical-ethnographic research on „linguistic islands“ between nationalistic emotionalism and political exploitation This study reconstructs the rise... more
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      History of Social SciencesWeimar RepublicThe Third ReichCultural Studies, European Ethnology, cultural anthropology
Boiko-Gagarin A., Some forgeries of the Leopold I Habsburg Kreutzer coins (1657-1705) found in Transcarpathia and Bucovina // Studii şi cercetări de numismatică. – (IV) XVI. – Bucureşti, 2013. – p. 191-194.
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryHabsburg Studies
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      Central European historyHabsburg StudiesNational IdentityAustrian History
Wenn für ein Mordopfer der bis dahin größte Waffengang vom Zaun gebrochen wird, der schließlich Millionen an Opfern fordert und die Staatswesen eines ganzen Kontinents nachhaltig verändert, dann sollte man annehmen, dass die betreffende... more
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      Habsburg StudiesGeschichteÖsterreich-UngarnHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
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      Military HistoryHistorical memory19th Century (History)Historical memory and Identity studies
This paper deals with an expedition into the Eastern Carpathians, conducted in cooperation between Ukrainian and Austrian scholars in 1904. While shedding light on organizational dynamics and financial flows of the project, this papers... more
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      PhotographyMuseum StudiesEthnographyHistory of Science
Il saggio si propone, seguendo il modello della "nuova storia militare" tedesca, di esaminare i rapporti tra popolazione civile e presidio militare a Trento tra il 1880 ed il 1914, quando la città era un importante caposaldo per la difesa... more
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      Military HistoryHabsburg StudiesAustrian HistoryFortifications
This paper deals with associations and memory culture in multiethnic and multilingual city of Kosice (hung. Kassa, ger. Kaschau) as a part of the Hungarian Kingdom between 1867 and 1918. It analyzes the strategies and impacts of national... more
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      MultilingualismUrban HistoryHistory of HungarySocial History
Conference Program: "Central Europe and Balkan Muslims: Relations and Representations", Prague, Villa Lanna, October 2-3, 2017.  Organized by the Institute of History - Czech Academy of Sciences.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEastern European Studies
L'image romantique des Monténégrins dans la culture tchèque aux 19e et 20e siècles, In: Igor Tchoukarine (dir.): Entre mythe et réalité: les relations culturelles et politiques entre Tchèques et Slaves du Sud de l´Ex-Yougoslavie aux 19e... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRomanticismCzech HistorySlavic Languages
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      Dalmatian historyDalmacijaÖsterreich-UngarnHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
Kapela Majke Božje Snježne na Tekijama kod Petrovaradina jedan je od povijesno najslojevitijih spomenika arhitekture Srijema. Istodobno radi se o ključnom spomeniku vezanom za prijelomni trenutak političke povijesti ne samo Habsburške... more
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      Military HistoryArt HistoryOttoman HistoryArchitecture
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      History of ScienceHabsburg StudiesHistory of International RelationsHistory of Nationalism and Nation-Building
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      Urban HistoryHabsburg StudiesCroatian HistoryHistory of Hungary
Liberalising political and social transformation in the 60s of the 19th century caused the birth of structures and institutions, frameworking in many case still today the civil society. The social relations in the Habsburg Monarchy and... more
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      Military HistoryCzech HistoryLocal HistorySocial History
DE: Spätestens ab der 1848er-Revolution bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg wurde Istrien immer wieder als kulturelles Laboratorium für die Vielfalt und Hybridität des Habsburgerreiches gesehen. Francesco Toncich analysiert die Rolle des... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical AnthropologyBorder StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology