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The monograph aims to examine the social history of the Hungarian elites in interwar Prešov (in Hungarian Eperjes, in German Preschau) and Košice (in Hungarian Kassa, in German Kaschau) by reconstructing and reinterpreting two... more
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      Hungarian minority in SlovakiaEperjes/PrešovKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
Choir and tower of Dominican church in Košice (Kaschau, Kassa) in Slovakia preserved a rare collection of medieval stonemasonry elements. Capitals, consoles, baldachins and a boss with figural, zoomorphic, floral and architectural motives... more
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      IconographyArchitectural GeometryChristian IconographyMendicant Orders
Marián Čurný: Tehla a stavebná keramika v architektúre stredovekých a včasnonovovekých Košíc. Ziegel und Baukeramik in der Architektur des mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Košice (Kaschau). In: FORUM URBES MEDII AEVI IX./1–2. Cihla... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesEarly Modern HistoryCeramic building materials (Archaeology)
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 -... more
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      Cultural HistorySelf and IdentityLiturgySpirituality
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      Gothic architectureLate Gothic ArchitectureKrakowAugustinian Order
The Komensky Street in Kosice –a Story of an Avenue of the 20th Century Priatková Adriana, Sekan Ján, Tamáska M. Dávid. Regulatory plans of Kosice as we know them today were first being created at the end of World War I. The plans are... more
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      Urban PlanningKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
Úvodné slovo Východoslovenské múzeum v Košiciach patrí medzi najstaršie zbierkotvorné inštitúcie na Slovensku. Založené bolo v roku 1872 ako Hornouhorský múzejný spolok a počas doterajších 145 rokov svojej činnosti malo viacero názvov a... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryII. Rákóczi FerencFrantišek II. Rákoci
Events of supernatural nature in the territory of the Archdiocese of Košice. The use of Christian faith presupposes that events of supernatural nature, miracles, the pilgrimage places arise and evolve, several members of the local church... more
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      Cult of SaintsRevelationChurch HistoryMiracles
Előszó PhDr. Pollák Róbert A Kassai Kelet-Szlovákiai Múzeum Szlovákia egyik legrégebbi intézményei közé tartozik. 1872-ben a Felsőmagyarországi Muzeológusok Társasága alapította, és fennállásának 145 éve alatt többször változott az... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCourtsII. Rákóczi Ferenc
Príspevok Ochotníctvo v Košiciach v prvej polovici 20. storočia s dôrazom na činnosť Mikuláša Lexmanna OP sa zaoberá ochotníctvom v Košiciach v rokoch 1918 až 1945. Cieľom príspevku je popísať divadelnú činnosť významných kultúrnych... more
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      Theatre StudiesEthnographyDramaCulture
Tost László a csehszlovákiai politikai katolicizmus emblematikus alakja, 1933 és 1938 között Kassa helyettes polgármestere, majd 1938 novemberétől 1939 májusáig a város polgármestere, később 1944-ig a magyar parlament képviselője volt.... more
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      SlovakiaHungarian minoritiesHistory of SlovakiaKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
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The Kosice diocese and the chapter were founded in 1804 as a result of the Enlightenment that was already weakening at that time. The Kosice Chapter was administered according to its own statutes and it had a strict hierarchy. The head... more
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      Ecclesiastical HistoryCathedral chaptersKosiceKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
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      Museum StudiesLiberalismHistory of MuseumsVienna School of Art History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPolish HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)
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      ArtMuseum StudiesLiberalismHistory of Museums
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesHistory of HistoriographyLiterature ReviewBook Reviews
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtGothic architecture
Kassa históriája a magyar és német polgársággal együtt élő zsidóság történeti emlékezetének is szerves részét képezi. Nem túlzás azt állítani, hogy a város és a zsidó lakosság sorsa szorosan összefonódott. Mint máshol is, Kassán is a... more
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      Zsidó TörténelemHolokausztKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
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      Early baroque paintingConservation and RestorationAnthony van Dyck.Pozsony/Pressburg/Bratislava
Sepulcralia Cassoviensia I: History of the Research and Recent Findings in the Medieval and Early Modern Sepulchral Cathedral of St Elizabeth in Košice. The most representative manifestation of the medieval and early modern history of the... more
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      Latin EpigraphyMedieval EpigraphyGravestonesHistory of Slovakia
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      Church MusicManuscript StudiesMedieval Church HistoryGregorian Chant
This article presents the issue of the pastoral and apostolic letters in the Slovak language from the 19th century. The study is based on 34 documents. The bishops of Hungary wrote pastoral letters primarily in Latin language and for the... more
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      Church History19th Century (History)History of Pastoral TheologyHomiletics
Sándor Márai, Výber z publicistiky, In: Slovanský přehled, vol. 103, nr. 1, 2017, pp. 203-204.

A book review of Sándor Márai, Výber z publicistiky, Bratislava: Kaligram 2014.
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      Cultural HistoryTranslation StudiesLiteratureHungarian
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      Medieval ArchitectureGothic cathedralsMediaeval Cult of Relics and SaintsHoly Blood
A Károlyi-kormány nemzetiségi minisztereként Jászi Oszkár pontosan látta, hogy az északkelet-magyarországi keleti szlovák mozgalom, a szepesi köztársasági elképzeléshez hasonlóan kezdettől fogva súlytalan megmozdulásnak számított.... more
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      SelfdeterminationKosiceHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918Eastern Slovakia
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      Military HistoryLocal HistoryKošice/Kassa/KaschauRákóczi's War of Independence in Hungary (1703-1711)
This study is primarily focused on an analysis of a collection of finds from the 16th and 17th century which originate from a single site. The collection, which consists mainly of ceramic and glass vessels, deserves individual attention... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of HungaryPostmedieval ArchaeologyEarly Modern Period
The significance of Košice in the history of the Hungarian Kingdom is probably best symbolised in the architecture of St. Elisabeth's Cathedral. The Dome represents the political and social-cultural status of the town. It is also the... more
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      Art HistoryLatin PaleographyLatin EpigraphyUrban Graffiti
Az emberi élet három fontos mérföldköve a születés, a házasságkötés és a halál, ezért mindig izgalmas és időszerű kérdés marad, hogy miként zajlottak ezek az események a múltban. Könyvünk ennek megválaszolásához visz közelebb a Kassa... more
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      GenealogyBiographyHistory of HungaryMarriage (History)
The level of creative industrialization is heavily dependent on the level of education. The axiom of modern artistic education must be to support interdisciplinary and conceptual thinking, to provide a place for invention and... more
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      Faculty of ArtsVisual Arts EducationMedia Art EducationKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
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    • Košice/Kassa/Kaschau
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      Medieval HungaryCastle StudiesMedieval castlesCastles and Fortifications
The study examines the changes of ethnic distribution and the opposing urban images of the nation-building elites in Kassa (now Košice, Slovakia) between 1910 and 1945. In these few decades, censuses mirrored the framework of two... more
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Central Eastern Europe was and is a region of religious, lingual and ethnic diversity. The cities there can be regarded as "laboratories of heterogeneity". This book explores such a laboratory during the "fin-de-siècle" around 1900,... more
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      Cultural HistoryUrban HistoryNationalismHistory of Hungary
Zsófia Kiss-Szemán and Natalia Żak, eds., Koszycka moderna = Košice modernism (Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2016)
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      Art HistoryBook ReviewsRegional ModernismsKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
Garadnai Erika Csilla: A felső-magyarországi hitvita (1663-1672) [The Polemics of Upper Hungary (1663–1672)]. Universitas Kiadó, Budapest, 2018.
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      History of IdeasReligion and PoliticsReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      Zrinski/Zrinyi familyThe Kosice Gold Treasure, gold coinsBathory (Bathori) FamilyII. Rákóczi Ferenc
Paper focuses on the research of one of the oldest artifacts in Košice. The inscription on the medieval baptismal font was until nowconsidered to be unreadable. By thorough analysis, the author managed to decipher the words and here his... more
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      Medieval HistoryLatin PaleographyLatin EpigraphyMedieval Hungary
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      Jászi OszkárAustria-Hungary 1897-1918Košice/Kassa/KaschauDvortsák Viktor
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryLocal History
Die Bedeutung der illuminierten Wappenurkunden von Kaschau (slowakisch Košice, ungarisch Kassa), Pressburg (Bratislava /Poszony), Bartfeld (Bardejov/Bártfa) oder Käsmark (Kežmarok/Késmark) muss man weder für die kunstgeschichtliche noch... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsCentral and Eastern EuropeLate Medieval Bohemia and Central Europe
Španielska chrípka bola jedna z najničivejších epidémií v dejinách ľudstva. Vyžiadala si viac obetí ako prvá svetová vojna, ktorá štart ochorenia sprevádzala. Celkovo bolo infikovaných viac ako 500 miliónov ľudí, čo prestavuje 30 percent... more
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      EpidemiologySpanish FluKošice/Kassa/Kaschau
Tématem dnešního českého magazínu je osobnost prvního ředitele Východoslovenského muzea v Košicích. Josef Polák, pražský rodák z židovské rodiny, se narodil v roce 1886 do rodiny podnikatele. Po maturitě chtěl jít studovat dějiny umění,... more
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      History of CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakiaKošice/Kassa/KaschauMuzeologie
Zvony, kdo by je neznal? Jsou to samo-zvučné nástroje kalichového tvaru. Jejich zvuk lahodí lidským uším odnepaměti. Jejich prvotní funkcí bylo svolávání věřících k modlitbě. Zvony a kostely k sobě prostě neodmyslitelně patří. Ale zvuk... more
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      Early Modern HistoryZrinski/Zrinyi familyBathory (Bathori) FamilyThököly Imre
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    • Košice/Kassa/Kaschau
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryHistory of SlovakiaKošice/Kassa/Kaschau