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Perbandingan konseptualisasi CSR dalam Peraturan Daerah CSR di Kalimantan Timur dan Peratutan Daerah CSR di Cilegon.
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityLocal Government and Local DevelopmentIndonesiaKalimantan Timur
Alois Raimund Hein DIE BILDENDEN KÜNSTE BEI DEN DAYAKS AUF BORNEO Wien: Alfred Holder, 1890 https://drive.google.com/file/d/14rpVWbXMpzcFkUTkiyFJ3f8KQ55s4qBs/view?usp=drivesdk #borneo #dayak #budaya #senibudaya #kesenian #antropologi... more
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THE HOME-LIFE OF BORNEO HEAD-HUNTERS: ITS FESTIVALS AND FOLK-LORE William Henry Furness, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1902 Unduh : bit.ly/3H5mY2p #borneo #dayak #antropologi #etnografi #sosial #budaya #kesenian #sejarah... more
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      IndonesiaNusantaraAntropología culturalIndonesian
Abstrak Pelestarian terhadap jenis karya sastra terutama sastra lisan yang hampir memudar dalam masyarkat perlu terus dilakukan salah satunya adalah dengan penelitian kajian sastra lisan. Melalui pendekatan pustaka dan pengambilan data di... more
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      SastraSastra LisanKalimantan Timurkritik moral
Pariwisata adalah bisnis yang ready to use. Pasarnya pun jelas dan sudah sejak lama pariwisata menjadi sumber devisa yang mampu menyerap lapangan kerja karena akan membuka kesempatan berusaha pada masyarakat di sekitarnya. Begitu juga... more
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For all Indonesian rock art lovers, I offer the Indonesian version of the book "Borneo, Memory of the Caves". The book is still available in print, but it is expensive to send to the archipelago. Enjoy ... Please share, enjoy but not... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Scientific Expeditionshistory of Borneo
Borneo: Memory of the Caves is the account of an extraordinary adventure, told by the protagonists who made the exceptional discovery of the rock art murals of Kalimantan which are over ten thousand years old. Their findings shed new... more
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      ArchaeologyIndonesian HistoryRock Art (Archaeology)Indonesia
Novel by Usup Ikuti kisah Sindi. Seorang perempuan kelas 6 SD, yang selalu menunggu sang ayah diterminal bus, Setiap malam. Ayahnya yang bekerja ditambang, tak kunjung tiba sudah beberapa hari, hingga Sindi merasa sedih. Sindi memiliki... more
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      South AsiaDramaWorld HistoryIndonesia
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      Decision MakingFuzzy AHPSustainable Crops ProductionLand Use Planning
In Central Borneo. Travel from Pontianak to Samarinda Part I https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdk-2GgPBw/ Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis, IN CENTRAAL BORNEO, REIS VAN PONTIANAK NAAR SAMARINDA, EERSTE DEEL Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1900... more
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      HistoryTravel WritingIndonesiaTravel Literature
Since 2003, a French-Indonesian archaeological research project, coordinated by the National Research Center for Archaeology (Indonesia) and the University of Toulouse (France), has been developed in the karstic region of East Kalimantan... more
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      Indonesian HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyIndonesian Studies
Foto-foto yang diambil oleh ahli geologi Swiss Wolfgang Leupold (1895–1986) telah memotret sumber etnografis yang sungguh berharga dalam koherensi sejarah dan geografis. Tepat karena karateristik gambar yang bersifat pribadi ini, adalah... more
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      PhotographyIndonesiaColonial HistoryKalimantan Timur
In 2018, East Kalimantan's Human Development Index (HDI) has reached 75.83 or an increase of 0.71 points compared to the previous year's HDI which was 75.12.The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of East Kalimantan Province released data on... more
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      IPMKalimantan TimurANALISIS REGRESI
Merupakan sebuah surga yang terdapat di Kalimantan. Berbeda dengan danau di kebanyakan tempat, Danau Labuan Cermin memiliki keunikan terdiri dari air yang jernih dan memiliki 2 rasa air yaitu asin serta tawar.
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      Travel WritingIndonesiaTravelingKalimantan Timur
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      Decision MakingDecision Support SystemsSustainable Crops ProductionLand Use Planning
Novel by Usup Ikuti kisah Sindi. Seorang perempuan kelas 6 SD, yang selalu menunggu sang ayah diterminal bus, Setiap malam. Ayahnya yang bekerja ditambang, tak kunjung tiba sudah beberapa hari, hingga Sindi merasa sedih. Sindi memiliki... more
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      South AsiaDramaIndonesia19th Century American Women Writers
Dayak individuals and groups engage in “plural ecologies” which are characterized by different ways of integrating humans and non-humans as well as by different conceptualizations of “nature”, “land”, and “development”. This is... more
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      AnthropologyOntologyIndonesian StudiesIndigenous Peoples Rights
If Europe has long been perceived as the cradle of art, with the spectacular sites of Chauvet, Lascaux or Altimara, it is in Southeast Asia that the oldest cave paintings of humanity have been dated. And these last years, the discoveries... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)IndonesiaSulawesiBorneo
Dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun berturut turut terdapat aktivitas banjir di Damai kota, Kutai barat, Kalimantan timur yang terjadinya tidak menentu. Mean Annual Flood adalah salah satu metode dalam pemecahan masalah yang terjadi di... more
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      Civil EngineeringClimate ChangeFlood Risk ManagementStatistical Physics
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      MiliterMiliter dan PolitikIndonesian MilitaryTNI Indonesia
Groupers and snappers are two demersal fish groups that are currently experiencing heavy fishing pressure both for the live reef fish trade and as fresh or processed fisheries commodities across the Coral Triangle. The purpose of this... more
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      FisheriesEnvironmental SustainabilitySnappers (Lutjanidae)Serranidae
Isu perpindahan ibukota negara ke Provinsi Kalimantan Timur mulai hangat diperbincangkan setelah pidato yang disampaikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada 16 Agustus 2019 di parlemen saat menyampaikan Pidato Kenegaraan. Terdapat beberapa... more
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      Kalimantan Timurpemindahan ibu kota Indonesiapemerataan pembangunan
Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis, QUER DURCH BORNEO: ERGEBNISSE SEINER REISEN IN DEN JAHREN 1894, 1896-1897, UND 1898-1900 - ZWEITER TEIL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ykfgJdBN70vTs4RMvu8WcYAwh35nFKvQ/view?usp=drivesdk Across Borneo: Results... more
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      Travel WritingIndonesiaBorneoKalimantan Barat
What Southeast Asian Countries Can Learn from Three Different Indonesian Areas for Extractive Industries (Kebumen, Kutai Timur, and Kutai
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Environmental PoliticsMiningAdvocacy and Activism
This article reviews historical processes of frontier-making (and re-making) in a region of central Borneo that was and still is on the margins of state control. Contributing to discussions about the ‘assemblage’ character of frontiers as... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyCultural HeritageIndonesian History
Abstrak Sejak dasawarsa 1990-an, partisipasi telah menjadi metode utama bagi korporasi tambang multinasional untuk menanggulangi konflik dengan warga terdampak tambang. Akan tetapi, konflik, termasuk bentrokan sengit, masih banyak... more
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      AustraliaYogyakartaEkonomi PolitikTeori Partisipasi Politik
Rencana pemindahan Ibu kota negara Indonesia telah resmi dinyatakan pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2019 oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia ke provinsi Kalimantan. Usulan pemindahan ibu kota Indonesia dari Jakarta ke lokasi lain sebenarnya telah... more
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      JakartaSistem InformasiEssayTugas kuliah
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      Urban And Regional PlanningKalimantan Timur
Banjarmasin since 1526 has become a trading port as well as the main spice route on the island of Borneo and the central region of the archipelago. The Sultanate of Banjar as a political authority with a capital city in Banjarmasin, grew... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesManuscript Studies
The Kedang Pahu river is one of the tributaries of the Mahakam river. The research plan is located in Damai District, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan province. Recently, the Damai Kota and Damai Seberang areas have flooded activities... more
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      Civil EngineeringClimate ChangeFlood Risk ManagementStatistical Physics
Groupers and snappers are two demersal fish groups that are currently experiencing heavy fishing pressure both for the live reef fish trade and as fresh or processed fisheries commodities across the Coral Triangle. The purpose of this... more
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      PhysicsFisheriesFisheries ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Since 2003, a French-Indonesian archaeological research project, coordinated by the National Research Center for Archaeology (Indonesia) and the University of Toulouse (France), has been developed in the karstic region of East Kalimantan... more
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      GeographyIndonesian HistoryCeramic TechnologyIndonesian Studies
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      Decision MakingDecision Support SystemsSustainable Crops ProductionLand Use Planning
Die Fotografien des Schweizer Geologen Wolfgang Leupold (1895–1986) stellen in ihrer zeitlichen und geographischen Geschlossenheit ethnographisch wertvolle Quellen dar. Sie sind, gerade durch ihren privaten Charakter, besondere Zeugnisse... more
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      HistoryPhotographyIndonesiaColonial History
To show how the Bugis’s art of not being governed informs their ideas about compensation, this paper discusses the frontier culture and Bugis’s self-identification as sovereign and not belonging to the state, while at the same time being... more
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      AnthropologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityPolitical EcologySocial and Cultural Anthropology