Joint stock companies
Recent papers in Joint stock companies
Few financial crises, historically speaking, have attracted such attention as the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles of 1719–20. The twin bubbles had major economic and political implications, sending shock waves through the whole of... more
This paper presents a model of path dependence and change and focuses on the gaining of new institutional knowledge. The main thesis is that in ‘extraordinary’ historical situations the possibility of change increases as a result of... more
In distinguishing between formal and real subsumption of the labor and production process of society by capital Marx provides a formative periodizing of capitalism. Yet, losing sight of Marx’s subtle distinctions, it would be the writings... more
Tüzel kişi olarak ticaret şirketlerinin hukuka uyma yükümlülükleri bulunmaktadır. Doktrinde hukuka uyan şirketlerin bulunmadığı, onun yerine hukuka farklı derecelerde uymayan şirketlerin var olduğu belirtilmektedir. Uyum (Compliance)... more
The aim of this paper is to present the effects of the listing sport clubs on the stock exchange in order to facilitate funding for sports clubs. Owners and managers of clubs that have the ambition to obtain money for the club or to... more
Tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVID-19 virüsü, ekonomik açıdan finans ve reel sektör piyasalarına doğrudan etki etmiş ve şirketlerin ekonomik devamlılığı açısından bir tehlike oluşturmaya başlamıştır. Pandemi sürecinin sermaye şirketleri... more
During the past decade, Egypt made significant efforts to align corporate financial reporting requirements with the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and to close the compliance gap in both accounting and auditing practices.... more
Hukukumuzda gerek eski gerekse yeni kanun döneminde net bir tanımı bulunmayan ve sınırları belirsiz olan holding kavramının hem tanımında hem de holding şirketlere uygulanacak olan kanun hükümlerinin bir kısmının uygulama alanlarında eski... more
Marking 30 years since the original production of Our Country’s Good. The evidence presented in this chapter, including the testimonies of life-term prisoners who staged the play in Blundstone Prison in 1989, suggests forcefully that... more
According to a widespread historiographic topos, the English East India Company -the richest, biggest, most powerful and long-lasting of all chartered companies-, was a “democratic” organization. Founded by Queen Elizabeth I on December... more
Britain, for example, seemingly abstract questions about the nature and character of companies
The French Mississippi Bubble, British South Sea Bubble and Dutch 'Windhandel' were part of a 1719-20 pan-European equity boom that involved many more countries than hitherto thought. Drawing on extensive archival research, the paper... more
Koronavirüs Salgınına Karşı Acil Durum Önlemleri ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun ("Torba Kanun") ile 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu'na ("TTK") şirketlerin kar dağıtımına ilişkin süre ve miktar bakımından sınırlama... more
Koronavirüs salgın hastalığı ("COVID-19") 2020 yılı başından itibaren şiddetli bir şekilde etki göstermektedir. 11.03.2020 itibariyle Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından pandemi statüsünde değerlendirilen COVID-19, tüm dünyada geniş kitleleri... more
Descrizione del volume "Le sovranità nell’era della post globalizzazione" Il presente volume nasce dall’esperienza di un gruppo di ricerca interdisciplinare del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza di Foggia, finanziato dall’Ateneo, sul tema... more
The study dealt with the institutions concerned with the legal standards of joint-stock companies, the concept of the Shariah standards for joint-stock companies, and a comparative study of the quantitative and qualitative standards for... more
This paper presents a model of path dependence and change and focuses on the gaining of new institutional knowledge. The main thesis is that in ‘extraordinary’ historical situations the possibility of change increases as a result of... more
The empirical debate on the effects of an initial public offering (IPO) never abates. Financing through an initial public offering of shares (IPO) is one of the ways to raise funds for the current or development needs of the company. An... more
The study dealt with the institutions concerned with the legal standards of joint-stock companies, the concept of the Shariah standards for joint-stock companies, and a comparative study of the quantitative and qualitative standards for... more
Η μελέτη της ιστορίας του εταιρικού τομέα είναι ένας κλάδος που αναπτύσσεται δυναμικά από τη διεθνή ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα, καθώς η Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία (Α.Ε.) θεωρείται γενικώς ως η πιο εξελιγμένη μορφή οργάνωσης μιας επιχείρησης. Η εργασία... more
ÖZET Anonim şirketler, kural olarak çok sayıda pay sahibini bünyesinde barındırır. Bunun sonucu olarak anonim şirketlerde çoğunluk ilkesi geçerlidir. Çoğunluk ilkesi esasen genel kurul kararlarının alınmasında geçerli olan bir ilkedir. Bu... more
The London Assurance (LA) was incorporated in 1720, marking a significant innovation in the marine insurance industry. Contemporaries anticipated joint-stock firms such as the LA would rapidly outcompete private underwriters, yet this... more
With the enactment of the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (the “TCC”), the principles and procedures with regards to the acquisition by joint stock companies of their own shares have been harmonized with the legislation of the... more
Should businessmen who commit fraud go to prison? This question has been asked repeatedly since 2008. It was also raised in nineteenth-century Britain when the spread of corporate capitalism created enormous new opportunities for... more