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Membahas Hukum Zakat tentang Mustahik (Orang-orang yang berhak menerima Zakat)
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      Islamic LawZakat AccountingZakatLaws of Zakah
This paper focuses on the need to harmonize the practice of zakat on companies throughout Malaysia by implementing a zakat accounting standard (ZAS). The objectives of this paper are fourfold: (1) to highlight the current practice of... more
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      Zakat AccountingZakatLaws of Zakah
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesLaws of ZakahZakah
Islam offers its own social, political, and economic approaches that, if applied, will contribute positively to poverty reduction and income inequality, and thus result in improved human capital and economic development. zakat means... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsIslamic EconomicsInternational Political Economy
This is the supporting worksheet for the paper titled "Zakah Calculation in Modern Economy with Examples and Worksheet"
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      Zakat AccountingZakatLaws of ZakahModern Economy
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Studies
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic FinanceLaws of Zakahislamic accounting, zakat, Shariah audit, islamic banking and finance
Zakat is the major source of Islamic revenue mobilization aiming at redistribution of wealth from the rich among the societies to the less privileged ones. In the Islamic traditions, zakat is collected upon acquiring certain amount of... more
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      Islamic Economics and FinanceLaws of Zakahislamic accounting, zakat, Shariah audit, islamic banking and financeIslamic Banking and Finance/Islamic Economics
Bagaimana seharusnya berzakat? Kemanakah orang harus berzakat? Siapakah yang berhak mengelola zakat? Disalurkan ke mana saja zakat yang terkumpul? Apa pungsi dan tujuan utama lembaga pengelola zakat? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas akan... more
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      ZakatLaws of ZakahZakat on IncomeZakat Management
Skim Potongan Gaji (SPG) merupakan medium kutipan zakat pendapatan secara ansuran bulanan dan sebelum tiba waktu wajibnya (ta‘jīl al-zakah). Fokus utama kajian ini ialah menilai sejauhmana kaedah pelaksanaan SPG menepati Islam terutamanya... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic JurisprudenceLaws of ZakahIslamic Classical Jurisprudence (fiqh)
Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more
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      Business EthicsEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesComputer Science
The issue of investment of zakat funds is a current issue that has not been addressed in the classical fiqh literature that has emerged nowadays and in the fiqh acquis until recently. Many studies have been conducted in different... more
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      Islamic LawZakat AccountingZakatLaws of Zakah
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. It is a means to purify ones wealth. It is obligatory on well to do Muslims who meet nisab, which was set by the ProphetSAW. Although the Prophet (SAW) quantified the nisab, there is no indication of... more
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      Zakat AccountingZakatLaws of ZakahZakat on Income
The purpose of this research is to discuss ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqah and Waqf) which involves collecting technology or better known as digitizing ZISWAF, The background of this study is because the potential of ZISWAF in Indonesia,... more
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      Corporate GovernanceDigital Media & LearningLaws of ZakahZakat and Taxation
Ekonomi Syari'ah, Program Pasca Sarjana IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Utaminur309@gmail.com PENDAHULUAN Zakat merupakan ibadah maaliyah ijtima'iyyah yang memiliki posisi sangat penting dan stategis. 1 baik dari sisi ajaran Islam maupun dari... more
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    • Laws of Zakah
Sumbangan al-Qaradawī terhadap al-Sunnah sangat besar dalam dunia Islam. Idea beliau terhadap pembangunan al-Sunnah secara sistematik dan selari dengan kepantasan teknologi semasa sudah bermula sejak tahun 1980-an lagi melalui kajian... more
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      BiographyHadith StudiesLaws of ZakahZakah in Islam
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Education
There are several theses in political science that are usually explicitly called ‘laws’. Other theses are generally thought of as laws, but often without being explicitly labelled as such. Still other claims are well-supported and... more
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      Political ScienceLaws of Zakah
The research is aim to analyze the effect of the zakat instrument on poverty and unemployment and test the zakat instrument as an alternative solution to the economic impact of the middle to lower class post-pandemic community. It uses... more
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      Christian EthicsComparative StudyLaws of ZakahSocio-Economic Development
Abstrak: Konsep batasan usia perkawinan anak dalam fikih bervariasi. Begitu pula terjadi inkonsistensi konsep batasan usia perkawinan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, sehingga upaya merekonstruksi batas usia perkawinan dalam hukum... more
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      ZakatLaws of ZakahWaqf Studies: Concept
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      ZakatLaws of Zakah
Obat Pembersih jerawat Batu di Apotik Pada Wajah Alami Ampuh 0858-7048-5759
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      MarketingFinanceCivil EngineeringComputer Science
İslam dininin ekonomik güce sahip mensuplarına farz kılınmış olan zekâtın dini, ahlaki, ekonomik ve sosyal fonksiyonları bulunmaktadır. Zekâtın bir çeşit kamu geliri olması ve devlet eliyle de toplanmasından yola çıkılarak bir tür vergi... more
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      Tax LawLaws of ZakahEkonomi IslamVergi Hukuku
Zakat is one of the alternative instruments in reducing poverty in the region and also increasing the impact on neighborhood area. These effects are commonly called spillover effects. The objective of this study is to analysis spatial... more
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      Spatial ModelingZakatLaws of ZakahRegression
This paper discusses the distribution of zakat funds to the asnaf (those who qualify to receive zakat funds) by focusing on the non-Muslim asnaf-mualafs (those who have left their original religion to embrace Islam). According to the... more
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      Islamic EconomicsPolitical ScienceIslamic StudiesZakat Accounting
Zakat and tax revenues are important sources of income for financing public activities in many Muslim nations, including Yemen. However, the lack of tax compliance is undermining government efforts to raise the required revenue from these... more
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      Laws of ZakahTaxation Law
Sumbangan al-Qaradawī terhadap al-Sunnah sangat besar dalam dunia Islam. Idea beliau terhadap pembangunan al-Sunnah secara sistematik dan selari dengan kepantasan teknologi semasa sudah bermula sejak tahun 1980-an lagi melalui kajian... more
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      BiographyHadith StudiesZakatLaws of Zakah
The nature of zakat, infaq and shadaqah is basically the doctrine of mankind (spiritual and moral) which is expected to meet the needs of the muslims and as one of the state revenue. However, infaq and shadaqoh coverage is wider because... more
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      Laws of ZakahZakah in IslamIslamic Philantropist
Özet: İslam’ın beş şartından biri olarak zekât, dini, sosyal ve iktisadi boyutları olan mali bir ibadettir. Toplumda dayanışmanın, yardımlaşmanın ve kardeşliğin tesis edilmesinde rol oynayan bir sosyal güvenlik kurumudur. Gelir dağılımı,... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesIslamic Banking
The purpose of this research is to discuss ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqah and Waqf) which involves collecting technology or better known as digitizing ZISWAF, The background of this study is because the potential of ZISWAF in Indonesia,... more
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      BusinessCorporate GovernanceLaws of ZakahZakat and Taxation
Sekilas tentang Pengaruh Hukum terhadap Zakat di Indonesia
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      LawIslamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic Studies
Öz İslam hukuku literatüründe ilk dönemlerden itibaren önemli bir yere sahip olan zekât konusu, fıkıh ekolleri nezdinde bazı tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Tartışma noktalarından birini kimlerin zekât yükümlüsü olduğu meselesi teşkil etmiş... more
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      Islamic StudiesLaws of ZakahZekat
This paper discusses the distribution of zakat funds to the asnaf (those who qualify to receive zakat funds) by focusing on the non-Muslim asnaf-mualafs (those who have left their original religion to embrace Islam). According to the... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesZakat AccountingZakat
Uji materi terhadap UU No. 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat telah menghasilkan putusan yang dibacakan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2013. Melalui putusan Nomor 86/PUU-X/2012 itu, MK menempatkan posisi LAZ... more
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      Islamic LawZakatLaws of ZakahHukum Islam